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I need help with a Krishna mantra...

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Hello, this is my first post and I have a question. Can Sri Krishna's name be used alone as a mantra? (such as Sri Krishna, Sri Krishna, Sri Krishna, etc.) I chanted his name many times last night and experienced great energy, and strange as it is I woke up with a headache this morning. Could someone please explain this as well? Thankyou

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  • 4 months later...

You can use any god's name as a mantra in itself for gods names are mantras. It is perfectly alright to chant "Sri Krishna"


Your head ache could be explained, probably by your over doing of concentrated chanting in your initial enthusiasm. If you concentrate on anything intensely for long you will get an headache. Remember brain is an organ and taxing any organ to much will fatigue that organ and it will pain.


Solution is (1) to gradually increase the number of chanting,

And (2) learn to chant in a relaxed manner than in a concentrated way - Don't chant as if you are solving a mathematical problem or chess problem. Do it in a dreamy way . Mediation should lead to relaxation - not fatigue and tiredness. This is a skill you will develop with experimenting.


Good luck,

Ra Zious

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