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timing of death and help with chart analysis please

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My chart has never been interpreted correctly till date... Whatever pundits have said has completely not worked out, despite planets looking ok in rasi chart. Can anyone please throw light on how much longer I have to live on this plane ? Is it possible to chart exact time of death, as then one could plan to tie up all matters ? Is there a good death indicated ? Is 22 drekkana used to see this ? And is counting for the drekkanas inclusive of lagna drekkana ? As my knowledge of jyotisha is very basis, would be grateful for some guidance. If durmarana is indicated, what upaya can i do to avoid it ? This fear of a durmarana is destroying my peace. Any help and guidance from respected teachers would be deeply appreciated.


My birth details are 27 June 1960 time 00:24hrs local time Chennai, Tamilnadu, (00:33hrs IST) Pushya Nakshatra 3rd pada, on Shukla Tritiya. As my life has been full of trials and miseries (for which I take full responsibility), would like to know which planet to strengthen to reduce this complete social isolation that i am living in for the past 25 years ? A deeply combust Shukra seems to be playing havoc ever since Shukra MD started. As lord of 3rd and 8th, is his being deeply combust a good thing ? Grateful for help analysing my chart.


Am submitting this as a thread because my life is and has been tangled beyond belief...and any light that can be thrown on past karmas which ended in my being such a wreck would help to hopefully improve me as a person.


thanks in advance.. bhavatarini

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