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Becoming Homeless

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, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:

I often don't know if I am coming or going either, LOL! The longer I

spend here and with the K I see that riding the waves, rather than

trying to fight them, is the way to go.


*****I'm starting to see that when I realized the feeling of wanting

to become homeless. It took several days to figure it all out but

when I did the urge left me.


I have had a lot of fear in certain areas, but the things that sent

me screaming a few years ago are now old hat. It is a matter of

perspective and experience imo. You are a very courageous woman.

There will be more fear tests that you haven't experienced yet, but

you have a lot of support right here, and better yet - nobody will

think you are crazy.




Reading is great, but doing something about it is far more

effective. We can read about ice skating or riding a bike but we

don't learn how to balance until we are in action. Sometimes we just

have to jump into the water feet first, scary as that can be.


*****I don't understand it yet and can't figure it out. I've been

working so hard at understanding it all for such a long time I've

come to a point where it's one thing I just have to leave alone. I'm

going to stop dwelling on it for awhile to see what surfaces, if

anything. I've tried every method I've read about and nothing is

working. IDK except to just let it flow until I have some epiphanies.


For me, the payoff with the K has been far greater than dreamwork. I

can't speak for you and what you will experience, but I have a

feeling it will be the same. Just like dreamwork, it won't happen

overnight. I think those who are looking for immediate gratification

will be sorely disappointed. The K demands that we do the work, no

free rides!


*****No, I'm not expecting any immediate pay offs and I'm taking this

slow at first because of uncertainties, which I'm sure is related to

fear that still has a hold on me. I remember pushing myself to

remember something and had a break down, so I have no desire to push

myself to hard here at this juncture. I'm going to work hard, but

take it as it comes.


ROTFLMAO! I'm glad you can look at that with some humor!


*****Yes, humor is good LOL


Take care


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