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message from a dream

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    I am a new member and so this is my first post.  I woke  up one morning with two words in my mind;  chandra loka.  I have no idea what this means ( I looked up chandra = moon, and loka=place?).  Could anyone advise me what this means , and also why I would have these words in my head when I woke up!

thank you.

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Chandra-loka is the celestial planet of the moon where higher beings reside.


You can find a bit here: http://www.kamakoti.org/kamakoti/details/skandapurana37.html?PHPSESSID=70aeed497c6dfa4d2c6b0203621275ff


"The next is of Chandra Loka which is the epitome of coolness, happiness, health and mental peace. Chandra was the son of Sage Atri who performed Tapasya for three thousand Divya Years to Brahma who not only blessed the Sage to beget Chandra but even brought up the child. Having come of age, Chandra too did Tapasya to Bhagavan Siva at the Avimukta Kshetra Kasi and set up a Siva Linga called Chandrasekhara. Siva was pleased with Chandra’s worship and adorned the best ‘Kala’ (feature) of Chandra on His head; later on Daksha Prajapati cursed Chandra to disappear but the best Kala of Chandra retained on Maha Deva’s ‘mastak’ (head) is revived every Purnima night but gradually wanes day by day till Amavasya and grows gradually again grows there after in the ensuing fortnight. With the blessing of Mahadeva, Lord Vighneswara gave Chandra the responsibility of ‘Beejas’ (seeds), ‘Aushadhis’ (Medicines), Water and of Brahmanas. Mondays are the days dear to Chandra and worship to him, especially if coinciding with Amavasya, has far reaching benefits of good health, mental peace, ‘Dhanya Vriddhi’ or plentiful foodgrains and stay at Chandra Loka after life."

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