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I was discussing Liberation with another forum.. The 5 Liberation's described in the book "The path of Perfection".. I was asking this question in a Advaita Forum and they seem to denounce Goloka as a permanent place of refuge.. They say we must Merge each and everyone of us.. like Sayujya-mukti.. that there is no other type of liberation.

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Hi Tirisilex ofcourse there are 5 types of muksha but we will not get it because we have done sins right now killing flys,mosis,cockroaches and spiders in the past and no way that the lord will free us in these cluthesrs!!!!! there was a story that a guru was meditating in a special place and did not do any bad or harm but lord vishnu sent him to hell and when narad muni asked lord visnu why the guru went to hell? vishnu said that the guru killed so many incects and that had to pay for !!!!!!!!!! even the what about us humans!!!!!! we also killed so many incects and there is no chance for us to enter heaven but an open door to hell is widly open for us humans !!!!!!!!! and only very few goes to heaven yes very few only 1% who dies !!!!!!!

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Oh Tririsilex liberation is hard to get from god or goddess and only the perfect ones get it 1 in billion will get it and let us alone and when we die we will be liberated in the spiritual world that is not a complete heaven and then we have to pray for liberation form death!!!!!!

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Hi libration is withn us with the sahashra chakra





I was discussing Liberation with another forum.. The 5 Liberation's described in the book "The path of Perfection".. I was asking this question in a Advaita Forum and they seem to denounce Goloka as a permanent place of refuge.. They say we must Merge each and everyone of us.. like Sayujya-mukti.. that there is no other type of liberation.
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