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Rude priest

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I am a white American convert to Hinduism, and I've been to the temple in my city. The times I've gone the priest I've dealt with has been very kind and nice, and the people also were very accommodating and pleased to see me there.


Now some of my spiritual friends went without me, and they had a bad experience. They are very respectful people who behaved completely to standards in the temple, there to worship God. But when they asked one of the priests (not the one I deal with) to take their offerings and perform prasadam, he only reluctantly did so, and kept silent (saying no prayers) throughout with a stony face. He did not do this with the Indian people who also asked for prasadam.


Just goes to show that just because you know scriptures and memorized prayers doesn't always mean you're in touch with God.

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I'm afraid you are being judgemental here. Nobody knows why he did that to your friends except he alone. I suggest you take your friends along with you to the temple and confront the same priest and ask him why did he do that. Don't be afraid he will curse you or something. To give you an example I have encountered quite a few priests who behave rudely with all except temple authorities. I guess such priests do not enjoy their duty to preach God.

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