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entities, parasites, collective consciousness

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This is why I avoid people. One person can have a variety of dispositions within them. Does an entity travel from one person's consciousness to another? Can a single group of people transmit their parasites through gossip, conjecture, or chit-chat?


I've observed that the very weak mind uses such information to project a sense of power, it is a way to use other people's minds collectively for the temporary boon caused by "agreement". This is why I do not share my thoughts about things with anyone anymore, nor do I repeat what I hear about others. After having a very interesting conversation with this girl, who had been intentionally burping during a gathering, a guy who came with her said some negative things about her. She said, I'll either burp or fart, so might as well burp. I said, with that advanced thinking (coming froma girl), what difference does it make. It was funny, we laughed innocently. Then this guy told me how she probably has a bunch of STD's. I was just having a funny moment with a fellow being, but this guy was trying to cast a certain shadow in my perception of her and thus myself. Something in his mind tried to limit my

self expression by binding her in a certain frame of light.


I have bound myself in a certain frame of light at times, but have done so in the supreme confidence of my love and light.


I offer these examples as reference points, so people can relate any understanding of entities or parasitic aspects of the ego. It would help me to learn about this, because my ability to trust the world is severely damaged. There is just so much floating about in the group-think collective level of mind. I prefer the company of spiritually adept people, children, and animals, as they are free from the negative energies that lurk in the mind. Or, at least their presence is so strong that any negativity sticks out and can be understood and healed quickly, or even instantly.


Blessings to all





droxine5 <Droxine1 Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 4:12:42 AM Re: Kundalini Rising in My Sleep - April 09, 2009


GCW,With each additional post the picture changes and grows more complex. My advice of before pertains to higher beings - teachers, guides, angels, who have your best interest as their primary concerning in their dealings with you.By your latest description, it seems there are a variety of "people" interacting with you and turning up in your bedroom at night. This is a common habit of discarnates, who are by nature generally troubled and confused, and will be looking for mediums through which to transact what they consider to be their unfinished business on the Earth plane.The ones who wish to take you to disaster sites in order to move souls who have passed on into the light and give comfort sound more like guides than angels, in my experience and also from what is in the literature.Even higher than guides are the angels. Visits from them could not be classified as "nagging" or bothersome in any way because they embody

such a pure state of love. One would only strain to bask in their presence, regardless of their self image.You are apparently opened to all sorts of "uninvited guests" in addition to your guides and helpers which may be more desirable to have near you, and less obnoxious.An important avenue of learning for someone so open would be first to learn discernment of spirits, telling what type of entity is speaking to or interacting with you and what his condition and his motivations are.It seems you are trying to do the right thing, but being pulled in different directions and confused by the various spirits and those stuck on the Earth plane.You may think your situation sounds crazy or you shouldn't speak of it, but it is the condition of many. They learn eventually how to "shut down" or shut out the non-physical interference when they need/want to. I can't advise you on this because I never learnt how. I have been

open in the past, though, so I know that there are a lot of discarnates (ghosts) who may want to mess with you. They are curious about you, and at the same time a bit afraid, so most are merely testing their limits like mischievous schoolboys. Ha.Some spirit interactions will literally drain energy off you, and can thus cause headaches. (There may be other explanations for the headache; this is one possible cause.)So, please seek out some resources on how to tell apart the different types of non-physicals and (very important) how to selectively open to the ones you wish to at any particular time, closing off to those don't or who would wish you harm. At least for now, practise protection rituals.After having a number of nightime bedroom intrusions, I asked my guides to establish my home as a "do not enter" place. Your guides can screen who enters your home or not let those of lesser vibration enter, but I think you have to ask

them to do so. Many helping spirits wait to be asked before acting in certain ways on your behalf.Then imagine a gleaming, shimmering pyramid of white light surrounding and housing your body, protecting you from all who would do harm or compromise in any way. This is one protection you can enact. No wonder you are confused with the distraction of all this activity, but you can learn to navigate as many have who are similarly open.. Then you can work on your own energies with your inner and outer space secure and in control. There is too much going on right now.A spirit who is a helper or has your best interests as a priority will not ask you to give unpleasant or unkind information to others that would cast you in a bad light or humiliate you, particularly if you do not understand the consequences or their justified cause. Angels do not judge us anyway and would not have you passing on "character assessments, " if that is what has

happened in the past. This is not the way of the higher realms.If voices have told you to take such action, this sounds like the work of an opportunist trickster having fun at your expense. I had discarnates follow me around at college trying to lure me into humiliating myself (nothing too bad or scary, just a nuisance). I would think it was a guide and do what they said until I finally wised up that such people exist with way too much time on their hands in the astral! Ha.The point is there are many types of entities and not to fear, protection is very near and already in place to a great extent. Learn to utilise it and your own higher faculties of discerment.Direct your prayers "all the way up" and trust that the help you require will be sent, then sensitise yourself to sensing and receiving it. It will again come in the form of love. Opening to love is a skill in itself. This must be practised as

well.x,DroxineKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> I have tried that. All I get is the "have faith". I just want to control the energy so I stop having headaches from it. What do they want me to do? Cure diseases, & stop natural disasters. Like I can make the world stop. They think I can for some reason. They even think I can raise the dead. They want me to go to 3rd world countries and stop wars. How? Then they tell me personal things about people. They even want me to tell them stuff on the internet. Like I know one word could mean the world to someone, but some of the stuff they want me to tell people I don't want to post because then that person is gonna get very mad. I got kick

out of a group doing that. Just because they didn't want to hear the truth.. Do you think that if I don't do what they ask they can throw me in the belly of whale like G-d did to Jonah? I wonder sometimes. I wonder if they make my clients cancel so I don't have money to make me do what they want. You know it is getting to> the point where I don't want to have sex with my husband. There is way too many people in our bedroom. They bring in spirits and then the angels and they tell me things and want me to help them with stuff. You know that saying that man can't handle knowing what G-d knows because they will go insane and explode. I feel how true that is. There are days that I wonder if every molecule in body is just going to spread across the universe. Sorry I really should never bring this stuff up.

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I am really agreeable with you. I should never had said anything. I think I am using the wrong words for this as well. I have noticed they are more confused than ever. I never said it was anything bad or evil, yet I keep getting the post with negativity attached. No most of what I get is from people who are trying to still be that loving person even after death, and angels. I don't know about guides or who they are. I do see the coyotes outside chasing around the fairies and I have to laugh. They keep trying to eat them. LOL. I pretty much know the difference in who is their for meaness and who is there for love. I find it incredibly mean by humans who are still here, who won't let their loved one pass over because they are tied. The loved one doesn't want to leave because of a fear that that person

won't make it. I have to say this. I have felt nothing but love and kindness. I had 1 who was mean and I could sense that. But Raphael called Michael and he took care of him. Mostly I feel blessed. I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once.




Zack Nemeth <karmaburn8 Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:22:04 AMRe: entities, parasites, collective consciousness




This is why I avoid people. One person can have a variety of dispositions within them. Does an entity travel from one person's consciousness to another? Can a single group of people transmit their parasites through gossip, conjecture, or chit-chat?


I've observed that the very weak mind uses such information to project a sense of power, it is a way to use other people's minds collectively for the temporary boon caused by "agreement". This is why I do not share my thoughts about things with anyone anymore, nor do I repeat what I hear about others. After having a very interesting conversation with this girl, who had been intentionally burping during a gathering, a guy who came with her said some negative things about her. She said, I'll either burp or fart, so might as well burp. I said, with that advanced thinking (coming froma girl), what difference does it make. It was funny, we laughed innocently. Then this guy told me how she probably has a bunch of STD's. I was just having a funny moment with a fellow being, but this guy was trying to cast a certain shadow in my perception of her and thus myself. Something in his mind tried to limit my

self expression by binding her in a certain frame of light.


I have bound myself in a certain frame of light at times, but have done so in the supreme confidence of my love and light.


I offer these examples as reference points, so people can relate any understanding of entities or parasitic aspects of the ego. It would help me to learn about this, because my ability to trust the world is severely damaged. There is just so much floating about in the group-think collective level of mind. I prefer the company of spiritually adept people, children, and animals, as they are free from the negative energies that lurk in the mind. Or, at least their presence is so strong that any negativity sticks out and can be understood and healed quickly, or even instantly.


Blessings to all





droxine5 <Droxine1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 4:12:42 AM[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: Kundalini Rising in My Sleep - April 09, 2009


GCW,With each additional post the picture changes and grows more complex. My advice of before pertains to higher beings - teachers, guides, angels, who have your best interest as their primary concerning in their dealings with you.By your latest description, it seems there are a variety of "people" interacting with you and turning up in your bedroom at night. This is a common habit of discarnates, who are by nature generally troubled and confused, and will be looking for mediums through which to transact what they consider to be their unfinished business on the Earth plane.The ones who wish to take you to disaster sites in order to move souls who have passed on into the light and give comfort sound more like guides than angels, in my experience and also from what is in the literature.Even higher than guides are the angels. Visits from them could not be classified as "nagging" or bothersome in any way because they embody

such a pure state of love. One would only strain to bask in their presence, regardless of their self image.You are apparently opened to all sorts of "uninvited guests" in addition to your guides and helpers which may be more desirable to have near you, and less obnoxious.An important avenue of learning for someone so open would be first to learn discernment of spirits, telling what type of entity is speaking to or interacting with you and what his condition and his motivations are.It seems you are trying to do the right thing, but being pulled in different directions and confused by the various spirits and those stuck on the Earth plane.You may think your situation sounds crazy or you shouldn't speak of it, but it is the condition of many. They learn eventually how to "shut down" or shut out the non-physical interference when they need/want to. I can't advise you on this because I never learnt how. I have been

open in the past, though, so I know that there are a lot of discarnates (ghosts) who may want to mess with you. They are curious about you, and at the same time a bit afraid, so most are merely testing their limits like mischievous schoolboys. Ha.Some spirit interactions will literally drain energy off you, and can thus cause headaches. (There may be other explanations for the headache; this is one possible cause.)So, please seek out some resources on how to tell apart the different types of non-physicals and (very important) how to selectively open to the ones you wish to at any particular time, closing off to those don't or who would wish you harm. At least for now, practise protection rituals.After having a number of nightime bedroom intrusions, I asked my guides to establish my home as a "do not enter" place. Your guides can screen who enters your home or not let those of lesser vibration enter, but I think you have to ask

them to do so. Many helping spirits wait to be asked before acting in certain ways on your behalf.Then imagine a gleaming, shimmering pyramid of white light surrounding and housing your body, protecting you from all who would do harm or compromise in any way. This is one protection you can enact. No wonder you are confused with the distraction of all this activity, but you can learn to navigate as many have who are similarly open.. Then you can work on your own energies with your inner and outer space secure and in control. There is too much going on right now.A spirit who is a helper or has your best interests as a priority will not ask you to give unpleasant or unkind information to others that would cast you in a bad light or humiliate you, particularly if you do not understand the consequences or their justified cause. Angels do not judge us anyway and would not have you passing on "character assessments, " if that is what

has happened in the past. This is not the way of the higher realms.If voices have told you to take such action, this sounds like the work of an opportunist trickster having fun at your expense. I had discarnates follow me around at college trying to lure me into humiliating myself (nothing too bad or scary, just a nuisance). I would think it was a guide and do what they said until I finally wised up that such people exist with way too much time on their hands in the astral! Ha.The point is there are many types of entities and not to fear, protection is very near and already in place to a great extent. Learn to utilise it and your own higher faculties of discerment.Direct your prayers "all the way up" and trust that the help you require will be sent, then sensitise yourself to sensing and receiving it. It will again come in the form of love. Opening to love is a skill in itself. This must be practised as

well.x,DroxineKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> I have tried that. All I get is the "have faith". I just want to control the energy so I stop having headaches from it. What do they want me to do? Cure diseases, & stop natural disasters. Like I can make the world stop. They think I can for some reason. They even think I can raise the dead. They want me to go to 3rd world countries and stop wars. How? Then they tell me personal things about people. They even want me to tell them stuff on the internet. Like I know one word could mean the world to someone, but some of the stuff they want me to tell people I don't want to post because then that person is gonna get very mad. I got kick

out of a group doing that. Just because they didn't want to hear the truth.. Do you think that if I don't do what they ask they can throw me in the belly of whale like G-d did to Jonah? I wonder sometimes. I wonder if they make my clients cancel so I don't have money to make me do what they want. You know it is getting to> the point where I don't want to have sex with my husband. There is way too many people in our bedroom. They bring in spirits and then the angels and they tell me things and want me to help them with stuff. You know that saying that man can't handle knowing what G-d knows because they will go insane and explode. I feel how true that is. There are days that I wonder if every molecule in body is just going to spread across the universe. Sorry I really should never bring this stuff up.

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It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was

having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a

technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and

have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the

technique and could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra

and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the

correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals

and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the

temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger

gave a calming effect.


Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and

frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed

eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers

tips and chant " AUM " . When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the

fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This

begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the

pattern of tension and frees the mind.


Hope this will help with your headaches.




, goldencougarwolf

<nlring80962 wrote:


I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried

just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too

much energy flow through me at once.


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Thanks Linda


is this the kubera mundra

I don't know if the picture will go through or not.


If not here is where I found it.




I am wondering if this is what you do.

The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth and reaching your goals.


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Linda <crazycats711 Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Hi GCW, It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears

with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.Hope this will help with your headaches.LindaKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. >

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Last night while we were talking, I was telling you how the angels want me to help the poor, needy people of the world like in 3rd world countries and disaster and such. I kept saying I don't have the money and I can't fly to these countries. I was telling my hubby,'how do they expect me to do this when I am not a billionaire and I don't have private jets and all. The only way I can think of is to partner with someone but I don't know who.' Well 2 commercials came on T.V. last night, one for Heifer International and another for James and Betty Robinson who have what they call an Ambassadors for life which has 3 different charities in it. 1. Water for life 2. Mission: feeding and 3. Homes for life. I guess I could put in a donation button for each on my website and donate that money to them

along with some of my own.

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Yes, that is the correct one, if that is the correct one chrism told me over the

phone to use. That is the one I took him to mean, until I looked up the picture,

then I wasn't for sure if it was correct one since it was for manifesting goals

and wealth. That would be a good one for you though, if you are wanting more

wealth to help the poor and needy. Anyways, it did help in relieving my

headaches by forming that mudra and placing the finger tips at the temples for a

while. Next time you get a headache try it and see if it helps. I would like to

know if you do and if it helps you. LOL!







, goldencougarwolf

<nlring80962 wrote:


> Thanks Linda


> is this the kubera mundra

>  I don't know if the picture will go through or not.


> If not here is where I found it.


> http://healing.about.com/od/east/ig/Mudra-Gallery/Kubera.htm


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I will. Thank you. I will tell you how it works out as well.




Linda <crazycats711 Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 4:57:28 PM Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Yes, that is the correct one, if that is the correct one chrism told me over the phone to use. That is the one I took him to mean, until I looked up the picture, then I wasn't for sure if it was correct one since it was for manifesting goals and wealth. That would be a good one for you though, if you are wanting more wealth to help the poor and needy. Anyways, it did help in relieving my headaches by forming that mudra and placing the finger tips at the temples for a while. Next time you get a headache try it and see if it helps. I would like to know if you do and if it helps you. LOL!LindaKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra>

I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm>

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From what I have heard and read, I have to wonder how much any of that money

given to those type of charities actually get to the ones in need. I am sure you

can find some needy people in your own neck of the woods that could use some

help. You would be for sure that your money spent was for the right cause and

not to pad some rich people's pockets even more so. Given one on one that way,

no money is taken out to pay the workers of the charities, which is maybe about

90% of what is given. Only about 10% getting to what it was intented for. But I

guess 10% is better than nothing.


Anyway, if I were to give to such charities I would check on how much of it is

actually use for the poor and needy.


Doing the kubera mundra with the intent of gaining wealth to start your own

charity might be the better way to go, in the mean time find the poor in your

own neighborhood that needs a helping hand, would be my advice.




, goldencougarwolf

<nlring80962 wrote:


> Last night while we were talking, I was telling you how the angels want me to

help the poor, needy people of the world like in 3rd world countries and

disaster and such. I kept saying I don't have the money and I can't fly to these

countries. I was telling my hubby,'how do they expect me to do this when I am

not a billionaire and I don't have private jets and all. The only way I can

think of is to partner with someone but I don't know who.' Well 2 commercials

came on T.V. last night, one for Heifer International and another for James and

Betty Robinson who have what they call an Ambassadors for life which has 3

different charities in it. 1. Water for life 2. Mission: feeding and 3. Homes

for life.  I guess I could put in a donation button for each on my website and

donate that money to them along with some of my own.





> ________________________________


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Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get

this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that

for awhile.It does hurt!




, goldencougarwolf

<nlring80962 wrote:


> Thanks Linda


> is this the kubera mundra

>  I don't know if the picture will go through or not.


> If not here is where I found it.


> http://healing.about.com/od/east/ig/Mudra-Gallery/Kubera.htm


> I am wondering if this is what you do.


> The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth and reaching your goals.

> 15 of 36

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> ________________________________

> Linda <crazycats711


> Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM

> Re: entities, parasites, collective







> Hi GCW,

> It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was

having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a

technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and

have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the

technique and could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra

and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the

correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals

and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples

it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a

calming effect.


> Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension

and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across

closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with

fingers tips and chant " AUM " . When this is done remove fingers from ears and

snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3

times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help

breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.


> Hope this will help with your headaches.


> Linda


> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf

<nlring80962@ ...> wrote:


> I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have

tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am

having too much energy flow through me at once.

> >


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I am a Neuro Muscular Therapist. I had to start with massage. It is probably a trigger point. Try rubbing it and feel for a tender point. A point that if you put a little pressure on it hurts like mad. Then put pressure on it for 7 seconds. Let up slowly and it should leave. .




ntaroiu <lsirca Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:05:02 PM Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that for awhile.It does hurt!love,nicoleKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra> I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm> > I am wondering if this is what you do. > > The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth

and reaching your goals. > 15 of 36> Gallery Index> Prev Next> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Linda <crazycats711@ ...>> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 > Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness> > > > > > Hi GCW, > It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and

could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.> > Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.> > Hope this will help

with your headaches.> > Linda> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:> > I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. > >>

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Yes goldencougarwolf,i have tried to apply pressure but it doesn't really help.Sometimes,it helps if i ignore it and move my attention on something else.I've had great improvement with leg cramps which would last for about 15 minutes but i had to walk around like crazy.I started by willing it and trying to move it outside of my body and last time i had them it worked.Instead of crying and walking around like crazy,i was able to extinguish them in less than 2 minutes.Chrism said something about imagining the pain outside of the body and it worked.








Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:39 PM

Re: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





I am a Neuro Muscular Therapist. I had to start with massage. It is probably a trigger point. Try rubbing it and feel for a tender point. A point that if you put a little pressure on it hurts like mad. Then put pressure on it for 7 seconds. Let up slowly and it should leave. .




ntaroiu <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:05:02 PM Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that for awhile.It does hurt!love,nicoleKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra> I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm> > I am wondering if this is what you do. > > The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth and reaching your goals. > 15 of 36> Gallery Index> Prev Next> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Linda <crazycats711@ ...>> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 > Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness> > > > > > Hi GCW, > It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.> > Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.> > Hope this will help with your headaches.> > Linda> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:> > I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. > >>




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It sounds like you are low on potassium. You can get extra from potatoes and bannanas. Have you had any cravings? Did you find a tender point anywhere on your hand? One spot that really makes you jump if you touch it.




niki <lsirca Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:50:44 PMRe: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness



Yes goldencougarwolf, i have tried to apply pressure but it doesn't really help.Sometimes, it helps if i ignore it and move my attention on something else.I've had great improvement with leg cramps which would last for about 15 minutes but i had to walk around like crazy.I started by willing it and trying to move it outside of my body and last time i had them it worked.Instead of crying and walking around like crazy,i was able to extinguish them in less than 2 minutes.Chrism said something about imagining the pain outside of the body and it worked.








Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:39 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





I am a Neuro Muscular Therapist. I had to start with massage. It is probably a trigger point. Try rubbing it and feel for a tender point. A point that if you put a little pressure on it hurts like mad. Then put pressure on it for 7 seconds. Let up slowly and it should leave. .




ntaroiu <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:05:02 PM[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that for awhile.It does hurt!love,nicoleKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra> I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm> > I am wondering if this is what you do. > > The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth

and reaching your goals. > 15 of 36> Gallery Index> Prev Next> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Linda <crazycats711@ ...>> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 > Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness> > > > > > Hi GCW, > It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and

could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.> > Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.> > Hope this will help

with your headaches.> > Linda> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:> > I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. > >>




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No painfull spots on my hands and there is no pain unless i get those cramps.I stay away from carbs.I lost 18lbs so far and have to lose some more.I've had the cramps even before when i was eating lots of carbs,yes,even potatoes and bananas.No cravings for carbs.








Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:47 PM

Re: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





It sounds like you are low on potassium. You can get extra from potatoes and bannanas. Have you had any cravings? Did you find a tender point anywhere on your hand? One spot that really makes you jump if you touch it.




niki <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:50:44 PMRe: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness



Yes goldencougarwolf, i have tried to apply pressure but it doesn't really help.Sometimes, it helps if i ignore it and move my attention on something else.I've had great improvement with leg cramps which would last for about 15 minutes but i had to walk around like crazy.I started by willing it and trying to move it outside of my body and last time i had them it worked.Instead of crying and walking around like crazy,i was able to extinguish them in less than 2 minutes.Chrism said something about imagining the pain outside of the body and it worked.








Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:39 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





I am a Neuro Muscular Therapist. I had to start with massage. It is probably a trigger point. Try rubbing it and feel for a tender point. A point that if you put a little pressure on it hurts like mad. Then put pressure on it for 7 seconds. Let up slowly and it should leave. .




ntaroiu <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:05:02 PM[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that for awhile.It does hurt!love,nicoleKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra> I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm> > I am wondering if this is what you do. > > The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth and reaching your goals. > 15 of 36> Gallery Index> Prev Next> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Linda <crazycats711@ ...>> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 > Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness> > > > > > Hi GCW, > It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.> > Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.> > Hope this will help with your headaches.> > Linda> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:> > I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. > >>




Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.53/2054 - Release 04/11/09 10:51:00




Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.53/2054 - Release 04/11/09 10:51:00

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The biggest problem with that carb diet is that they tell you that bananas are carbs. They aren't. Potatoes are starch but that isn't a carb either technically. Carbs are grains. I know because just about everyone in my family is diabetic. So I watch my diet hard. You are most likely low in potassium because you took those 2 items out of your diet. Do you eat strawberries? They aren't as high in potassium but they do have some. Leg cramps and hand/arm cramps are because the muscles are missing nutrients. First thing any doctor will check is your potassium. 2 is calcium and 3 magnesium. Those are the top 3 to building muscles. Along with protein. My medical sense is tingling. It is saying you need one of those 3. Strawberries believe it or not have all 3. Try eating those. See if it helps.

Otherwise I would suggest seeing your fam doc and asking for a CBC. Have him/her look for any vitamins and minerals that are low in your blood because of your diet.




niki <lsirca Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:50:51 PMRe: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness



No painfull spots on my hands and there is no pain unless i get those cramps.I stay away from carbs.I lost 18lbs so far and have to lose some more.I've had the cramps even before when i was eating lots of carbs,yes,even potatoes and bananas.No cravings for carbs.








Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:47 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





It sounds like you are low on potassium. You can get extra from potatoes and bannanas. Have you had any cravings? Did you find a tender point anywhere on your hand? One spot that really makes you jump if you touch it.




niki <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:50:44 PMRe: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness



Yes goldencougarwolf, i have tried to apply pressure but it doesn't really help.Sometimes, it helps if i ignore it and move my attention on something else.I've had great improvement with leg cramps which would last for about 15 minutes but i had to walk around like crazy.I started by willing it and trying to move it outside of my body and last time i had them it worked.Instead of crying and walking around like crazy,i was able to extinguish them in less than 2 minutes.Chrism said something about imagining the pain outside of the body and it worked.








Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:39 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





I am a Neuro Muscular Therapist. I had to start with massage. It is probably a trigger point. Try rubbing it and feel for a tender point. A point that if you put a little pressure on it hurts like mad. Then put pressure on it for 7 seconds. Let up slowly and it should leave. .




ntaroiu <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:05:02 PM[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that for awhile.It does hurt!love,nicoleKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra> I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm> > I am wondering if this is what you do. > > The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth

and reaching your goals. > 15 of 36> Gallery Index> Prev Next> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Linda <crazycats711@ ...>> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 > Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness> > > > > > Hi GCW, > It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and

could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.> > Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.> > Hope this will help

with your headaches.> > Linda> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:> > I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. > >>




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Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.53/2054 - Release 04/11/09 10:51:00

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Yes,i can have strawberies and i do eat them occasionally.My blood tests recently were the picture of health,my dr's words.Maybe is K.






Monday, April 13, 2009 1:57 AM

Re: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





The biggest problem with that carb diet is that they tell you that bananas are carbs. They aren't. Potatoes are starch but that isn't a carb either technically. Carbs are grains. I know because just about everyone in my family is diabetic. So I watch my diet hard. You are most likely low in potassium because you took those 2 items out of your diet. Do you eat strawberries? They aren't as high in potassium but they do have some. Leg cramps and hand/arm cramps are because the muscles are missing nutrients. First thing any doctor will check is your potassium. 2 is calcium and 3 magnesium. Those are the top 3 to building muscles. Along with protein. My medical sense is tingling. It is saying you need one of those 3. Strawberries believe it or not have all 3. Try eating those. See if it helps. Otherwise I would suggest seeing your fam doc and asking for a CBC. Have him/her look for any vitamins and minerals that are low in your blood because of your diet.




niki <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:50:51 PMRe: Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness



No painfull spots on my hands and there is no pain unless i get those cramps.I stay away from carbs.I lost 18lbs so far and have to lose some more.I've had the cramps even before when i was eating lots of carbs,yes,even potatoes and bananas.No cravings for carbs.








Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:47 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





It sounds like you are low on potassium. You can get extra from potatoes and bannanas. Have you had any cravings? Did you find a tender point anywhere on your hand? One spot that really makes you jump if you touch it.




niki <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:50:44 PMRe: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness



Yes goldencougarwolf, i have tried to apply pressure but it doesn't really help.Sometimes, it helps if i ignore it and move my attention on something else.I've had great improvement with leg cramps which would last for about 15 minutes but i had to walk around like crazy.I started by willing it and trying to move it outside of my body and last time i had them it worked.Instead of crying and walking around like crazy,i was able to extinguish them in less than 2 minutes.Chrism said something about imagining the pain outside of the body and it worked.








Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:39 PM

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness





I am a Neuro Muscular Therapist. I had to start with massage. It is probably a trigger point. Try rubbing it and feel for a tender point. A point that if you put a little pressure on it hurts like mad. Then put pressure on it for 7 seconds. Let up slowly and it should leave. .




ntaroiu <lsirca (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:05:02 PM[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness


Sorry to budge in! I've been doing this involuntarily since K started.I get this cramp in my hand,either left or right and my fingers get stuck like that for awhile.It does hurt!love,nicoleKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Linda> > is this the kubera mundra> I don't know if the picture will go through or not. > > If not here is where I found it. > > http://healing. about.com/ od/east/ig/ Mudra-Gallery/ Kubera.htm> > I am wondering if this is what you do. > > The Kubera mudra is used for creating wealth and reaching your goals. > 15 of 36> Gallery Index> Prev Next> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Linda <crazycats711@ ...>> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 > Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:11:28 PM> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Re: entities, parasites, collective consciousness> > > > > > Hi GCW, > It appears to me you have a handle on things except for the headaches. I was having headaches from too much energy a few weeks ago and chrism gave me a technique to help with that. Everytime I feel a headache coming on I use it and have not had any more headaches. I tried to find the post I made explaining the technique and could not find it. Anyways, he told me to form the Kubera Mudra and place the tips of my fingers at each temple for a while. I hope I got the correct mudra there. When I looked up that mudra it was about manifesting goals and such. It did work for me,though. :) When I placed the fingers at the temples it was like instant relief for me. The energy moving between my finger gave a calming effect.> > Another technique I learned recently that clears the aura and remove tension and frustrations, (which do cause headaches) is to place the fingers across closed eyes and wipe towards the ears, then close the flap of the ears with fingers tips and chant "AUM". When this is done remove fingers from ears and snapped the fingers and shake them down to the floor. Do the whole exercise 3 times. This begans to move stagnated energy from your willpower center, help breaks up the pattern of tension and frees the mind.> > Hope this will help with your headaches.> > Linda> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , goldencougarwolf <nlring80962@ ...> wrote:> > I just want to control the energy or as one suggested let it flow. I have tried just allowing it but the headaches get worse. I still wonder if I am having too much energy flow through me at once. > >>




Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.53/2054 - Release 04/11/09 10:51:00




Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.53/2054 - Release 04/11/09 10:51:00




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