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Black magic using Trishul and Shiv Linga

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Guest tantra2014

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Guest tantra2014

Is it possible to use Trishul and Shiva Linga for performing black magic on someone? I was told that a trishul burried in inverted manner in the name of a person with appropriate tantra will kill that person in 11-days.


Also, can a Shiva Linga be used to do "Bhustapitam" of people. What are these tantras called and where does this expertise in tantra reside in South India (other than Kerala)?


Lot of unbelievable things happend to our family and one yogi finally removed both Trisul and Shiv Lingam that is used on our family. We are in a shock and it all appears like a movie. However, few days after those items are removed, all our hardships ended and life is now much more peaceful and smooth.


Can someone point us what these tantras are and who have the expertise on those tantras? The yogi gave us no details on the culprits and said that these " 'krityas' will go back to those who sent them and hunt them down". We need not worry anymore!




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I've heard of a lot of items used in blackmagic but this is the first time i've ever heard of trishul and shiv lingam being used! There are a lot of people suffering due to such black magic and most of the people fall into traps of fake babas and end up spending a lot of money and dont find relief to their problem. You are lucky to find a real baba who could solve your problem. Could you please give us the name and contact details of the yogi? You could help a lot of people by providing the details.



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  • 3 months later...

Hi tantra2014, If you can pass the information about that yogi, many people who can afford to visit him and meet, can get their peoblems of blackmagic/evil powers, solved, so please I beg to you to share the details of that yogi because a lot of people including me are in huge pain because of this problem.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest littleangel

for more than 10 years we are suffering both my parents are ill and my mother get palpitations a lot but the doctors let me say the best of india can't find what triggers it. all our luck seems to be tied in a box and the key thrown deep in sea i can't remmeber when last we celebrated or happy we were. . we know we are target of black magic but till now no one we have been able to resolve it . if at all u can help or ask the yogi about this i would be highly grateful to you....

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