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Iron Anemia, Iron Toxicity, WHICH?I dont know if this will come through but I

will try. Interesting read, and yes hard to gather all the right info







Iron Anemia, Iron Toxicity, WHICH?


a.. Requirement or poison?

b.. Storage of iron.

c.. Demands for iron.

d.. Symptoms of Deficiency.

e.. Symptoms of Excess.

f.. Sources of iron & facilitators.

g.. Regulating, binding, diminishing ...

h.. Treatments advocated.

i.. Maintaining health.

a.. Comment




Iron Toxicity is a major cultural influence in latter 1900s

and the 21st century. Once believed to be well understood as a critical nutrient

for optimum growth and energy use in human health, it is now more fully

understood, after decades of dangerous misuse as a potential health destroyer.

Like so much in life and human health, relevancy of information is more

important than isolated and simplistic truths.


The research has been available for over 30 years yet has only

begun to be acknowledged since 2000, following a decade of intense research

extending, confirming and publicizing earlier concerns. While iron can be of

great benefit during the growth years experienced by children and teenagers, and

of particular value to women who experience regular and heavy menstrual periods

--- it can also encourage the development of cancers and other health

deteriorating outcomes in adults, particularly males.


Iron deficiency may affect as many as 3 billion people, that

is, 50% of the population of the Earth. Iron anemia is a more critical form of

deficiency. Most of these are under the age of 20. Iron toxicity may affect as

many as 500 million people. Most of these are over the age of 40. The one BEST

answer to health is relevancy.





There are 3 ways of determining the amount of stored Iron.


Ferritin is a protein that stores excessive iron.

When we are chronically ill or have a bad infection and/or a

lot of inflammation, our Reptilian Structure tries to put away all of our iron

supply into ferritin. This is a wise move as iron presence would otherwise

assist the invading viruses, anerobic bacteria, mutated fungi, and destructive

amoebic and worm parasites present to grow and multiply. Higher ferritin levels

coincide with larger tumors. If an illness lasts more than a week or two, the

reduced presence of iron available in the system starves the body of oxygen by

being inadequate for health hemoglobin.


High ferritin levels may also indicate high levels of iron

elsewhere in the body due to illness. Chronic liver disease, hyper-thyroidism,

and inflammatory conditions resulting from viruses, bacteria, and extensive

fungal attack also frequently exhibit such levels. During inflammation, iron

levels in eye fluids increase dramatically. Vitamin C also increases ferritin

levels and iron storage. When ferritin releases its store of iron into the

blood, its presence stimulates oxidation. That is, it unites with oxygen.


Factors which encourage the release of iron from ferritin

include the use of arginine (nitric oxide), paraquat (and other mercury

inclusive insecticides), ionizing radiation (from X-rays), and some anti-cancer



Children often have serum ferritin levels of 7 to 140

nanograms per milliliter. Liver disorders can be genetic and these can influence

high levels of ferritin. Leukemia patients frequently die from infections.

Children can die from taking iron supplements that are too strong for them.




Transferrin is a protein that carries iron from storage to


An iron saturation level of 20-35% (some indicate a range of

16-50%) is considered normal for healthy persons. Vitamin C increases the

transfer of iron from transferrin to ferritin.


In leukemia cases, iron has been found to dominate transferrin

rather than ferritin and may rise to levels of 96-100%




Lactoferrin is a further protein, which under the influence of

infection, stores up even more iron.




Parasitic bacteria, fungi, virus, worms, and other destructive

lifeforms, usually minimized by a strong immune system, will proliferate if iron

presence is too high in spite of the efforts of the body to store it away. This

antagonistic growth adds more demands to one's Reptilian Structure, which

becomes weaker. If iron is not bound up with a protein, such as ferritin,

transferrin, lactoferrin, ceruloplasmin, albumin, and hemopexin --- it remains

highly available to oxidation which can destroy nearby cells and tissues, as if

they had been exposed to an acid or fire. If iron excess is not removed,

recovery may prove most difficult with the group of one's chronic illnesses

persisting and worsening until death results.


A long, constructive, and satisfying life can be achieved with

nutritional relevancy. Shortcut science, for the provision of university degrees

and the pride of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries often proves

detrimental in the longer-term. After decades of Geritol promotion as the iron

supplement to keep the elderly young in energy, alert in mind, and, healthy, the

proof points to the opposite! So influential has been the pharmaceutical lobby

that politicians in North America and Europe, in their haste to share the

limelight of credit for scientific advances, mandated that iron be added to many

processed foods, beginning in the 1940s. Too often, these same governments react

with denial and criticism when quality science proves their haste to be



Too much of a good thing can be detrimental.

While a child who is iron deficient will be stunted in growth

and benefit with increased growth from iron supplementation, a child with

adequate iron supplies given additional iron may actually experience weight loss

and slower growth.





Demands for Iron are increased during:


a.. pregnancy;

b.. menstruation (blood loss);

c.. childhood and puberty;

d.. vegetarianism;

e.. fluke/hookworm parasite presence;

f.. other intestinal parasites;

g.. exposure to carcinogenic chemicals;

h.. hemorrhoid and anal fissure bleeding;

i.. trauma, surgery, transplants;

j.. viral infections;

k.. chronic aspirin use;

l.. frequent blood donations;

m.. kidney dialysis;

n.. prolonged illness.



Many of the above could be minimized with higher quality

cultural habits. Many pregnancies result out of the lack of availability or use

of birth control practices. Fewer pregnancies would yield more children who were

wanted and loved and fewer who would be abused, ignored, or abandoned. There

would also be less physical strain on the woman over the longer-term. Through

the modification of nursing practices, similar to those in band societies for

hundreds of thousands of years, the infertile period between births could be

healthfully extended by breastfeeding for a longer time.


During pregnancy, progesterone is known to chelate iron from

the mother's bones, joints, muscles, skin, and brain --- for transfer to the

fetus. If the mother does not renew some iron after pregnancy, she may

experience fatigue and depression with other deficiency symptoms. Too much iron

supplementation will take the mother in an opposite and also adverse direction

and influence the development of iron toxicity symptoms.


Pregnant women who become chronically ill may have their iron

taken up by the invading parasitic colonies such that little is left for the

fetus. Supplementation, during illness, is not often constructive as this may

lead to an intensification of the infections. Iron chelation may protect against

illnesses in the adult yet result in anemia in a fetus. Many infections can

result in anemia in the mother and/or the fetus.


Non-menstruating women are wisely cautioned that due to the

loss of their periodic discharge of blood, they also would be more healthy if

they were to observe the low iron guidelines that apply for men. This includes

restricting the intake of iron rich foods and the use of iron binding foods with

iron rich foods.


Viral infections reduce the amount of iron available, not by

any direct demand and use by the virus, but by the immune system storing more of

the available iron into ferritin to keep it unavailable to the virus.


Harmful bacteria are killed by the immune system, in healthy

persons, and taken away with their iron stores for waste disposal from the

blood. In cases of severe bacterial contamination, this defence can fail by

becoming overburdened and the immune system may end up releasing more iron from

protective proteins in an effort to address cellular and tissue damage.

Unfortunately, this may spur even greater and faster bacterial attack. Excessive

iron may increase the resistance a bacteria has to an antibiotic. Excessive iron

may mean the difference between survival and fatality.


Mutated fungi (Candida Albicans varieties) require iron for

growth. When the immune system is massively compromised by mercury toxicity,

activated viruses, anerobic bacterial proliferation, and the physiologically

depressive symptoms that accompany these -- mutated Candida may continue to

spread even in bodies without iron excess by using the iron released into the

system through replacement by mercury. This intensifies the symptoms of chronic

illness and further challenges the immune system.


Persons who acquire bacterial pneumonia (Pneumocystis carinii)

frequently show an increase in ferritin levels in lung fluids. If the pneumonia

infection or a mutated Candida infection is extensive enough, it is likely to be

missed on X-rays. These diagnostic pictures have always required an art to their

effective use and specialists bemoan the fact that 10 technicians will typically

provide 5 different interpretations for anything beyond the simplest and most

bold of indications. Like so much in our medical systems, fast and simple often

replaces thorough and relevant.


Typically, localized areas of infection or change are looked

for. This leaves full coverage infections undetected. IF one is taking a wide

range of muscle tested relevant herbals, the usual and obvious symptoms of the

illness are restrained. Again, the quick diagnosis of the General Practitioner

is likely to miss the reality by assuming health when expected symptoms are not

present. This is especially more likely with doctors who dispel the benefits of

herbals and supplements and have no interest in feedback and contribution from

the patient.


An extreme and unnecessary degree of RISK attends the common

North American medical scenario for the treatment of severe chronic illness. If

you take control of your health and develop the skills (muscle testing or

Spiritual Guidance) and knowledge (from Earthtym and similar sites) to be aware

of the options available for recovery --- you have a good chance for recovery,

at your own expense. If you avoid or go off all supplements and herbs and allow

the symptoms to put you in an ambulance, you may make it to the hospital, you

may be diagnosed correctly, you may die from a misprescribed series of drugs,

you may be put on a month's long waiting list for a surgery deemed immediately

necessary, you may die of a nosocomal (hospital-source) infection, and, you may

survive, at the cost of the state or private medical insurance, or, pay extreme

costs billed to you personally. Most people die or become bankrupt!




Fluke parasites live on our blood.

Better awareness of parasites and the prevention and earlier

treatment of infestations would lead to more stable and better health for all.


Religious and cultural myths and superstitions tend to

complicate the health choices by imposing authoritarian ideals, supported by

insecure individuals who grasp at respect at the expense of themselves and

others. It is not religious texts nor Spiritual Guidance which places

restrictions on the practice of sex and the use of birth control. Rather it is

the decree of individuals who have never assumed the responsibility for a family

nor an intimate relationship and are rewarded for their self-denial, at least in

public, with the power and pride of authority.


The hypocrisy of authoritarian societies often arises from the

fear of abuse and lack of acceptance imprinted on the child who does not follow

the herd. Hidden in the shadows and through deception in times when information

transfer and availability were minimal, the reality of these cultures continues

to increasingly be revealed.


The father who is overprotective of his daughter is often the

one who himself had out-of-marriage sex when he was younger. The over-protective

mother is often the one who has observed, or been threatened with, the disowning

by one's family for having been intimate with someone before marriage. Those who

are most macho tend also to be those who fear to express their emotional

sensitivity or their artistic appreciation in case they are deemed unacceptable

as a male to their peers.


Using practical and considerate solutions to harmonize our

humanity with our capabilities would lead to less conflict arising out of

overpopulation, over-competition, intolerance, fear, abuse, starvation, and

depression. Iron would be far less a problem in our diet if we were not so quick

to follow others and did the research ourselves so that we could make

intelligent decisions about OUR life and encourage those near to us to make more

responsible and relevant decisions also.





SYMPTOMS of Iron deficiency:


a.. headache;

b.. pale skin;

c.. brittle, stiff hair;

d.. brittle, spoon-shaped nails;

e.. pale mucous membranes;

f.. rapid pulse;

g.. fatigue and weakness;

h.. decreased ability to exercise;

i.. shortness of breath;

j.. heart palpitations;

k.. poor concentration;

l.. brain swelling;

m.. optic nerve swelling;

n.. calcification;

o.. low serotonin levels;

p.. interrupted sleep;

q.. increased infection rate;

r.. problems with body temperature;

s.. dizziness/faintness/vertigo;

t.. sore tongue;

u.. ringing in head or ears (tinnitis);

v.. restless leg syndrome;

w.. cracks at the corners of the mouth;

x.. bluish eye sclera (white);

y.. sudden hearing loss;

z.. reduction in potential growth;

aa.. reduction in RNA;

ab.. retinal hemorrhage;

ac.. cloudy spots in the retina;

ad.. impaired immunity;

ae.. impaired mental focus;

af.. deficiency of essential fats.



Calcification can lead to bursitis and other hardened areas of

muscle and joint following an injury. It can also lead to defects in the eye.


Iron is required for growth so it is no surprise that

bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and worm parasites also require it. In

states of infection, iron absorption may drop by as much as 80% --- because the

remainder is being utilized by the parasite communities. A strong immune system

will herd system iron into ferritin and lactoferrin storage in an attempt to

withhold it from the parasites. Longer-term infection can thus result in iron

anemia symptoms, including fatigue.


With an already compromised immune system (i.e. heavy metals),

the parasites will be encouraged to mutate into anerobic varieties and renew

their growth and infestation with the support of the physical inactivity of

their host, the growing CO2 availability --- perhaps due to paradoxical

dehydration, and, the lack of opposition from white blood cells and organ

functions anesthetized by the mercury or other heavy metal presence.





SYMPTOMS of Iron excess:


a.. increases fat stores;

b.. accompanies inflammation;

c.. arthritis is inflammation;

d.. hardens cholesterol;

e.. encourages viruses to replicate;

f.. increases the risk of asthma;

g.. elevated insulin levels;

h.. fatigue;

i.. depression;

j.. abdominal pain;

k.. diabetes;

l.. may elevate blood pressure;

m.. increased fungal infections;

n.. increased E. coli infections;

o.. increased incidence of dysentery;

p.. joint pain;

q.. hypothyroidism;

r.. vitamin C chronic shortage;

s.. shortness of breath;

t.. influences DNA damage;

u.. contributes to Alzheimer's disease;

v.. encourages mutations;

w.. enhances estrogenic influence;

x.. favors cancer cell growth;

y.. chronic intermittent diarrhea;

z.. tumor growth;

aa.. induce sarcomas (highly malignant);

ab.. increases sun susceptibility;

ac.. tightened aortic rings;

ad.. restricted blood vessels;

ae.. found in aneurysms;

af.. increased risk of heart attack;

ag.. changes in retina color;

ah.. eye disease;

ai.. kidney problems;

aj.. impotence;

ak.. disrupted menstruation;

al.. pigmented skin (age spots);

am.. liver problems;

an.. enlarged spleen or liver;

ao.. early menopause;

ap.. macular degeneration;

aq.. seizures;

ar.. epilepsy;

as.. loss of night vision;

at.. loss of hearing;

au.. loss of body hair;

av.. increased mortality rates in AIDS patients;

aw.. death.



Iron overload strikes 10 times more men than females over the

age of 50, in North America. Men start building up excess iron as soon as their

growth stops. A 45-year-old male may have as much iron in his blood as a

70-year-old female. Men frequently also have 400 times as much iron stored as

females at these ages, and a heart attack rate equally higher. Iron tends to

accumulate in the joints, liver, colon, and spleen, before other sites.


Melanin, is a metal binding pigment found in the retinal


It binds copper, mercury, iron, nickel. lead, zinc, and

calcium --- in that order of preference. High levels of toxic metals may be

indicated by color changes in the retina.


Quality of medical diagnosis could be improved greatly if the

intake interview were actually focused and 45 minutes rather than 30-60 seconds!

That is, if YOU knew something about your health history and could

comprehensively outline the breadth of your current symptoms, and, the doctor

Listened. Many misprescriptions result from the doctor ignoring the wisdom of

their patient and by the use of spurious associations in which the Appearance of

a common disease is adequate to confirm its presence. That is why tens of

thousands of patients die EVERY year under the care of their doctors -- from

recoverable conditions!


How can any system be efficient when you wait days to see a

General Practitioner who repeatedly hustles you off to one specialist after

another, with monthly waiting periods between each -- only to have each complain

that YOUR symptoms are outside of their field, or, that what you have is unknown

because it isn't in their few journals. These are not isolated nor personal

experiences alone. If I ran a business this way, I would be bankrupt in a month.




SOURCES of iron and facilitators:


a.. alcohol;

b.. saturated fats;

c.. beef and other meats;

d.. tobacco;

e.. vitamin C;

f.. citrus juices;

g.. tomatoes;

h.. raisins;

i.. prunes;

j.. apricots,

k.. olive oil;

l.. molasses;

m.. vitamin A;

n.. vitamin B12;

o.. fortified milks, flours, cereals;

p.. vitamin B2 (riboflavin);

q.. mineral waters;

r.. folic acid;

s.. oral contraceptives;

t.. beta carotene (carrots);

u.. arginine (nitric oxide);

v.. gluconates;

w.. anise;

x.. mint;

y.. cumin;

z.. licorice;

aa.. copper (ceruloplasmin);

ab.. industrial smog;

ac.. iron smelter fumes;

ad.. iron grinding/filing;

ae.. x-rays (including dental);

af.. genetics (hemochromatosis);

ag.. iron pots and utensils.

a.. Ferronyl (carbonyl iron): low tox supplement;

b.. Floradix (herb enhanced liquid): high availability;

c.. Floravit (as above, except suitable for fungi


d.. iron gluconate.



Having a slight iron deficiency is actually a positive factor

in the treatment of cancers for iron encourages their growth and spread.


Intermittent supplementation of iron has been found to be both

safer and more effective than regular and daily administrations.


Iron absorption is reduced when there is already too much

present, or, there is inflammation (often a result of infection).


Hemochromatosis is a genetic mutation which may influence as

many as 10% of Caucasians (hundreds of millions of people). DNA testing to

determine its presence are low in accuracy and largely unhelpful with

African-Americans. Ferritin levels become high (200+) following growth

completion and liver damage eventually results in death. Less than 1/3 may

develop obvious symptoms of iron overload beyond that of fatigue.


Viruses, bacteria, and fungi are major factors in most chronic

illnesses. These include heart diseases (chlamydia bacteria and

Cytomegalovirus/herpes-6), severe allergies, kidney stones (nanobacteria),

chronic depression (mutated Candida, and many others), pneumonia (bacterium and

viruses), gallstones (clostridia), schizophrenia, diabetes, arthritis (many

contributors and classes), lung cancer, lymphatic cancer (Epstein-Barr

virus/mutated Candida), colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, gastric ulcers

(helicobacter pylori), liver cancer, cervical cancer (human papilloma virus),

breast cancer (mammary tumor virus), malaria (plasmodium berghei protozoa),

pancreatic cancer, leukemia (HTLV-1 virus), brain tumors, Alzheimer's, Crohn's

Disease (mycobacterium).


The strength of our parasites is increasing with our help

through past ignorance and pride. There are more than 100 antibiotics in use in

2005. After 70 years of misuse and 60 years of often irrelevant iron

supplementation, most staphylococcus strains of bacteria are resistant to all

forms of penicillin. No new classes of antibiotics have been developed in the

last 30 years.


In the presence of mercury, and other heavy metals,

antibiotics are often only of temporary effect with the original infection

reappearing shortly after they are discontinued. This had led to mutated and

stronger strains of herpes simplex (herpes I), herpes 2, Cytomegalovirus (Herpes

6), chlamydia. A similar development has taken place with mutated Candida

strains and the use of Nystatin. This was known and reported in the medical

literature as early as 1986, yet continues to be used today (2005) with no

restrictions and with government sanction.




Regulating, binding, and diminishing foods and supplements:


a.. hemp hearts (balanced nutrition);

b.. zinc (blocks iron oxidation);

c.. cilantro (Chinese parsley);

d.. uncooked spinach);

e.. use of glass, enamel, earthenware;

f.. indium;

g.. calcium supplements;

h.. sardine oil;

i.. protein deficiency;

j.. vegetables;

k.. coffee;

l.. cranberry (bioflavs);

m.. onions (bioflavs);

n.. garlic;

o.. eggs/albumin;

p.. green teas (bioflavs);

q.. milk;

r.. cheese;

s.. plums (bioflavs);

t.. apples (bioflavs);

u.. berries (bioflavs);

v.. dark grapes (bioflavs);

w.. ice cream (all natural);

x.. legumes;

y.. Rice Bran Extract (phytic acid);

z.. buckwheat (Quercetin);

aa.. vitamin E (bioflavs);

ab.. oxalic acid (spinach);

ac.. magnesium;

ad.. milk thistle (bioflavs);

ae.. fruits;

af.. bioflavanoids;

ag.. activated charcoal;

ah.. red wines (bioflavs);

ai.. coconut oil;

aj.. whole grains (fiber);

ak.. fever;

al.. Quercetin;

am.. safflower oil ;

an.. flaxseed oil;

ao.. fish oils;

ap.. corn oil;

aq.. vegetables;

ar.. heat;

as.. Krystal salt, nanominerals;

at.. selenium;

au.. glutathione;

av.. gallium;

aw.. macrobiotic diets;

ax.. soy products;

ay.. Artemisia (qing hao);

az.. progesterone (chelates iron);

ba.. ceruloplasmin (protein);

bb.. bleeding;

bc.. aluminum;

bd.. surgical removal of tumors;

be.. use of a filtration mask (in industrial areas);

bf.. antibiotic: adriamycin (doxorbicin);

bg.. antibiotic: gentamycin [hearing loss];

bh.. antibiotic: streptomycin [hearing loss];

bi.. antibiotic: neomycin [hearing loss];

bj.. antibiotic: kanamycin [hearing loss];

bk.. drug: deferioxamine mesylate (Desferal);

bl.. drug: deferiprone.



Iron chelating drugs like many drugs, carry numerous risks of

other damage including cataract development, color vision changes, night

blindness, and, blurred vision.


Fortified milk products may provide minimal absorption of the

iron added to them, unless, vitamin C is also added.


Vegetables provide a source of iron which is poorly absorbed

unless a true deficiency exists. This makes them a dietary benefit for all ages.


Progesterone will mobilize iron out of other tissue but this

may leave an iron glut which results in irregular heart rhythm. Something must

still take the iron laden blood out of the body. Blood letting and blood

donations are the major options.


Alcohol has been found to increase the absorption of iron.

This encourages iron toxicity and the development of chronic illnesses and

cancer. At the same time, alcohol is quite detrimental to the liver and its

functions, which support the adrenals. Alcohol, and many of the weakening

agents, encourages the development of mutated Candida and its proliferation. The

development of systemic Candida infestations, which themselves manufacture

alcohol, can result in cirrhosis of the liver, even in long-term abstainers!

Excessive iron is known to encourage mutations and cancers. This is complicated

by the fact that mercury, when present, tends to replace iron. This can rob your

cells of oxygen and place great demands on your liver, lungs, and, adrenals.


My own survival through 3 acute exposures to mercury was

partly benefited by my choice to avoid tobacco (after 1 year of minimal use in

my teens), to abstain from alcohol consumption (after a 2 year minimal use for

social reasons during my mid-20s), and to minimize my meat intake after age 35

(because I found that without it I had no joint and muscle aches). In spite of

being born with a predilection to adrenal fatigue, diagnosed as acute only once

(following a severe auto accident and a third severe whiplash injury, after a

sudden recovery from an acute 6-month infection). I eventually determined that I

was iron anemic AND adrenal fatigued after releasing my third dose of mercury

poisoning and clearing my lymph system. The older you become, the more complex

your health can become.




TREATMENTS advocated for Iron release:


a.. decreased use of iron rich foods;

b.. increases in iron binding foods;

c.. fish oil supplementation;

d.. Infrared therapies;

e.. Rice Bran Extract;

f.. walking;

g.. sweating;

h.. strenuous exercise;

i.. blood letting;

j.. Acupeds;

k.. intravenous chelation;

l.. aspirin;

m.. blood donations;

n.. iron chelating drugs;

o.. EDTA chelation therapy.


TESTS for stored and free Iron:


a.. serum ferritin levels;

b.. transferrin saturation test;

c.. serum iron;

d.. total iron binding;

e.. muscle testing.


Iron supplements are often prescribed by physicians and well

intentioned parents and spouses for fatigue without basis. Most often tests are

not conducted and the patient has not been muscle tested. Fatigue is a general

symptom of illness which can apply to more than 60 separate conditions. Fatigue

may be an indicator of either iron excess, or, iron anemia. Is it either? Is it

neither? How much time and money can you afford to waste while you become more



Treatment is advised to lower iron stores when ferritin levels

exceed 200 (some say 300) micrograms per liter. Alternatively, iron

supplementation may be advised if the ferritin level decreases below 60, yet

this can also indicate the presence of the Helicobacter pylori gastric ulcer

bacterium. Iron detection tests are very limited and blood tests may appear

normal even when you have definitive iron overload.


Treatments which remove excess iron tend to focus on a

turnover of blood, modifications to the diet, the use of iron chelating drugs

and antibiotics. Both aspirin and fish oils contribute to daily minor losses of

blood from the intestines


The patterns of the Past often provide us with an indication

of a trend into the future. If we ignore them, we neither encourage the

significant positive nor discourage the significant negative. If we learn

nothing from our mistakes, it is not only that they will repeat. Their

repetition will accumulate the harm and destruction which an intelligent person

and species would choose to stop.


Sweden began to fortify its food with iron in 1948.

By 1977, the incidence of liver cancer (excess iron is often

stored in the liver) had increased by 350%. In 1995, a further 18 years later,

iron fortification of foods in Sweden was discontinued. How long will it take

for other European countries and North American nations to take the health of

their citizens seriously? How long will the people remain ignorant, silent, and

sick -- and their leaders remain deaf, dumb, and self-absorbed?


YOU can live a more healthful life by acknowledging what you

share with other humans and how you differ as an individual in your health. What

IS good for you nutritionally may NOT be healthful for the others in your

family. If you want to be lazy and life with simple demands upon your family,

you are condemning most of them, and yourself, to more illness than is

necessary. Each member will have their own iron requirements according to age,

personality, genetics, and lifestyle. Your BEST gift to them is to encourage

them to be self-aware and self-responsible. In the end, complaining about the

decisions they let others make for them will not return their health to them.


In short, the amount of iron nutrient which is healthful for a

child or teenager will markedly differ from that best for an adult male. In

turn, these will differ from what is required for optimal health by a woman

experiencing regular periods which will also differ considerably from what is

best for women who have reached menopause or who have paused their cycle, or who

are pregnant. Particular attention to iron levels in those persons who have

chronic or acute illnesses can assist in those illnesses being effectively

resolved safely and more quickly than if they were ignored, or, aggravated.


A person who faced death repeatedly with one chronic illness

after another for well over a decade could have remained a productive and tax

paying member of the society if the information on health that was available had

been acted upon by the government. In Canada, and less so in the USA, there is a

historical political pattern of allowing authoritative institutions, who are

assumed to be working for the benefit of the public, to be allowed to work

without restriction or accounting by the government as long as they make an

effort to govern themselves. This is both politically idealistic, lazy,

irresponsible, and detrimental to the people governed.


Organizations of privilege, such as the medical and dental

associations and professions, have always demonstrated that they serve their own

aims of income, power, and freedom first before any consideration of what is

best for those who they provide services to. It is a weak political culture

which allows powerful participants to deceive, manipulate, and abuse the people

they represent. In a responsible democracy, political leaders must be willing to

assess and act upon findings that indicate the irrelevancy of past procedures,

attitudes, and thinking. To fail to do so is to support a totalitarianism in the

name of freedom.


Demand and Exercise your Freedoms, OR, you will be Responsible

for your own early death and the misery and death brought upon those you love.




Iron is a soft metal.


When you challenge iron it becomes steel.


Steel which is too hard is brittle and breaks easily.


Steel which has been tempered with care is strong.


Strong or Weak, your health is your degree of caring.







A great self-deception is to believe that we can

intellectually control and drive our bodies. Our Ego and SuperEgo like to

believe this and most educated persons have been taught and imprinted with this

belief. Both New Age and Authoritarian ideals fully encourage this attitude

also: one to intentionally make us more passive; the other to make us

intentionally easier to manipulate.


The REALITY is that none of us would last longer than 4

minutes if our Reptilian Structure stops and none of us would last that long if

our Personal Spirit has had it with our stupidity, and leaves. Your BODY is what

sustains your life. Your Spirit is what gives you life. Deny and disrespect

these and your life is just a wandering and a race ... to oblivion.


Excess Iron WILL make recovery from a combined chronic illness

scenario extremely more difficult for it will destructively influence all other

physical and biochemical systems in your body. That is, recovery will be slower,

if you are to recover at all, than if it were present at healthful levels.




Sensitivity INDEX



Solutions INDEX












Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 269.4.0/759 - Release 4/12/2007 7:58 PM




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