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insearch of guru please help

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Hii everyone,

I am new to this forum.I am in search of a guru for achieving enlightenment.There is strong wish inside which is driving me restless.i am praying to God everyday for me to help finding Guru.I want to become a monk .I consulted many holymen but none were able to clear my doubts .Anyone please advice me where i can find guru who can guide me through this spiritual path.

thank you

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Guest Jayanth

My Dear Sir, I congratulate you for being in search of Guru for Enlightenment. Because this is rare. Lord says in Bhagavad Gita..Manusyanam sahasreshu kascid yatati .........Mam vetti tatvatah..It means out of 1000's of people one endeavours for perfection. out of many such one's only one knows me in Truth.


I can assist you in this matter, if you can post your mail to me

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Guest Mrs Raja



He is a yogi and Realised master


Isha Foundation at Coimbatore is the head quarters


Good luck

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Guest k kanaka kumar

Dear Friend


Go to Isha Yoga, Sadhguru JAGGI VASUDEV, you will be on the right path.


Hope you will get it right this time.





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Guest Yogi Thakur



To achieving enlightenment and become a monk ? Very nice, but its a strong desire of gaining/wanting where Pure desire is not found. Pure is Suddha Chintan is the fulfillment of spirituality e.g only desire of God will make you reach to a Guru automatically. 

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Guest Gopinathan k

You don't need to find your Guru he would find you.Wait for the appropriate time.It is always the Guru (who knows everything)and he would direct you to

him when the time comes(as and when you are eligible).Your restlessness is only an initial indication.You have to undergo so many strictures,so many

illogical experiences some times utterly confused whether you are on the right path..,then the different blocks where in you get  a stagnant state of affairs

after a push or elevation(you might even be forced to think you are not ascending but descending) and the whole process is a slow and gradual one

with blocks  in plenty which only you can scale in a gradual manner.Praying to your favourite deity for fulfilling this wish is not a wrong thing.It would certainly

be fulfilled..All the best and wish you a happy journey ahead..

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You don't need to find your Guru he would find you.Wait for the appropriate time.It is always the Guru (who knows everything)and he would direct you to

him when the time comes(as and when you are eligible).Your restlessness is only an initial indication.You have to undergo so many strictures,so many

illogical experiences some times utterly confused whether you are on the right path..,then the different blocks where in you get  a stagnant state of affairs

after a push or elevation(you might even be forced to think you are not ascending but descending) and the whole process is a slow and gradual one

with blocks  in plenty which only you can scale in a gradual manner.Praying to your favourite deity for fulfilling this wish is not a wrong thing.It would certainly

be fulfilled..All the best and wish you a happy journey ahead..

respected sir,thank you very much for your kind reply.whatever you said is absolutely right.Guru finds me when I am ready.But I am not able to wait till that happens.Sometimes I feel like I am going to explode.There is this strong desire which is driving me crazy.i am not able to concentrate on anyother things.I feel that instead of sitting and waiting for the right moment for the Guru to appear why dont I go searching for him. Atleast I feel happy that I am doing something to get His attention.The only biggest fear I have is if I sit waiting for right time and continue with my routine life I might get drawn towards this materialistic life which I dont want .So I am doing all I can to find the Guru to achieve my goal.Please feel free to give your advice.thank you 

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To achieving enlightenment and become a monk ? Very nice, but its a strong desire of gaining/wanting where Pure desire is not found. Pure is Suddha Chintan is the fulfillment of spirituality e.g only desire of God will make you reach to a Guru automatically. 

Yeah You are right .Achieving enlightenment in my sense is to know the truth which is to find God in oneself and in everything.I used the word enlightenment in that context.I think that sanyasa is the only way through which I can get it  fulfilled.Moreover I find this materialistic world a mere false thing .So I thought that I need a guru who can help me. That is why I am searching for one who can clear all my doubts and show me the right path.May be it is not a pure desire but I think slowly one day or the other I will find a path that will lead me to God .thank you

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Yeah You are right .Achieving enlightenment in my sense is to know the truth which is to find God in oneself and in everything.I used the word enlightenment in that context.I think that sanyasa is the only way through which I can get it  fulfilled.Moreover I find this materialistic world a mere false thing .So I thought that I need a guru who can help me. That is why I am searching for one who can clear all my doubts and show me the right path.May be it is not a pure desire but I think slowly one day or the other I will find a path that will lead me to God .thank you

TRUE Gurus are extremely hard and rare to find.These True Self Realized and Liberated(Jivanmuktas) Gurus never reveal their identity. Infact they do exists and accept and teach others only after checking their worthiness .

Second thing,"you have to live in material world".If all the true Gurus thinks and acts just like you said(like going into caves etc), then who is going to guide the future generation?.

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One sadhu once told me sad gurus are present everywhere and there is no shortage of gurus. The real shortage is finding sat sishya (true disciple). Everyone is looking for a guru but they are not finding because you must first become a true disciple. Then automatically one of the countless spiritual beings present on this planet will come to you.

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