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whats a podcast?! oh, um i guess the easiest way to describe would

just be a digital recording that you download from itunes. think the

term was made from broadcast and ipod . the food for thought one, the

author just talks for about 30-40 minutes on a subject related to

veganism, eg living with meat-eaters. the last one i listened to was

all about the conversations she's had on aeroplanes with people about

veganism -quite funny. theres another one i listen to quite often

called natural moms talk radio . the host - carrie lauth - interviews

someone different each week, usually a specialist of some sort., and

covers a broad range of topics. you dont have to have itunes to access

her one - its also at www.naturalmomstalkradio.com . does anyone else

have any to recommend? Amy


ps. Reni, at the bottom of your posts it says " haiku " , do you live on

maui? i live in kihei

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If you listen to prerecorded radio shows, either online or downloaded from a

website on to a mobile device, this is also a podcast. 


LIstening to news podcasts in the early morning and on my commutes to and from

work help keep me up to date on world events.


--- On Mon, 8/11/08, amyboard2 <amyboard2 wrote:


amyboard2 <amyboard2

Re: New to group


Monday, August 11, 2008, 1:47 AM







whats a podcast?! oh, um i guess the easiest way to describe would

just be a digital recording that you download from itunes. think the

term was made from broadcast and ipod . the food for thought one, the

author just talks for about 30-40 minutes on a subject related to

veganism, eg living with meat-eaters. the last one i listened to was

all about the conversations she's had on aeroplanes with people about

veganism -quite funny. theres another one i listen to quite often

called natural moms talk radio . the host - carrie lauth - interviews

someone different each week, usually a specialist of some sort., and

covers a broad range of topics. you dont have to have itunes to access

her one - its also at www.naturalmomstalk radio.com . does anyone else

have any to recommend? Amy


ps. Reni, at the bottom of your posts it says " haiku " , do you live on

maui? i live in kihei




















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Hi, Jill! Do you mean the western side of NYC or NYS? I live in

Buffalo. Are we neighbors?? :)




, " Jill Meyer " <nursinmamaa wrote:


> Hello, just wanted to introduce myself, I am new to the group.

> My name is Jill, I live way on the western side of New York.

> My hubby and I have three children and I am due with number 4 in 10

> weeks. (Or there abouts...) :)

> I am just returning to the vegan life, yes while seriously pregnant.


> found a nice menu type thing that I printed off recently, seems very

> healthy.

> If anyone has a clue what to do with steamed collard greens btw just

> let me know! ;)

> So, I just wanted to say hello!

> Warmly,

> Jill M.


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  • 3 weeks later...

greetings and welcome to the group Tamara.

hope you enjoy it here, and please ask anything ya like. er add to a conversation, start yer own, whichever


fer meself, don't know much about Eastern Oregon. Been to, umm Hells Canyon, and traveled thru on on a trip to Montana, but been to western part of the state far more often

anyways, welcome to the group




tamara_bro Aug 29, 2008 11:26 AM New to group




I am a 56 year old female living in the eastern portion of the state of Oregon in the US. Vegans are extremely rare in this part of the state. It is a wonderful place for my work; I work with endangered species, lots of land and wide open spaces but few Vegans to share ideas. I have many sustainable projects on the schedule and I would enjoy exchanging concepts with like minded individuals. Last Summer I had great hopes of having a year-round green house up and operational by the Fall of 08 but I don't see that happening until 09. We get a great deal of sun and wind here and I plan on utilizing both as alternative energy sources as well as exploring the possibility of a geothermal system. Unfortunately we have no environmentally friendly contractors in this zip code so I must be resourceful. There is a large shop on the ranch that I hope to clean out this winter so I can organize and set up all my new power tools. I purchased many of them during the last year. I have been using them up at the main house on a remodeling project that should be complete by late October or mid November. If I have a fetish, it would be gardening (not that I am good at it) but I am determined to learn. My short term goal is to learn to operate my tractors. I find it inconvenient to rely on others to operate my equipment. When I am overwhelmed with my projects, I remind myself of what I have accomplished since I cam to the ranch in 01. At that time it was a working cattle ranch. Animals are no longer raised here for slaughter. The locals find my ways odd and aren't timid about making their feelings know. In addition they are not entirely comfortable with a single woman owning property. There are good people in the community but many are paralyzed by their fear of change. The recent escalation in wheat prices that saved many from loosing the family farms was a direct result of bio fuel production but few of the locals I have spoken to appreciate or support the exploration of alternative fuels. The personality trait I admire most is a sense of humor. The single thing I laugh at the most is myself. People who take themselves to seriously can be tiresome. I don't like drunks, they find themselves hilarious while simultaneously boring those around them. I do enjoy a nice dry red wine or good scotch accompanied by stimulating conversation. My four children are adults with active lives. I have a strict no deposit no return policy on children. I try to recycle most things with the exception of children, once they become adults they need lives of their own and so do their parents. Fall is just around the corner and I am looking forward to sitting around an open fire (I have a fire pit on the hill out back) on a crisp fall evening and visiting with friends, sipping a little good scotch and eating steaming vegan chili. The Blue Mountains are breathtaking at sundown. If there are any vegans out there that share my interests, please get in touch with me. I believe that all relationships romantic, platonic, work or social are like a potluck picnic, everyone attending brings something for the others to share in the form of a talent, skill, or knowledge. If I only here the sound of my own voice, I can never become more intelligent.





With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.

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Hi Tamaro & welcome from Wales...




Peter vv



tamara_bro <tamara_bro Sent: Friday, 29 August, 2008 7:26:34 PM New to group


I am a 56 year old female living in the eastern portion of the state of Oregon in the US. Vegans are extremely rare in this part of the state. It is a wonderful place for my work; I work with endangered species, lots of land and wide open spaces but few Vegans to share ideas. I have many sustainable projects on the schedule and I would enjoy exchanging concepts with like minded individuals. Last Summer I had great hopes of having a year-round green house up and operational by the Fall of 08 but I don't see that happening until 09. We get a great deal of sun and wind here and I plan on utilizing both as alternative energy sources as well as exploring the possibility of a geothermal system. Unfortunately we have no environmentally friendly contractors in this zip code so I must be resourceful. There is a large shop on the ranch that I hope to clean out this winter so I can organize and set up all my

new power tools. I purchased many of them during the last year. I have been using them up at the main house on a remodeling project that should be complete by late October or mid November. If I have a fetish, it would be gardening (not that I am good at it) but I am determined to learn. My short term goal is to learn to operate my tractors. I find it inconvenient to rely on others to operate my equipment. When I am overwhelmed with my projects, I remind myself of what I have accomplished since I cam to the ranch in 01. At that time it was a working cattle ranch. Animals are no longer raised here for slaughter. The locals find my ways odd and aren't timid about making their feelings know. In addition they are not entirely comfortable with a single woman owning property. There are good people in the community but many are paralyzed by their fear of change. The recent escalation in wheat prices that

saved many from loosing the family farms was a direct result of bio fuel production but few of the locals I have spoken to appreciate or support the exploration of alternative fuels. The personality trait I admire most is a sense of humor. The single thing I laugh at the most is myself. People who take themselves to seriously can be tiresome. I don't like drunks, they find themselves hilarious while simultaneously boring those around them. I do enjoy a nice dry red wine or good scotch accompanied by stimulating conversation. My four children are adults with active lives. I have a strict no deposit no return policy on children. I try to recycle most things with the exception of children, once they become adults they need lives of their own and so do their parents. Fall is just around the corner and I am looking forward to sitting around an open fire (I have a fire pit on the hill out back) on a

crisp fall evening and visiting with friends, sipping a little good scotch and eating steaming vegan chili. The Blue Mountains are breathtaking at sundown. If there are any vegans out there that share my interests, please get in touch with me. I believe that all relationships romantic, platonic, work or social are like a potluck picnic, everyone attending brings something for the others to share in the form of a talent, skill, or knowledge. If I only here the sound of my own voice, I can never become more intelligent.Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jerry, welcome! :)


Audrey S.


On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 8:06 PM, JERRY CORMIER <WAY_OF_LIFE_HAWAII

> wrote:







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  • 1 month later...

hi Alli, i'm pete in wv, relatively new vegetarian - i have been having a lot of

fun making dishes from the files directory.  Lots of really nice people here and

tons of awesome dishes to try.


Welcome to the group,




--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Allionna Oberst <alli4u2no wrote:












Hi Group,


I am new to this group and I just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce

























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Hi Alli

Best thing you can do when you are new is if you don't mind reading.

Pick up books on the vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian Times publish a pretty good starter book.

Food dehydrator is a nice item to have.

There is two good magazines out here also. One is Vegnews and

Vegetarian Times.

If you still have meat products in your house do not worry about it.

Take it slow and adjust your self. After a while it will come all

naturally then,

With the medical problems sometimes diet alone helps tremendously.

I must say I am one of the lucky ones who has benefited from Holistic


Good Luck and Welcome to the veggie way of life.



, Allionna Oberst

<alli4u2no wrote:


> Hi Group,


> I am a newly confirmed vegetarian.

> I had off and on for years been more prone to eating that way but

endured not becoming one because my family (husband &

daughter) objected so strongly.

> Now I am single and daughter is grown and I have no one telling me

how I must eat.


> I am very thankful to be in this group and am looking forward to

meeting you all and sharing a few creations I am working on


> Have a good day everyone.

> Alli






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Welcome! I don't post much but I wanted to be certain to let you know that there

are some amazing recipes in the site file, and it seems that each daily posting

has even more. It seems that there are always people willing to share

information on recipes, food products, where to find certain products, and

general cooking questions. I've learned a lot here; hope you do too. So,

welcome, and have a good day.







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Thank you!



Debra Phillips <dphillips2ac

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 1:58 PM


Re:new to group


Welcome! I don't post much but I wanted to be certain to let you know that there

are some amazing recipes in the site file, and it seems that each daily posting

has even more. It seems that there are always people willing to share

information on recipes, food products, where to find certain products, and

general cooking questions. I've learned a lot here; hope you do too. So,

welcome, and have a good day.


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  • 1 month later...

welcome.  If books motivate you, try Skinny Bitch.  It really kicked my a@# in

gear! LOL

One thing I came across in my studies is that many people begin to crave carbs

when they are lacking protein.  Make sure that you add beans, tofu, or eat other

high-protein veggies to you meals.  Nuts are high in fat, but I continue to eat

them as a snack to get those good proteins. 

Have you added any activity to your routine?  That was my ultimate weight loss

tool.  Too bad it has to be something I sneak in every few days.  :(  (my hubby

works and lives out of town, so I am single mom to a 2.5 year old and I teach

4th grade)

I hope you find great support and recipes in this group.  I have been enjoying









--- On Fri, 1/9/09, bkbb64 <tincup1 wrote:

bkbb64 <tincup1

New to Group


Friday, January 9, 2009, 10:50 AM












Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that will



me loose weight and be more healthy.




I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a full


physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose weight or


be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since


because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and


tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.




I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10 years


now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't. However,


no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat at


some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself eating


more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of fruits


and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I can't


loose weight.




I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat


More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is very


restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.




Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!



































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You haven¹t said what activities you do ‹ do you exercise? Even just going

for a daily walk would help. I haven¹t heard of that particular book, but

Ornish is good, and there are heaps of other great books that might help as

well. Or just hang out here and get some great ideas from this wonderful

list! :)





On 10/1/09 2:50 AM, " bkbb64 " <tincup1 wrote:



> Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that will help

> me loose weight and be more healthy.


> I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a full

> physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose weight or

> be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since

> because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and

> tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.


> I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10 years

> now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't. However,

> no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat at

> some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself eating

> more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of fruits

> and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I can't

> loose weight.


> I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat

> More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is very

> restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.


> Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!


> Karla





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Thanks. Do you have a book that you would recommend? I'd love that.


I work in the produce department of a national chain. This is a very

physical job. I will routinely need to lift 50 lb. bags and boxes of

produce daily. I work from 6 am - 2:30 pm. I've been telling myself

that I'm too tired after a day of that to go to the gym, even though

we have a membership to a local YMCA. Well, I've come to the

conclusion that I still need to go to the gym. Also, I live in a

northern state that has very long, very cold winters, so it's

difficult to get outside for outdoor activities. During the short

warm season here my husband and I ride bikes and hike.


Part of my new start for this year is to go to the gym after work at

least three days.




, Coop <rodstruelove



> You haven¹t said what activities you do ‹ do you exercise? Even

just going

> for a daily walk would help. I haven¹t heard of that particular

book, but

> Ornish is good, and there are heaps of other great books that might

help as

> well. Or just hang out here and get some great ideas from this


> list! :)


> Anna



> On 10/1/09 2:50 AM, " bkbb64 " <tincup1 wrote:


> >

> > Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that

will help

> > me loose weight and be more healthy.

> >

> > I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had

a full

> > physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose

weight or

> > be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since

> > because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and

> > tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.

> >

> > I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10


> > now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't.


> > no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some

meat at

> > some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself


> > more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of


> > and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I


> > loose weight.

> >

> > I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his

book " Eat

> > More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is


> > restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.

> >

> > Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!

> >

> > Karla





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Thanks. I did see that book on Amazon when I was looking for some

resources recently. I'll see if my library carries it and I'll check

it out.


I hadn't thought about a lack of protein causing my craving for the

pasta, rice and bread. I just thought that I really like those

foods! I'll try eating more veggies to see if it helps.





, Cassie Dixon

<roxy87cabriolet wrote:


> welcome.  If books motivate you, try Skinny Bitch.  It really

kicked my a@# in gear! LOL

> One thing I came across in my studies is that many people begin to

crave carbs when they are lacking protein.  Make sure that you add

beans, tofu, or eat other high-protein veggies to you meals.  Nuts

are high in fat, but I continue to eat them as a snack to get those

good proteins. 

> Have you added any activity to your routine?  That was my ultimate

weight loss tool.  Too bad it has to be something I sneak in every

few days.  :(  (my hubby works and lives out of town, so I am single

mom to a 2.5 year old and I teach 4th grade)

> I hope you find great support and recipes in this group.  I have

been enjoying it!

> Cassie

--- On Fri, 1/9/09, bkbb64 <tincup1 wrote:

> bkbb64 <tincup1

> New to Group


> Friday, January 9, 2009, 10:50 AM






Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my

lifestyle that will help


> me loose weight and be more healthy.




> I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a



> physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose

weight or


> be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since


> because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and


> tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.




> I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10



> now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't.



> no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat



> some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself



> more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of



> and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I



> loose weight.




> I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat


> More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is



> restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.




> Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!




> Karla

























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Welcome to the group, Karla. And best of luck with the diet you are embarking

on! I don't know about Ornish being restrictive - it's pretty easy-going from

where I stand LOL Why not give it a good honest try?


Let us know how it goes?


Best, Pat (Co-owner with Cindi)





" The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. " (Oscar Wilde)






bkbb64 <tincup1


Friday, January 9, 2009 10:50:44 AM

New to Group


Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that will help

me loose weight and be more healthy.


I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a full

physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose weight or

be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since

because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and

tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.


I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10 years

now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't. However,

no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat at

some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself eating

more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of fruits

and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I can't

loose weight.


I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat

More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is very

restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.


Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!








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Thanks. I got a pleasant surprise this morning. I started reading

through the Ornish cookbook I've had for several years. In the back

of the book is his heart disease reversal program food pyrmid with

daily recommendations! What luck. So I sat there and wrote out a 7

day menu with grocery list. I used a check-system to make sure I was

meeting the daily recommendations for each day. Off to the grocery

store I went. Now I just need to fix some of the dishes ahead. I

work full time so I know that having meals fixed ahead will be

important to my success.




, " drpatsant "

<drpatsant wrote:


> Welcome to the group, Karla. And best of luck with the diet you are

embarking on! I don't know about Ornish being restrictive - it's

pretty easy-going from where I stand LOL Why not give it a good

honest try?


> Let us know how it goes?


> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Cindi)


> ---

> http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

> http://www.vegandonelight.com/spice

> " The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. " (Oscar Wilde)





> ________________________________

> bkbb64 <tincup1


> Friday, January 9, 2009 10:50:44 AM

> New to Group


> Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that will


> me loose weight and be more healthy.


> I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a


> physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose

weight or

> be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since

> because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and

> tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.


> I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10


> now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't.


> no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat


> some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself


> more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of


> and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I


> loose weight.


> I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat

> More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is


> restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.


> Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!


> Karla



> ---



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Hi Karla ~

Welcome to our group!

I am not currently following any program per se other than to eat more meals

made from fresh ingredients and watching my portions.

Yes, it is quite easy for vegetarians to fall back on pasta, bread, potatoes and

other filling items that are fairly easy yet not the best for our slimming

goals. I still love and enjoy those things, but only once a week or so as

opposed to daily.


I am not familiar with Ornish, but know others on the list are and should be

able to give you some more info.


Cindi, co-owner of group with Pat


--- On Fri, 1/9/09, bkbb64 <tincup1 wrote:

bkbb64 <tincup1

New to Group


Friday, January 9, 2009, 7:50 AM












Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that will



me loose weight and be more healthy.




I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a full


physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose weight or


be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since


because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and


tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.




I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10 years


now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't. However,


no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat at


some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself eating


more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of fruits


and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I can't


loose weight.




I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat


More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is very


restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.




Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!
























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Sounds like a great plan Karla. And yes, cooking ahead will be very helpful.

Perhaps you can set up a schedule for yourself where you dedicate one or two

nights a week to prepping meals for the week.

You sound excited and motivated; those are both good starts to success!




--- On Sat, 1/10/09, bkbb64 <tincup1 wrote:

bkbb64 <tincup1

Re: New to Group


Saturday, January 10, 2009, 12:31 PM












Thanks. I got a pleasant surprise this morning. I started reading


through the Ornish cookbook I've had for several years. In the back


of the book is his heart disease reversal program food pyrmid with


daily recommendations! What luck. So I sat there and wrote out a 7


day menu with grocery list. I used a check-system to make sure I was


meeting the daily recommendations for each day. Off to the grocery


store I went. Now I just need to fix some of the dishes ahead. I


work full time so I know that having meals fixed ahead will be


important to my success.
























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Yeah, that Ornish book is great, isn't it? I don't follow his menu plan because

I'm vegan now, but he'd still kinda approve what I eat, I'm pretty sure :) I

think he's really first rate - and he was the first of all these diet guru

medical people who turned on to this kind of diet. Good for him. He's saved so

very many lives!!!


Enjoy what you eat on Ornish and check in with us whenever you like - when

things go right or when the going gets tough (as it does sometimes on any health

diet). Best of luck. I'm with you all the way!!!!



Love and hugs, Pat




" The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. " (Oscar Wilde)






bkbb64 <tincup1


Saturday, January 10, 2009 3:31:49 PM

Re: New to Group


Thanks. I got a pleasant surprise this morning. I started reading

through the Ornish cookbook I've had for several years. In the back

of the book is his heart disease reversal program food pyrmid with

daily recommendations! What luck. So I sat there and wrote out a 7

day menu with grocery list. I used a check-system to make sure I was

meeting the daily recommendations for each day. Off to the grocery

store I went. Now I just need to fix some of the dishes ahead. I

work full time so I know that having meals fixed ahead will be

important to my success.




, " drpatsant "

<drpatsant wrote:


> Welcome to the group, Karla. And best of luck with the diet you are

embarking on! I don't know about Ornish being restrictive - it's

pretty easy-going from where I stand LOL Why not give it a good

honest try?


> Let us know how it goes?


> Best, Pat (Co-owner with Cindi)


> ---

> http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

> http://www.vegandonelight.com/spice

> " The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. " (Oscar Wilde)





> ________________________________

> bkbb64 <tincup1


> Friday, January 9, 2009 10:50:44 AM

> New to Group


> Hello. I am trying to make some changes in my lifestyle that will


> me loose weight and be more healthy.


> I'm 45 and have been battling my weight for 20 years now. I had a


> physical about 5 years ago, at which time I was told to loose

weight or

> be at risk for a " cardiac event " . I haven't had a physical since

> because I know what the doc will say. I've been on every diet and

> tried everything short of surgery, which I have no plans for.


> I've been what I would term a part time vegetarian for about 10


> now. I really don't like eating meat and most days I don't.


> no matter how motivated I am, I always find myself eating some meat


> some point. Also, I love a vegetarian diet, but I find myself


> more bread, pasta and rice instead of a diet comprised mostly of


> and veggies. Thus, even when I'm being a strict vegetarian, I


> loose weight.


> I have Dean Ornish's cookbook and I'm not waiting for his book " Eat

> More, Weigh Less " from my library. I've heard that his plan is


> restrictive, but I'm hoping that will jumpstart my weightloss.


> Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance!


> Karla



> ---



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  • 2 months later...
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I just wanted to say 'Hello'.  I became vegetarian last spring so I'm still

learning.  I know it sounds obvious but it has sort of caused me to appreciate

vegetables in a new way.  I'm learning to cook vegetables that I've never cooked

before.  Vegetables are now the star of my meals where the protein (tofu, beans,

etc) are often sort of the side dish.  For some reason this has sort of renewed

my excitement about cooking.  However, I occasionally feel that I need help

coming up with the quick, happy veggie meals.


Okay, here's a recipe that has long been my little, probably somewhat unhealthy

comfort meal.  I love tomatoes.


Mix some flour with whatever spices you like (pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper,

oregano, etc)

Slice a fresh tomato about 1/4 inch thick (tomato can be slightly green or ripe)

Salt the tomatoes lightly (I use freshly ground sea salt)

Coat the tomatoes lightly with the flour.

Heat a pan with about a tablespoon of fat (I usually mix olive oil and butter)

Add the tomatoes and cook both sides until lightly browned.

Removed the tomatoes and place on toasted bread (wheat or french)

Add a tad bit extra more flour in the pan and cook for about a minute while


Then add milk to make a gravy, gradually while whisking.  I think about half a

cup should do (I usually use 2%)


Cook the gravy until it is the consistency you want and then pour over the

tomatoes on the toast.  You're done.  This is actually really yummy with a side

of greens.  I know this is not a complete meal but it's my favorite comfort

meal.  This is for one serving. Enjoy.





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  • 2 months later...
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i try to pack as much protein into a dish as i

can. i drink a lot of skim milk throughout the

day,too (im not vegan) so that helps with protein

as well...

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Welcome to the Garden of Earthly Delights! Also, welcome to those I was not able

to say Hi to when they joined.


You'll love the group; they are the best and the recipes are wonderful. I dare

say that this group can give you recipes and hints and even come up with menus

if all you have on hand is a couple of potatoes, a carrot and an onion - or



Hugs, Jeanne in GA























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  • 1 month later...
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Welcome to the group.

Thats good that you are trying to eat better.

I am vegetarian because I could not STAND the thought of eating an animal!!!

About the weight loss, I heard that acai berry (not trying to advertise) really

does work. I would try it out myself, but I am not allowed to go out and buy it.

So, if I were you, I would try it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Jessica

I'm new to the group too but have been an ovo-lacto vegetarian for over 20

years. My advice to you to help you wean off the red meat is that there are

now all kinds of wonderful " fake " meats out there, there isn't much you

can't do with them! We use Morning Star crumbles to make the best tacos!

Or stuffed peppers, meat-less loaf, or " meatless balls " for spaghetti. My

husband likes the vegan boca burgers and I like the Morning Star " Grillers. "

Boca chicken patties are fantastic. And we really like the Quorn " chicken "

products too. I find

cooking with these products so easy.


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