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No Job and mental harmony ( Please advice )

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Dear Sir ,

I have read a few post from you andi feel you can certainly help me.

I am 27 yr old and inspite of having a good family background and education i am unable to live peacefully . My details are as follows :


Date of birth - 3 october 1983 ; Time - 9:10 am ; Place - jamshedpur ( Bihar )


I was told last year in june 2010 that i have kal sarpa yog and its a must for me to wear a pokharaj and a moti ( which i did ) .There has been some relife since then but there is no stability . All this started from 2003 -2004 can you please let me know the reason .

Following are the events that have happened :


I had worst result of my life in the graduation in 2004 then there was a break of 3 years untill mid 2007 before i got got help to do my masters.I was about to pass in 2009 when the recession hit the market and i could not get the placement . I got a job through reference but could not keep up to it for more than 7 months .There was a break of 3 months when i got my next job again i could not keep it for more than 6 months . Now i am jobless since december 2010. I did got 1 offer in feb 2011 but last moment something happened that i decide not to join it.


Can you please tell me the following :


1) when will i get a job

2) How will my marriage be


Ofate i am having constant fight with my family members and specially with my father there is noe peace . I thought of committing suicide in 2005 then again in 2006 but i did not do it . I dont want to get into the same ditch that i came from . Please help and advice ...........................


Eagerly awaiting your response.....................


Thanks & Regards,


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In my opinion, first of all do not loose hope. It is all comes down to play of karma. In your chart, 6th, 8th and 12 th lord are in house of profession and this is the main concern. It causes Viprat Raja yoga, meaning gain due to loss to some one else. Your Sun as a profession lord is in 11th (gains) and is good. Yes, you do have Kal Sarpa yoga but it shows lot of efforts. Jupiter at present is in pisces and when it transists to Aries, it will aspect your profession house and may likey to give job (may not be that is according to education etc. ). Dasa of Sun has started in Dec 2010 for 6 years. Thus, with some efforts you may get a job. I would suggest to wear a good ruby (unheated) in gold to help get a job. Worship God Sun every day at Sun rise may be helpful. Respect of elderely is extremely important as Sun is the indicator. I understand the differrence of opinion with father, but you may have to comprimise a middle ground to deal the present situation. You may be surprised that your father may be very helpful. Also, wear a umblemissed pearl in silver may be more helpful with your luck. Hope it helps.



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