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I had a weird dream a week back.


I dreamt that students of a particular college in my locality were having brutal deaths and i took it upon me to find out the details.When i created a database of the deaths,i realised that they were all killed on Oct 7,Nov 7 etc..one of the person has a birth year of 1957 and so on.


Me and my sis discuss this while sleeping on floor in a room which is both sunken(about 1 metre) and which is also a double height space.I show her the details about all these.Behind our head is a staircase leading to the top of the room(probably to a terrace)My sis stopped speaking suddenly and i ask her why.I then realise that a small piece of black cloth(with brocade work)has fallen on us and which smelt of perfume.(I could smell the perfume vividly in my sleep) when i looked up,i saw a dark figure(shadowy) on top of the stair climbing down,When it comes closer i realised it was a small boy.Before he reached the end of steps i get up and go to the room door(which is accesed by a couple of steps from the floor of the room since it is sunken) the boy crosses my sister climbs up the small steps and passes me,i notice he has a black thread around his neck and seems like a muslim and has a smile on his face all the time though the smile was not comfortable to me and i felt weird about his smile.In the other room,i see my dead grandmom on the floor either asleep or dead(she is dead in real) i ask my sis to follow me but she says that she can't move her legs.I look up to see the boy at the entry door of the house about to open it(smiling as always) and motioning me to come out i suppose.And i woke up from the dream.




The reason i want to know about this dream is because I NEVER remember my dreams.But this dream i could vividly remember as if someone wanted me to know all these small details and also i see glimpses of the dream in my real life.




Like the other day i went to one of my relatives place and realised their house layout was similar to the one i saw in my dream excepting the double height and sunken space and incidently i was speaking about another house with a double height space to a person there that day.




Today i had a real bad setback in my life.I was accused of plagiarism of design of my final project by my project incharge.She had recieve a call from someone stating that i had copied my design from him.This is the most serious offence anybody has ever accused me of and i felt really hurt,Since i am an architect and design is my profession.The issue hasn't been solved yet and i am supposed to meet the person who has accused me.Suddenly i feel the entire world against me.Brooding over it i suddenly realised the date today was 7-7-2010 i.e seventh of august..and i had recurring sevens in my dream..




Are my dreams trying to convey something to me??

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Dear Tau,

Any dream is the result of subconscious mind working ventilating your experiances and observations giving rise to fear and hopes.You have mentioned August instead of July for 7th month.Seeing death indicate your soul is preparing you to face challenges in your life and smiling boy waving at you indicate your inner strenghts to face the fear.

Have courage and develop moral strength by good and +thinking.

Before sleep, read any good book by religious gurus like Sri Bhagavat Gita,Sri Vivekananda etc.


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