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opinion x2 - Elektra Fire

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Hello Elektra,

Let please please offer my congratulations to you and

my consideration to your friend. I must however state this first to keep

everything legal. So if you will pardon me....(rummaging through files).... a

moment here....let see....ah! here it is ...ok here goes -


" Any advice OR opinion(s) stated by " chrism " , is in no


intended or to be construed or inferred or assumed or accepted as medical advice

or the practice of medicine in any way. Nor is it intended or expected by any

party, reading or informed of this opinion, in any way, to be accepted or

considered, or interpreted as a cure for anything or anyone. is stating

an opinion and any medical need or needs should be taken to a qualified Medical

Doctor or another form of government sponsored and accepted format of

treatment. - " chrism " "


There we are. Where is the lump located and what does it feel like? IE is it a

hard small rock like a small piece of gravel or is it kind of fibrous cyst like

feeling? How long is Elise staying away from UK? Yes I am looking at her. Please

answer my questions and I will tell you what I see. She would be served well by

the ingestion of bitters such as artemensia or wormwood teas. They have them in

China but they call them something else. Lots of carrots if you can find them.

Anyway I will await your response on that.


Yours was a Rachel experience. And yes a healing it was. A Dan tien

excitation. Tell me if it becomes a repeated pattern of experience for you. -




Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

Ok , I need two opinions,

My friend Elise , the lovely lass who has been staying

with me and going through some real healing, has

noticed a lump in her breast.

She wants me to ask advice, is it serious, does she

need to go straight away to a doctors in china?

Or can she wait until she goes back to the uk to get

it checked.

She obviously would prefer to go to a uk doctor and

get an examination but if it's cancer she would go

right now to a chinese hospital.


I think it's probably to do with her recent

breakthroughs and fasting.

But, you can't be too careful.

Thanks, alot.


Also, I have had a weird experience.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit down, I have been

suffering all kinds of fungus breakouts in my body,

had to go on a special diet and was getting a little

sick and tired of it all. I just couldn't see the

upside of having all these fungal problems, I know I

took drugs and anti biotics as a teenager and I'm

still paying for it now. So, I got a little upset with

god and told God, I don't want to go to the doctor and

take anti fungal medicine as it kills all the fungus

off and then I would be open for reinfection unless i

can repopulate my healthy fungus . So, I asked god to

heal me, i told god that deep down I knew i was healed

already and that gods power is the only healing force

i really need.

But, I'm really at my wits end with it now, I don't

want to live my life worrying about every mouthful of

food i eat. Naturally I enjoy a healthy diet and feel

that i don't need to be bullied into making diet

changes, I would rather do it from a healthy body then

a sick one pushiing me into it.

This night I slept, Arch Angel Michael had told me my

prayer was being answered. (I use angel cards to


I woke up this morning at 6am feeling energy in my

stomache, just a really " awake " feeling like i had had

a coffee. I managed to go back to sleep. I later woke

up as my stomache felt so sick, i wanted to throw up,

it lasted about two minutes then went away again. I

slept some more, the same thing then happened. I now

have a feeling like someone punched me in the tummy.

Oh, and I dreamt i was in a hospital taking a child to

have some tests. My friend " Michelle " was outside

(female name for michael).

What was going on? Was it a healing? Am i imagining


what do you think?

Thanks, sorry it's was so long.....

Blessings to you Elektra x x x



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Hi Chrism,

Thanks for getting back to me :)

Elise told me it's a hard lump, non moving, and she is

off to the UK for the first time in 6 years to see her

mum (she has a similar story to me there) she goes on

the 4th May.

She has been a bit anxious about it all, she grew up

in and out of foster care, dad wouldn't let het go to

school, mum had no strength and would blame all the

family troubles on Elise.

She has healed alot and started opening up doorways,

(bless her).

Then the lump appeared.

I have told her about the herbs, we will try to find

them here.


Thankyou for your time.


As for me, I've been sick all day for no reason (not

food poisoning). My complaining last night really

started something off.... I hope it's all good.


Big hug and have a great day,

with love Elektra x x x


--- chrism <> wrote:


> Hello Elektra,

> Let please please offer my

> congratulations to you and my consideration to your

> friend. I must however state this first to keep

> everything legal. So if you will pardon

> me....(rummaging through files).... a moment

> here....let see....ah! here it is ...ok here goes -


> " Any advice OR opinion(s) stated by " chrism "

> , is in no way

> intended or to be construed or inferred or assumed

> or accepted as medical advice

> or the practice of medicine in any way. Nor is it

> intended or expected by any

> party, reading or informed of this opinion, in any

> way, to be accepted or

> considered, or interpreted as a cure for anything or

> anyone. is stating

> an opinion and any medical need or needs should be

> taken to a qualified Medical

> Doctor or another form of government sponsored and

> accepted format of

> treatment. - " chrism " "


> There we are. Where is the lump located and what

> does it feel like? IE is it a hard small rock like a

> small piece of gravel or is it kind of fibrous cyst

> like feeling? How long is Elise staying away from

> UK? Yes I am looking at her. Please answer my

> questions and I will tell you what I see. She would

> be served well by the ingestion of bitters such as

> artemensia or wormwood teas. They have them in China

> but they call them something else. Lots of carrots

> if you can find them. Anyway I will await your

> response on that.


> Yours was a Rachel experience. And yes a healing

> it was. A Dan tien excitation. Tell me if it becomes

> a repeated pattern of experience for you. -




> Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

> Ok , I need two opinions,

> My friend Elise , the lovely lass who has been

> staying

> with me and going through some real healing, has

> noticed a lump in her breast.

> She wants me to ask advice, is it serious, does she

> need to go straight away to a doctors in china?

> Or can she wait until she goes back to the uk to get

> it checked.

> She obviously would prefer to go to a uk doctor and

> get an examination but if it's cancer she would go

> right now to a chinese hospital.


> I think it's probably to do with her recent

> breakthroughs and fasting.

> But, you can't be too careful.

> Thanks, alot.


> Also, I have had a weird experience.

> Yesterday I was feeling a bit down, I have been

> suffering all kinds of fungus breakouts in my body,

> had to go on a special diet and was getting a little

> sick and tired of it all. I just couldn't see the

> upside of having all these fungal problems, I know I

> took drugs and anti biotics as a teenager and I'm

> still paying for it now. So, I got a little upset

> with

> god and told God, I don't want to go to the doctor

> and

> take anti fungal medicine as it kills all the fungus

> off and then I would be open for reinfection unless

> i

> can repopulate my healthy fungus . So, I asked god

> to

> heal me, i told god that deep down I knew i was

> healed

> already and that gods power is the only healing

> force

> i really need.

> But, I'm really at my wits end with it now, I don't

> want to live my life worrying about every mouthful

> of

> food i eat. Naturally I enjoy a healthy diet and

> feel

> that i don't need to be bullied into making diet

> changes, I would rather do it from a healthy body

> then

> a sick one pushiing me into it.

> This night I slept, Arch Angel Michael had told me

> my

> prayer was being answered. (I use angel cards to

> communicate).

> I woke up this morning at 6am feeling energy in my

> stomache, just a really " awake " feeling like i had

> had

> a coffee. I managed to go back to sleep. I later

> woke

> up as my stomache felt so sick, i wanted to throw

> up,

> it lasted about two minutes then went away again. I

> slept some more, the same thing then happened. I now

> have a feeling like someone punched me in the tummy.

> Oh, and I dreamt i was in a hospital taking a child

> to

> have some tests. My friend " Michelle " was outside

> (female name for michael).

> What was going on? Was it a healing? Am i imagining

> it?

> what do you think?

> Thanks, sorry it's was so long.....

> Blessings to you Elektra x x x




> Answers - Got a question? Someone out there

> knows the answer. Try it

> now.

> http://uk.answers./






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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Alright Elektra! YOU go GIRL! Keep the faith! I hope all is well with your

friend Elise as well. It is funny that you posted this and I read it when I

did...had a dream right before I woke up...at a doctors office and sitting at a

students desk, like in an elementary school, taking vials of my blood (I guess

it was mine) and placing them in holders attached to a piece of paper to keep

them together. I remember one vial being missing. I was doing this while I was

waiting to see the doctor for some other sickness, not sure what but not for

results of a mammogram. Anyway, the doctor emerges from the back and walks up

beside me while I am sitting in this desk working on attaching the vials of

blood to the paper. She takes a sheet of paper and places it on the desk as if

she were my teacher instead of a doctor and I see it as being a result sheet of

a breast exam and she is telling me to get reading it. I say " what?! " and she

says get reading and then points at the sheet and at

the right breast on the sheet and then says " read it, it was a near hit miss! "

I question her, " a near hit miss? " and she says yes and as I am asking her what

she means by this I wake up. Anyway, I find it just sort of weird!


Many Blessings Elektra to both you and your dear friend! You are both in my






chrism <> wrote:

Hello Elektra,

Let please please offer my congratulations to you and my consideration to your

friend. I must however state this first to keep everything legal. So if you will

pardon me....(rummaging through files).... a moment here....let see....ah! here

it is ...ok here goes -


" Any advice OR opinion(s) stated by " chrism " , is in no way

intended or to be construed or inferred or assumed or accepted as medical advice

or the practice of medicine in any way. Nor is it intended or expected by any

party, reading or informed of this opinion, in any way, to be accepted or

considered, or interpreted as a cure for anything or anyone. is stating

an opinion and any medical need or needs should be taken to a qualified Medical

Doctor or another form of government sponsored and accepted format of

treatment. - " chrism " "


There we are. Where is the lump located and what does it feel like? IE is it a

hard small rock like a small piece of gravel or is it kind of fibrous cyst like

feeling? How long is Elise staying away from UK? Yes I am looking at her. Please

answer my questions and I will tell you what I see. She would be served well by

the ingestion of bitters such as artemensia or wormwood teas. They have them in

China but they call them something else. Lots of carrots if you can find them.

Anyway I will await your response on that.


Yours was a Rachel experience. And yes a healing it was. A Dan tien excitation.

Tell me if it becomes a repeated pattern of experience for you. - blessings -




Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

Ok , I need two opinions,

My friend Elise , the lovely lass who has been staying

with me and going through some real healing, has

noticed a lump in her breast.

She wants me to ask advice, is it serious, does she

need to go straight away to a doctors in china?

Or can she wait until she goes back to the uk to get

it checked.

She obviously would prefer to go to a uk doctor and

get an examination but if it's cancer she would go

right now to a chinese hospital.


I think it's probably to do with her recent

breakthroughs and fasting.

But, you can't be too careful.

Thanks, alot.


Also, I have had a weird experience.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit down, I have been

suffering all kinds of fungus breakouts in my body,

had to go on a special diet and was getting a little

sick and tired of it all. I just couldn't see the

upside of having all these fungal problems, I know I

took drugs and anti biotics as a teenager and I'm

still paying for it now. So, I got a little upset with

god and told God, I don't want to go to the doctor and

take anti fungal medicine as it kills all the fungus

off and then I would be open for reinfection unless i

can repopulate my healthy fungus . So, I asked god to

heal me, i told god that deep down I knew i was healed

already and that gods power is the only healing force

i really need.

But, I'm really at my wits end with it now, I don't

want to live my life worrying about every mouthful of

food i eat. Naturally I enjoy a healthy diet and feel

that i don't need to be bullied into making diet

changes, I would rather do it from a healthy body then

a sick one pushiing me into it.

This night I slept, Arch Angel Michael had told me my

prayer was being answered. (I use angel cards to


I woke up this morning at 6am feeling energy in my

stomache, just a really " awake " feeling like i had had

a coffee. I managed to go back to sleep. I later woke

up as my stomache felt so sick, i wanted to throw up,

it lasted about two minutes then went away again. I

slept some more, the same thing then happened. I now

have a feeling like someone punched me in the tummy.

Oh, and I dreamt i was in a hospital taking a child to

have some tests. My friend " Michelle " was outside

(female name for michael).

What was going on? Was it a healing? Am i imagining


what do you think?

Thanks, sorry it's was so long.....

Blessings to you Elektra x x x



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Hard small lumps are an indication of possible problems. I have seen dark spots

on the interior of the breast. Last night as I looked I could feel some issues

but I am not convinced it is cancerous. Breast cancers have been seen to respond

to the bitter herbs and this is what the Chinese Doctors will often prescribe.

They taste bad but do have a good track record in the shrinking of tumors. We

are not yet clear as to what Elise has and even if it is problematic. These

suggestions are for the side of caution. Not to be understood as a diagnosis.-



Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote: Hi Chrism,

Thanks for getting back to me :)

Elise told me it's a hard lump, non moving, and she is

off to the UK for the first time in 6 years to see her

mum (she has a similar story to me there) she goes on

the 4th May.

She has been a bit anxious about it all, she grew up

in and out of foster care, dad wouldn't let het go to

school, mum had no strength and would blame all the

family troubles on Elise.

She has healed alot and started opening up doorways,

(bless her).

Then the lump appeared.

I have told her about the herbs, we will try to find

them here.


Thankyou for your time.


As for me, I've been sick all day for no reason (not

food poisoning). My complaining last night really

started something off.... I hope it's all good.


Big hug and have a great day,

with love Elektra x x x


--- chrism <> wrote:


> Hello Elektra,

> Let please please offer my

> congratulations to you and my consideration to your

> friend. I must however state this first to keep

> everything legal. So if you will pardon

> me....(rummaging through files).... a moment

> here....let see....ah! here it is ...ok here goes -


> " Any advice OR opinion(s) stated by " chrism "

> , is in no way

> intended or to be construed or inferred or assumed

> or accepted as medical advice

> or the practice of medicine in any way. Nor is it

> intended or expected by any

> party, reading or informed of this opinion, in any

> way, to be accepted or

> considered, or interpreted as a cure for anything or

> anyone. is stating

> an opinion and any medical need or needs should be

> taken to a qualified Medical

> Doctor or another form of government sponsored and

> accepted format of

> treatment. - " chrism " "


> There we are. Where is the lump located and what

> does it feel like? IE is it a hard small rock like a

> small piece of gravel or is it kind of fibrous cyst

> like feeling? How long is Elise staying away from

> UK? Yes I am looking at her. Please answer my

> questions and I will tell you what I see. She would

> be served well by the ingestion of bitters such as

> artemensia or wormwood teas. They have them in China

> but they call them something else. Lots of carrots

> if you can find them. Anyway I will await your

> response on that.


> Yours was a Rachel experience. And yes a healing

> it was. A Dan tien excitation. Tell me if it becomes

> a repeated pattern of experience for you. -




> Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

> Ok , I need two opinions,

> My friend Elise , the lovely lass who has been

> staying

> with me and going through some real healing, has

> noticed a lump in her breast.

> She wants me to ask advice, is it serious, does she

> need to go straight away to a doctors in china?

> Or can she wait until she goes back to the uk to get

> it checked.

> She obviously would prefer to go to a uk doctor and

> get an examination but if it's cancer she would go

> right now to a chinese hospital.


> I think it's probably to do with her recent

> breakthroughs and fasting.

> But, you can't be too careful.

> Thanks, alot.


> Also, I have had a weird experience.

> Yesterday I was feeling a bit down, I have been

> suffering all kinds of fungus breakouts in my body,

> had to go on a special diet and was getting a little

> sick and tired of it all. I just couldn't see the

> upside of having all these fungal problems, I know I

> took drugs and anti biotics as a teenager and I'm

> still paying for it now. So, I got a little upset

> with

> god and told God, I don't want to go to the doctor

> and

> take anti fungal medicine as it kills all the fungus

> off and then I would be open for reinfection unless

> i

> can repopulate my healthy fungus . So, I asked god

> to

> heal me, i told god that deep down I knew i was

> healed

> already and that gods power is the only healing

> force

> i really need.

> But, I'm really at my wits end with it now, I don't

> want to live my life worrying about every mouthful

> of

> food i eat. Naturally I enjoy a healthy diet and

> feel

> that i don't need to be bullied into making diet

> changes, I would rather do it from a healthy body

> then

> a sick one pushiing me into it.

> This night I slept, Arch Angel Michael had told me

> my

> prayer was being answered. (I use angel cards to

> communicate).

> I woke up this morning at 6am feeling energy in my

> stomache, just a really " awake " feeling like i had

> had

> a coffee. I managed to go back to sleep. I later

> woke

> up as my stomache felt so sick, i wanted to throw

> up,

> it lasted about two minutes then went away again. I

> slept some more, the same thing then happened. I now

> have a feeling like someone punched me in the tummy.

> Oh, and I dreamt i was in a hospital taking a child

> to

> have some tests. My friend " Michelle " was outside

> (female name for michael).

> What was going on? Was it a healing? Am i imagining

> it?

> what do you think?

> Thanks, sorry it's was so long.....

> Blessings to you Elektra x x x




> Answers - Got a question? Someone out there

> knows the answer. Try it

> now.

> http://uk.answers./






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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