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Vegan Bullying

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I am a 53 year old married woman with two grown up kids - Pagan, veggie,

metalhead. I have homosexual friends of both sexes. I am not particularly

interested in the details of their, or anyone elses, sexual lives.


I feel that there was no insult intended - just an expression of that

person's sexuality.




> I don't expect those of you who spend your lives immersed in a

> culture that dismisses people who aren't straight to necessarily see

> my point of view on this, but I appreciate the chance to discuss it

> here. Thank you.




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In a message dated 1/4/02 9:48:00 AM Pacific Standard Time,

sandravannoy writes:


<< *laugh* You slay me, fraggle.



-- >>



but..i didn't even pull out a sword or nuthin!

forsoth, thou shall not be slayeth by thee lesseth then rapier wit of thy.

for, the sun doesth shineth on the dewey path to thee righteous

indignation..and i just totally lost my train of thought...damn

oh well...

*bounds merrily away*


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My name isn't " everyone else " !! Most upset Angie !!!!!

Your point makes sense tho' except for vegans

We presumably assume most people are not vegan because we are a minority

group so far


" Peter " <Snowbow


Saturday, January 05, 2002 10:55 AM

Re: Vegan Bullying



> Hi Cathy / Serene / Jane / Richard / Ian / everyone else!! :-)


> .


> Personally, I think it is an in-built part of everyone's psyche that they

> tend to assume everyone is the same as themselves - until circumstances

> highlight that they're not.


> BB

> Peter





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> Most people start out being faithful usually don't they?


I would hope so - to my mind, sex and love go together.






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> As I think I have already said why do people ignore those who are


> in conversations ? I'm not bothered But people forget them Angie


This is a very good point. There are loads of celibate people, either for

spiritual reasons or because they either have not yet found the right

person, or have lost the right person.


We all learn from each other.







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> I have 6 gay friends I never consider them as anything but vegans .


Precisely - as far as I am concerned, (whilst quite willing to discuss

anything) sexuality should be private - none of my business.


> Its

> never an issue as long as people are open and clear from the start to


> someone accidently saying the wrong thing and causing (or think they are

> causing ) embarrassement





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What's a *metalhead*???






" Jo " <Heartwork


Saturday, January 05, 2002 11:30 AM

Re: Vegan Bullying



> Serene


> I am a 53 year old married woman with two grown up kids - Pagan, veggie,

> metalhead. I have homosexual friends of both sexes. I am not


> interested in the details of their, or anyone elses, sexual lives.


> I feel that there was no insult intended - just an expression of that

> person's sexuality.


> Jo


> > I don't expect those of you who spend your lives immersed in a

> > culture that dismisses people who aren't straight to necessarily see

> > my point of view on this, but I appreciate the chance to discuss it

> > here. Thank you.



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Slayer are a good band too!




> slay...

> but..i didn't even pull out a sword or nuthin!

> forsoth, thou shall not be slayeth by thee lesseth then rapier wit of thy.

> for, the sun doesth shineth on the dewey path to thee righteous

> indignation..and i just totally lost my train of thought...damn

> oh well...

> *bounds merrily away*


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, " Peter " <Snowbow@b...> wrote:

> Slayer are a good band too!


> Jo


\m/ \m/ indeed. I trust you heard Dave Lombardo is back in the



Chris " Going to see them twice this month " X

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While not wanting to be repetitious I also do not think Jane is homophobic,

but I must agree with Serene because I also took great offense as Jane's

comment, and for more-or-less the same reason.


>...especially in the part where " WOMAN " is emphasized in all caps, and the

>final sentence. Possible translation (not the only possible translation,

>but a reasonable one, I think):


> I mean " Honestly, Richard! " How could a " WOMAN " want to have

> sex with me. That would be just *wrong*. (or icky or

> unthinkable or laughable.)


>I don't expect those of you who spend your lives immersed in a culture

>that dismisses people who aren't straight to necessarily see my point of

>view on this...


Why capitalize the word 'woman' unless it was to imply 'of course she would

not want to have sex with me because we are both women', regardless of

whether it was because of a belief that it was wrong in someway, or simply

because it is unlikely that both woman were gay (or bi). (I assumed Jane

meant the latter.)


To me, expressing any attitude that someone would not be sexually

interested in another because of their gender is both offensive and

dismissive. It is an assumption that people are heterosexual, that this is

normal, and that everyone else is an aberration from this and something

different. Or in the case of homosexual attitudes towards bisexuals, that

it is not normal to be attracted to someone of the opposite gender and to

do so is a denial of who they really are, and an expression of the dominant

cultures attitudes regarding sexuality.



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> \m/ \m/ indeed. I trust you heard Dave Lombardo is back in the

> band,yes?


> Chris " Going to see them twice this month " X


You lucky devil! I don't think they are coming over here :-( I saw them

about two years ago, and once before at Donington (probably about ten years

ago). Twice in one month eh! - it's just not fair.


I had heard about Dave Lombardo.


Did you know Chuck Schuldiner died a couple of weeks back?







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> What's a *metalhead*???


Just a person who loves 'heavy metal'. I expect there are more up to date

titles now.







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I keep forgetting to change the address at the top of my emails - so,

apologies to anyone who may be confused - and to Peter.






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Good Morrow Sir Fraggle de la Medal


> but..i didn't even pull out a sword or nuthin!


I should think not in polite society - one may verily have taken such action

as a gauntlet thrown unto the turf.







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Hi Chris


> \m/ \m/ indeed. I trust you heard Dave Lombardo is back in the

> band,yes?


Aha - I hadn't heard that, but I did know he was no longer with Testament.







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Or we have gone off it !! I'd like to meet a nice vegan bloke but I

actually feel threatened by the fact that he might expect a sexual

relationship Do cellibate men exist ?????




" Jo " <Heartwork


Saturday, January 05, 2002 1:15 PM

Re: Vegan Bullying



> Angie


> > As I think I have already said why do people ignore those who are

> cellibate

> > in conversations ? I'm not bothered But people forget them>

> This is a very good point. There are loads of celibate people, either for

> spiritual reasons or because they either have not yet found the right

> person, or have lost the right person.


> We all learn from each other.


> Jo




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Cliff Richard.





> Or we have gone off it !! I'd like to meet a nice vegan bloke but I

> actually feel threatened by the fact that he might expect a sexual

> relationship Do cellibate men exist ?????

> Angie

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ok no-one apologizes for eating or talking about meat infront of me - am I sexually unattractive? ;-(

Shelloid - who can't believe she just asked that!




Friday, January 04, 2002 8:27 AM

Re: Vegan Bullying

Well I hope the WOMAN who apologised for discussing meat in front of medoesn't want to have sex with me. Honestly Richard!Janeyx-"richard_19_m_uk" <iron_man_who_rulesFriday, January 04, 2002 12:23 AM Vegan Bullying> Whoever it was said that they don't get any arguments from people who> aren't vegan, and that they apologize for even having meat near by:> Perhaps these people happen to be very nice considerate people, but> you'd think that if this were true that they would become vegan.> More likely, they want to have sex with you and they are trying to> gain your appreciation by pretending to understand your beliefs.> Flip a coin>>>> To send an email to - >>

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> Did you know Chuck Schuldiner died a couple of weeks back?


> Jo


yeah..damn shame...I did my " Tribute to Chuck " Death marathon one

day 2 weeks ago,rocked out all the albums in a row.


Chris X

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Hi Angie


> Or we have gone off it !! I'd like to meet a nice vegan bloke but I

> actually feel threatened by the fact that he might expect a sexual

> relationship Do cellibate men exist ?????


There's one sure way to find a veg*an, celibate man - find a Buddhist monk!








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> yeah..damn shame...I did my " Tribute to Chuck " Death marathon one

> day 2 weeks ago,rocked out all the albums in a row.


So young too! I have only one Death album, but will get the others now.


I see Chuck Billy seems to be making better progress, and is recording at

the moment - apparently they need the money. I hope he recovers.






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Same here :-(



ok no-one apologizes for eating or talking about meat infront of me - am I sexually unattractive? ;-(


Shelloid - who can't believe she just asked that!




Friday, January 04, 2002 8:27 AM

Re: Vegan Bullying

Well I hope the WOMAN who apologised for discussing meat in front of medoesn't want to have sex with me. Honestly Richard!Janeyx-"richard_19_m_uk" <iron_man_who_rulesFriday, January 04, 2002 12:23 AM Vegan Bullying> Whoever it was said that they don't get any arguments from people who> aren't vegan, and that they apologize for even having meat near by:> Perhaps these people happen to be very nice considerate people, but> you'd think that if this were true that they would become vegan.> More likely, they want to have sex with you and they are trying to> gain your appreciation by pretending to understand your beliefs.> Flip a coin>>>> To send an email to - >>

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Of course now where did I put his Phone no.

Damn He's not vegan is he ? Start again Angie



" Peter " <Snowbow


Sunday, January 06, 2002 12:20 AM

Re: Vegan Bullying



> Cliff Richard.


> Jo



> > Or we have gone off it !! I'd like to meet a nice vegan bloke but I

> > actually feel threatened by the fact that he might expect a sexual

> > relationship Do cellibate men exist ?????

> > Angie





> To send an email to -



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And who's to say Cliff Richard is celibate? Has he actually said this? It

was once rumoured that he had a colostomy but he said that was a load of

rubbish. I think a lot of lies are spread about him.








> Of course now where did I put his Phone no.

> Damn He's not vegan is he ? Start again Angie


> -


> > Cliff Richard.

> >

> > Jo

> >

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Don't know any monks let alone Buddhist monks ! I reckon it is a lost cause


" Peter " <Snowbow


Sunday, January 06, 2002 10:54 AM

Re: Vegan Bullying



> Hi Angie


> > Or we have gone off it !! I'd like to meet a nice vegan bloke but I

> > actually feel threatened by the fact that he might expect a sexual

> > relationship Do cellibate men exist ?????


> There's one sure way to find a veg*an, celibate man - find a Buddhist


> :-)


> BB

> Peter



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