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Re:For those who have activated the Kundalini without the safeties -Adr

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Thanks so much for your response.

I really appreciate it. (also I really needed it)


Also I am so sorry that you have been through the hard way of Koundalini.


I have read some accounts of really bad experiences of K. and I just can't

believe it can happen!


Most of all I don't understand why do they happen, if it is supposed to be a

God energy.


Personally I haven't felt anything like that, maybe because I have always

thought that the K energy is something sacred, sacred as God is, and God does

not let anyone to be harm. And as I always think that its the power of God, I

haven't had the tiniest idea of all that you are saying and of what I have read

also in other places, although it says that they are very rare symptoms.


It makes me think a lot of things, like if I wanted to be in any religion, for

example, and the priest would tell me that if I don't obey, I can be crazy, or

suicidal, or very sick, or even death, that would scare me a lot, and that would

make me think, where is God ? so I would run away from that religion brutally

scared ! (in my opinion)


In Shamanism there are some shamans that warns people that they can be near

death, before they get in, although I don't agree with these shamans, they have

some true, (I was called to shamanism in this way, I was near death 3 months

before getting inside the Shaman way) although Ross Heaven states clearly that

this is not a rule, but this can happens, and I am here to state it. He sees

this procedure as a " call " from the ancestral shamans. The " serpent " in

shamanism is the telluric force that rise, and that the shaman has to control,

and its very dangerous, one has to be a super shaman to control this energy and

is considered an energy of the earth, but it does not arise inside us but

outside (as far as I have understood)


You are very right in put your safeties, if you have seen all this, and I am

so sorry of having misunderstood your safeties, it was pure ignorance from my

side, as long as I am being aware of all this bad effects.


I didn't want to say that you are a fear pormoter, but I had to be honest,

cause I was scared when I read them, and then I began to search the bad

experiences in another places and I couldn't believe it.


I still do not understand why an energy of God, makes all these bad side


I am trying hard to understand, cause I believe that light is light, and light

has no room for darkness, as far as I understand the God Love.


Can this be a path similar to Shamanism? cause in shamanism one can be hurt if

one is not in alertness.


I have felt the " serpent " in shamanism, but outside of me, and inside, I have

felt, something that was like waving up from my feet to head, but I was never

afraid of this feeling inside my body, but sometimes got scared of the " serpent "

when it is outside, cause it makes a lot of noises, steps, cracks, talkings,

invisible shamans singing, and many other things, and in this you are right,

cause if the shaman has fear, the serpent amplifys everything, so one has to be

as strong as rocks, Once I was scared of rats, and then I was hearing the

serpent energy as rats crawling all over my meditation room! so I immediately

asked for help, and another shaman told me to shape shift my way of perception

of the energy, so immediately I shape shifted this, you are very right,

everything is in our mind. The mind is capable of materialize everything even

our worst nightmare if we are not strong to defeat it, and we defeat it with

strenght of mind, knowledge, and most of all when one

knows that most of the effects of the serpent is our hidden fears. Once we

defeat the serpent, we can communicate with spirits. I don't know if you have

seen the effects of the K energy, as you call it, from outside your body? This

has a tremendous force, and its extremely dangerous if the shaman is not strong.

As long as I can see the K energy is like the shamanism, but instead of outside,

it rises from inside, isn't it ? is this a way to talk to God or spirits ? or

just to heal ?


Well I need to know all this, cause I was thinking that it was God's energy

and if it is like the shamanism, one has to control this energy, and of course

if it is the same as the serpent, as you said before, one has to be prepared.


I have felt this energy inside me, and has been very kind and sweet with me, I

would like to know when is when one knows that the K energy has totally aroused

? I mean what are the symptoms, when one is ready ?


I am very grateful with you, and I ask your forgiveness because I have

misunderstood everything.


Thank you very much.















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Dear Ady,


We must also remember that in God's eyes there is no

" good " or " bad " there is just life.

It is humans that create the difference between dark

and light.

We must also remember that the light comes from within

the darkness.


All experience is what it is, we must learn not to

judge, merely educate ourselves and decide which

direction we wish to move in.


Suffering is a condition of the human mind and heart,

self created, God does not create the suffering.


That is why to channel pure god energy we must lose

those lower parts of our miscreations or else they

will distort the energy.

The energy is still divine, but we can distort it as

we can distort all things with our powerful emotions

and ego.


Love Elektra x x x




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I loved reading this post, because I was able to feel

as though seeing where you've been, as I read your words.

I have a little knowledge of what happens and my little

understanding of how and why 'bad' things happen when we stop

following the safeties. I will share it with you now.

It is a bit of a long story.


I activated Kundalini many years ago, without any knowledge of

Kundalini what so ever. I received the guidance through prayer,

meditation, and insight from out of body experiences.

I prayed much at that time in my life. It was all I did with my free

time, and I had a very tight ab area, just from saying the rosary and

praying freely so often. That was all I knew to be along the lines of

waling with God. The guidance I received was to make a list of

everyone I have ever known in my life, and pray for them. I was to ask

their forgiveness in my mind, and with my mind tell them I forgive

them. I felt the need to try to get a feel for what kind of help and

healing they needed, and to pray for it. I did this every day.

I also was prompted to create a prayer box, and place it at my place

of work and pray for everyone's intentions. I was given the

understanding that I had come so far, that this was the only way to

get any further. I began to thirst for God and the Holy Spirit, and I

was in tears and miserable until the moment I stepped foot in church

and felt the presence. I went as far as telling my boyfriend that I

needed to take part in communion and I couldn't do so if we were

intimate, because we were not married..and I had to have the

Eucharist, I couldn't live happily without every aspect of God that I

could find. I told his that we could no longer be intimate if I were

to do this properly. He agreed with me. I advanced so much in the

spirit, that year. I had previously been a very cold hearted young

woman, filled with anger and resentment. I would drink a lot and I

felt as if I had no conscience and no soul. In one year, I transformed

my life into someone that no one recognized. Mike was filled with

wonder, and he felt so happy to know me, and so privileged to be

near to me.


The spiritual practices I utilized, were like unto the safeties.

One day I let darkness seep in, by allowing myself to become anxious

and afraid.


What happened was that I began choosing what 'I' wanted, and ignoring

what 'I' really needed. 'I' wanted to sleep late and be lazy.

And so I did. I did, and little by little I stopped making time for

which to follow the forgiving and loving and praying practices.

Slowly, all of my peace drifted away.

I became an anxious person, and I always felt as though I was trying

to keep my head above water. I always felt like I was being sucked

under by something which was swallowing up my life from the very

depths of my soul..extracting everything, and leaving me void.

I believe that it was the darkness, which was allowed by me to seep

in. I tried many times, to fall back in line, but by then, I felt I

had separated into two. The spiritually advanced 'me', and a 'me' who

was light a black whole; unable to grab a hold of the 'me' who had

walked in the light, I felt as though I was on an ongoing downward

spiral. I became a person who was late for everything, and always in a

panic trying to get there on time. It was my own doing, because I gave

up the spiritual advancedness which I had given up all of 'me' to

achieve. It seemed as though the spiritual advancedness which I had

allowed to become me, took 'me' with it when I allowed it to leave,

and the 'I' which was left, was as a souless being.


Now it is years later.

I found this group and began carefully reading, when oneday it all

clicked in my mind, that I could get all of 'me' back if I could

reativate what I now know to be my Kundalini energy.

Before my first Shaktipat even began, my Kundalini became awakened,

just through practice of the safeites and wishing and hoping and

wanting it so badly, and feeling the Kundalini energy through posts on

the site.

That was my happiest day, when I became reactivated.

I felt better than a million dollars that day.

All of my pain left me. I found peace, and I felt as though the two

parts of me had finally come back together.


I am still having hard time staying focussed, with the practices..but

I'm forcing myself, when I need to.

I noticed something recently;

I noticed that I need to do the Tibetans at the same time each day.

Last Shaktipat, I wasn't kkeping a good routine.

I could've been waking up early, and doing them in the morning.

Instead, I was doing them all at once at night, and doing the chakra

meditatons then, too. It was a struggle for time, and it made me

nervous. I also noticed that when I did them at night, I had the

deepest, most incredibly peaceful sleep, but then all the next day, I

was not totally feeling innerpeace and joy..and my digestive system

was a little out of wack. Whan I would do it all in the morning, I

had incredible peace all day long, and I could take anyone's anxiety

away, just by my own peace and loving vibes..and my digestive system

was working perfectly.


Now I've been doing them in the morning, but one day I did them at

night instead. That day I felt dizzy, like part of me was falling and

falling and falling..down,down,down- all day long.

It was defintely my nudge to keep doing them in the morning, cause my

mind body and soul need it to feel completely balanced.


This is my own experience. I feel as though it says in summary, that

if you choose to become a higher form of you and then you choose to

throw it all away..part of you will go with it.


I hope that helps your understanding, without scaring you.

We are all so very different in our experience with life, that

some of us may need the light to pull us through different paths in

order for us to learn what we need for our progress of mind, body and


With much love,






, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Chrism


> Thanks so much for your response.

> I really appreciate it. (also I really needed it)


> Also I am so sorry that you have been through the hard way of



> I have read some accounts of really bad experiences of K. and I

just can't believe it can happen!


> Most of all I don't understand why do they happen, if it is

supposed to be a God energy.


> Personally I haven't felt anything like that, maybe because I have

always thought that the K energy is something sacred, sacred as God

is, and God does not let anyone to be harm. And as I always think that

its the power of God, I haven't had the tiniest idea of all that you

are saying and of what I have read also in other places, although it

says that they are very rare symptoms.


> It makes me think a lot of things, like if I wanted to be in any

religion, for example, and the priest would tell me that if I don't

obey, I can be crazy, or suicidal, or very sick, or even death, that

would scare me a lot, and that would make me think, where is God ? so

I would run away from that religion brutally scared ! (in my opinion)


> In Shamanism there are some shamans that warns people that they

can be near death, before they get in, although I don't agree with

these shamans, they have some true, (I was called to shamanism in this

way, I was near death 3 months before getting inside the Shaman way)

although Ross Heaven states clearly that this is not a rule, but this

can happens, and I am here to state it. He sees this procedure as a

" call " from the ancestral shamans. The " serpent " in shamanism is the

telluric force that rise, and that the shaman has to control, and its

very dangerous, one has to be a super shaman to control this energy

and is considered an energy of the earth, but it does not arise inside

us but outside (as far as I have understood)


> You are very right in put your safeties, if you have seen all

this, and I am so sorry of having misunderstood your safeties, it was

pure ignorance from my side, as long as I am being aware of all this

bad effects.


> I didn't want to say that you are a fear pormoter, but I had to be

honest, cause I was scared when I read them, and then I began to

search the bad experiences in another places and I couldn't believe it.


> I still do not understand why an energy of God, makes all these

bad side effects???

> I am trying hard to understand, cause I believe that light is

light, and light has no room for darkness, as far as I understand the

God Love.


> Can this be a path similar to Shamanism? cause in shamanism one

can be hurt if one is not in alertness.


> I have felt the " serpent " in shamanism, but outside of me, and

inside, I have felt, something that was like waving up from my feet to

head, but I was never afraid of this feeling inside my body, but

sometimes got scared of the " serpent " when it is outside, cause it

makes a lot of noises, steps, cracks, talkings, invisible shamans

singing, and many other things, and in this you are right, cause if

the shaman has fear, the serpent amplifys everything, so one has to be

as strong as rocks, Once I was scared of rats, and then I was hearing

the serpent energy as rats crawling all over my meditation room! so I

immediately asked for help, and another shaman told me to shape shift

my way of perception of the energy, so immediately I shape shifted

this, you are very right, everything is in our mind. The mind is

capable of materialize everything even our worst nightmare if we are

not strong to defeat it, and we defeat it with strenght of mind,

knowledge, and most of all when one

> knows that most of the effects of the serpent is our hidden fears.

Once we defeat the serpent, we can communicate with spirits. I don't

know if you have seen the effects of the K energy, as you call it,

from outside your body? This has a tremendous force, and its extremely

dangerous if the shaman is not strong. As long as I can see the K

energy is like the shamanism, but instead of outside, it rises from

inside, isn't it ? is this a way to talk to God or spirits ? or just

to heal ?


> Well I need to know all this, cause I was thinking that it was

God's energy and if it is like the shamanism, one has to control this

energy, and of course if it is the same as the serpent, as you said

before, one has to be prepared.


> I have felt this energy inside me, and has been very kind and

sweet with me, I would like to know when is when one knows that the K

energy has totally aroused ? I mean what are the symptoms, when one is

ready ?


> I am very grateful with you, and I ask your forgiveness because I

have misunderstood everything.


> Thank you very much.


> Blessings

> Ady






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That was nice to read Tara.... Thanks!


Blessings to you and all the group..



-------------- Original message --------------

" Tara " <tjmassage7777


I loved reading this post, because I was able to feel

as though seeing where you've been, as I read your words.

I have a little knowledge of what happens and my little

understanding of how and why 'bad' things happen when we stop

following the safeties. I will share it with you now.

It is a bit of a long story.


I activated Kundalini many years ago, without any knowledge of

Kundalini what so ever. I received the guidance through prayer,

meditation, and insight from out of body experiences.

I prayed much at that time in my life. It was all I did with my free

time, and I had a very tight ab area, just from saying the rosary and

praying freely so often. That was all I knew to be along the lines of

waling with God. The guidance I received was to make a list of

everyone I have ever known in my life, and pray for them. I was to ask

their forgiveness in my mind, and with my mind tell them I forgive

them. I felt the need to try to get a feel for what kind of help and

healing they needed, and to pray for it. I did this every day.

I also was prompted to create a prayer box, and place it at my place

of work and pray for everyone's intentions. I was given the

understanding that I had come so far, that this was the only way to

get any further. I began to thirst for God and the Holy Spirit, and I

was in tears and miserable until the moment I stepped foot in church

and felt the presence. I went as far as telling my boyfriend that I

needed to take part in communion and I couldn't do so if we were

intimate, because we were not married..and I had to have the

Eucharist, I couldn't live happily without every aspect of God that I

could find. I told his that we could no longer be intimate if I were

to do this properly. He agreed with me. I advanced so much in the

spirit, that year. I had previously been a very cold hearted young

woman, filled with anger and resentment. I would drink a lot and I

felt as if I had no conscience and no soul. In one year, I transformed

my life into someone that no one recognized. Mike was filled with

wonder, and he felt so happy to know me, and so privileged to be

near to me.


The spiritual practices I utilized, were like unto the safeties.

One day I let darkness seep in, by allowing myself to become anxious

and afraid.


What happened was that I began choosing what 'I' wanted, and ignoring

what 'I' really needed. 'I' wanted to sleep late and be lazy.

And so I did. I did, and little by little I stopped making time for

which to follow the forgiving and loving and praying practices.

Slowly, all of my peace drifted away.

I became an anxious person, and I always felt as though I was trying

to keep my head above water. I always felt like I was being sucked

under by something which was swallowing up my life from the very

depths of my soul..extracting everything, and leaving me void.

I believe that it was the darkness, which was allowed by me to seep

in. I tried many times, to fall back in line, but by then, I felt I

had separated into two. The spiritually advanced 'me', and a 'me' who

was light a black whole; unable to grab a hold of the 'me' who had

walked in the light, I felt as though I was on an ongoing downward

spiral. I became a person who was late for everything, and always in a

panic trying to get there on time. It was my own doing, because I gave

up the spiritual advancedness which I had given up all of 'me' to

achieve. It seemed as though the spiritual advancedness which I had

allowed to become me, took 'me' with it when I allowed it to leave,

and the 'I' which was left, was as a souless being.


Now it is years later.

I found this group and began carefully reading, when oneday it all

clicked in my mind, that I could get all of 'me' back if I could

reativate what I now know to be my Kundalini energy.

Before my first Shaktipat even began, my Kundalini became awakened,

just through practice of the safeites and wishing and hoping and

wanting it so badly, and feeling the Kundalini energy through posts on

the site.

That was my happiest day, when I became reactivated.

I felt better than a million dollars that day.

All of my pain left me. I found peace, and I felt as though the two

parts of me had finally come back together.


I am still having hard time staying focussed, with the practices..but

I'm forcing myself, when I need to.

I noticed something recently;

I noticed that I need to do the Tibetans at the same time each day.

Last Shaktipat, I wasn't kkeping a good routine.

I could've been waking up early, and doing them in the morning.

Instead, I was doing them all at once at night, and doing the chakra

meditatons then, too. It was a struggle for time, and it made me

nervous. I also noticed that when I did them at night, I had the

deepest, most incredibly peaceful sleep, but then all the next day, I

was not totally feeling innerpeace and joy..and my digestive system

was a little out of wack. Whan I would do it all in the morning, I

had incredible peace all day long, and I could take anyone's anxiety

away, just by my own peace and loving vibes..and my digestive system

was working perfectly.


Now I've been doing them in the morning, but one day I did them at

night instead. That day I felt dizzy, like part of me was falling and

falling and falling..down,down,down- all day long.

It was defintely my nudge to keep doing them in the morning, cause my

mind body and soul need it to feel completely balanced.


This is my own experience. I feel as though it says in summary, that

if you choose to become a higher form of you and then you choose to

throw it all away..part of you will go with it.


I hope that helps your understanding, without scaring you.

We are all so very different in our experience with life, that

some of us may need the light to pull us through different paths in

order for us to learn what we need for our progress of mind, body and


With much love,



, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Chrism


> Thanks so much for your response.

> I really appreciate it. (also I really needed it)


> Also I am so sorry that you have been through the hard way of



> I have read some accounts of really bad experiences of K. and I

just can't believe it can happen!


> Most of all I don't understand why do they happen, if it is

supposed to be a God energy.


> Personally I haven't felt anything like that, maybe because I have

always thought that the K energy is something sacred, sacred as God

is, and God does not let anyone to be harm. And as I always think that

its the power of God, I haven't had the tiniest idea of all that you

are saying and of what I have read also in other places, although it

says that they are very rare symptoms.


> It makes me think a lot of things, like if I wanted to be in any

religion, for example, and the priest would tell me that if I don't

obey, I can be crazy, or suicidal, or very sick, or even death, that

would scare me a lot, and that would make me think, where is God ? so

I would run away from that religion brutally scared ! (in my opinion)


> In Shamanism there are some shamans that warns people that they

can be near death, before they get in, although I don't agree with

these shamans, they have some true, (I was called to shamanism in this

way, I was near death 3 months before getting inside the Shaman way)

although Ross Heaven states clearly that this is not a rule, but this

can happens, and I am here to state it. He sees this procedure as a

" call " from the ancestral shamans. The " serpent " in shamanism is the

telluric force that rise, and that the shaman has to control, and its

very dangerous, one has to be a super shaman to control this energy

and is considered an energy of the earth, but it does not arise inside

us but outside (as far as I have understood)


> You are very right in put your safeties, if you have seen all

this, and I am so sorry of having misunderstood your safeties, it was

pure ignorance from my side, as long as I am being aware of all this

bad effects.


> I didn't want to say that you are a fear pormoter, but I had to be

honest, cause I was scared when I read them, and then I began to

search the bad experiences in another places and I couldn't believe it.


> I still do not understand why an energy of God, makes all these

bad side effects???

> I am trying hard to understand, cause I believe that light is

light, and light has no room for darkness, as far as I understand the

God Love.


> Can this be a path similar to Shamanism? cause in shamanism one

can be hurt if one is not in alertness.


> I have felt the " serpent " in shamanism, but outside of me, and

inside, I have felt, something that was like waving up from my feet to

head, but I was never afraid of this feeling inside my body, but

sometimes got scared of the " serpent " when it is outside, cause it

makes a lot of noises, steps, cracks, talkings, invisible shamans

singing, and many other things, and in this you are right, cause if

the shaman has fear, the serpent amplifys everything, so one has to be

as strong as rocks, Once I was scared of rats, and then I was hearing

the serpent energy as rats crawling all over my meditation room! so I

immediately asked for help, and another shaman told me to shape shift

my way of perception of the energy, so immediately I shape shifted

this, you are very right, everything is in our mind. The mind is

capable of materialize everything even our worst nightmare if we are

not strong to defeat it, and we defeat it with strenght of mind,

knowledge, and most of all when one

> knows that most of the effects of the serpent is our hidden fears.

Once we defeat the serpent, we can communicate with spirits. I don't

know if you have seen the effects of the K energy, as you call it,

from outside your body? This has a tremendous force, and its extremely

dangerous if the shaman is not strong. As long as I can see the K

energy is like the shamanism, but instead of outside, it rises from

inside, isn't it ? is this a way to talk to God or spirits ? or just

to heal ?


> Well I need to know all this, cause I was thinking that it was

God's energy and if it is like the shamanism, one has to control this

energy, and of course if it is the same as the serpent, as you said

before, one has to be prepared.


> I have felt this energy inside me, and has been very kind and

sweet with me, I would like to know when is when one knows that the K

energy has totally aroused ? I mean what are the symptoms, when one is

ready ?


> I am very grateful with you, and I ask your forgiveness because I

have misunderstood everything.


> Thank you very much.


> Blessings

> Ady






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Just a few comments I wanted to make on this. IMHO, we don't " control "

the energy of the Kundalini, it is rather the opposite! We must also

keep in mind the human condition. We are conditioned from birth to

conform to society and for a time we " lose " our gifts and abilities

that don't fit in. We have forgotten how to hold the energy of the

Kundalini and have to relearn and be rewired. It IS God's energy, but

we must make our vessel worthy of it.




, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Chrism


> Thanks so much for your response.

> I really appreciate it. (also I really needed it)


> Also I am so sorry that you have been through the hard way of



> I have read some accounts of really bad experiences of K. and I

just can't believe it can happen!


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Amen, Amen and Amen


Very wise words...Sarita



, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> Just a few comments I wanted to make on this. IMHO, we

don't " control "

> the energy of the Kundalini, it is rather the opposite! We must


> keep in mind the human condition. We are conditioned from birth


> conform to society and for a time we " lose " our gifts and


> that don't fit in. We have forgotten how to hold the energy of


> Kundalini and have to relearn and be rewired. It IS God's energy,


> we must make our vessel worthy of it.


> Sarita


> , red buffalo

> <redbffl@> wrote:

> >

> > Chrism

> >

> > Thanks so much for your response.

> > I really appreciate it. (also I really needed it)

> >

> > Also I am so sorry that you have been through the hard way of

> Koundalini.

> >

> > I have read some accounts of really bad experiences of K. and


> just can't believe it can happen!

> >


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And again...AMEN!

I'm going to remember that one, Sarita.

It speaks right to my stubborn humanness.

Thanks and more thanks to you!

From my understanding, we are to be like

unto a power line, connected to the main source of energy.

We must utilize the safeties in order to keep our connection,

and by keeping our connection- the main energy is able to come through and

nourish our Kundalini. We must utilize this method, to keep our Kundalini

in a constant bath of light, so that it will grow and mature properly.

Once it is trained up, it feels as though it takes over us.

That's why it's so important to stay connected, so that it is a good and pure

energy which 'takes over' not a selfish and tainted energy.







, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> Just a few comments I wanted to make on this. IMHO, we

don't " control "

> the energy of the Kundalini, it is rather the opposite! We must


> keep in mind the human condition. We are conditioned from birth


> conform to society and for a time we " lose " our gifts and


> that don't fit in. We have forgotten how to hold the energy of


> Kundalini and have to relearn and be rewired. It IS God's energy,


> we must make our vessel worthy of it.


> Sarita


> , red buffalo

> <redbffl@> wrote:

> >

> > Chrism

> >

> > Thanks so much for your response.

> > I really appreciate it. (also I really needed it)

> >

> > Also I am so sorry that you have been through the hard way of

> Koundalini.

> >

> > I have read some accounts of really bad experiences of K. and


> just can't believe it can happen!

> >









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Reminds me of a story! lol! Not a true story, by the



An orchestra was getting ready to perform. It was time

to tune the instruments. The musicians started tuning

according to the person next to them. When it was time

to perform, what came out of them was so discordant

and awful. What to do? The conductor brought in a

tuning fork and told them to attune themselves to it.

Amazingly everyone was now also in tune with each

other, and the music lifted them all into orbit.


True spiritual " tuning forks " can be hard to find. I

believe the Safeties take us there and help us to

attune ourselves to the true notes. When we reach the

perfect frequencies so much can open to us as we are

then attuned to that plane. My take. Love, dhyana



--- tara jacoby <tjmassage7777 wrote:


> And again...AMEN!

> I'm going to remember that one, Sarita.

> It speaks right to my stubborn humanness.

> Thanks and more thanks to you!

> From my understanding, we are to be like

> unto a power line, connected to the main source of

> energy.

> We must utilize the safeties in order to keep our

> connection,

> and by keeping our connection- the main energy is

> able to come through and nourish our Kundalini. We

> must utilize this method, to keep our Kundalini

> in a constant bath of light, so that it will grow

> and mature properly.

> Once it is trained up, it feels as though it takes

> over us.

> That's why it's so important to stay connected, so

> that it is a good and pure energy which 'takes over'

> not a selfish and tainted energy.

> Love,

> Tara





> --- In

> ,

> " Sarita "

> <sarita1969 wrote:

> >

> > Just a few comments I wanted to make on this.

> IMHO, we

> don't " control "

> > the energy of the Kundalini, it is rather the

> opposite! We must

> also

> > keep in mind the human condition. We are

> conditioned from birth

> to

> > conform to society and for a time we " lose " our

> gifts and

> abilities

> > that don't fit in. We have forgotten how to hold

> the energy of

> the

> > Kundalini and have to relearn and be rewired. It

> IS God's energy,

> but

> > we must make our vessel worthy of it.

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > --- In

> , red

> buffalo

> > <redbffl@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Chrism

> > >

> > > Thanks so much for your response.

> > > I really appreciate it. (also I really needed

> it)

> > >

> > > Also I am so sorry that you have been through

> the hard way of

> > Koundalini.

> > >

> > > I have read some accounts of really bad

> experiences of K. and

> I

> > just can't believe it can happen!

> > >

> >


> Luggage? GPS? Comic books?

> Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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How beautiful! I love that story.

Thanks, Dhyana!

Much love to you,



novalees <Novalees wrote: Reminds me of

a story! lol! Not a true story, by the



An orchestra was getting ready to perform. It was time

to tune the instruments. The musicians started tuning

according to the person next to them. When it was time

to perform, what came out of them was so discordant

and awful. What to do? The conductor brought in a

tuning fork and told them to attune themselves to it.

Amazingly everyone was now also in tune with each

other, and the music lifted them all into orbit.


True spiritual " tuning forks " can be hard to find. I

believe the Safeties take us there and help us to

attune ourselves to the true notes. When we reach the

perfect frequencies so much can open to us as we are

then attuned to that plane. My take. Love, dhyana


--- tara jacoby <tjmassage7777 wrote:


> And again...AMEN!

> I'm going to remember that one, Sarita.

> It speaks right to my stubborn humanness.

> Thanks and more thanks to you!

> From my understanding, we are to be like

> unto a power line, connected to the main source of

> energy.

> We must utilize the safeties in order to keep our

> connection,

> and by keeping our connection- the main energy is

> able to come through and nourish our Kundalini. We

> must utilize this method, to keep our Kundalini

> in a constant bath of light, so that it will grow

> and mature properly.

> Once it is trained up, it feels as though it takes

> over us.

> That's why it's so important to stay connected, so

> that it is a good and pure energy which 'takes over'

> not a selfish and tainted energy.

> Love,

> Tara





> --- In

> ,

> " Sarita "

> <sarita1969 wrote:

> >

> > Just a few comments I wanted to make on this.

> IMHO, we

> don't " control "

> > the energy of the Kundalini, it is rather the

> opposite! We must

> also

> > keep in mind the human condition. We are

> conditioned from birth

> to

> > conform to society and for a time we " lose " our

> gifts and

> abilities

> > that don't fit in. We have forgotten how to hold

> the energy of

> the

> > Kundalini and have to relearn and be rewired. It

> IS God's energy,

> but

> > we must make our vessel worthy of it.

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > --- In

> , red

> buffalo

> > <redbffl@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Chrism

> > >

> > > Thanks so much for your response.

> > > I really appreciate it. (also I really needed

> it)

> > >

> > > Also I am so sorry that you have been through

> the hard way of

> > Koundalini.

> > >

> > > I have read some accounts of really bad

> experiences of K. and

> I

> > just can't believe it can happen!

> > >

> >








> Luggage? GPS? Comic books?

> Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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What a lovely examply Dhyana!




, novalees

<Novalees wrote:


> Reminds me of a story! lol! Not a true story, by the

> way.


> An orchestra was getting ready to perform. It was time

> to tune the instruments. The musicians started tuning

> according to the person next to them. When it was time

> to perform, what came out of them was so discordant

> and awful. What to do? The conductor brought in a

> tuning fork and told them to attune themselves to it.

> Amazingly everyone was now also in tune with each

> other, and the music lifted them all into orbit.


> True spiritual " tuning forks " can be hard to find. I

> believe the Safeties take us there and help us to

> attune ourselves to the true notes. When we reach the

> perfect frequencies so much can open to us as we are

> then attuned to that plane. My take. Love, dhyana

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Thanks a lot for telling me your experience.


I know that once we are in K energy, we cannot leave, is like in shamanism.


I think all the bad effects are created by our minds, cause the moment we let

fear or anxiety to let in, we are in a bad condition, this happens also in

shamanism, spiritism, and many things.


What I understood is that we have to be very clear in our mind, not letting

ourselves be in fear, or any other situation that can harm our path.


Since I got into shamanism, I began to feel this sensation of crawling up, at

the beginning I tought it was part of the shaman way, but later I knew it was

Kundalini energy, it arised alone in my body, without searching this way, it was

till now, that I began to search this path, but I have felt this energy years



So I can think that this energy arises alone, and without even let us know

what is happening. The good thing was that I was never afraid of if, I

considered the K an energy of a very loving nature, even when I was not aware

what it was.


So we must keep off fear and anxiety, or bad toughts. Many people have felt

this energy and they don't know what it is, I know many people that feels this

crowling sensation, and follow their own path with love and without knowing what

it is.










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I know that the energy contols us not the opposite, but the energy is flexible

not inflexible.

Of course its God's energy, and our " vessels " are also make with God energy

and into the God's plans. If you consider that our vessels are not worthy, you

are considering that God is not worthy, cause we are God's work, different

colors, tastes, but all of us are " from God " if you exclude what you consider

not worthy, you are excluding God (this is where Ego gets in us)









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Dearest Ady -

I am fairly new to this Kundalini experience, mine activated in June. At the

time I had no idea, never heard of it, and I was scare to death. I posted my

journal journey, if you read it you will see what I went through. Much of what

I kept writing was all the fears I was experiencing, after surfing the web and

finding answers I also developed even more fears for what I was reading was not

what I wanted to experience or thought it could possibly happen to me.

It was through the discovery of this group and the immense support and Love from

this group and specially from I completely surrendered to Kundalini. Once

I surrendered I was able to experience the Love in the activation and all my

fears vanished. I have never ever experienced any bad effects other than the

initial fear I felt out of ignorance. I welcomed Kundalini knowing that I am

Loved and in good hands, indeed.

Much Love for you,



red buffalo <redbffl wrote: Tara


Thanks a lot for telling me your experience.


I know that once we are in K energy, we cannot leave, is like in shamanism.













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I agree Ady, we are of God. When we are born, we are perfect but as

we conform to society we destroy our natural gifts and our bodies and

they are no longer able to hold God energy. That is why many of us

are here relearning it imho.


As far as the K goes, I feel it is flexible - to a point. Shakti is

like our parent. She corrects us when we are doing wrong, is gentle

but firm and rewards us for doing right.


These are simply my observations, they may be different for others.




, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Sarita


> I know that the energy contols us not the opposite, but the

energy is flexible not inflexible.

> Of course its God's energy, and our " vessels " are also make with

God energy and into the God's plans. If you consider that our vessels

are not worthy, you are considering that God is not worthy,

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Hi, Ady!


I believe what Sarita is referring to when she says that our vessels must be

worthy is the rewiring process that the K makes on our bodies as we awaken so

that we can physically handle--literally--the powerful K energy. As humans, we

are indeed 'pieces of God' and we are worthy of life and love and the full human

experience...just as you say. Kundalini takes us a step beyond and above our

human-ness, so to speak, and our human bodies (all 5 bodies, as says)

have to be refined so that we can handle the 'indwelling of the holy spirit',

the 'holy fire' of Kundalini.


Blessings & love, Ady,



red buffalo <redbffl wrote:



I know that the energy contols us not the opposite, but the energy is flexible

not inflexible.

Of course its God's energy, and our " vessels " are also make with God energy and

into the God's plans. If you consider that our vessels are not worthy, you are

considering that God is not worthy, cause we are God's work, different colors,

tastes, but all of us are " from God " if you exclude what you consider not

worthy, you are excluding God (this is where Ego gets in us)







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Sarita, I think that society have destroyed our natural gifts, and with the K

energy we retrieve again our powers, we can awaken in many ways, but the K

method its a beautiful one.

zeitgeistmovie.com its a film that shows us perfectly how we have been totally

destroyed by our own society, it worths the 2 hours of the movie.


I also feel that Shakti is like a parent (I call her mother Shakti) and that

she is so protective, flexible, but also she watches over our own growing

process, when I need to eat some kind of food, and I don't listen, I feel very

terrible, like the Tapioca, I got terrible if I don't eat Tapioca at least twice

a week, when I eat it all my nervous system calms down.









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Yes Ady, I agree with all you have said here! I have also

been " corrected " when indulging, lol. My diet has become a heck of a

lot healthier since Shakti entered the picture. If I have even a

hint of caffeine nowadays, my heart goes a pounding!


I have not watched that movie yet, but it is on my looooong To Do





, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Sarita, I think that society have destroyed our natural gifts, and

with the K energy we retrieve again our powers, we can awaken in many

ways, but the K method its a beautiful one.

> zeitgeistmovie.com its a film that shows us perfectly how we have

been totally destroyed by our own society, it worths the 2 hours of

the movie.


> I also feel that Shakti is like a parent (I call her mother

Shakti) and that she is so protective, flexible, but also she watches

over our own growing process, when I need to eat some kind of food,

and I don't listen, I feel very terrible, like the Tapioca, I got

terrible if I don't eat Tapioca at least twice a week, when I eat it

all my nervous system calms down.


> Adri



> Adriana.




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Hey, Sarita


I also agree with you, I don't know if I have been " corrected " but I feel that

if I don't eat what I need to eat, I feel terrible, I can't live without the

Tapioca, I don't know why, and sometimes it causes me diarrhea, but the need to

eat it is stronger.

I still drink caffeine (coke) but I'm changing all my diet little by little.










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I come from a place, where huge quantities of Tapioca is cultivated and

consumed. First thing, Tapioca is excessively starchy and not good for health.

Second thing, Tapioca contains some mildly toxic substances. Boiling and

draining the water will solve this problem. Sprouted grains, eaten raw is

considered a 'Sathwic' food fit for Ascetics.




red buffalo <redbffl wrote: Hey, Sarita


I also agree with you, I don't know if I have been " corrected " but I feel

that if I don't eat what I need to eat, I feel terrible, I can't live without

the Tapioca, I don't know why, and sometimes it causes me diarrhea, but the need

to eat it is stronger.

I still drink caffeine (coke) but I'm changing all my diet little by little.







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Hi Ady! I gave up the Coke after a long battle, lol. I now drink

mostly water, something I have always hated, but mysteriously

developed a taste for recently. I no longer consume any caffeine

products and if I do, I get palpitations.


You'll get there Ady. It took me about 4-5 months.




, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Hey, Sarita


> I also agree with you, I don't know if I have been " corrected "

but I feel that if I don't eat what I need to eat, I feel terrible, I

can't live without the Tapioca, I don't know why, and sometimes it

causes me diarrhea, but the need to eat it is stronger.

> I still drink caffeine (coke) but I'm changing all my diet little

by little.


> blessings

> Adri



> Adriana.




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Its pretty hard to leave aside the caffeine (coke), maybe with time, but I

have lessen the quantity, before I only drank coke, no water, now I drink 3

cokes and water.









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Yes Ady, it is hard but I think over time you will naturally move

towards this. It happened a little at a time over a few months.

Coke started tasting like battery acid and I now almost exclusively

drink water. My hubby has been looking at me like I have two heads

because I carry water everywhere with me, lol. Then he says " Oh, it

must be the K! Cause I know it's not you! "




, red buffalo

<redbffl wrote:


> Sarita


> Its pretty hard to leave aside the caffeine (coke), maybe with

time, but I have lessen the quantity, before I only drank coke, no

water, now I drink 3 cokes and water.


> Ady



> Adriana.




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