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Is Advaita Subjectivist or Objectivist?

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Namaste fellow Advaitins and Hindus.


I will keep this brief, as I am unsure if these posts are even posted on this forum, and as the question is intentionally open and meant to provoke discussion.


Is Advaita Vedanta, in essence, subjectivist or objectivist?


I'll refrain from defining these terms, taking them as known, and using the terms in abstract terms, giving some leeway.




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  • 5 months later...

Dear Anr,


Advidines are hard core subjectivist. Before explaining this claim let me define the terms though you left them undefined. It is important because different understanding of the term could lead to unnecessary disagreement in an argument. So terms must be clearly defined before giving an argument.


Advida means that there is no duality. That is there is only one stuff. The ultimate stuff of existence is one. (Monism)


Objective monist hold that this one stuff is matter - everything in the universe is ultimate analysis is material. An example of this is the scientific view that Everything in the universe is made up of atoms and their interactions, including mind , thought and consciousness - they are nothing but the material processes in the material brain. Hence no mind in the real sense.


Subjectivist monist hold this one stuff of the existence is mental stuff - consciousness . There are no objects in the world in the real sense. Everything is mental stuff - made of ideas or consciousness.


Advida vedbnta holds the subjective monist position that the world is nothing but an illusory appearance in one mind Called Brahman - apart from this illusory or hallucinatory or dreamy appearance there is no real material objective existence to the world.

To quote: " Brahma satyam Jagat mitya, Brahmo Jivai na para"

Transalation: Brahman is Real world is an illusory appearance , there is no difference between Brahman and the living spirit.


If your use of the term 'Subjectivist ' is understood as mental, or spiritual, as against material, (and not as 'arbitrary' or something that is 'relative') than Advidines are clearly Subjectivist.


Ra Zious

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  • 3 months later...

I would bite...


Both... And Not Both...


The Truth :

Brahman as singularity Is the confluence of positive and and negative; but there is no guna of both in it...


Now for mortals :


An Advaitha Aspirant Travels through Objectivistic Vivekachudamani to become ashamed of his animalistic existence to reach the high roads of neutralism with a strong suicidal tendency and searching of gurus; to reach the wayside Inn called faith and belief... Travels through the subjectivist forest drinking the nectar of Prabodhasudhakara, meeting false gurus who think they are only great and has known everything to be known (which cannot be known by mind - by the way...) and also guys like me who boosts up the ego by posting in these forums...


hmmmm.... Cast the cloth of body off to take another chance at it... :)


Advaitha is just the concept of knowing that you are eternal, And there is no mind to think of Objectivist or Subjectivist Concepts... May Be ?





Statutory warning :

Don't Shoot The Messenger... :)

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  • 6 months later...


Dear Anr,


Advidines are hard core subjectivist. Before explaining this claim let me define the terms though you left them undefined. It is important because different understanding of the term could lead to unnecessary disagreement in an argument. So terms must be clearly defined before giving an argument.


Advida means that there is no duality. That is there is only one stuff. The ultimate stuff of existence is one. (Monism)


Objective monist hold that this one stuff is matter - everything in the universe is ultimate analysis is material. An example of this is the scientific view that Everything in the universe is made up of atoms and their interactions, including mind , thought and consciousness - they are nothing but the material processes in the material brain. Hence no mind in the real sense.


Subjectivist monist hold this one stuff of the existence is mental stuff - consciousness . There are no objects in the world in the real sense. Everything is mental stuff - made of ideas or consciousness.


Advida vedbnta holds the subjective monist position that the world is nothing but an illusory appearance in one mind Called Brahman - apart from this illusory or hallucinatory or dreamy appearance there is no real material objective existence to the world.

To quote: " Brahma satyam Jagat mitya, Brahmo Jivai na para"

Transalation: Brahman is Real world is an illusory appearance , there is no difference between Brahman and the living spirit.


If your use of the term 'Subjectivist ' is understood as mental, or spiritual, as against material, (and not as 'arbitrary' or something that is 'relative') than Advidines are clearly Subjectivist.


Ra Zious


Thank you. It's awhile since I wrote this post, so I have to think back to what I meant.

I think what I meant is: Is Vidya, True Knowledge, i.e the oppiste of ignorance (avidya), the true reality (non-maya") an objective reality. I.e. in this true reality - only seen by true practicioners, by enlightened people, an objective, non-disoutable firm reality?

OR, is this non-maya moksha a blurry, non-different and subjective experience?

I.e. In the same way the material world can be experienced as different things, positive or negative, can this moksha-realm be experienced differently, OR do all enlightened beings experience moksha the same? (Basically, is it perceived as similar for all enlightened beings?)

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