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anti-war march

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Hi Jane


> Jo nobody likes war, but sometimes its a necessity. Nobody asked for 11


> to happen but it did. More terrorist threats have been made this weekend.


More terrorists are made with every bomb that is dropped.


> You're happy for the world to sit back and wait for it to happen? Perhaps


> shouldn't even be discussing this with you guys. I'll let you go back to

> the fairies at the bottom of your garden!


At least the fairies at the bottom of the garden know how to think for








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Hi Cathy


> He also mentioned that there was an anti-war march yestereday, but

> that these people were " unrepresentative " . Arrogant bastard.


I agree. I've never seen such a varied group of protesters (and I've been on

enough protests!) - there were all races, all religions, animal rights

people, politicians, trade unionists, civil servants, etc. etc.


> Peter and Jo

> - please let me know if there's another protest at a weekend and I'll be

> there if I can.


I think Jo's already posted something on this, but we'll keep you (and

anyone else who wants to know) informed of anything we hear.


> The knowledge that there are people who think that America

> and Britain bombing the shit out of one of the poorest countries is a good

> idea and that they deserved it, sickens me utterly.


Well said!








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Hi Fraggle


> i was wondering...when britain signed on to become America's junior

partner, did you guys get a good severance package or anything? Stock


> ah..from the days of " rule britainia " to todays follow america's lead

where ever it shall lead...


Yeah, we got a great deal - we took on all of America's spare wheat stocks,

which the majority of the population are allergic to! :-)







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Peter wrote:



> At least the fairies at the bottom of the garden know how to think for

> themselves!


It's not good to resort to ad feminam attacks simply because someone

doesn't agree with you.


> BB

> Peter


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Peter wrote:


> Hi Jane


> > Really Peter? So who was the puppy in the Second World War?


> I didn't think we were talking about the second world war.


You took the conversation onto the US/UK relationship, to which WW2 is a

sound counterexample.


> > Was the

> > American government the puppy then?


> The American government tried desperately to join in for most of the war,

> but could never convince it's people - so it engineered a situation where

> Japan had no real option but to attack. Read some of the material from the

> then US secretary of state for foreign affairs - the one that is

> particularly telling is his letter to Roosevelt in which he states " we must

> make it appear that Japan are the agressors " .


Ah. So they *forced* Japan to launch a *surpise attack* against Pearl



> > You need to throw your fancy Alice in

> > Wonderland ideas out of the window and face up to reality.


> Which reality - the one presented by the media? I think I'll stick to the

> real world. You are welcome to continue living in the fantasy world of

> television and newspapers - I can understand that this is far more

> comfortable than striving for truth.


Apparently Jane thinks that the media in an open society are not a

fantasy world, but simply more reliable than believing whatever Peter

forwards. That seems sound.


Alastair Campbell today asked the media to not show bin Laden videos,

because it's enemy propoganda. The media told him that that was *his*

problem, and showing both sides was *their* job. That's what happens in

an open society, and it shows that it is far from a fantasy world.


> > We need America

> > and they need us too and I'm not just talking about war. I gather

> politics

> > isn't your strong point Peter.


> I seem to know a fair bit more about the reality of politics than you do -

> all you've done is regurgitate stuff fed to you my the media. We don't

> " need " America at all - we are just told that. If the whole of Europe were

> to ignore America, you'd soon find that it would be America who needs us!




Notcing what someone else is saying clearly isn't your strong suit. Jane

just said that America needs us. What you disagree with her about is

whether we need America.


We're clearly better off with them than without them. For a start off,

it's where we get Star Trek from :).


And we *do* need them for any peacekeeping or defense duties. Without

their equipment, NATO units are hamstrung.


> BB

> Peter


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> It's not good to resort to ad feminam attacks simply because someone

> doesn't agree with you.


I think you are being too pernickity now! The original insults came from

Jane, so she must accept that she might get answers that she doesn't like.






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> And we *do* need them for any peacekeeping or defense duties. Without

> their equipment, NATO units are hamstrung.


Has anyone done any 'digging' into the history and connections of NATO?






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> ----------


> umm

> hey..

> *raises paw*

> got an idea..its wacky...nutty....

> but..i live way over here , so you have to excuse me...

> how about we just listen to each other's opinions, and keep it open, ok?


Dear, cuddly Fraggle - I cannot say that you are wrong, you aren't, but oh

how I need people to know how awful it is that they want the bombing to

continue! It would be dishonest of me to say that I can respect a person

whilst hating their point of view - love the sinner, hate the sin - if only

I could but I am not that well evolved.


> if you don't agree with someone's point...fine...yer opinion..please,

> retort...

> but, can we stay away from the name calling and bickering...gets us

> nowhere, and i'm tooo damn old to play on the monkey bars, well, not that

> old, but, i'm afraid of heights...


Well I think I'm about twice your age (44) and I'll race you up those monkey

bars any old time!



> oh, and well said cathy..



Bless your cotton socks. Long live Fraggle.


Cheers indeed!


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> Thank you Jo. I have put it on my calendar and will be there if it is

> humanly possible. Maybe we could meet up?


That would be good. We'll see if we can arrange it nearer the time. I

expect my daughter and her partner will be there as well.






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" Cathy Jupp (BR) " wrote:


> > ----------

> >

> > umm

> > hey..

> > *raises paw*

> > got an idea..its wacky...nutty....

> > but..i live way over here , so you have to excuse me...

> > how about we just listen to each other's opinions, and keep it open, ok?

> >

> Dear, cuddly Fraggle - I cannot say that you are wrong, you aren't, but oh

> how I need people to know how awful it is that they want the bombing to

> continue! It would be dishonest of me to say that I can respect a person

> whilst hating their point of view - love the sinner, hate the sin - if only

> I could but I am not that well evolved.


Cathy, there's no-one on the list who's actually professed the point of

view that angered you so much.



Ian McDonald



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Personally I feel that just about everything that can be said has been said

on this thread, and do not wish to continue the nit-picking. We have

different opinions, and that's that.




> Cathy, there's no-one on the list who's actually professed the point of

> view that angered you so much.


> --

> Ian McDonald




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Jo wrote:


> Personally I feel that just about everything that can be said has been said

> on this thread, and do not wish to continue the nit-picking. We have

> different opinions, and that's that.


> Jo


> > Cathy, there's no-one on the list who's actually professed the point of

> > view that angered you so much.


This isn't nit-picking. Cathy seems to be saying that she doesn't like

Jane and myself. She's talking as if I (to avoid speaking for anyone

else) want to bomb innocent Afghanis for the hell of it, when what I

actually want to do is minimise innocent deaths, whether from the

Taliban, from famine, from collateral damage, or from terrorist



I think I'll jump over to the other list, where I'm an outspoken dove,

for a few mins. :).


> >

> > --

> > Ian McDonald


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ah..see, they asked the media(they meaning the government)last week not to air


so far, they haven't...they mentioned some video over the weekend, but not what

it contained..

tho, if there was secret messages being sent out, couldn't the terrorists just

tune into some other channel, or, bacchus forbid..the internet??



>Alastair Campbell today asked the media to not show bin Laden videos,

>because it's enemy propoganda. The media told him that that was *his*

>problem, and showing both sides was *their* job. That's what happens in

>an open society, and it shows that it is far from a fantasy world.


>> > We need America

>> > and they need us too and I'm not just talking about war. I gather

>> politics

>> > isn't your strong point Peter.


>> I seem to know a fair bit more about the reality of politics than you do -

>> all you've done is regurgitate stuff fed to you my the media. We don't

>> " need " America at all - we are just told that. If the whole of Europe were

>> to ignore America, you'd soon find that it would be America who needs us!




>Notcing what someone else is saying clearly isn't your strong suit. Jane

>just said that America needs us. What you disagree with her about is

>whether we need America.


>We're clearly better off with them than without them. For a start off,

>it's where we get Star Trek from :).


>And we *do* need them for any peacekeeping or defense duties. Without

>their equipment, NATO units are hamstrung.


>> BB

>> Peter


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Hi Fraggle


> tho, if there was secret messages being sent out, couldn't the terrorists

just tune into some other channel, or, bacchus forbid..the internet??


I just love this - Bin Laden, the man who, apparently, has managed to get 16

people to commit suicide in the most highly organised terrorist attack ever,

and who has then managed to start a bacterial warfare against America using

Anthrax, having to resort to " secret messages " in video broadcasts!







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> ----------

> Dr Ian McDonald[sMTP:ian.mcdonald]


> We're clearly better off with them than without them. For a start off,

> it's where we get Star Trek from :).


Hear hear! But now that we've GOT the recipe...... (sorry - I meant



Apologies to Fraggle (and anyone too young to remember NTNO'CN). I love

Americans really - just not sure about your politicians (or ours, come to




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Hi Ian / Cathy


> > We're clearly better off with them than without them. For a start off,

> > it's where we get Star Trek from :).


OK, but *apart* from Star Trek, what have the Americans ever done for us?

(just kidding!)







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> OK, but *apart* from Star Trek, what have the Americans ever done for us?

> (just kidding!)


Some of their metal bands are pretty good! but that's nothing to do with

their government, of course.






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--- Jo <Heartwork wrote:

> Peter


> > OK, but *apart* from Star Trek, what have the

> Americans ever done for us?

> > (just kidding!)


> Some of their metal bands are pretty good! but

> that's nothing to do with

> their government, of course.


> Jo


> I am no fan of the Americans but sometimes i feel

you have to grudingly respect them. They have come to

Europes aid more than once and have stood up for

freedom of expression how lucky we are to be able to

protest, there are few countries where freedom of

individual expression is as open as we are here.



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Make a great connection at Personals.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Jo/Peter - Is the anti-war march still on for 17th November? If so, will

you give times/meeting place please? I'm hoping to combine it with an

anti-fur demo, but no doubt times will clash! If you're still going, where

should we meet? Don't worry if not, I'm quite used to going to this sort of

thing by myself.



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Isn't there an HLS demo on the 17th


" Cathy Jupp (BR) " <cjbr


Wednesday, November 14, 2001 1:30 PM

RE: Re: anti-war march



> Jo/Peter - Is the anti-war march still on for 17th November? If so, will

> you give times/meeting place please? I'm hoping to combine it with an

> anti-fur demo, but no doubt times will clash! If you're still going,


> should we meet? Don't worry if not, I'm quite used to going to this sort


> thing by myself.

> Thanks

> Cathy



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There is an anti-war march on Sunday 18th. Gather at Hyde Park at midday.

I'm not sure yet if we can go, but I hope so.








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Dear Jo

I am committed for Sunday, so sadly will not be joining you. What a shame -

I kept Saturday free. No doubt I shall not be idle, but I really did want

to stand up and be counted. My mother said it would make no difference -

the government will do what they want regardless, but as I pointed out, if I

do not make my voice heard then what point is there to my existence?

Next time maybe. You are my only source of info, so can you let me know

when other demos are scheduled? I'm pretty much out of it on Sundays, but

if I have a bit of notice I can usually do Saturdays.

Thank you very much. I hope it keeps fine for you.



> ----------

> Peter[sMTP:Snowbow]

> Reply

> 15 November 2001 21:13


> Re: Re: anti-war march


> Cathy


> There is an anti-war march on Sunday 18th. Gather at Hyde Park at midday.

> I'm not sure yet if we can go, but I hope so.


> Jo





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There was a peace march in Totnes today. Very busy! :)






" Cathy Jupp (BR) " <cjbr


Saturday, November 17, 2001 12:09 PM

RE: Re: anti-war march



> Dear Jo

> I am committed for Sunday, so sadly will not be joining you. What a

shame -

> I kept Saturday free. No doubt I shall not be idle, but I really did want

> to stand up and be counted. My mother said it would make no difference -

> the government will do what they want regardless, but as I pointed out, if


> do not make my voice heard then what point is there to my existence?

> Next time maybe. You are my only source of info, so can you let me know

> when other demos are scheduled? I'm pretty much out of it on Sundays, but

> if I have a bit of notice I can usually do Saturdays.

> Thank you very much. I hope it keeps fine for you.

> Cathy


> > ----------

> > Peter[sMTP:Snowbow]

> > Reply

> > 15 November 2001 21:13

> >

> > Re: Re: anti-war march

> >

> > Cathy

> >

> > There is an anti-war march on Sunday 18th. Gather at Hyde Park at


> > I'm not sure yet if we can go, but I hope so.

> >

> > Jo

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> >

> >

> >

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Not to worry. I know from previous mails how involved you are with 'being

counted' for your beliefs.


I will certainly let you know if there is another one - we were surprised

that this one is on a Sunday.


Are you on an HLS demo this weekend?




> I am committed for Sunday, so sadly will not be joining you. What a

shame -

> I kept Saturday free. No doubt I shall not be idle, but I really did want

> to stand up and be counted. My mother said it would make no difference -

> the government will do what they want regardless, but as I pointed out, if


> do not make my voice heard then what point is there to my existence?

> Next time maybe. You are my only source of info, so can you let me know

> when other demos are scheduled? I'm pretty much out of it on Sundays, but

> if I have a bit of notice I can usually do Saturdays.

> Thank you very much. I hope it keeps fine for you.





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> There was a peace march in Totnes today. Very busy! :)


Wow! They are all over the place, it seems. I am pleased there are so many

who feel the same.






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