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Why Activate Kundalini?

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Well, for my part (being pre-K if you will), I'm looking for a real, inward

path, instead of paying $29.95 per month for the rest of my life to some

self appointed " guru " that probably doesn't really know any more than

myself. The search that I've done has brought me here, and I'm beginning to

mentally position myself for change. I don't know for sure that Kundalini

is my path, but I have more of a feeling that a path is indeed there (vs in

the past), so I'm hopeful that a way for me will be shown.


> " chrism " <>



> Why Activate Kundalini?

>Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:46:22 -0000


>With all the many and different New Age and Old Age, hard and soft

>core belief systems and experiences what brings you to the Kundalini?

>Im just curious. -




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You ask why or what brings me to the Kundalini. Well, I am not sure what

brings me to it. I was lead to it when my dad was sick, I was searching for

answers and Kundalini was the furthest thing from what I expected to be lead to.

When I first stumbled on Kundalini, I just keep ignoring it, I wouldn't even

read about it. I keep telling myself that I didn't want to know about that, that

wasn't what I was looking for and I continued to search. Well I not only

continued to search, but I also continued to be lead back to Kundalini so I read

just a little and to be honest it SCARED me so I once again turned away from it

trying to ignore it. Then one day I stumbled on the

Group.... I read your introduction and something

inside of me encouraged me to join the group! Of course you can see that I did!

After joining and reading your Seminar site I was still afraid of it, but then I

began reading the posts and even though I wanted more before

joining the group, I began having this hunger for more knowledge. Knowledge of

Kundalini, knowledge of God, of where I came from, where I am going spiritually,

etc. At this time Kundalini is where I need to be whether I fully activate or

not! I want to know and learn as much as I can about me, about my spiritual

body, my energies, my abilities, I want to learn all that there is to learn and

grow as much spiritually as I can in all aspects of my life, which includes my

physical and spiritual body. I am drawn to a more advanced spiritual growth

than what I might get from going to church. For now this is my path and I will

follow it indefinitely.





chrism <> wrote:

With all the many and different New Age and Old Age, hard and soft

core belief systems and experiences what brings you to the Kundalini?

Im just curious. -








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Increased awareness of and a stronger connection to the Divine

within~~the improvement of my universe from the inside out.


love & light ~Jen~



, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> With all the many and different New Age and Old Age, hard and soft

> core belief systems and experiences what brings you to the Kundalini?

> Im just curious. -


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Big question Chrism!


Like the others I am drawn to seek the truth. I wish to serve others,

become a more loving and better person. I think that's my highest

purpose for being here- spiritual evolution. And in so doing, helping

everyone else who wishes to be helped as well.


Everything in everyway is converging now. I truly believe we are

vibration, we are beings of light and love. Why not try to evolve as

much as possible now towards what we know we really are? Why not

embrace this truth?


The 3-D 'reality' makes a difficult playground for doing this at times.

But somehow I think overcoming the limitations of this allows our

growth to be even more meaningful...


All the best,



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I want to know where it would take me, what everything would be like when I

activate it, and what it will do. It sounds exciting to me, but I should wait

till I better learn how to control my thoughts and practice that with OBE's.






Wednesday, February 7, 2007 2:46:22 AM

Why Activate Kundalini?


With all the many and different New Age and Old Age, hard and soft

core belief systems and experiences what brings you to the Kundalini?

Im just curious. -









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dear chrism.. this is a great question and i'm sure the answers will be quite

varied due to

the fact that some on the list didn't seem to have much of a choice- they were


as for me, the concept of kundalini seems to integrate the duality of body and

soul (spirit

and matter) without the interference of the intellect. true alchemy. there comes

a point in

the life of the soul where one may choose a daily spiritual practice based on

all the

experiences of ones life. i've been aware of the many wonderful spiritual

practices from

different traditions and have searched for a core experience that encompasses


integrates them all. and at this point in the history of the universe (and my

soul), i'd rather

take the elevator rather than the stairs. this presupposes that i've done the

'work' and the

proper research and i hope that i have. karma may be an aspect as well. though

there are

no guarantees, i believe that commitment and focus to one approach is an

essential part of

the process. finally, i met you at the k seminar and was impressed by your


friendly spirit and lack of pretension. you are the real thing and so here i am!

love to all,

-steve f

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Why activate it? My take is that curiosity and the desire to

experiment are not enough to justify the choice. Awakening the K is

not like picking up a hobby that you can quit after a while. IMHO, one

should get on the path only if there is an absolute, single-minded

drive to do so--which is probably kundalini's own calling rather than

the individual's conscious decision.


In my case, I still remember reading my first book about yoga and

kundalini when I was in my late teens. I immediately felt like I had

met a long-lost friend again, and thought " that's it! I need to do this " .


Not that it really worked at the first try, though...



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, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> With all the many and different New Age and Old Age, hard and soft

> core belief systems and experiences what brings you to the Kundalini?

> Im just curious. -


I had my initial 'awakening' at the tender age of fourteen. I was in

the midst of a peer-helping intensive weekend, and we were encouraged

to share something of emotional significance. The intensity of the

group was quite overwhelming (yes, even for teenagers in the Midwest);

in the midst of this, about to articulate my own contribution, I

experienced a profound energy, involuntary shaking, and subsequently a

catharsis and upliftment into a blissful state wherein suddenly and

inexplicably, everything changed; a psychological bound was broken and

I felt an incredible sense of unity and connection, to these people

and " all of us " as a whole.


All the ordinary and arbitrary bounds of

class, personality, and suchlike were dissolved, and evidently I was

babbling platitudes for several minutes. Many in the group felt these

effects and a portion of that same sense of unity. Within a few hours

however, the 'trance' was broken, and reality had re-asserted itself,

the barriers were again in place. With me, though, while the

intensity of the experience did eventually diminish, I could never

look at people in the same manner again. Class and other distinctions

became arbitrary contrivances which I found almost laughable if not

for pity that I felt for those to whom they were unalterable reality.


I would consider that the beginning of my acquaintance with the

transpersonal energy and my first experience of a trans-egoistic state

of awareness. Obviously I didn't have these words at fourteen, nor

any corresponding theoretical background. I just found that something

profound had changed about me; I didn't notice it myself, really, it

was other people that noticed.


Hopefully this bit of indulgence is helpful to someone, it was

interesting for me to revisit, and is my honest answer.


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One of the best questions I've seen on here :)

Thank you Chris for asking this...

2000 I met a girl who was awakened.She didnt have a clue what had

happened to her. At that time I was reading books on yoga. Through my

curiosity and her shared experiences we both discovered the

word " Kundalini " . She felt at peace that this " wonder " , as she used to

call it, actually exist ... I was amazed

Since then I never stopped discovering.It felt like answering the phone

and you recognise a voise from the other end.

I've given up comparing experiences.

I've given up thinking that this path ever ends.

The key word sounding in my mind was " help " ,now slightly is

transforming to " service " .

I've been called again this time around and I know it has happened

before too.

We are all unique walking owr own path of discovery.

I love every moment of it :)

I am sure you do too.







, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> With all the many and different New Age and Old Age, hard and soft

> core belief systems and experiences what brings you to the Kundalini?

> Im just curious. -


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For me... it wasn't really a question of why should I do this. I

didn't make the choice (at least I wasn't aware of the choice) to

activate. Before I started having symptoms I had never heard of

Kundalini. My choice now though is to encourage the activation and

surrender to where It might lead me. I would not change or opt out of

the transformation that is happening to me. I LOVE that I am where I

am today.


Much love to everyone,


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Why...because in the Life of surrender to the Divine

that I've been embracing, it has led me here, pointing

out to me times of encounter with the K energy in the

past, and that the next step for me is to surrender

and embrace what Shakti brings to me in the

Present...the next phase in the unfolding of the

Journey. Love, dhyana



--- chrism <> wrote:


> With all the many and different New Age and Old Age,

> hard and soft

> core belief systems and experiences what brings you

> to the Kundalini?

> Im just curious. -









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Good question.


I've always lived a lifestyle conducive to happiness. Powerful

spiritual experiences have come my way primarily through study, prayer,

listening to spoken word, and service. I even had the energy rushes up

the spine but they'd always stop somewhere and peter out.


Almost a decade ago, I hit a spiritual plateau and made a decision to

tighten the reigns and ride into a more precise pathway to higher



I hadn't heard of kundalini but soon after that intention things

started to unfold for me. When I read about kundalini in a martial arts

book by Glenn Morris, I was very intrigued. Gopi's book scared me a

bit but I didn't believe I would have his experiences if I were to



I finally met Dr. Morris and worked with him for a couple years. He

taught me chi kung meditation and along with Susan Carlson, I got



It wasn't long after that that everything blew wide open. My

experienes continue to amaze me, thrill me, and humble me. Just this

morning I was in tears of joy because of what I was experiencing.


This is certainly my path. But in hindsight, dunno if I found her or

she found me or if she had me all along and prepared me for the past 40



One thing for sure, it's a one-way trip to infinity and I don't have

reigns anymore to ride a precise path except to keep me from making

stupid mistakes. It's all improv with no boundaries or lines.




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Hello Dhyana,

I hope everyone reads your words. The more you surrender

to this process the deeper and more profound the experience becomes. The

surrendering of fears and weakness and ill health and anger is also implied.

Opening to the divine breath as it sweeps up the spine and transforms everything

as it goes and continues to do so for the rest of life and farther. - blessings







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Other than our own personal stories....


Waking up is nothing more than our biological birthright. It is who

we are meant to be. It is stress and other stuff in our lives that

mess things up and block the flow.


I believe it is difficult for some people because K cleans you out

quickly sometimes. That is like a percieved disaster to your

protective ego.


Chrisms safeties are wise because it prepares you for the impending



I sense some people are wide awake but no nothing of kundalini. It's

just how they live their lives. To them it is normal.


Just my thoughts...



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I was thinking about why I activate Kundalini,

and I realised that I feel a responsibilty, a

responsibilty to myself as a being of light, a

responsibilty to mankind to help add light to the


(as I'm not one who likes to let the side


and I feel a responsibilty to God.

Since God has allowed me to be privy to this

information it's my job to put it into action.

Like being a girl scout with a mission to complete.

It's this sense of responsibilty I feel that stops me

giving in to my natural lazy tendancies, I can't let

everyone down.

When I was young I felt no responsibilty or connection

to the oneness and so I became lazy.

When I came to realise that we are all connected I

felt I had everyone else counting on me. It helped me

to gain discipline.


I never really saw this before now, it's a good

understanding of myself.


I want to help everyone and the Kundalini is a sacred

birthright and blessing, it's so wonderful that when I

think about it it makes me very emotional.


Thankyou for helping me complete my mission and

thankyou for adding your light to humanity, it's the

greatest act any human can do to help their brothers

and sisters, I believe that with all my heart.


Much love Elektra x x x





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