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Mantra repeat spontaneously in my mind!

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Dear all, I am new to mantra and I would like your views.


In April I spent four days in an Ashram in Kerala. I did not like the Kirtan chanting and it made me feel uncomfortable because the mantra still kept playing silently in my head hours later. I wanted to run away because it was too much for me.


However the experience made something in me shift and now I love to hear the mantras and want to listen to them all the time! I love the feeling I have when they are playing and I am singing along. Again I am also hearing them all the time playing in my head. I also have the same experience with the practice if yoga, sometimes it is too much and I feel I can't stand it and then I take a break and I love it so much and go to another level.


Is it normal to have a strong negative reaction and then to surrender to another level? Also I am wondering about the mantra playing in my mind, not thinking anything else, what does it mean and does this happen a lot? Is that normal? I feel like the mantra is still kind of vibrating in my whole body hours later.


Thank you!

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Newbie


If I may present my view.


I have heard of such things happening before. I believe it means that you have been chanting such mantras in a prior lifetime, or have been praying to that particular deity in prior lifetimes. Hearing it once more when you are spiritually mature has triggered something to bring that back.


I would embrace it and continue to chant it. Visions and guidance are likely to follow.


Best of luck


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  • 1 month later...

In my personal opinion, after listening or chanting mantra for few hours or few days, if it continues in the mind or chanting continues automatic by itself, non-stop, and we can not stop it that means, mantra has establish the ADHIKAR on you. Means this mantra will work with/on you better than any guru-mantra or diksha-mantra. All needed help and conveniences will follow after that. This mantra will give you all suitable circumstances and get you to the higher and higher level of experiences, if you surrender it. When you go against it, or you keep making efforts against it, it will leave you and you will never ever get such rare opportunity. If you accept this mantra and support it or surrender to it, you will never ever have regret for it. Rest is upto you. I went through this circumstances and I had the best time of my life or I had best spiritual experiences during that time which normally people can not get even they put extra ordinary efforts for it. Also, during this period, if you get any inside voice and ask you to do certain strange things which you never done, just do it, don't think anything. This mantra's power will always protect you. It will bring special people around you who can support you, guide you, comfort you, etc. This is very important and rare opportunity in your life. It is up to you, how long you can handle it. My prayers be with you.

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