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horoscope compatibility with anshik manglik

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I have a proposal for marriage but the girl appears to be anshik manglik. I like her but am scared of the manglik stuff. I want to know if going forward with this will be a good idea and whether we will be able to lead a happy, long and healthy life together. Hence I need some serious advice. :pray: My birth details are: 21/November/1980 7:30 AM Varanasi

Her birth details: 22/January/1983 9:47 AM Gorakhpur

Please help as there is lot of pressure over this. Thanks.

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Hello I am Bala.I have worked in this professional field for a 22 years and helped many people in finding their right mate.To this date, I have helped hundreds of people in finding their right soul-mates.I will be very honest in advising you.

With the birth details that you have sent,I have checked the horoscope and all the major aspects.As per the ashtakoot milan which says both of you will continue the family tree and lead a satisfactory life.The Manglik affect will definitely affect your life but there are ways in which the Manglik Dosha can be cancelled although not entirely.If we look at the astrological configuration for both of you I can see that this is a combination of two very different people with totally different principals and outllok towards life.As per the readings you both have very little in common,both of you are very adamant and will dominate each other which might give rise to severe problems.The two of you will be competitors which may lead to a turbulent love-life and hence are not compatible.

But If you have belief and you value your relationship,you will be able to get on with each other but you both have such a contradictory approaches to life that your relationship will be more difficult that pleasureable.One good thing I can see is both of you will appreciate each other and come together. I should specify that in every relationship there is a difficulty and stress,but this does not nullify other stressful influences for two of you.

Be careful and patient while considering a proposal for marriage.You cannot take such decisions out of pressure.

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Hi Bala, many thanks for the quick reply. I dont know much about astrology and all I could do was a computerized kundali match that scored 33 points and which appeared more than satisfactory, to a layman like me.


Many thanks for your advice. There is one more girl that my family is interested in. Can you please help me with her kundali, if I am not troubling you so much :rolleyes2:


her birth details are as under:

DOB: 10 April 1982

Place: Ujjain District

Time: 03:00 AM


Kind Regards and many thanks.

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I feel its my pleasure and duty to help people in making right decisions .It is very important that you get married to a right person and lead a happy life.I understand that common people do not understand the aspect of astrology,planetary positions and the rest and this is the reason I have made an attempt to answer your questions in the easiest manner.Most of the people have incomplete and less knowledge in this which many times is misleading and results in taking a wrong step and many a times even experienced astrologers fail to take in account all the factors responsible for a person to lead a happy married life.Especially when it comes to getting married where all the factors other than just gun milap come into picture,it is very important that a thorough analysis is carried out.I myself inspite of having 22 years of experience in this field many times seek advice of my Guru Shri AC Babu and much senior astrologers and dicuss with them before advising people, my ultimate aim being to provide accurate,exact and honest information.I am working on your reading and will be replying you soon.Also to clear your concept the ashtakoot guna milap is just for compatibility between the two people, it does not tells you about the quality of married life.It could be that there are 36 out of 36 match but still the married life is not good.The best match is considered when the match in above 17.5 and below 28 but this does not mean that if you have more than 28 points or less than 17.5 you cannot lead a happy life,then as told before there are other factors responsible.

Please ensure that the details you provided are correct as my readings are based only on the details you have provided.


God Bless You.


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Hi Bala,

I have verified the birth details of the girl and myself and both are correct.

I am putting it here once again.


My birth details:

DOB: 21-Nov-1980

Place: Varanasi

Time: 07:30 AM


Girl's birth details:

DOB: 10-April-1982

Place: Ujjain District

Time: 03:00 AM



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Hello, I have reviewed your birth chart.

As per your birth chart Rahu is in 4th house and ketu in the 10th.This indicates you have Shankpal Kalsarpa yoga which causes problems in relationships with family friends and can also cause separation from spouse.But the effect of this yoga is not for life time and its effect should pass after the age of 32.

With Jupiter in your 6th house,you can make a successful career in a service,health or restaurant industry. You may have health problems affecting your blood or liver. The conjuction of Jupiter and saturn indicates achievement, breakthroughs, and progress in your career.

With Mercury and Venus in 7th house and Moon in 1st house it shows that you will have love marriage which will be full of pleasure.The presence of Mercury shows that your partner will be intelligent,talkative,charming and quarrelsome.The Lord in your 7th house is strong which indicates you will have only one relationship/wife in your entire life which will be the lasting one.

With your Sun in the 8th house,your will and ego will undergo regeneration and transformation and you will feel an urge of re-uniting with your loved ones.You may be celebrating a moment of reunion with your deceased/broken relations.

The presence of Sun(Sun represents father figure) in scorpion house(house of death)shows the first part of your life may have been hard due to your father's lack of ability to be a real father to you, or by his actual physical absence. Many times people with planets the Sun or Moon in the scorpion house experience the death of someone close to them at a young age due to which they always have a sense of their own mortality. These people are intense and you dig down to the heart of things no matter what the personal sacrifice.


Now about the match making and compatibility with the second lady(DOB: 10 April 1982),the combination is good and you will lead a happy married life although there might be chances of misunderstanding between the two due to basic difference in nature but because the other gunas match well you both will go well with each other.As per her birth chart,the girl will have arrange marriage and if we consider your birth chart you have love marriage.


Comparing both the horoscopes with yours I would suggest you to go with the 2nd one,it is a good combination as with the first one(22/January/1983),there might be severe problems in your married life,you might have serious health issues and you might end up in separation.The lady's chart shows that even she might have experienced the death/absence of someone close to her and she will have arrange marriage.Readings show you are already friend with this lady but be careful with going further into this relationship.


There are chances that you will get engaged by November of this year.


Please donate something(Fruits/Money(as per your capability-11Rs,21rs)/Clothes/blanket) as charity to a Brahman or in a temple.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Palika Arora

Helo Bala. Me Palika from Amritsar. Canu u pls check out these kundalis and give ur views about it.

Palika Arora

Birth date 10-01-1990

Time 7:50 am

Place Amritsar


His details are

Yogesh Grover

Birthdate  9-08-1985

Time 1:40 am

Place Vuillage Tarmal, Malout, Muktsar

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Guest girish j mehta

My all friends here. By chance I have found this site and I am happy with it. I subscribe to the view of Pandit Shri Suresh Shrimaliji of Grahonka khel fame of Jodhpur who analyses horocopes on SAB channel everyday at seven a.m. that there can not be Anshik mangal and mangali( not mangglik as people say) remain mangali and no combination or aspect can reduce or nullify the effects of it. Mangli remains mangli forever! GIRISH

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Guest vineeta

hii.. my name is vineeta.. i don't  know wheter i am anshik mangli or not.. as some pandits says that i am anshik magli and some say no.. can u plz tell me whether i am anshik mangli or not...

in my kundli moon is in 2nd place and mangal is in 10 place..


birthday date-13-02-1992

timing-5:20 am



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  • 1 month later...

helo mam.......

 i wnna do lov mariage m anshik mnglik my dob ; 9.1.1990 

time :9.45pm lucknow

 my partner dob:12/10/1990


lucknow can i lead hppy lyf pls tell its urgent

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  • 4 weeks later...

hello sir my name is xz

my d.o.b is 15/12/89 on Thursday 7:30am ;my questn is that is m manglik and is my marriage going to b love marriage ..pls soon rply

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