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The Night of the Furies

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Not sure if this got through.


Dear all

Thankyou soooo much for your warm welcome and introduction. I do feel blessed to

have found this site. The funny thing is a lot of the advice that has been given

here I have heard all before at different points along my journey. The problem

is I guess I didn't always trust it because it always came with some other

packaging and I guess no-one ever confirmed for me what I was experiencing. But

just to know that there are a group of people on here who are or have

experienced the same thing I guess makes me feel that I am not so alone in all

this and gives me more trust. My mind often wanders to what path I am meant to

be on and I guess that is the problem with drilling too many wells for oil in

too many different places. I guess of late I have been on a kind of pathless

path almost not wanting to hear about spiritual things because I have heard it

all before and ultimately the sensations seem to be the most real thing that I

am experiencing a lot of the


I feel perhaps that I might have got a bit caught up in my history but I guess

there is a part of me that still wants to make sense of it. To know exactly what

is happening haha. Almost like I want God to come down and give me an account of

my life and an explanation. As a result I have felt angry at times at all the

things that have got me into this situation.

That is not to say that through all this pain there are a lof wonderful things

that have happened as well. The highs have been high and the lows low I guess.

But I just want to thankyou for all your kind words and messages of support..

Over the last few days since I joined up I have felt more hope and strength to

be able to deal with this knowing that there are others out there dealing with

the same thing and people who know what I am going through and have been through

to ask for support. So thankyou.

Perhaps it is no accident that I happened upon it just before the New Year.

I find actually the most grounding thing for me is doing things in the physical

and not thinking too much about the spiritual. Whenever I meditate, ascend or

try reiki or reconnection, these things often seem to stir up the symptoms

rather than relieve them.

Everything seems to help and not help at the same time haha.

I am confused sometimes as to which symtoms come from kundalini and which come

from reiki or other things that I have done or whether it is all part of the



Anyway here is a poem that I wrote ironically before I started experiencing a

lot of all this but perhaps it has even more relevance today.


The Night Of The Furies


By James Crompton

November '98


Hear the Furies knocking,

Screaming, yelling, clanging.

They give me no respite,

They keep me up all night.

They make an awful din,

They want to be let in,

But that would be a sin,

I'll not let those demons in.


They give me no respite,

Those Furies in the night,

I swear and shout and curse and pray,

Please make these Furies go away!

And still they make their din,

But I'll not let them in!


Instead I'll call the guard!

They'll make these Furies go!

These Furies in the night,

That give me no respite.


And soon the guard arrives

And to the guard I say,

" Please make these Furies go away!

They're driving me insane! "


To me the guard replies,

" We've heard your awful cries!

But all your grounds we've searched around,

There are no Furies to be found! "

And still I swear and curse and pray,

" Please make these Furies go away! "


" Why can you not hear them?

Those Furies and their din!

They give me no respite!

Please make them go away!

I cannot sleep at night!

Please make them GO!!! "


But still the guards insist,

They've searched my grounds around,

There are no Furies to be found,

And if I do persist

To make this awful din,

They'll cuff me round the wrists,

And in a cell they'll lock me in.


Where is the Justice in this town?

Who'll help me beat these Furies down,

These demons that are constantly

With awful cries haranguing me?

Louder still and louder!

These Furies will not rest!

And all those fickle guards can do

With vicious threats harangue me too.

I'll have to ring my neighbour,

My neighbour and my friend.

He'll help me beat these Furies,

And put them to their end.


My neighbour he replies,

" I have not heard their cries,

But I will help you if you wish

To make the noise subside. "


" Oh help me, help me please!

They give me no respite,

These Furies keep me up all night,

They never give me peace! "


" Then help I will my friend

To put your Furies to an end,

But you must promise me

That you will listen openly. "


" I'll do anything you say,

To make these Furies go away.

They drive me up the wall,

These Furies banging on my door. "


" Then here's my medicine

To put these Furies to an end,

Listen carefully

And of these Furies you'll be free: "


" The Furies are within

That make this awful din.

That's why they scream and shout.

They want to be let out.

All you have to do

Is open your front door,

You have locked them in.

That's why they make their din.

In order to restore

The peace of mind you value,

Open your front door

That's all I have to tell you. "


So down the stairs I went ere long

To prove my gentle neighbour wrong,

Despite the fear that haunted me,

I had to set my mind at ease.

With trembling limbs and quaking knees,

I found my way to my front door,

And sure enough there I saw,

Furies flying round galore.


They looked at me with fiery eyes,

They yelled and screamed and screeched and cried,

They beat and banged against the door,

Then screamed and screeched and yelled some more.

With noses big, and big sharp claws,

And gnashing teeth, and bloody jaws,

With horns and wings and warty faces,

And did I mention big sharp claws.

These Furies I can't well describe

Because I was so terrified.


But with my neighbour's gentle words,

Courageously I took my course,

Through gnashing teeth and big sharp claws

I fought my way to my front door.

I took the key from out my pocket,

And soon I managed to unlock it,

And in a flurry out they went,

These Furies that had been hell-bent

On making my life a misery.

And so at last I was set free

My neighbour he had rescued me,

But what did follow soon you'll see

Was a magic mystery.


For after being exorcised,

Those Furies metamorphasised

They were not Furies any more

That took their leave from my front door.

But in a flurry of feathered wings

A heavenly choir of seraphims

From my house took flight

Into the early morning light.


And as they flew in merry throng,

The air was filled with their sweet song:

" These Furies that you hear

Are never actually there

Instead what you espy

Are angels in disguise. "

And thus I end my story

Of how I lost my fury.

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Dear James,

Yes it did get through and I had read it.  Often posts are not replied to and

this is not a reflection at all of the content ( or so I think lol) It was great

to read you r feedback of the feedback you had received and to know that being

here is making a difference.  I wish I had replied as this struck me at the

time and I was glad for you.. 

You may find  as time goes by that sometimes it is difficult to post of ones

self here , or sometimes one can write about ones self  but also find it

impossible to post a reply to others and can but read with still fingers on the

keyboard. Well so I have found and I believe it is felt likewise by others. 

So I am glad you reposted and allowed me the opportunity to say how glad i am

that being here has helped you and I hope that will continue to be the case.

Your poem is wow and thanks for sharing that too.

Just to mention that I also did reiki one and two and like you came to leave it

behind.  I had some difficulty with it also and I eventually learned to let it

go, Reiki has no power over me and any energy or entities that may have attached

have no power over me, I feel no fear now  and I know that it is K who graces

me with experiences spiritual and physical. 

Blessings James. and if you have other poems please do post them if this feels

ok with you.

Love Julia






james_crompton <james_crompton


Sun, January 3, 2010 10:08:38 PM

The Night of the Furies



Not sure if this got through.


Dear all

Thankyou soooo much for your warm welcome and introduction.


Anyway here is a poem that I wrote ironically before I started experiencing a

lot of all this but perhaps it has even more relevance today.


The Night Of The Furies


By James Crompton

November '98


Hear the Furies knocking,

Screaming, yelling, clanging.

They give me no respite,

They keep me up all night.

They make an awful din,

They want to be let in,

But that would be a sin,

I'll not let those demons in.


They give me no respite,

Those Furies in the night,

I swear and shout and curse and pray,

Please make these Furies go away!

And still they make their din,

But I'll not let them in!


Instead I'll call the guard!

They'll make these Furies go!

These Furies in the night,

That give me no respite.


And soon the guard arrives

And to the guard I say,

" Please make these Furies go away!

They're driving me insane! "


To me the guard replies,

" We've heard your awful cries!

But all your grounds we've searched around,

There are no Furies to be found! "

And still I swear and curse and pray,

" Please make these Furies go away! "


" Why can you not hear them?

Those Furies and their din!

They give me no respite!

Please make them go away!

I cannot sleep at night!

Please make them GO!!! "


But still the guards insist,

They've searched my grounds around,

There are no Furies to be found,

And if I do persist

To make this awful din,

They'll cuff me round the wrists,

And in a cell they'll lock me in.


Where is the Justice in this town?

Who'll help me beat these Furies down,

These demons that are constantly

With awful cries haranguing me?

Louder still and louder!

These Furies will not rest!

And all those fickle guards can do

With vicious threats harangue me too.

I'll have to ring my neighbour,

My neighbour and my friend.

He'll help me beat these Furies,

And put them to their end.


My neighbour he replies,

" I have not heard their cries,

But I will help you if you wish

To make the noise subside. "


" Oh help me, help me please!

They give me no respite,

These Furies keep me up all night,

They never give me peace! "


" Then help I will my friend

To put your Furies to an end,

But you must promise me

That you will listen openly. "


" I'll do anything you say,

To make these Furies go away.

They drive me up the wall,

These Furies banging on my door. "


" Then here's my medicine

To put these Furies to an end,

Listen carefully

And of these Furies you'll be free: "


" The Furies are within

That make this awful din.

That's why they scream and shout.

They want to be let out.

All you have to do

Is open your front door,

You have locked them in.

That's why they make their din.

In order to restore

The peace of mind you value,

Open your front door

That's all I have to tell you. "


So down the stairs I went ere long

To prove my gentle neighbour wrong,

Despite the fear that haunted me,

I had to set my mind at ease.

With trembling limbs and quaking knees,

I found my way to my front door,

And sure enough there I saw,

Furies flying round galore.


They looked at me with fiery eyes,

They yelled and screamed and screeched and cried,

They beat and banged against the door,

Then screamed and screeched and yelled some more.

With noses big, and big sharp claws,

And gnashing teeth, and bloody jaws,

With horns and wings and warty faces,

And did I mention big sharp claws.

These Furies I can't well describe

Because I was so terrified.


But with my neighbour's gentle words,

Courageously I took my course,

Through gnashing teeth and big sharp claws

I fought my way to my front door..

I took the key from out my pocket,

And soon I managed to unlock it,

And in a flurry out they went,

These Furies that had been hell-bent

On making my life a misery.

And so at last I was set free

My neighbour he had rescued me,

But what did follow soon you'll see

Was a magic mystery.


For after being exorcised,

Those Furies metamorphasised

They were not Furies any more

That took their leave from my front door.

But in a flurry of feathered wings

A heavenly choir of seraphims

From my house took flight

Into the early morning light.


And as they flew in merry throng,

The air was filled with their sweet song:

" These Furies that you hear

Are never actually there

Instead what you espy

Are angels in disguise. "

And thus I end my story

Of how I lost my fury.









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Hello James, I can't remember if I sent you a welcome post, I don't think I did,

but I am glad you made it here to our K community. I am one who has been mostly

silence lately. I don't know why, but I try to post, but nothing comes. I have

read all yours and everyone's post. I did enjoy reading your poem (twice) :) and

poems/posts from others, too.


I welcome all the new members of late.


I am glad you are here amongst us recieving the help needed for balance.





, " james_crompton "

<james_crompton wrote:


> Not sure if this got through.


> Dear all

> Thankyou soooo much for your warm welcome and introduction. I do feel blessed

to have found this site. The funny thing is a lot of the advice that has been

given here I have heard all before at different points along my journey.

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--- On Sun, 1/3/10, james_crompton <james_crompton wrote:



james_crompton <james_crompton

The Night of the Furies


Sunday, January 3, 2010, 2:08 PM







Not sure if this got through. 


Dear James:  Welcome to a very loving supportive family.  While not all of us

have had the same struggles you have had, we do understand your confusion and

dismay and want to extend  the hand of friendship and support as you endeavor

to find your way to the place of  acceptance  and cooperation with the

kundalini awakening process.  Chrism is the best of Teachers, and if you

follow the Safeties as has been suggested, you will be on a safe path.  As

Julia stated, not every post is responded to, but I for one read all the posts

as most do, and respond to many.  Like Linda, I have recently gone through a

period where I had difficulty expressing myself, and though I wanted to respond

to certain posts, when I attempted to do so I had no words.   So don't

misunderstand if at times you don't receive response; we are all going through

individual struggles which affect our ability to relate to specific post

contents.   Peace and Love.    Diane











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Thanks. I really appreciate people taking the time to read. And thankyou for

acknowledging me.

I have many questions. I guess they will come out over time. I started the

Tibetan rites yesterday - funnily enough I had learnt them on the Ishaya campus

all those many years ago. And the pranayamas, and the locks in particular. A man

told me to put a tongue to the roof of my mouth and clasp my hands together and

also to rub my chest with my fist in a circular motion once.. But I guess at the

time I never really new the enormity of what I had got myself into and never

realised the extent to which it would last. At the time he was trying to get me

to take up Kriya Yoga and I was a bit resistant to adopting new teachings after

all I had been through.

I always wanted to regain that simplicity that I had started with, but by then

everything had already got too complicated.

Julia thankyou for telling me of your experience with Reiki. Since I did it to

the degree that I did, I am not sure that the enrgy has stopped coming through

me. Everytime I touched someone I would feel this energy coming through my hands

and I felt it very disconcerting. Likewise everytime I touch myself with my

hands. I have prayed for the attunements to be removed but it always just seems

to start up again. Sometimes I dont even know anymore if it is Reiki or

something else. And since now I have recently done the Reconnection Healing that

is another energy that comes through also. I actually found the Reconnection

seminar kind of settled my mind a bit after all the myths that I seemed to have

picked up about Reiki.

Whatever the case after Reiki things have never been the same.

Im glad to hear that the entities have stopped bothing you.

I have come a bit more accustomed to them now I guess and am not so afraid of

them, but they still bother me. It seems they are most prevalents just before I

go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning.

Someone once told me that I was going astral travelling without a guide and

picking them up in my sleep. Well it sounded bizarre at the time but every

morning I wake up feeling more tired than I went to bed it seems.

And when I do protection prayers or tell them to go even if I am not sure they

are there, evidently my body will react in ways to suggest there is something in


Particularly it seems they lodge in my belly. And sometimes i think they come in

through the top of my head the back of my neck and in through my hands.

I realize that I must sound like a crazy person the way that I am talking, but

honestly that is the best way that I can describe it. I pray to close channels

down and close them down permanently but inevitably they seem to open up again

and the entities come back.

Someone once told me that I might be a storehouse for them. NIce!!!

I dont really know what to think about them. Can anyone help on this front? I am

really lost about it.

I basically just try and get on with my life in spite of all this but it is

always there nagging at me.

Would appreciate any answers that you could give me on this front.


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Hi James,  Please ask any questions that you have and when answers come it is a

blessing indeed, when they don't the acceptance of that cfan be a blessing too,


When you say re reiki, "   Since I did it to the degree that I did " what do you


I thought they were only 3 degrees to reiki, one and two were about giving reiki

near and distance healing and the next degree did not add anything except the

" ability " to initiate others?  

Are you saying that the energy that is channeled through the body changes

depending on how many levels you do?  

Are you saying that entities " attach " to an individual because of the number

of reiki degrees  one does? 

( I hope you don't mind the questions but I find them a useful way of

clarification for myself)

Do you know that kundalini has been activated or awakened in you? 

If you know this to be true you can surrender your fears of other entities. The

energy of Kundalini is very very tactile, I mean so tactile it is amazing.  i

can remember fearing that the Kundalini process/enegry was not from God and holy

spirit and that it was the energy of some other source.  What i am trying to

say in a very wordy blabblering way is that Kundalini is Kundalini and entity

incursion is entity incursion and sometimes fear can merge the experiences and

we can be lost.  Trust your Kundalini, she knows what is best for you.  commit

to listening and pray.. says that it is very important that we pray to

God (whatever that means for you) and if this is difficult that we cultivate a

practice. wrote a prayer some time back and I have often said the first

three lines of it with absolute sincerity when I have been concerned about

entity presence. " I surrender to love, I surrender to truth, I surrender to God "

Once I have said this I can surrender knowing that I am not inviting anything

else but that into my being, should anything else be here it is not invited and

I am not surrendering to any process that the entity might wisdh to pursue! I am

safe  and I do not fear or project or concern myself with what entities wish to

do. I am not interested in them and focus on love and surrender to God through

the Holy spirit and Kundalini working on and within me.  During the day I try

to practice the safieties and love and service is very important.  If I am not

living it then my night time experiences may reflect that fact.  I will go away

from her and copy the whole prayer that chrism gave as you may like it as much

as I do.

Chrism may be able to say more about entities, I know he wrote about " the

crucible of reversal " which was a way to rid oneself of entities.  I am going

to copy and paste the prayer now.  blessings and love to you, Julia.


Here it is....

I surrender to love

I surrender to truth

I surrender to God

In my thoughts and actions with myself and towards others

I give my love and considerations of love towards

their wellbeing and my wellbeing.

And towards the highest potentials

that we can achieve within the choices we make

for the expression of our development towards love,

and loving, and being loved.

In the flow of my life

I choose to give health and harmony

as an expression of love.

I choose to have health

and reflect health and happiness

to those with whom I interact.

I take full responsibility

for my actions and my thoughts,

and my emotional intentions

within the interactions that are expressed by me

towards others and towards myself and towards God.

I choose to join with Divinity

and offer love and accept love

in the journey towards my conscious understanding

of the wholeness that I am.

Prayer from Chrism








James Crompton <james_crompton


Mon, January 4, 2010 10:54:17 AM

Re: The Night of the Furies



Thanks. I really appreciate people taking the time to read. And thankyou for

acknowledging me.

I have many questions. I guess they will come out over time. I started the

Tibetan rites yesterday - funnily enough I had learnt them on the Ishaya campus

all those many years ago. And the pranayamas, and the locks in particular. A man

told me to put a tongue to the roof of my mouth and clasp my hands together and

also to rub my chest with my fist in a circular motion once.. But I guess at the

time I never really new the enormity of what I had got myself into and never

realised the extent to which it would last. At the time he was trying to get me

to take up Kriya Yoga and I was a bit resistant to adopting new teachings after

all I had been through.

I always wanted to regain that simplicity that I had started with, but by then

everything had already got too complicated.

Julia thankyou for telling me of your experience with Reiki. Since I did it to

the degree that I did, I am not sure that the enrgy has stopped coming through

me. Everytime I touched someone I would feel this energy coming through my hands

and I felt it very disconcerting. Likewise everytime I touch myself with my

hands. I have prayed for the attunements to be removed but it always just seems

to start up again. Sometimes I dont even know anymore if it is Reiki or

something else. And since now I have recently done the Reconnection Healing that

is another energy that comes through also. I actually found the Reconnection

seminar kind of settled my mind a bit after all the myths that I seemed to have

picked up about Reiki.

Whatever the case after Reiki things have never been the same.

Im glad to hear that the entities have stopped bothing you.

I have come a bit more accustomed to them now I guess and am not so afraid of

them, but they still bother me. It seems they are most prevalents just before I

go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning.

Someone once told me that I was going astral travelling without a guide and

picking them up in my sleep. Well it sounded bizarre at the time but every

morning I wake up feeling more tired than I went to bed it seems.

And when I do protection prayers or tell them to go even if I am not sure they

are there, evidently my body will react in ways to suggest there is something in


Particularly it seems they lodge in my belly. And sometimes i think they come in

through the top of my head the back of my neck and in through my hands.

I realize that I must sound like a crazy person the way that I am talking, but

honestly that is the best way that I can describe it. I pray to close channels

down and close them down permanently but inevitably they seem to open up again

and the entities come back.

Someone once told me that I might be a storehouse for them. NIce!!!

I dont really know what to think about them. Can anyone help on this front? I am

really lost about it.

I basically just try and get on with my life in spite of all this but it is

always there nagging at me.

Would appreciate any answers that you could give me on this front.










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thnaks julia for reminding that prayer


--- El lun 4-ene-10, Julia Ahern <jajahern escribió:



De: Julia Ahern <jajahern

Asunto: Re: The Night of the Furies


Fecha: lunes, 4 enero, 2010, 5:57 am









Hi James,  Please ask any questions that you have and when answers come it is a

blessing indeed, when they don't the acceptance of that cfan be a blessing too,


When you say re reiki, "   Since I did it to the degree that I did " what do you


I thought they were only 3 degrees to reiki, one and two were about giving reiki

near and distance healing and the next degree did not add anything except the

" ability " to initiate others?  

Are you saying that the energy that is channeled through the body changes

depending on how many levels you do?  

Are you saying that entities " attach " to an individual because of the number

of reiki degrees  one does? 

( I hope you don't mind the questions but I find them a useful way of

clarification for myself)

Do you know that kundalini has been activated or awakened in you? 

If you know this to be true you can surrender your fears of other entities. The

energy of Kundalini is very very tactile, I mean so tactile it is amazing.  i

can remember fearing that the Kundalini process/enegry was not from God and holy

spirit and that it was the energy of some other source.  What i am trying to

say in a very wordy blabblering way is that Kundalini is Kundalini and entity

incursion is entity incursion and sometimes fear can merge the experiences and

we can be lost.  Trust your Kundalini, she knows what is best for you.  commit

to listening and pray.. says that it is very important that we pray to

God (whatever that means for you) and if this is difficult that we cultivate a

practice. wrote a prayer some time back and I have often said the first

three lines of it with absolute sincerity when I have been concerned about

entity presence. " I surrender to love, I surrender to truth, I surrender to God "

Once I have said this I can surrender knowing that I am not inviting anything

else but that into my being, should anything else be here it is not invited and

I am not surrendering to any process that the entity might wisdh to pursue! I am

safe  and I do not fear or project or concern myself with what entities wish to

do. I am not interested in them and focus on love and surrender to God through

the Holy spirit and Kundalini working on and within me.  During the day I try

to practice the safieties and love and service is very important.  If I am not

living it then my night time experiences may reflect that fact.  I will go away

from her and copy the whole prayer that chrism gave as you may like it as much

as I do.

Chrism may be able to say more about entities, I know he wrote about " the

crucible of reversal " which was a way to rid oneself of entities.  I am going

to copy and paste the prayer now.  blessings and love to you, Julia.


Here it is....

I surrender to love

I surrender to truth

I surrender to God

In my thoughts and actions with myself and towards others

I give my love and considerations of love towards

their wellbeing and my wellbeing.

And towards the highest potentials

that we can achieve within the choices we make

for the expression of our development towards love,

and loving, and being loved.

In the flow of my life

I choose to give health and harmony

as an expression of love.

I choose to have health

and reflect health and happiness

to those with whom I interact.

I take full responsibility

for my actions and my thoughts,

and my emotional intentions

within the interactions that are expressed by me

towards others and towards myself and towards God.

I choose to join with Divinity

and offer love and accept love

in the journey towards my conscious understanding

of the wholeness that I am.

Prayer from Chrism




____________ _________ _________ __

James Crompton <james_crompton@ .co. nz>

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Mon, January 4, 2010 10:54:17 AM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] The Night of the Furies



Thanks. I really appreciate people taking the time to read. And thankyou for

acknowledging me.

I have many questions. I guess they will come out over time. I started the

Tibetan rites yesterday - funnily enough I had learnt them on the Ishaya campus

all those many years ago. And the pranayamas, and the locks in particular. A man

told me to put a tongue to the roof of my mouth and clasp my hands together and

also to rub my chest with my fist in a circular motion once.. But I guess at the

time I never really new the enormity of what I had got myself into and never

realised the extent to which it would last. At the time he was trying to get me

to take up Kriya Yoga and I was a bit resistant to adopting new teachings after

all I had been through.

I always wanted to regain that simplicity that I had started with, but by then

everything had already got too complicated.

Julia thankyou for telling me of your experience with Reiki. Since I did it to

the degree that I did, I am not sure that the enrgy has stopped coming through

me. Everytime I touched someone I would feel this energy coming through my hands

and I felt it very disconcerting. Likewise everytime I touch myself with my

hands. I have prayed for the attunements to be removed but it always just seems

to start up again. Sometimes I dont even know anymore if it is Reiki or

something else. And since now I have recently done the Reconnection Healing that

is another energy that comes through also. I actually found the Reconnection

seminar kind of settled my mind a bit after all the myths that I seemed to have

picked up about Reiki.

Whatever the case after Reiki things have never been the same.

Im glad to hear that the entities have stopped bothing you.

I have come a bit more accustomed to them now I guess and am not so afraid of

them, but they still bother me. It seems they are most prevalents just before I

go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning.

Someone once told me that I was going astral travelling without a guide and

picking them up in my sleep. Well it sounded bizarre at the time but every

morning I wake up feeling more tired than I went to bed it seems.

And when I do protection prayers or tell them to go even if I am not sure they

are there, evidently my body will react in ways to suggest there is something in


Particularly it seems they lodge in my belly. And sometimes i think they come in

through the top of my head the back of my neck and in through my hands.

I realize that I must sound like a crazy person the way that I am talking, but

honestly that is the best way that I can describe it. I pray to close channels

down and close them down permanently but inevitably they seem to open up again

and the entities come back.

Someone once told me that I might be a storehouse for them. NIce!!!

I dont really know what to think about them. Can anyone help on this front? I am

really lost about it.

I basically just try and get on with my life in spite of all this but it is

always there nagging at me.

Would appreciate any answers that you could give me on this front.




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Hi James,


I am glad you are writing and sharing your experiences (and your poetry, too).


I will share with you my impressions. They may fit for you, and they may not, so

as they say, take what you need and leave the rest.


From what you are describing of the way the energy flows through you, and the

physical sensations that you experience, I wonder if it isn't simply the energy

of transformation moving through you. In other words, not something to fear or

to try and control, any more than one would fear or try to control puberty.


The energy moving through you is sentient, intelligent, and it goes where it

needs to go. If a person in your presence needs healing, it will flow through

you to heal them. If that person is on the cusp of awakening, it will flow

through you to spark them. It is You and not-you, so there is no need to fear or

control or take ownership or identity from it. It simply is, and you have become

a conduit for the Grace which flows in all things.


So be at peace, James, and recognize your experiences as a gift from the Divine.

Perhaps you could practice relaxing into your experiences at morning and night,

giving thanks for them as you fall asleep as as you wake. This might bring you

relief from the fatigue. I suspect you are having your systems upgraded as you

sleep. That alone can be fatiguing for a while, but struggling against it and

resisting it out of fear and misunderstanding can be exhausting. Maybe you can

experiment and see what feels better for you.


I'm glad you're here. Please know that you are seen and welcomed on many levels!





--- James Crompton wrote:

> Someone once told me that I was going astral travelling without a guide and

picking them up in my sleep. Well it sounded bizarre at the time but every

morning I wake up feeling more tired than I went to bed it seems.

> And when I do protection prayers or tell them to go even if I am not sure they

are there, evidently my body will react in ways to suggest there is something in


> Particularly it seems they lodge in my belly. And sometimes i think they come

in through the top of my head the back of my neck and in through my hands.

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Hi James,


I went through this stuff. I want to write you and will do so tomorrow. I would

like to suggest that you begin to look at every sensation as a divine blessing.

Your beliefs/thoughts/fears being activated can become the most blissful

blessing you can imagine or a nightmare. Know that divinity is caring for you

completely. Every time you feel a sensation that is strange (and yes it can feel

sooooo strange as if something is on you or in you) say to the divine or the God

you pray to that you surrender completely to them and KNOW and TRUST that you

are being cared for. And you are being cared for. I had this exact problem - I

felt the kundalini as something " other " than myself went into fear and went

through things I never would have had to. Those same feelings that you are

experiencing turn into the most joyful bliss and love you can ever imagine. Now

I am not saying that you will not feel " strange " energy because you will but

each time James say you surrender and trust that it is divinity and you

surrender to this divinity.


Do not watch or listen to any negative stuff - there will come a time when you

can just laugh about it but really just surround yourself with happy uplifting

people or youtube comedies or joyous things.


So much of what you wrote resonates with what I went through. Even the

difficulty being grounded. For me I had to force myself in this world and wasn't

so good at it. What I mean is that I would prefer to be off meditating or alone

in nature then with lots of people and noise. But the truth is be a bit careful

about that - make sure you are going to fun sports events or volunteering with

other people - perhaps for now fun stuff. When I was taking classes at night it

helped to focus myself in this world. Learning a language - anything that brings

you HERE.


Walking in nature. If the energy gets too much - you feel too emotional or

razzled - take off your shoes and socks and walk in the grass. See how that

feels - the earth will help you. You may get a different feeling from walking on

sand - it may be more energy - but see what works for you.


Force yourself to go out with friends - even just short - meeting them in a

cafe. See happy movies -


Also you spoke about your palms and feet? Or maybe I'm just thinking of mine. ha


My hands and feet James as soon as I lay down (I never did Reiki) - whether to

rest or meditate - any relaxing and sometimes even when I'm not...it becomes so

intense the energy there. It doesnt have anything to do with entities. I think I

described it before as if a vacumn cleaner hose was attached to the bottom of my

feet and the palms of my hands and the suction is on HIGH! Its intense. Its also

so great!!!!! Its all perspective. I sometimes now wonder about Jesus on the

cross with the nails in his hands and feet - because thats what it feels like

without the pain - its just sensation and its something to be so very happy for

especially when you know others feel it too. And believe me I walked down the

road of fear because it takes some getting used to. But as you can see from all

the people here - we all FEEL things - feel it moving in us - feel it moving out

- my feet bubble a lot - the bottoms feel like I'm walking on bubbles. Now I

know I am okay and with this complete surrendering and learning to trust

divinity (which for me being the nonreligious person I am - took some doing) Not

only am I okay but I am so humbled and fortunate for this gift - I can hardly

believe it.


Which brings me to something else. Belief is HUGE! Perspective is everything!


I had trust issues with the divine or God. (: Sometimes our " stuff " comes up

from inside and I sorta went through this thing for awhile thinking that God had

it out for me or something. Nice, huh? (: I now realize every issue - every

emotion that came up - everything was just my false beliefs. What I mean by that

is I felt weak - I felt alone - I felt fear - security/victim issues. All this

stuff wasn't God trying to stick it to me - it was my stuff coming up from the

past - these false beliefs - I have learned to surrender all these feelings (am

still learning) to God and know that they are false. We are all one - God doesnt

have it out for me if you can imagine that ha- it comes up to be cleared. Or

maybe some things that I have not been happy with in my life come up for me to

face - to change them.


For instance I am in one now - well it started a few months ago (not fear work

stuff)and I did my normal reaction which was panic. (which by the way as Chrism

always reminds us to eat watermelon which helps the adrenal glands - because you

will have pressure there and go into that fight/flight response - so sometimes

just doing that everyday will help you move out of fear issues or other issues)

Anyway I went into panic at first as I seem to do. (yes I am still learning -

sloooowwww learner)


Anyway I kept saying these things....I surrender - whatever

happens...happens...ect. But still I had anxiety I couldn't shake it right away.

Then I looked back at some of my other lessons - and was wondering how I got out

of those and why those came up and realized I could almost pick each lesson from

something from growing up and see how I had to face it - surrender it - and

TRUST and know that I was going to be okay. It was all just a false belief.


So I started going back to the beach at sunrise every day. (The hour of sunrise

and sunset is very powerful for prayer/mediation...ect....or is that just my

belief? ha)


So first I like to feel love for everyone and everything and appreciate the

beauty of it all. I pray for love and peace and well-being for all and much

more. Doesn't take long but I do it until I feel it strongly. Then I prayed for

guidance not from a helpless place - but from a place of knowing that all

answers are already there. As I look out at the majesty of this beautiful world

and the lake and the prana is dancing in the air...whats my little problem for

God...not a big deal at all. So I ask for guidance and what I need - inspiration

doors opening - easily and joyfully - ....ect.


YOU KNOW WHAT??? THe craziest thing!!!! I have been getting sooooooooo many

ideas out of seemingly nowhere to help me - its almost crazy. I mean I still

have to do the action but I don't mean God just sent me one answer for my

problem (which is no problem) but inspiration just keeps coming and coming and

coming. Its crazy wonderful. So try this maybe and see how you feel...


So when you " feel " stuff moving in you or on you now think of all of us - and

know its normal! It's normal in kundalini land - and you our friend have landed

in a beautiful land filled with oneness, bliss and love so strong it will bring

you to tears.


You may still have to face some of your false beliefs. ( I know some call it

other things - this is all just my opinion) For instance - there have been many

times I thought as mystical things happened that maybe I'm just going nuts ha -

because its not normal - so I come here and write and joke about what happened -

but secretly I was always hoping someone would say - Yeah that happened to me

too - or something similar you know? And sure enough sooner or later I would

read that someone for instance sees the air blinking or ribbons of colors

shooting through the room or weird feelings in the body - nice feelings really -

but strange stuff ... and then thats all I needed. And I would feel so much

better. So if those thoughts come up - please come here and write and share them

so someone can tell you what they went through or saw or felt and you will feel

so much better. And soon you will even be exuberant for this blessing.


So if you feel nuts ever - shout out!!! I have the seat right up front in the

" wondering whats real and wondering if I'm nuts " show...A couple months ago I

started hearing this music and then a womans voice humming beautifully to me

over my head. Now every night I usually here tones above my head in different

spots. Before I would get all nervous about that but now I just surrender and

know that whatever divinity brings me is okay and that maybe I can not

understand it now or maybe I never will but I slowly- like the poster child for

what not to do - have finally learned that its all good - and it is.


So if you wake up in the middle of the night and hear or see things - its all

good. That angel that turned ugly for you- was that you? I think that was just

a false worry or belief coming up - these things may come up - laugh about it if

you can - know that its just you the you deep inside that in an indirect way may

need to be looked at - When you can surrender to whatever the divine brings it

will stop. When you can say thats just an illusion - and ignore it - I'm not

saying you won't feel fear or didn't feel fear - but thats okay - just tell

yourself you know and trust that you are cared for and you are -


After living some rather unpleasant experiences - not knowing how not to be

afraid when you are afraid - (: I started getting lessons. I would hear a gong

go off in my ear. Something would be shown to me that I didn't like and I would

hear this instuction that it was an illusion - almost like telling me to shout

out illusion. So I did - and it disappeared. Stuff like that. I feel the air

blow through my body as if my body is not solid - I see the walls disappear and

turn into tunnels - I've had a lot of lessons in illusions - probably because I

needed to learn that my fears were just that - illusions and that I am more than

just my body and that there is more than just this reality.


SO anyway - wow I was rather long-winded - I was just going to write a line or

two. Sorry.


So no worries if you feel something weird or see something strange - its just

something that you need to see whether to learn to face that deep fear inside

and know that its not real or to learn to trust and surrender to divinity -


To me its like a best friend - if you have a fear or have a surrender lesson -

know that in the middle of the night Shakti/kundalini comes sometimes with

something to be surrendered to - and when you surrender its beautiful bliss. I

told myself (back when) if I saw something scary I would pretend it was my best

friend playing a joke on me - so I could lighten up about the whole thing. So

that was the last time something unpleasant happened like that - I had to face

it - I felt fear yes...but thought of my best friend - and surrendered and my

body broke out in bliss and I never ever saw or faced another scary thing again.



And know that there are so many beautiful wise fun people here who are so

incredible and will support you and help you along the way and you too can help

all by sharing your experiences. We are very blessed that started this

site and is there to help you too. A big happy shout out to you Chrism! (:


Its good to let out your feelings and or fears or joys whatever here -


You'll feel lots better. Read the safties and have fun in your daily life with

a joyous outlook and sometimes you may not feel joyous - thats okay too - don't

feel bad for yourself about anything - self-love - feel love and trust for

yourself, god and all -and if you don't thats okay come talk here and someone

will surely lift you as they have me so many times...


Throwing a big chi ball at you and all my k friends - (:


Debs (I'm the other Deb - going to change my name to MIA since I've been missing

in action so much here...so love to you all....


Mia (:

P.S. - Btw James - now that you know that its all good - WOW - wait until you

see how good it feels to be in that body of yours now that you are in k land.

Did I say wow? WOWWOWWOW! Feels so good! I have a secret smile on my face - oh

come on k friends...you do too!! (: Many blissful moments to you!!!

, " shaktiaz " <shaktiaz



> Hi James,


> I am glad you are writing and sharing your experiences (and your poetry, too).


> I will share with you my impressions. They may fit for you, and they may not,

so as they say, take what you need and leave the rest.


> From what you are describing of the way the energy flows through you, and the

physical sensations that you experience, I wonder if it isn't simply the energy

of transformation moving through you. In other words, not something to fear or

to try and control, any more than one would fear or try to control puberty.


> The energy moving through you is sentient, intelligent, and it goes where it

needs to go. If a person in your presence needs healing, it will flow through

you to heal them. If that person is on the cusp of awakening, it will flow

through you to spark them. It is You and not-you, so there is no need to fear or

control or take ownership or identity from it. It simply is, and you have become

a conduit for the Grace which flows in all things.


> So be at peace, James, and recognize your experiences as a gift from the

Divine. Perhaps you could practice relaxing into your experiences at morning and

night, giving thanks for them as you fall asleep as as you wake. This might

bring you relief from the fatigue. I suspect you are having your systems

upgraded as you sleep. That alone can be fatiguing for a while, but struggling

against it and resisting it out of fear and misunderstanding can be exhausting.

Maybe you can experiment and see what feels better for you.


> I'm glad you're here. Please know that you are seen and welcomed on many



> Peace,

> Shaz


> --- James Crompton wrote:

> > Someone once told me that I was going astral travelling without a guide and

picking them up in my sleep. Well it sounded bizarre at the time but every

morning I wake up feeling more tired than I went to bed it seems.

> > And when I do protection prayers or tell them to go even if I am not sure

they are there, evidently my body will react in ways to suggest there is

something in me.

> > Particularly it seems they lodge in my belly. And sometimes i think they

come in through the top of my head the back of my neck and in through my hands.


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Dear James, Mia, Tara, Tiffany, Kas,

Thank you for posting your experiences.

i would be lying if i tell you that none of those

would scare me cuz it does...big time.

i wouldn't see Kruger movies even with free popcorns!!

Throw in some chocolates and i still wouldn't open my eyes.

Chrism says, wait a while cuz i too am gonna go thru the path you've thread!!

By Goolllyy, you know that feeling when you're about to enter the dentist's


But...thanks to you all... you survived.. and so must i.

help me Shakti..





--- On Mon, 1/4/10, James Crompton <james_crompton wrote:


James Crompton <james_crompton

Re: The Night of the Furies


Monday, January 4, 2010, 10:54 AM


















Thanks. I really appreciate people taking the time to read. And thankyou

for acknowledging me.





























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Hi Julia


--When you say re reiki, " Since I did it to the degree that I did " what do you


I thought they were only 3 degrees to reiki, one and two were about giving reiki

near and distance healing and the next degree did not add anything except the

" ability " to initiate others?

Are you saying that the energy that is channeled through the body changes

depending on how many levels you do?

Are you saying that entities " attach " to an individual because of the number of

reiki degrees one does? --



I probably have some misconceptions about reiki. In answer to this what I meant

was that when I started doing Reiki noone really told me how to do it.. My

kundalini was already active if I am right in my understanding of it well before

I took up Reiki. So I was always hyperensitive to everything. Unforutnately I

learnt Reiki from someone who didn't really know what he was doing with it. I am

not even sure to this day whether I got the right attunements but I did Level 1

and 2 and he gave them both to me very close to each other because he " thought I

was ready " . Hmmm. He didn't really explain how I was to do it. So I just did it

on anybody and everything and quite a lot. I did it on people, I sent symbols to

people who were walking past that looked like they were in pain. I did it on

myself trying to open myself up and I didn;t do it according to any system

because I was never told any. I remember consciously trying to awaken myself to

heal my back to

open my third eye etc. It wasn't long anyway before it didn't seem like I

needed to make any of the symbols as mere intention seemed to channel the

energy. And not long before everything seemed to get out of hand. I felt like I

lost control over it. The energy seemed to start channeling even when I didn't

intend it and it felt like it was leaking out of my hands and the energy was

coming out of my kidney area. One acupuncturist told me that my life force was

leaking out through my hands and I was dying. And it really felt like this

sometimes. He would put needles in my hands and I would have a severe reaction

to it. He also told me I tihnk that I hadn't closed off the healings and for

this reason the energy was still filtering out to all thse people that I had

done reiki on and it was still going and that I needed to consciously close it

off each time or something. And that is why the energy was coming through me all

the time apparently. He and some

other people told me about protecting myself each time I healed and gave me

protection prayers to say.

But I really didn't know what I had got myself into. It also seemed like

entities came off people on to me or something or into me through my hands or

something like that. At any rate often after I ahd put my hands on someone I

would later in the day be overwhelmed with these thoughts that I didn;t

recognise as being mine. It felt like I had literally other beings inside me. At

one time it flet as if they were driving me to try and kill myself even.

Thats baiscally what I mean.


-- " Do you know that kundalini has been activated or awakened in you? " --


From everything that has been described to me on this site and from other things

that I have read, I definitely believe that it has been awakened in me and well

before Reiki. From Ishayas Ascnesion. All the symptoms that are mentioned, I

have experienced all of them at various times. Along with yes some of the bliss

too. One apparently very highly recommended crystal healer told me that it had

risen up to my neck and she gave me some similar exercises to the chakra

breathing one that posted just recently. Except breathing in the colours

of the rainbow red into the base chakra, orange into the pelvis, yellow into the

naval, green into the heart, blue into the throat and indigo into the third eye

and violet into the crown. And breathing energy up through the earth and out the

top of my head etc.


-- " If you know this to be true you can surrender your fears of other entities.

The energy of Kundalini is very very tactile, I mean so tactile it is amazing.

i can remember fearing that the Kundalini process/enegry was not from God and

holy spirit and that it was the energy of some other source. What i am trying

to say in a very wordy blabblering way is that Kundalini is Kundalini and entity

incursion is entity incursion and sometimes fear can merge the experiences and

we can be lost. " --


Yes I sometimes wonder if this is what I had done. I guess Reiki had been such a

dark experience for me that I wanted it out of my system but was never sure

anymore where Reiki symptoms ended and kundalini symptoms began. By this I mean

which symptoms were of Reiki and which were of kundalini. Thanks for the prayer

and thanks for this other bit. It makes me feel a bit more relaxed about my

symptoms. And that perhaps I can stop fighting them, and yes that surrender is

more the key to it all.


" Trust your Kundalini, she knows what is best for you. commit to listening and

pray.. says that it is very important that we pray to God (whatever that

means for you) and if this is difficult that we cultivate a practice. Chrism

wrote a prayer some time back and I have often said the first three lines of it

with absolute sincerity when I have been concerned about entity presence. " I

surrender to love, I surrender to truth, I surrender to God "

Once I have said this I can surrender knowing that I am not inviting anything

else but that into my being, should anything else be here it is not invited and

I am not surrendering to any process that the entity might wisdh to pursue! I am

safe and I do not fear or project or concern myself with what entities wish to

do. I am not interested in them and focus on love and surrender to God through

the Holy spirit and Kundalini working on and within me. During the day I try to

practice the safieties and love and service is very important. If I am not

living it then my night time experiences may reflect that fact. I will go away

from her and copy the whole prayer that chrism gave as you may like it as much

as I do.

Chrism may be able to say more about entities, I know he wrote about " the

crucible of reversal " which was a way to rid oneself of entities. I am going to

copy and paste the prayer now. blessings and love to you, Julia.


Here it is....

I surrender to love

I surrender to truth

I surrender to God

In my thoughts and actions with myself and towards others

I give my love and considerations of love towards

their wellbeing and my wellbeing.

And towards the highest potentials

that we can achieve within the choices we make

for the expression of our development towards love,

and loving, and being loved.

In the flow of my life

I choose to give health and harmony

as an expression of love.

I choose to have health

and reflect health and happiness

to those with whom I interact.

I take full responsibility

for my actions and my thoughts,

and my emotional intentions

within the interactions that are expressed by me

towards others and towards myself and towards God.

I choose to join with Divinity

and offer love and accept love

in the journey towards my conscious understanding

of the wholeness that I am.

Prayer from Chrism

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Thanks Shaz. Yes this also echoes what Julia said. That i need to stop resisting

and just be at peace with it.

That I am being upgraded overnight haha. I would like to believe that haha.

Part of the problem I experience is that my parents or my father in particular

makes me feel guilty for lying in bed and he thinks he knows all the answers to

this. They see my sleepiness as a sign of laziness and dont realize the extreme

fatigue that I experience on a daily basis.

Its not that I want to, I would much rather be leaping out of bed, but I guess I

just dont feel that.








Hi James,


I am glad you are writing and sharing your experiences (and your poetry, too).


I will share with you my impressions. They may fit for you, and they may not, so

as they say, take what you need and leave the rest.


From what you are describing of the way the energy flows through you, and the

physical sensations that you experience, I wonder if it isn't simply the energy

of transformation moving through you. In other words, not something to fear or

to try and control, any more than one would fear or try to control puberty.


The energy moving through you is sentient, intelligent, and it goes where it

needs to go. If a person in your presence needs healing, it will flow through

you to heal them. If that person is on the cusp of awakening, it will flow

through you to spark them. It is You and not-you, so there is no need to fear or

control or take ownership or identity from it. It simply is, and you have become

a conduit for the Grace which flows in all things.


So be at peace, James, and recognize your experiences as a gift from the Divine.

Perhaps you could practice relaxing into your experiences at morning and night,

giving thanks for them as you fall asleep as as you wake. This might bring you

relief from the fatigue. I suspect you are having your systems upgraded as you

sleep. That alone can be fatiguing for a while, but struggling against it and

resisting it out of fear and misunderstanding can be exhausting. Maybe you can

experiment and see what feels better for you.


I'm glad you're here. Please know that you are seen and welcomed on many levels!





--- James Crompton wrote:

> Someone once told me that I was going astral travelling without a guide and

picking them up in my sleep. Well it sounded bizarre at the time but every

morning I wake up feeling more tired than I went to bed it seems.

> And when I do protection prayers or tell them to go even if I am not sure they

are there, evidently my body will react in ways to suggest there is something in


> Particularly it seems they lodge in my belly. And sometimes i think they come

in through the top of my head the back of my neck and in through my hands.













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Pretend then its us with silly masks on...we'll be laughing and smiling under

those - so when you surrender to divinity - she'll be sure to send you loads of



Wishing you lots of bliss and beautiful experiences (:



aka Debs


, inkong Flrr

<inkong08flrr wrote:


> Dear James, Mia, Tara, Tiffany, Kas,

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Thank you David,


It's funny you said that - I love watching Tao quotes on youtube, maybe its

sinking into my subconscious (finally huh?) (;


Much love,


aka Debs

, " djgottlieb "

<dgottlieb wrote:


> Missing inaction - sounds very taoist. But seriously, Debs, this was a great


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--- On Thu, 7/1/10, flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777 wrote:



flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777

Re: The Night of the Furies


Received: Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 1:06 AM







Pretend then its us with silly masks on...we'll be laughing and smiling under

those - so when you surrender to divinity - she'll be sure to send you loads of



Wishing you lots of bliss and beautiful experiences (:



aka Debs


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , inkong Flrr

<inkong08flrr@ ...> wrote:


> Dear James, Mia, Tara, Tiffany, Kas,













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