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Dear All,


My planet positions in birth chart are


Scorpio Rasi

Dhanush Lagna


Sun in Virgo (10)

Moon in Scorpio (12)

Mars in Leo (9)

Mercury in Virgo (10)

Guru in Scorpio (12)

Venus in Leo (9)

Saturn in Libra (11)

Rahu in Tarus (6)

Ketu in Scorpio (12)


Is there any posibility of love marriage and I am also afraid of my sexual life .I am not earning not much. I didnt get the right job yet.


Mentally disturbed because of all these issues


And guide me and give remedy for this


With Regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...



In my opinion, just from the information you provided (not enough) possibility of love marriage is slim as lord of 7th, budh is with Surya in 10th house. Also, one has to see the degrees of each planet if Budh is combust or not. What dasa is running etc and Navamsa chart.



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  • 1 year later...

Respected astrology practitioners,


I am a male of 27 who hails from West Bengal. I am deeply in love with a girl from northern India who also loves me equally.

We are planning to marry but our kundali's do not seem to match.

the astrologers that our families have consulted have quoted dire consequences if we go ahead with this marriage.

Our children could be handicapped, i could pass away so on and so forth..

Our parents have started strongly opposing our alliance which once they approved.

I was taken aback by this because this seemed to contradict my basic understanding of life.

I have been or have tried to be a devoted disciple of lord hanuman and have always believed in putting forth efforts.

As per my religious know how our choices decide our future. To me leaving my beloved just because of the planetary conjugations seems irrelevant. Also i cannot make my parents unhappy as they are everything to me.

I humbly request the master practitioners of astrology to take a look at my case and please guide me if this alliance is really impossible.

the details of me and and my wife are given below :



Place of birth: Rourkela(Orrisa) India.

date: 17/03/1985

time: 12:30 pm



Place of birth: Jammu(J&K) India.

date: 24/11/1983

time: 4:03 am

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