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Need help for brain cyst

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I was having headaches (for last few years) and underwent MRI ,when a large arachnoid cyst was found in posterior fossa,behind brainstem for which surgery (fenestration of the cyst) was done in Jun-09 . However, around Dec-09 headaches returned. In Feb-10 found another cyst (Endodermal cyst) in the brain and undergone one more surgery, this time they removed all the cyst except little bits between cranial nerves. This(Aug-10) headaches started coming back and found the cyst is started growing again. MRI suggest Arachnoid cyst.


Wanted to find out if there is any help in Ayurvedic medicine.





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Dear sridhar

it will be nice as prevention u can take some ayurveda mediines and sure it will alot and having any side effects

can see any nearest ayurveda store buy those mediiens and prepare those medicines and take regularly and can take one months complete couse and see how it work ..


compound 1--

swarn smirti sagar ras

brahimi vati

heerak bahsma

prawal pisti



mix all those rasayan and make one compond can take regualrly 2 times a day with honey .. it will make u feel great


along with it can take :-

Brahimi rasayan ( its in form of paste ) can take one tea spoon twice a day with luke warm milk


sharaswatarista 3 tea spoon

ashwagandharisa 3 tea spoon


6 tea spoon water mix and take regularly after lunch and dinner..


please try those complete treatment for minimum one motnhs i m sure it will work and u see improvement

if have any doubt and question can mail me



vaidya Adwait tripathi

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