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OT Sugar, Bad temper

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I'm not sure that meat can cause bad temper, but I know that sugar is a great

behavior modifier.  It is a very adictive substance and requires the typical 2

week detox time just like all adictive substances.  I know I became a b*$ & %@

during my detox.  I have made much health improvements since then including my

eyes have have gone from a -10.00 prescription to a -7.25 since the summer of

2006 and my headaches have gone, plus my A1C has improved greatly.  The eyes

have been the most improvement that my eye doctor couldn't explain with anything

other than the change in processed/refined sugar in my diet.  I do have the

occasional soda, especially when my allergies are flaring because it loosens the

mucus, but other than that, I don't eat candy or other things like that.  I will

make baked goods, but will substitute natural honey or raw sugar as much as

possible and reduce the sugar required since once you remove sugar from your

diet you notice sugar

in your foods more, just like removing salt from your diet.  My mother removed

salt because of her kidneys and she notices salt in foods so much more.  Now if

she could get my father to do the same by throwing out all salt.  We do use

kosher or sea salt as opposed to iodized because it requires much less to do the

same job.  Back to sugar....When I was a nanny in college, I had a child that

was a terror because she was gobbling down sugar at school and crashing when she

got home.  We removed all sugar from her diet and told the school to do the

same.  We saw a dramatic change in her behavior and only allow sweet treats as

dessert with her supper and only in a small serving.  She obviously had a

sensitivity to sugar that caused a major shift in her behavior and her grades in

school as she could now concentrate on her school work more.  She was 8 at the

time and could be reasoned with.  She could see the change in her behavior and


affects, so it wasn't something that had to be argued about after the detox

period which was a fight since we all go through b & ^$% periods in detox.  I also

detoxed off of caffine when I did sugar as caffine has the same affects.  I went

through a long period where I couldn't do either without an instant headache.  I

now can do small doses, especially my morning cup-o-Joe, black!  Only one cup

though, I don't want to be back to where I started.  I hope this helps.


Dena in GA






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