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I was just reading up on fruitarianism. Iknow the pros, but can

someone if they happen to know, the cons to this diet? I also

wanted to know some people's fruit in take as percentage in

comparison to nuts, and veggies? I would also like to know, from

those who are fruitarian's how they get that filled feeling?

Another thing I wanted to know was how to watch out for the fat in

take, since avocados, mangoes, and coconuts are high in fat? By any

chance, this is the last thing, would anyone know what fruits must

be eaten alone and which ones can be mixed to work with the each of

the enzymes in our system?


P.S. I apologize for any double posts.



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Hi Vaberella,


I became fruitarian because when I stopped eating grain, vegetable

began to taste too strong to me. I needed great amount of nuts at the

beginning but they are already to dry for me now so I use to eat just





rawfood , " vaberella " <vaberella> wrote:

> Hiya.


> I was just reading up on fruitarianism. Iknow the pros, but can

> someone if they happen to know, the cons to this diet? I also

> wanted to know some people's fruit in take as percentage in

> comparison to nuts, and veggies? I would also like to know, from

> those who are fruitarian's how they get that filled feeling?

> Another thing I wanted to know was how to watch out for the fat in

> take, since avocados, mangoes, and coconuts are high in fat? By


> chance, this is the last thing, would anyone know what fruits must

> be eaten alone and which ones can be mixed to work with the each of

> the enzymes in our system?


> P.S. I apologize for any double posts.


> VB

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A fruitarian diet can be dangerous if not done

properly. Fruit is a very powerful cleanser and can

trigger powerful cleansings in the body if it is the

only food consumed. that having been said...the

question I always ask is 'why fruitarian?'


Note, I am not opposed..I did it myself and intend to

do it again. If a person has prepared his/her body

gradually for this diet through natural transitions,

it can provide enormous energy! But, if the body is

not prepared or if you have not learned how to eat a

wide variety of organic fruit in season (based upon

nutrient content), problems not only can but will

emerge over a period of time. Then why even consider

being fruitarian...even for a short time?


Because fruit is such a powerful cleanser/detoxifier,

IMHO, it is the final step that NEEDS to be taken if

someone want a CLEAN body. It takes at least 2 months

on a fruitarian diet to accomplish this goal. Once

this has been accomplished, the person could choose to

continue such a diet or revert back to any variation

of a natural healthy diet.


Grapes are an especially potent cleanser/detoxifier.

Let me share a personal experience. I had been

cleansing my body (through regular enemas and an

emphasis on raw food) for 7 years before I went back

to school (for my degrees in this area). I felt

wonderful compared to how I had felt 7 years earlier.

As I was learning more, I experimented on myself. I

decided I wanted to know what it was like to do a

'grape cleanse'. Here is what happened....


For the first 4 days (of eating between 1-4#s of

grapes), I felt progressively more WONDERFUL. By the

4th day, this usually sendentary mental woman (me)

decided that she needed a good brisk walk as she had

too much energy to contain in her body! So I took off

and was amazed at how absolutely fabulous I felt! I

felt as though I were walking on air! Then it

happened. About 1/2 mi from home I felt as though a

million yellow jackets has stung my leg! Because I

was wearing long pants, I could not see what happened

until after I had LIMPED that 1/2 mi back home! Then,

to may utter amazement, I saw a hole in my upper thigh

that was about 2mm in diameter. Some gunk was oozing

out! My lymphatic system was not able to empty itself

into the small intestines quickly enough so it had

simply opened up a place for a direct route out of my

body! Since I had not been doing any enemas with this

diet, I decided to start now. I made the decision I

would continue the diet as long as I would feel good

with just one enema a day. I would just watch what

was happening to this 'hole'. In three days, the hole

closed up on its own. By day 9 of the diet, I began

to lose my energy and would have had to do 2 enemas

per day to continue. So I stopped. I made the

decision, though, that I would continue preparing my

body for such a diet again.


It would take me another 3 years of preparation before

I went fruitarian again. For 2.5 months, I ate any

kind of fruit I wanted. Then, when I had no negative

reaction, I switched to grapes again with the

determination to stick it out for as long as I had a

normal bowel movement (did not need an enema). (This

coincided with have the mercury taste in my mouth.) I

was astounded. In the beginning, I was having 3-4

stools per day. This lasted for about 4 weeks. Then

they reduced to about 2 per day. Finally, the week

before the mercury taste left, I was having a stool

only about once every 2 days. How did I feel?


I was astounded at the clarity of my thinking!

However, physically, I did not have the energy I would

have expected...although I was still able to do more

than I would have expected for how I looked (like a

concentration camp victim)! I had lost 50 pounds of

lean muscle (which I dearly regret!) because I did not

understand the need to exercise at the same time. I

found that I wanted a very peaceful lifestyle and

calming environment. I found myself avoiding ALL

confrontation, competition, and disagreements. (This

should not have surprised me because fruitarians tend

to be the most peaceful people in the world just as

meat eaters tend to be the most aggressive!)


When the mercury taste disappeared, I was ravenous. I

craved protein, salt, and a wide variety of

fruits...esp bananas. My craving for salt was so

strong that I would put salt in my hand and lick it

up! After two days of this, my legs swelled up to

twice their size. I had to fast for two days to get

rid of the salt. At first, I tried to eat bananas in

almond milk but the cravings would not go away. While

I had cleansed my body, I had also starved it.


Ever since that experience, I have determined two

things. The first was that I wanted to again be

fruitarian some day. Second, I needed to prepare for

that day if I were going to be successful. Success,

to me, meant that I would never have to give it up



However, I also realized that, to accomplish this

goal, I must prepare for it by first building up my

body. I had to re-establish a good nutrient

foundation and re-build lean muscle. Through many

transitions, I must cleanse, heal, and rebuild my

body. I must also create an environment and lifestyle

that is conducive to maintaining a fruitarian diet.

For 6 years, I focused on these areas. I was about to

begin a major transition when I was poisoned by the

formaldehyde. This has slowed down my momentum but

not changed my goal.






--- vaberella <vaberella wrote:

> Hiya.


> I was just reading up on fruitarianism. Iknow the

> pros, but can

> someone if they happen to know, the cons to this

> diet? I also

> wanted to know some people's fruit in take as

> percentage in

> comparison to nuts, and veggies? I would also like

> to know, from

> those who are fruitarian's how they get that filled

> feeling?

> Another thing I wanted to know was how to watch out

> for the fat in

> take, since avocados, mangoes, and coconuts are high

> in fat? By any

> chance, this is the last thing, would anyone know

> what fruits must

> be eaten alone and which ones can be mixed to work

> with the each of

> the enzymes in our system?


> P.S. I apologize for any double posts.


> VB







Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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Con: You can throw yourself into diabetes.


I'm not sure of your reasoning for wanting to be a fruitarian. Isn't

this all about health?? You may find interesting a very intense

testing by Dr. William Kelley, the ORIGINATOR of the metabolic diet.

His test can be ordered at www.sawilsons.com where there is also

further information. Dr. Kelly himself is a fruitarian of sorts. He

was originally a vegetarian until he almost killed his wife through a

raw vegetarian diet. Interesting story. --a

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Hi Mary,


just some days ago I had a period of eating just red grapes for 10 -

12 days (10 complete ones, those ones before and after from their

major part).


I can never see any detox on me because I do everything in a natural

gradual way just when I feel for it. My body asked me for red grapes

only, so I eat them. When I had enough, I simply stopped eating them.















rawfood , mary <marymassung> wrote:

> Vaberella,


> A fruitarian diet can be dangerous if not done

> properly. Fruit is a very powerful cleanser and can

> trigger powerful cleansings in the body if it is the

> only food consumed. that having been said...the

> question I always ask is 'why fruitarian?'


> Note, I am not opposed..I did it myself and intend to

> do it again. If a person has prepared his/her body

> gradually for this diet through natural transitions,

> it can provide enormous energy! But, if the body is

> not prepared or if you have not learned how to eat a

> wide variety of organic fruit in season (based upon

> nutrient content), problems not only can but will

> emerge over a period of time. Then why even consider

> being fruitarian...even for a short time?


> Because fruit is such a powerful cleanser/detoxifier,

> IMHO, it is the final step that NEEDS to be taken if

> someone want a CLEAN body. It takes at least 2 months

> on a fruitarian diet to accomplish this goal. Once

> this has been accomplished, the person could choose to

> continue such a diet or revert back to any variation

> of a natural healthy diet.


> Grapes are an especially potent cleanser/detoxifier.

> Let me share a personal experience. I had been

> cleansing my body (through regular enemas and an

> emphasis on raw food) for 7 years before I went back

> to school (for my degrees in this area). I felt

> wonderful compared to how I had felt 7 years earlier.

> As I was learning more, I experimented on myself. I

> decided I wanted to know what it was like to do a

> 'grape cleanse'. Here is what happened....


> For the first 4 days (of eating between 1-4#s of

> grapes), I felt progressively more WONDERFUL. By the

> 4th day, this usually sendentary mental woman (me)

> decided that she needed a good brisk walk as she had

> too much energy to contain in her body! So I took off

> and was amazed at how absolutely fabulous I felt! I

> felt as though I were walking on air! Then it

> happened. About 1/2 mi from home I felt as though a

> million yellow jackets has stung my leg! Because I

> was wearing long pants, I could not see what happened

> until after I had LIMPED that 1/2 mi back home! Then,

> to may utter amazement, I saw a hole in my upper thigh

> that was about 2mm in diameter. Some gunk was oozing

> out! My lymphatic system was not able to empty itself

> into the small intestines quickly enough so it had

> simply opened up a place for a direct route out of my

> body! Since I had not been doing any enemas with this

> diet, I decided to start now. I made the decision I

> would continue the diet as long as I would feel good

> with just one enema a day. I would just watch what

> was happening to this 'hole'. In three days, the hole

> closed up on its own. By day 9 of the diet, I began

> to lose my energy and would have had to do 2 enemas

> per day to continue. So I stopped. I made the

> decision, though, that I would continue preparing my

> body for such a diet again.


> It would take me another 3 years of preparation before

> I went fruitarian again. For 2.5 months, I ate any

> kind of fruit I wanted. Then, when I had no negative

> reaction, I switched to grapes again with the

> determination to stick it out for as long as I had a

> normal bowel movement (did not need an enema). (This

> coincided with have the mercury taste in my mouth.) I

> was astounded. In the beginning, I was having 3-4

> stools per day. This lasted for about 4 weeks. Then

> they reduced to about 2 per day. Finally, the week

> before the mercury taste left, I was having a stool

> only about once every 2 days. How did I feel?


> I was astounded at the clarity of my thinking!

> However, physically, I did not have the energy I would

> have expected...although I was still able to do more

> than I would have expected for how I looked (like a

> concentration camp victim)! I had lost 50 pounds of

> lean muscle (which I dearly regret!) because I did not

> understand the need to exercise at the same time. I

> found that I wanted a very peaceful lifestyle and

> calming environment. I found myself avoiding ALL

> confrontation, competition, and disagreements. (This

> should not have surprised me because fruitarians tend

> to be the most peaceful people in the world just as

> meat eaters tend to be the most aggressive!)


> When the mercury taste disappeared, I was ravenous. I

> craved protein, salt, and a wide variety of

> fruits...esp bananas. My craving for salt was so

> strong that I would put salt in my hand and lick it

> up! After two days of this, my legs swelled up to

> twice their size. I had to fast for two days to get

> rid of the salt. At first, I tried to eat bananas in

> almond milk but the cravings would not go away. While

> I had cleansed my body, I had also starved it.


> Ever since that experience, I have determined two

> things. The first was that I wanted to again be

> fruitarian some day. Second, I needed to prepare for

> that day if I were going to be successful. Success,

> to me, meant that I would never have to give it up

> again.


> However, I also realized that, to accomplish this

> goal, I must prepare for it by first building up my

> body. I had to re-establish a good nutrient

> foundation and re-build lean muscle. Through many

> transitions, I must cleanse, heal, and rebuild my

> body. I must also create an environment and lifestyle

> that is conducive to maintaining a fruitarian diet.

> For 6 years, I focused on these areas. I was about to

> begin a major transition when I was poisoned by the

> formaldehyde. This has slowed down my momentum but

> not changed my goal.


> mary




> --- vaberella <vaberella> wrote:

> > Hiya.

> >

> > I was just reading up on fruitarianism. Iknow the

> > pros, but can

> > someone if they happen to know, the cons to this

> > diet? I also

> > wanted to know some people's fruit in take as

> > percentage in

> > comparison to nuts, and veggies? I would also like

> > to know, from

> > those who are fruitarian's how they get that filled

> > feeling?

> > Another thing I wanted to know was how to watch out

> > for the fat in

> > take, since avocados, mangoes, and coconuts are high

> > in fat? By any

> > chance, this is the last thing, would anyone know

> > what fruits must

> > be eaten alone and which ones can be mixed to work

> > with the each of

> > the enzymes in our system?

> >

> > P.S. I apologize for any double posts.

> >

> > VB

> >

> >



> =====


> Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


> A smile is a silent 'hello'.


> owner of


> 'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


> 'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


> 'Yoga for Therapy'.






> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs

> http://hotjobs.sweepstakes./careermakeover

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This was part of my point. Twenty years ago, when all

this was just starting to be more mainstream, there

were very few guidelines. Rather, those of us moving

into either raw or fruitarian diets were encouraged to

go 'cold turkey'....rather than to follow the lead of

our bodies. After all, the promoters of these diets

had gone 'cold turkey' or at least this is what their

writings led us to believe. Also, no two of these

'health promoters'were willing to concede that another

'health promoter' had validity. I made a phone call

to one who spent the entire phone call denouncing

another. It was up to each person to try and find

his/her own way in this maze.


Even if we all live in the same country, we do not

have the same genetics nor are our bodies polluted in

the same manner. Nor are our environments and

lifestyles the same. Therefore, no one could know

exactly how my body would react to the dieary regime

that seemed to benefit another.


Because I had no one to guide me, I was on my own. I

started slow and proceded slowly. Then, after 7 years

and all my degrees, I felt more confident and moved

faster. That is when I did my first grape diet. I

felt it was a wonderful success in spite of what

happened to my leg. If I had not tried to race walk 4

days into the diet, I would have been fine! In fact it

was this experience that convinced me that one day I

would be fruitarian. The fact that I had to do enemas

after 4 days only revealed that my colon was still not

in good shape. (Since my family has a history of

colon cancer, this was not too surprising.)


However, I did not know how important it was to

prepare carefully for that goal (fruitariansim) if I

wanted the transition to be a permanent one. The few

books on this subject implied that cold turkey was

easy...on a matter of will power. No one revealed

that it was not only a matter of dietary changes but

also significant exercise changes as well as lifestyle

and environmental changes. This may have been because

those living this diet were older and terminally ill.


As we all know, a 10 days fruit diet is a good cleanse

but does not make one a fruitarian. Even my 5 months

fruitarian diet did not result in my being 100%

fruitarian for the remainder of my life. I may have

prepared nutritionally (known because I did not need

enemas during those months), but I had not prepared my

body in other ways. I did not know the best choice of

fruit needed to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

While I thought I had prepared my lifestyle, only as

time progressed did I realize I had not done so as

much as was needed.


As strange as it may sound to those who have not done

such a prolonged experiment, your diet does influence

how you react to your environment! The extremes are

meat eaters (more aggressive) and fruitarian (100%

non-aggressive and non-confrontational). In other

words, competition, aggression and confrontation are

difficult for a fruitarian. At that time in my life, I

had two young adult children living at home. They

were 'coming into their own'. (Those of you who have

had adult children living at home will know what I am

referring to! LOLs) It is almost impossible to avoid

confrontation with someone who NEEDS confrontation in

order to step out on his/her own. If I had been

fruitarian for some time before my children were in

this stage of their lives, I might have known a better

way to handle these situations. I withdrew and only

made things worse. They are now both happily married

and I am more in control of what happens in my home.

It is not that I was 'out of control' of my home. I

simply could not maintain a peaceful environment with

a calm lifestyle with two 18-22 year olds that thrived

on noise, lots of friends, and the need to be



The other thing I did not consider was the type of

exercise I needed. I needed exercise that would build

lean muscle while losing weight and yet also be

calming TO ME. When fruitarian, the whole body

(physical, mental, and emotional) seeks peace and calm

in all ways. For me, certain forms of exercise were

jarring to me and so I stopped. However, I had

nothing to put in its place. Nutrient deficiencies,

too much weight loss (including lean muscle), and lack

of control over the environment caused me to give up.

Could I have continued and won...maybe! But I still

believe I made the right choice. I simply was not

readily....holistically. That is, my mind, body, an

spirit were not all in sync yet.


I do not mean to imply that there cannot be others who

could make such a transition 'cold turkey' and succeed

for a lifetime. I am simply saying that I do not

believe that I am the only person who could not go

'cold turkey' after 10 years of dietary preparation.

I am also stating that fruitariansim is a 'culture'.

By 'culture', I do not mean lifestyle.


Whether we realize it or not, food impacts us mentally

& emotionally as well as physically. When we

transition gradually, we are giving our minds and

emotions a chance to 'catch up' with our bodies.

Sometimes we have to stop for awhile because our

minds or our emotions are simply not ready for the

next transition. Sometimes, we have to backup for the

same reason. As we transition mentally and

emotionally, we instinctively change our environment

and lifestyle to conform to what we are feeling

(emotion). Again, there are times when those around

us are not able to make such transitions with us.

What do we do then?


This is where each person must make a personal

decision. If I am fruitarian and my spouse is a

meat-eater, it is possible that we would no longer be

compatible. Therefore, for the marriage to survive,

he would either have to begin his own transitioning

away from meat or I would have to step back from 100%

fruitarianism. I had not understood the importance of

this when I made my transition to fruitarianism. While

I was able to control my environment for a period of

time, I could not control the fact that my children

and spouse were meat-eaters. (Ironically, now my

children are transitioning away from meat!)


Not only did I have to be concerned about nutritional

deficiencies but also emotional deficiencies. I chose

to backdown for a period of time. Now my

circumstances are very different. Therefore, I am

moving slowly towards my goal again....100%

fruitarianism. However, this time, I am using the

botanical definition of fruit (ovary that contains the

seeds of life). I have also been putting in place an

exercise program that builds lean muscle in a peaceful

manner....yoga and tai chi. These forms of exercise

will also help me deal with an environment that cannot

be perfect.



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I was considering becoming a fruitarian and read extensively on it. Everything I

read pointed to study's showing serious nutritional deficiencies. I finally got

my hands on a book from someone who succeeded in being a Fruitarian. He ate

fruit every meal except one ~SMILE~. This one meal he ate a green salad with

seeds and nuts. ~SMILE~. This is sound advice on being a fruitarian. I think it

is the best diet of all including RAW. I would think this would be for the

healthy person vs the healing person becasue it leaves out Algea's and other

green drinks.








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I am amazed at all of this.I have candida and in the process of doing slow

cleanses with different things,I am so sad that I can barely eat fruit. I

love fruit and can't wait till I am well and can eat them again.



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In my opinion, there are only two reasons to be



The first is to complete the cleansing process.

Veggies do not contain the needed amount of sap to

ferment lose the hardened fecal matter on the

intestinal walls. Fruit does. A short 100% fruitarian

fast, whether done as intervals or in one long burst,

will do the job. There are certain illness that cannot

be removed without such a fast. Cancer is one. It

can be put into remission with a veggie/sprout fast

but, if you stop the diet, the cancer will return.

This is not the case with a fruit diet...particularly

a grape fast for 60 days. However, such a diet (for

cancer) must be done under the supervision of someone

who knows what to expect because the cleansing crises

will be severe!


The second is for someone who needs to maintain a very

alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.


Fruit, if eaten whole, does not cause diabetes.






--- ms4runr2 <ms4runr2 wrote:

> Con: You can throw yourself into diabetes.


> I'm not sure of your reasoning for wanting to be a

> fruitarian. Isn't

> this all about health?? You may find interesting a

> very intense

> testing by Dr. William Kelley, the ORIGINATOR of the

> metabolic diet.

> His test can be ordered at www.sawilsons.com where

> there is also

> further information. Dr. Kelly himself is a

> fruitarian of sorts. He

> was originally a vegetarian until he almost killed

> his wife through a

> raw vegetarian diet. Interesting story. --a







Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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I agree with you. Many fruitarians, IMHO, make three



1. They feel that they only need to eat a wide variety

of favorite fruits. Nothing could be further from the

truth. The fruit eaten must be native to your

geographic location and high in nutrients (organic).

Only these fruits can provide the nutrients needed in

any particular geographic region.


2. The diet must include some form of protein. Many

nuts are botannical fruits. Most people, when

considering a fruitarian diet, use the layman's

definition of fruit...not the botannical one.

Botannically, tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc are all

fruits. Botannically, the fruit of a plant is the

ovary which contains the seed of life. Technically, a

pea pod (with soft peas inside) is a fruit!


3. A healthy diet, even a healthy fruitarian diet,

must contain herbs as these are medicinal. Again, they

should come from your local geographic region. (If

celery does not grow in your region, do not eat it.)

They can be eaten fresh or dried. Herbs are the

stems, leaves, and flowers of non-toxic plants. Leafy

greens are herbs (leaves). Broccoli and cauliflower

are herbs (flowers). Celery is an herb (stem).


In a healthy fruitarian diet, local organic fruit

dominates the diet. However, herbs are the

'side-dishes' as needed (craved). The herbs can be

eaten raw or steamed (infused) or simmered (decocted).

The method is determined by the body's needs. The

need might vary from day to day or season to season.


While many people might choose to be fruitarian for

short periods of time (for cleansing purposes), when a

person's body is READY to be fruitarian

(nutritionally), it is so clean, healed, and

nutrient-dense that only a small amount of food is

needed per day.




--- abrs <abrs wrote:

> I was considering becoming a fruitarian and read

> extensively on it. Everything I read pointed to

> study's showing serious nutritional deficiencies. I

> finally got my hands on a book from someone who

> succeeded in being a Fruitarian. He ate fruit every

> meal except one ~SMILE~. This one meal he ate a

> green salad with seeds and nuts. ~SMILE~. This is

> sound advice on being a fruitarian. I think it is

> the best diet of all including RAW. I would think

> this would be for the healthy person vs the healing

> person becasue it leaves out Algea's and other green

> drinks.


> Blessings,


> Bernadette



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs


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Okay here is where I am confused.After reading several books

about alakalizing your diet I have been led to believe that fruit

other than lemons,lime ,tomatoes,and avacado do not alkalize

your body.


You said


The second is for someone who needs to maintain a very

alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.


Can you site info that says that fruit is alkalizing to the body.

Which fruits do you recommend?

I am fighting Candida and of course fruit is not listed as part of the

solution. It bothers me as I believe fruit is very important.



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Fruit is alkalizing, even lemons and starchy foods such as bananas and





The color charts are courtesy of the Diabetes society.


" The Mitcheners " <spiritfire

<rawfood >

Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:26 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: Fruitarian



> Hi

> Okay here is where I am confused.After reading several books

> about alakalizing your diet I have been led to believe that fruit

> other than lemons,lime ,tomatoes,and avacado do not alkalize

> your body.


> You said


> The second is for someone who needs to maintain a very

> alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.


> Can you site info that says that fruit is alkalizing to the body.

> Which fruits do you recommend?

> I am fighting Candida and of course fruit is not listed as part of the

> solution. It bothers me as I believe fruit is very important.


> Kathy








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Is there a chans that you can eat to much alkalized veggis/frut? What happens





" L.Win " <rustym wrote:

Fruit is alkalizing, even lemons and starchy foods such as bananas and





The color charts are courtesy of the Diabetes society.


" The Mitcheners " <spiritfire

<rawfood >

Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:26 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: Fruitarian



> Hi

> Okay here is where I am confused.After reading several books

> about alakalizing your diet I have been led to believe that fruit

> other than lemons,lime ,tomatoes,and avacado do not alkalize

> your body.


> You said


> The second is for someone who needs to maintain a very

> alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.


> Can you site info that says that fruit is alkalizing to the body.

> Which fruits do you recommend?

> I am fighting Candida and of course fruit is not listed as part of the

> solution. It bothers me as I believe fruit is very important.


> Kathy








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--- nurmala <nurmalat wrote:

> Hi!

> Is there a chans that you can eat to much alkalized

> veggis/frut? What happens then?



This is the big ?....no one knows for sure. Because

we, as a culture, are more apt to be too acidic and

have acid diseases, we need a lot of alkaline foods

for balance. It is possible for someone to be so

obsessed with alkalinity that they get an alkaline

disease? It would seem very possible. I met a man

who had been on a 100% alkaline diet (Anne wigmore's

diet) for 10 years. He was so spaced out that it was

hard to have a conversation with him. Yet he thought

he was very healthy. I have wondered, after this

experience, if being too alkaline causes mental/focus

problems. No one knows for sure at this time.


What I do know is the following:


1. Those individuals who transitioned to a 100%

alkaline diet and seemed to be fine were the ones with

a true terminal illness such as cancer.

2. The primitive societies that do not have our

western degenerative diseases do not eat a 100%

alkaline diet. Neither do they eliminate all animal

flesh/animal products from their diet. Nor do they eat

all their food raw.


It is possible that we, as a culture, are allowing the

pendulum to swing from one extreme to another. We

went too far on the side of cooked animal food (acid)

and may now be swinging too far to the other side on

the side of raw plants (alkaline). Only time will





> Nurmala


> " L.Win " <rustym wrote:

> Fruit is alkalizing, even lemons and starchy foods

> such as bananas and

> squash.

> See:

> http://pacificcoast.net/~rustym/articles/PH.html

> rusty

> The color charts are courtesy of the Diabetes

> society.

> -

> " The Mitcheners " <spiritfire

> <rawfood >

> Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:26 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] Re: Fruitarian



> > Hi

> > Okay here is where I am confused.After reading

> several books

> > about alakalizing your diet I have been led to

> believe that fruit

> > other than lemons,lime ,tomatoes,and avacado do

> not alkalize

> > your body.

> >

> > You said

> >

> > The second is for someone who needs to maintain a

> very

> > alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.

> >

> > Can you site info that says that fruit is

> alkalizing to the body.

> > Which fruits do you recommend?

> > I am fighting Candida and of course fruit is not

> listed as part of the

> > solution. It bothers me as I believe fruit is very

> important.

> >

> > Kathy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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>Is there a chans that you can eat to much alkalized veggis/frut?


There is a condition called alkalosis but it's very rare.

Generally from too much calcium or other base mineral intake.



" nurmala " <nurmalat

<rawfood >

Thursday, May 06, 2004 1:24 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: Fruitarian




Is there a chans that you can eat to much alkalized veggis/frut? What

happens then?




" L.Win " <rustym wrote:

Fruit is alkalizing, even lemons and starchy foods such as bananas and





The color charts are courtesy of the Diabetes society.


" The Mitcheners " <spiritfire

<rawfood >

Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:26 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: Fruitarian



> Hi

> Okay here is where I am confused.After reading several books

> about alakalizing your diet I have been led to believe that fruit

> other than lemons,lime ,tomatoes,and avacado do not alkalize

> your body.


> You said


> The second is for someone who needs to maintain a very

> alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.


> Can you site info that says that fruit is alkalizing to the body.

> Which fruits do you recommend?

> I am fighting Candida and of course fruit is not listed as part of the

> solution. It bothers me as I believe fruit is very important.


> Kathy








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rawfood , mary <marymassung> wrote:

> Anne,



> Fruit, if eaten whole, does not cause diabetes.


> mary




I am repeating what I heard from a woman who did just that. Whether

there is more to the story or not, I do not know. She is slim and

always has been, no obesity or diabetes in the family, was perfectly

healthy until becoming a fruitarian. She now controls her diabetes

with diet. I did not question her as to the particulars of her fruit

diet. I met her while purchasing a wheat grass growing kit on-line.

She's still raw.-a

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rawfood , mary <marymassung> wrote:

> Anne,


> In my opinion, there are only two reasons to be

> fruitarian.


> The first is to complete the cleansing process.

> Veggies do not contain the needed amount of sap to

> ferment lose the hardened fecal matter on the

> intestinal walls. Fruit does.


I don't get this. I did a B.Jensen cleanse with psyllium and liquid

clay. I also continued with home colema's, using coffee and

wheatgrass juice. Would you say these methods cannot completely

cleanse the colon? -a

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Hi everyone,


speaking about the fruitarian books: Have you read something from

Helmut Wandmaker? I agree almost with all his opinions, he does not

see any danger on eating just fruit.


However, I do not do it because of any teory. I just feel me for

that. Moreover, I do not have necessity to analyse everything. I just

feel I am able to receive energy from ligter and ligter food.


I never had thought before I would do something like this. I did not

suppose I would be able to be vegetarian, not to speak about raw

food, I would be dead from hunger.


I think it is not just about food but also about how we are able to

use our food. That is why I do not consider nor breatharianism

impossible, one never knows...




P.D.: I do not do it for 100%, sometimes I take something within the

frontiers of vegetarianism. Speaking for myself, some types of

cooked food are not so picant or dry for me as vegetable or nuts, I

do it according to this.

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There are many who have tried to be fruitarian without

adequate knowledge just as there have been many who

are vegan or raw fooders without adequate

understanding of nutrition. Inevitably, these

individuals will run into problems. If they are

lucky, the problems will surface sooner rather than

later. If they are wise, they will listen to their

bodies and either slow down or backstep before getting

a serious illness.


I have met very few people who are willing to do the

intensive research needed to understand what his/her

body needs. As I stated before, I do not believe

everyone should be fruitarian...or even raw fooders

for that matter. To do it right, you must know what

foods are local to your geographic region and be

willing to eat a large variety from this group. You

must also be willing to occasionally eat animal

protein if your body reveals the need...as it will

periodically throughout your life!


When I was getting the PHD portion of my degree, it

was required that I study the writings of many

individuals who, through diet, had put a TERMINAL

disease into remission. By TERMINAL, I mean that they

were going to die if they did not make a drastic

change IMMEDIATELY. Although all these individuals

made a change that involved large amounts of raw food

(and some did become raw fooders), no two accomplished

the remission of their disease with the same food.

When each wrote about his/her life and the diet that

made the difference, s/he was NOT implying that

EVERYONE should go on that diet 'cold turkey'. They

were writing to give hope to others with terminal



About 30 years ago, non-terminally ill people began to

try and dupicate what these individuals had done

without taking the time to research ALL the

individuals who had written these books. In fact, some

in the medical profession helped to promote these

diets as safe for everyone. I presume the thinking

was....if such a diet helped this person who was

terminally ill, it will do even more for me. However,

no one has proven that this is a true statement!


Obviously, an all raw diet can be wonderful as a

cleanser of the body. Depending upon the food chosen,

it can also be a healer and builder/repairer of the

body. However, I know of three 'modern' people who

chose the course of a specific raw food regine) that

caused me to have reservations.


1. TCFry ... If the natural hygienic raw diet is so

wholesome for EVERYONE for the long haul and is

suppose to cause people to be more sensitive and

non-aggressive, why did he spent so much time

denouncing another person on the phone to me and why

did his wife kill him?

2. Anne Wigmore .... I met Anne Wigmore in person.

As I listened to her lecture and her 'performance' as

well as observed her general appearance, she did not

seem mentally or physically 'well' to me. IMO, anyone

who uses a rock on a string to determine if a food is

healthy is 'not all there'. Obviously others in the

group did not agree with me.

3. I met a man who was not terminally ill who had been

on Anne Wigmore's diet for 10 years. Yes, he seemed

very healthy physically but he was too hyper to carry

on a normal conversation. Why?


I believe that if someone is going to make a radical

change from the norm, s/he has a personal

responsibility to learn as much as possible and to

understand his/her own body so well that any and all

minor/major adjustments needed can be made.

Sometimes, such an adjustment requires taking a step

backwards. Sometimes, it requires taking a step



Because I had a benign breast tumor removed (11/1995),

I transitioned to a fruitarian diet more rapidly than

I otherwise might have done. Then, when nothing

negative happened after 3 months on this diet (I was

still working 1/2 days), I quit work and transitioned

to a grape juice diet for 2 months (to remove any

possible traces of cancer that might be in my body).

Because the amount of nutrients I consumed on this

diet was VERY LIMITED, I paid a price and needed to go

back to a omnivorous diet (cooked and raw). When I

felt my body was ready (about 6 years later), I began

transitioning again. My intent was to be 100% raw with

an emphasis on organic local fruit (dried and fresh).

I also intended to include cold-smoked salmon in my

diet on occasion for extra protein. (This meant I had

to learn to like it!)


Then I was poisoned by formaldehyde. Now I must again

deal with the possibility of cancer as formaldehyde is

a very powerful carcinogen. For this reason, I am

preparing for another grape juice diet which may or

may not ever take place. Unless I have the good

fortune of finding a person capable of supervising a

grape diet for 60 days, I will have to do it on my own

again. This requires a great deal of preparation with

many preliminary shorter grape diets as well as a

period of time on a fruitarian diet. This time, I

will be better prepared to end the grape juice fast.


As you can see, I am NOT ADVOCATING a 100% fruitarian

diet for the fun of it. While there may be a few who

are willing to seriously prepare for a long-term

fruitarian diet, most are not. Those who are not risk

serious consequences.





--- ms4runr2 <ms4runr2 wrote:

> rawfood , mary

> <marymassung> wrote:

> > Anne,


> >

> > Fruit, if eaten whole, does not cause diabetes.

> >

> > mary

> >

> >

> >

> I am repeating what I heard from a woman who did

> just that. Whether

> there is more to the story or not, I do not know.

> She is slim and

> always has been, no obesity or diabetes in the

> family, was perfectly

> healthy until becoming a fruitarian. She now

> controls her diabetes

> with diet. I did not question her as to the

> particulars of her fruit

> diet. I met her while purchasing a wheat grass

> growing kit on-line.

> She's still raw.-a








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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I can only share what I know as fact...


Because I have a degree in iridology, I could watch

my own irises as well as the irises of my clients.

While enemas and colonics do cleanse the colon, their

impact is limited. This came home to me in several

very real situations.


When I was doing private consultations, I frequently

ran into people who wanted a 'quick fix'. While they

knew I was not an MD with pills, they still wanted a

'quick fix'. Several of these refused to make the

dietary changes I suggested but overemphasized

colonics. This was an easier choice...their 'quick

fix'. It allowed them to eat everything they wanted.

Since each of these clients returned for monthly

visits, I was able to keep track of the changes in

their irises.


For the first 6 months, all had dramatic intestinal

improvements just from colonics. All involved

insisted they made no dietary changes. None took any

herbal formulations. I was beginning to wonder if

colonics actually were more important than diet from

the perspective of cleansing the intestinal tract.

However, after 6 months, a change occurred. The

intestinal tracts of these individuals stopped

improving while the intestinal tracts of my other

clients (who made significant dietary changes ...not

100% raw) caught up and continued improving!


Then I had a very interesting client brought to me by

his family. Larry was a single 50 year old bachelor

with terminal brain cancer. He had been given 6

months to live. His sister-in-law was willing to let

him live with them ONLY if he would follow my



When I first saw Larry, he could not focus on a

conversation for even 10 minutes. I was shocked by

his irises. He had very few trabiculae (indicating

nerve energy) and a very clogged intestinal tract.

This meant waste from the intestines was leaching

through his intestinal wall to the rest of his body.

It also meant that the lymphatic system had nowhere to

empty. I had never seen an iris this bad. I could

see why he had been told he had only 6 months to live.

I put him on an all raw diet, wheatgrass juice,and

twice-weekly colonics.


At the end of the first month of this regimen, he was

growing and juicing his own wheatgrass, preparing his

own diet (with some cheating...according to his niece

and nephews), walking for short distances without

getting lost, and able to come to my monthly

discussion group. he had been able to none of these

when he arrived.


At the end of the 2nd month, he was able to go on

longer walks by himself, work in the family garden for

about an hour and actively participate in my monthly

group discussion (2 hours long).


At the end of the 3rd month, he asked for another

consultation. He, not his sister-in-law, spoke with

me. He spoke quite intelligently. I checked his irises

and saw what the books had said was impossible.

(Bernard Jensen wrote the book!) Larry's irises had a

dramatic increase in trabeculae (nerve energy)! He was

a very different man! However, much to my sadness, he

stated that he did not want to be on this diet for the

rest of his life. He thanked me for giving him this

respite but now wanted to die. I explained that if he

went back to his old diet, he would probably die in

about 6 months. He made that choice, moved to another

relative's home, and died 8 months later.


I had parents bring a 16 year old with ADD. They did

not want to put him on ritalin. His irises were

beautiful...indicating a healthy body. I explained

the needed dietary changes and asked him if he would

accept them. He did. He did not do enemas or

colonics. According to his irises, these were not

needed. He and his parents returned 6 months later.

The parents told me the boy had never cheated once as

far as they could tell. He was bringing me his report

card...straight A's (including AP physics)!


While enemas and colonics do help removed waste from

the colon, they cannot soften the old fecal matter

which has hardened like a glue on the intestinal

tract. Only fruit sap can do that. The sweeter the

sap, the more potent. If you have minimal to no

hardened fecal matter, you are fine. However, the

answer to this can only be known with absolute

certitude through either a biopsy or a autopsy. I

would rather just eat the ******fruit!






--- ms4runr2 <ms4runr2 wrote:

> rawfood , mary

> <marymassung> wrote:

> > Anne,

> >

> > In my opinion, there are only two reasons to be

> > fruitarian.

> >

> > The first is to complete the cleansing process.

> > Veggies do not contain the needed amount of sap to

> > ferment lose the hardened fecal matter on the

> > intestinal walls. Fruit does.


> I don't get this. I did a B.Jensen cleanse with

> psyllium and liquid

> clay. I also continued with home colema's, using

> coffee and

> wheatgrass juice. Would you say these methods cannot

> completely

> cleanse the colon? -a








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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I currently live in SLC, Utah. I was most active in

my profession as a Natural Health Consultant while

living in Illinois. Although I did consultations and

taught classes (included a 16 week set of classes for

a holistic school), I learned that the people of Utah

were not as receptive to natural health movement as

the people in Illinois. The majority of the few who

were wanted a 'quick fix' or magic pill. While I did

find a few who benefitted, these were few and far



What I do, I do out of my home.



--- alex <telecom wrote:

> Mary,

> where about is your office?


> Alex



> mary wrote:




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs


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Too far for me, unfortunately...

I'm in Ontario - but I like what you are doing.


mary wrote:




>I currently live in SLC, Utah.




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Go Katarina, I liked your post.


It is all about the better energy we experience being raw.




New Forum: www.rawfoodeaters


rawfood , Katarína Hviezdarková

<katarinahviezdarkova> wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> speaking about the fruitarian books: Have you read something from

> Helmut Wandmaker? I agree almost with all his opinions, he does not

> see any danger on eating just fruit.


> However, I do not do it because of any teory. I just feel me for

> that. Moreover, I do not have necessity to analyse everything. I


> feel I am able to receive energy from ligter and ligter food.


> I never had thought before I would do something like this. I did


> suppose I would be able to be vegetarian, not to speak about raw

> food, I would be dead from hunger.


> I think it is not just about food but also about how we are able to

> use our food. That is why I do not consider nor breatharianism

> impossible, one never knows...


> Katarína


> P.D.: I do not do it for 100%, sometimes I take something within


> frontiers of vegetarianism. Speaking for myself, some types of

> cooked food are not so picant or dry for me as vegetable or nuts, I

> do it according to this.

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TOmatoes are alkalizing?? -a



rawfood , " The Mitcheners " <spiritfire@t...>


> Hi

> Okay here is where I am confused.After reading several books

> about alakalizing your diet I have been led to believe that fruit

> other than lemons,lime ,tomatoes,and avacado do not alkalize

> your body.


> You said


> The second is for someone who needs to maintain a very

> alkaline diet because of some kind of poisoning.


> Can you site info that says that fruit is alkalizing to the body.

> Which fruits do you recommend?

> I am fighting Candida and of course fruit is not listed as part of


> solution. It bothers me as I believe fruit is very important.


> Kathy

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