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Ugh... this is a really old, countertop one. I wonder if I should just

replace it.... I wouldn't even know who to call to check it.




On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Mike Christie <mike wrote:




> Audrey,


> It occurred to me that if your exploding squash actually blew open

> the door of the microwave, you should probably have a serviceman out

> to check it for leakage ... just to be safe.


> I haven't made spaghetti squash in ages, but it seemed to me that in

> the past I've steamed it in water on the stove top. Spaghetti squash

> is quite good when cooked thoroughly .... and doesn't explode. :-)

> And probably a whole lot healthier than pasta made with white flour.


> Used to be that when you bought it in the grocery store it usually

> had a sticker with cooking directions. Don't know if that's still the case.


> Mike


> __._,_._





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You can get new microwaves very cheap now, especially if  you find them on

clearance at WM or on black Friday. You would have to take your into a local Mr.

Fixit appliance place for him to check it out, but it would cost you more than

it would to replace it.  Just start checking it our yourself to see if the door

is seated nice and tight when you shut it. Does it wobble any if you try to

wiggle it when you try and jiggle it while closed? If it does, replace it. 

Most likely you need to replace it because those doors shut tightly and the

pressure built up in the unit to blow the door open would have been

siginificant, now that I think about how the doors hook closed.  Just keep your

sharp shopper eyes open and don't use yours anymore than you have to.


Dena in GA

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Any local appliance repair shop can do this for you, but you're

right..a service call could be as much as a new microwave....


At 07:09 PM 11/5/2009, Audrey wrote:

Ugh... this is a really old, countertop one. I wonder if I should just

replace it.... I wouldn't even know who to call to check it.

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