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Tea Drinkers

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It's not strange that you collect consumable souvenirs.  It's better than

bringing back things that can't really be used.  I myself collect different

soaps when I go places.  You tea collection sounds fabulous.





L.B. <elbee577


Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:28:42 PM

Re: Tea Drinkers




    I have a LOT of teas (LOL!)  I tell folks I  " collect " teas whenever we

travel anywhere.

I bring home consumable souvenirs such as teas, home-made soaps, and small bags


jars of dry beans or rice.  Strange, huh>!


    At one time, my tea " collection " filled 2 wide cupboard shelves and I

counted over 100 

different teas and herbal " teas " .  I love flavored black teas, some green teas

and a few " white " tea types and flavors.  I found a flavored recently called

" Cream of Earl Grey " --it had a vanilla and " cream " -like flavor under the

familiar Earl Grey aromatic flavorings.  I like it a lot!


     I also found a wonderful " Plum Oolong " bulk tea quite some time ago from a

Whole Foods--they don't carry it anymore, so once my Plum Oolong ran out, I

could not replace it.  It had the most exotic, flowery/fruity, complex yet mild

tea flavor I've ever had.  Sad to

not have any more of it!   


      Another herbal " tea' I love for bedtime is " Linden Flowers " herbal tea.  I

have another that's Chamomile and " Lime " (Linden also) flowers, and another

that's Chamomile and Spearmint- -these all 3 are really RELAXING and as good or

better than anything I know to help one wind down and sleep REALLY WELL.  Most

of the times I've had it before bedtime, I've slept like the proverbial baby thu

the night!  Linden seems to be the most relaxing tea I've tried.  (I have heard

Lavender is similar in effect, but I've never tried it.)


     Finally, I really savor a cup of hot " Rose " tea, Chocolate Mint (flavored

black tea or the Herb itself-- " chocolate mint " , which makes a tea that tastes

just like mint-chocolate!  And there is Lapsang Souchong tea--smells

tantalizingly like a smoky campfire on a briskly cold day--but tastes mellow and

" woody " , with something like sassafrass with a hint of cedar!  My DH can't get

past that campfire smoky smell--but the tea itself has a surprising flavor that

I just love.


     Ok, no clear-cut favorites, but overall, I am a tea-drinker and, now that

it's been mentioned, I think I'll go to the kitchen and make a " cuppa " !


     Good night, All!


--Laura B., in Illinois

    Posted by: " mrswalp29 " mrswalp29 mrswalp29

    Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:16 pm ((PDT))


Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to know everyones favorite tea

and brand of you have one. Mine is Candy Cane aka Peppermint




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Earl Gray, iced. I also love a good Arnold Palmer....can you tell I'm

a southern girl? :)



, Yummydread <mzyummydread



> I like Earl Grey, Ginger, Green, Peppermint, Chai and Chamomille.


> tasted Lavendar but I think I enjoy the smell more than taste.

> --mzyummydread...dreaming of rainbows


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I love saying, in the spirit of Captain Picard, " Tea. Earl Gray.

Hot. " Unfortunately, I don't like Earl Gray all that much.


The tea I love is a brand of orange pekoe and black called Irani. It

comes from Indianapolis. The only place I ever saw it was at a buffet

restaurant called Duffs when I lived in Oklahoma City in the early

1980s. I wrote the company to see if I could order it by mail and the

owner responded saying certainly. I've been ordering it by mail

off-and-on ever since (more on than off the past several years). For

a long time I dealt with the founder and owner (a very small company,

obviously), and in recent years I've dealt with his daughter who's

been running the business. For the longest time I had to send them a

letter, order the tea, wait for an invoice, and then send them a

check. But in the last year they've got online ordering up and

running on their Web site and I can order using PayPal.


It's a very nice, light tea. I'm sipping a mug of it as I type this

(on a lovely, wet, rainy day while my bread is rising).




At 02:07 PM 11/1/2008, jackiwolfe wrote:

Earl Gray, iced. I also love a good Arnold Palmer....can you tell I'm

a southern girl? :)

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Hi, can you provide the web site to order this tea please, it sounds very






On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 3:38 PM, Mike Christie <mike wrote:


> I love saying, in the spirit of Captain Picard, " Tea. Earl Gray.

> Hot. " Unfortunately, I don't like Earl Gray all that much.


> The tea I love is a brand of orange pekoe and black called Irani. It

> comes from Indianapolis. The only place I ever saw it was at a buffet

> restaurant called Duffs when I lived in Oklahoma City in the early

> 1980s. I wrote the company to see if I could order it by mail and the

> owner responded saying certainly. I've been ordering it by mail

> off-and-on ever since (more on than off the past several years). For

> a long time I dealt with the founder and owner (a very small company,

> obviously), and in recent years I've dealt with his daughter who's

> been running the business. For the longest time I had to send them a

> letter, order the tea, wait for an invoice, and then send them a

> check. But in the last year they've got online ordering up and

> running on their Web site and I can order using PayPal.


> It's a very nice, light tea. I'm sipping a mug of it as I type this

> (on a lovely, wet, rainy day while my bread is rising).


> Mike


> At 02:07 PM 11/1/2008, jackiwolfe wrote:

> Earl Gray, iced. I also love a good Arnold Palmer....can you tell I'm

> a southern girl? :)







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I like Chai tea mixed with vanilla soymilk.

I drink rooibis tea, green tea and my daughter has found a tea that she


she is not really a tea driver.


When we were visiting my parents near Chicago this summer we were walk


The Old Orchard Mall when we came upon the TeaVana tea shop where they had

samples, my daughter instantly like the Mate Vana tea mixed with Rooibos

Chai, so

I bought some. I will be back visiting next week my daughter has picked out


tea she wants to try.

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