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Wendell Berry - Sabbaths 1999, VII

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Here's your Daily Poem from the Poetry Chaikhana --






Sabbaths 1999, VII

By Wendell Berry(1934 - )

Again I resume the longlesson: how small a thingcan be pleasing, how littlein this hard world it takesto satisfy the mindand bring it to its rest.With the ongoing havocthe woods this morning isalmost unnaturally still.Through stalled air, unshadowedlight, a few leaves fallof their own weight.The skyis gray. It begins in mistalmost at the groundand rises forever. The treesrise in silence almostnatural, but not quite,almost eternal, butnot quite.What more did Ithink I wanted? Here iswhat has always been.Here is what will alwaysbe. Even in me,the Maker of all thisreturns in rest, evento the slightest of His works,a yellow leaf slowlyfalling, and is pleased.







-- from Given: Poems, by Wendell Berry

Amazon.com / Photo by Jonathan Gill /






Thought for the Day:

Faith has nothing to do with belief.Faith is surrenderingyour fears and hopesto the Divine Life flowing through you.



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Tree of Life

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Hi Alan -It's been a while since we've had a poem by Wendell Berry. And, yes, maybe this poem is for a misty autumn morning, but it suits a crisp late winter day too...Again I resume the longlesson: how small a thingcan be pleasing...That's the "long lesson," the slow realization of a lifetime lived with attention: the deep satisfaction of simple moments. Grand experiences may serve as important punctuation marks to life, but it is only when we deeply engage with the gentle flow of small events that we come to know our lives. Remember, real magic is hidden; it is hidden in those quiet moments.how littlein this hard world it takesto satisfy the mindand bring it to its rest.And nature is our constant teacher and guide, again and again bringing us back to ourselves.With the ongoing havocthe woods this morning

isalmost unnaturally still.When we walk well among the woods, with the quiet attention that comes only when self is left behind, we glide through the eternal moment.What more did Ithink I wanted? Here iswhat has always been.Here is what will alwaysbe.And we just might come to recognize the Source of "all this" -- right here, within this moment, within our own breast.Even in me,the Maker of all thisreturns in rest...Berry's title tells us this poem is about the Sabbath. He understands the real meaning of the Sabbath. It is not the one day out of seven when one goes to church or synagogue. Sabbath is the living moment of sacred rest. It isn't a question of how often we sit within a steepled hall. Until the mind quiets and comes to rest in the heart, we have not yet honored Sabbath.Have a beautiful Sabbath day!Ivan

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