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Tumor in Spine cord

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Guest gaurav kataria

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Guest gaurav kataria

Respected sir,

                          i am having a tumor in my spine cord ,just opposite to lungs.due to this i am having whole left body shrinking, less sensation and less power in my left parts of body. my left eyelid is also drooping ,left side of my face is also having having dis similarities to right side of face. my left arm and left leg is also have less sensation than right , i also fell dissimilarities while walking. i am on homeopathic medicines as i fear of operation.but now homeopathic treatment is also not doing any good.  can someone help me and show me any way to fight this problem, any astrological solution or ayurvedic treatment .

i am also giving my details so that one can give any astrological solution.

i will be very grateful to all who will show me the way. thanking you


Gaurav kataria

 d.o.b. 14 july 1987

time  - 08:50 Am

Place- Nagina ,distt- Bijnor, U.P. India


my Email id gauravkataria14@ hotmail.com

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Dear Gaurav,

It seems your problem might have started around your 22-24 years of age. Though your horoscope shows serious health problems it also indicates good longevity. On the whole you have to lead a life with one or other health problems. You may be operated for your tumor after June of this year some where around your 27-29 years of age after which you will see positive improvements in health. I suggest you pray Sun God everyday to improve your health.




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Guest gaurav kataria

Thanks a lot sir for your valuable answer, sir can you tell me any ayurvedic or homeopathic treatment center or doctor ,where i can get any help from. Because i don't want to get operated, as i have lost one of my sister due to operation of tumor, as it grows again after operations. or can you tell me any astrological remedies to help me,

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Dear Gaurav,

To me it seems operation will be inevitable according to the horoscope....I have no idea about homeopathic or ayurvedic treatments for tumors like this..May be you may try in Kolkata for homeopathy or Kerala for Ayurveda...Regarding remedy I already suggested you to worship Sun God every day. It can be simple surya namaskar or pouring water towards the rising Sun or an elaborate vedic ritual like mahasoura havan or Aruna Havan. You can recite Aditya Hrudayam every day. Besides this, I suggest you repeat Mrutyunjan mantra for 108 times daily.....By the by how is your mother's health?




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Guest gaurav kataria

Sir Thanks a million for your valuable response.in today's life nobody gives advice to anyone in free but you did. thank you very much. and i have faith in your words, but sir i am very much afraid of operation, i scares a lot of operation, i will try to do what you have suggested me. and my mother health is also not good, she is a diabetic patient and she is getting weak day by day, i am very much concerned about her health. sir if i am the reason of her bad health then please tell me what can i do for her good health. i love my mother most in the world. 

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Namaskar sir,   

                      I think it is almost 2 months now, i am doing anulom vilom and i am feeling some change in my eye drooping ,,it is improving now, is it the good time to start visulisation,,sir if i will be able to recover from my disease i will be very grateful to you,,,sir i am also struggling for my career too and an astrologer told me that i would never get a good job,please tell me is it really true...and if it is true then what should i do.


Gaurav kataria

 d.o.b. 14 july 1987

time  - 08:50 Am

Place- Nagina ,distt- Bijnor, U.P. India

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