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More on FLAX for Jan - Kay

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rawfood , Jan <jantese@g...> wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2005, at 9:41 AM, korangeli wrote:

> > Essential fatty fatty acids are found in significant proportions

> > in tender green leafy veg and lettuce. A certain amount is


> > in fresh fruit also.


> Kay,

> How do you know that? Can you cite a reference for your


> please?


> What I found in my Web research is this: Essential Fatty Acids

> (EFAs) are necessary fats that humans cannot synthesize, and must


> obtained through diet. Found in flaxseed oil (flaxseed oil has


> highest linolenic content of any food), flaxseeds, flaxseed meal,

> hempseed oil, hempseeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts,


> seeds, avocados, some dark leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach,

> purslane, mustard greens, collards, etc.), canola oil (cold-


> and unrefined), soybean oil, wheat germ oil, salmon, mackerel,

> sardines, anchovies, albacore tuna, and others.


> Note that it says dark leafy green vegetables (which I don't eat),

> not tender greens. And no mention of fruits, except for avocado.


> Also, how much flax were you consuming that " damaged your system " ?


> On Sep 27, 2005, at 9:41 AM, korangeli wrote:

> > In any event I can make a suggestion for you. One which works.


> > your fat at the end of the day. Eating flax in the morning will

> > slow down sugar uptake from fruit that you eat later. You will

> > notice an increase in energy if you get the fat to the end of


> > day.


> Okay, I'll switch my flax to the end of the day. I'm not sure how

> I'll know that it " works, " though. I already have plenty of energy.


> Jan




To begin with, I know MANY people who donot eat any of the above

foods you mention who do not show signs of being deficient in

essential fatty acids. What reference did YOU use for this



When we " arrived " on this earth, in whatever way? MANY years ago! :)

How did we grind flax seed? How did we harvest enough to eat?

How did we extract the oil? How did we obtain soybean oil and so

forth? Where did we get our " essential fatty acids " then?


If you would like to investigate my point of view and it is obviously

a good idea to seek more than one opinion. Then my information came

from Dr.Vetrano and Dr.Herbert Shelton.

I can ask Laurie Masters if she has a minute or two to post some

further reference and experience on this.

Bob Farrell is a wealth of source-information when it comes to

obtaining references also.


I consider " tender greens " to be dark green. I eat wild greens which

are all tender. They are dark green. My system does not tolerate ANY

kind of rough fibre from kale and the like, but I love dark green

leafy material!


If you read back over my original post you will note that I stated

the use of Ejuva as damaging my system. Flax meal is taken - a

teaspoon up to four times a day, together with psyllum husks and

strong ayurvedic herbs.

In addition, I have taken flax in the same way as yourself, together

with a living foods diet, high in fat (no nuts) and experienced

colitis for 10 years.


(I am a qualified Living Foods Educator who no longer practices this

lifestyle. I trained at The Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico. I

am also a qualified Nutritional Therapist N.D med - College of

Nutritional Therapy, Manchester, England)


I was unable to maintain a living foods diet or any similar " green

diet " throughout the past 10 years due to such illness surviving on

the very diet. Thus resorting to cooked food because of the

deficiency/imbalance of it in regards to my system.

I eventually underwent an operation on my liver and discovered I am

less than normally tolerant to ANY fat.

There are NUMEROUS similar cases reported that have come to my

attention since.


Those who are able to tolerate this way of eating have stronger

systems. That does not make the application of it any more optimal.

It just means one can survive on it.


At the end of the day Jan; This is an advisory board. I have little

space to get on a p.c to use it; but when something comes to my

intuition to share with others, I feel it is my duty to offer the

idea in heart. All opinions are just that - Opinions, including the

very knowledge you have already chosen to believe.

If our diets and lifestyles were in perfect balance I doubt if we

would bother using this service? However, we might like to GIVE to



When you get the results you require then you can stop looking for

advice! Sounds logically yeah?? xx


I will ask Laurie if she can help but I cannot promise anything.



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On Sep 28, 2005, at 8:10 AM, korangeli wrote:

> To begin with, I know MANY people who donot eat any of the above

> foods you mention who do not show signs of being deficient in

> essential fatty acids. What reference did YOU use for this

> information?


My reference was a Google search on omega 3-6 food sources. All of

the hits turned up basically the same information. I had just picked

one at random to quote.


What do you consider signs of deficiency of essential fatty acids?

Another Google search produced this:

" Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) Deficiency Signs: dry mucous membranes,

skin, hair, nails, tear ducts, mouth, vagina; aching joints and

arthritis; lack of energy, motivation, and/or endurance; weak immune

system; memory loss and forgetfulness; cardiovascular disease. "


I started taking the flax seeds because I have very dry eyes. It has

helped somewhat, and I didn't think there would be any harm in

continuing to use the seeds, freshly ground -- that is, until I read

your message, which is the first time I had heard that flax

supposedly contains a " harmful composition that can cause muscle

spasms in the intestine. "


On Sep 28, 2005, at 8:10 AM, korangeli wrote:

> When we " arrived " on this earth, in whatever way? MANY years ago! :)

> How did we grind flax seed? How did we harvest enough to eat?

> How did we extract the oil? How did we obtain soybean oil and so

> forth? Where did we get our " essential fatty acids " then?


Don't know, but the source for early man didn't necessarily have to

come from ground flax seeds. It could have come from the animal

products (fish or eggs) or nuts and dark greens. I chose the flax

seeds as my source because I don't eat any of the other items, which

I had previously listed as food sources. Additionally, we don't know

whether early man had a deficiency or not; life span was much shorter




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