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NEWSTART - an Acronym for Good Health

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NEWSTART - an Acronym for Good Health


N - Nutrition - a diet that is plant based and emphasizes whole and natural

foods. It is naturally higher in fiber, low in fat and cholesterol.


E - Exercise - We are designed to be physically active. Regular exercise in very

effective in combating many health problems, both physical and mental. It

strengthens our immune system, improves circulation and reduces stress.


W - Water - Our bodies are composed mostly of water and virtually every body

function is dependent on water. Drinking 6-8 glasses of WATER per day is

recommended for the average person. Water on the outside of the body may be used

to treat for pain and infection, and is vital for cleansing the skin.


S - Sunshine - Sunshine is one of the healing agents of nature, and is necessary

for strong bones. Just 15 minutes of sunlight can provide the daily requirement

of Vitamin D. Moderation is the key, avoiding sunburn.


T - Temperance - Temperance is having a healthful balance in every area of life.

It involves avoiding that which is harmful and moderation in that which is



A - Air - Air is the body's most frequently needed resource. Living in an

environment where the air quality is good greatly enhances our ability to fight

disease. Breathing deeply of fresh air, outdoor air promotes a good oxygen

supply for the body cells


R - Rest - With proper rest, productivity and disease resistance is increased.

Rest is the great rejuvenator. We need quiet physical relaxation after active

work, vigorous exercise after mental work, and deep restorative sleep.


T - Trust in Divine Power - Trust in God is the most healing component in the

NEWSTART Lifestyle. Stress, fear and anxiety affects the chemistry and function

of every body system. Becoming acquainted with and learning to trust the

Creator God, enhances physical, emotional and spiritual healing.








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