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Lines drawn in battle over Christmas

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Hi Peter


> Whilst it might have been a hoot to you, to a devout believer of any faith, it could be seen as insulting.

> I`m not saying that we should take the mickey out of religion, just give people the room to practise wha they want, and not

> have it imposed on other people.


I think that is exactly the point that was being made.... religion *shouldn't* be taught as though it is fact!




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Hi Peter


> Are there non pagan druids?


Ever heard of the Archbishop of Canterbury? :-)


Yep - there's quite a lot of Christian Druids.... all Druids were Christian up until the mid 1960s, and the vast majority were right up until the early 1980s...




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Hi Peter


> I think that some people confuse what Paganism is , and the census was not accurate because of that. I would think that

> there would be more Sikhs than Pagans? I dunno.


Do you think people would put "Pagan" on a census if they didn't know what it is? I don't think I would... and considering that there are a number of people out there who have never heard of Paganism, I would think the census has probably under-estimated the number of Pagans. So, I think it's fair to say that there are definitely more Pagans than Sikhs in the UK.




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...plus ..... some Pagans have a very strange sense of humour and put their religion as Jedi - how many of them were there?






Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:10 PM

Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Hi Peter


> I think that some people confuse what Paganism is , and the census was not accurate because of that. I would think that

> there would be more Sikhs than Pagans? I dunno.


Do you think people would put "Pagan" on a census if they didn't know what it is? I don't think I would... and considering that there are a number of people out there who have never heard of Paganism, I would think the census has probably under-estimated the number of Pagans. So, I think it's fair to say that there are definitely more Pagans than Sikhs in the UK.




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Are you really missing the point? It was ridiculing the idea of having to teach children in a SCIENCE class Darwin and other scientific theories along with Intelligent Design which was a code word for Creationism/god/Christian religion. That is not acceptable in schools which received tax dollars in our country. We were attempting to point out how this could go the full length of idiocy to include every idea under the sun. These letters were sent to school board members, public employees, voted in by the public, not some religious group. How are you missing this? We are not saying that they don't have a right to practice any form of religion that they do so desire and I certainly support the right to freedom of religion. But I do not and will not support their imposing it on me and my children and especially not in schools and not with my tax dollars.

"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47



peter hurd

Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:11 AM

Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Whilst it might have been a hoot to you, to a devout believer of any faith, it could be seen as insulting.

I`m not saying that we should take the mickey out of religion, just give people the room to practise wha they want, and not have it imposed on other people.


The Valley Vegan............linda <lindai81 wrote:


Here (US) the Christian right is insisting on Intelligent Design being taught along side of Darwin in Science classes. They have made some head way with certain school districts, Kansas is an example. In SCIENCE classes. They don't like Darwinian theory being taught. I really do believe that these people don't know what the term "theory" means. I became involved in the protesting of this inclusion in a science class of Intelligent Design by becoming a part of the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster." http://www.venganza.org/ It really was a hoot. Spoofing. I wrote letters to school board members. One board member wrote back saying it wasn't nice to make fun of god. She missed the point obviously. Many school board members wrote back saying how embarrassed they were by the school board members who were supporting this Intelligent Design. But then Kansas is a sneaker. <snip> Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

If you go to the site and scroll down to the bottom you will see a drawing of this great and wonderful god whose design of this world should be taught in schools too if the picture I put in doesn't come through.




"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


I do have issues with Christianity being so central to school life. It is still the case that every state school in the UK *has* to have a Christian prayer in assembly - it is up to parents to opt their children out. I think it is terribly wrong to treat one religion as though it is *true*, and others as "alternative options". I think that a nativity play is fine, but it should be treated as a "this is a nice story", not as a "this is the absolute truth". Christianity *is* still overwhelmingly taught as truth in the basic running of schools in the UK, and it shouldn't be - there should be more balance of *all* religions. Why do they never do a play of the Oak king and Holly king? It's far more entertaining and has a greater authenticity in English culture.


Peter H




Play Santa's Celebrity Xmas Party, an exclusive game from

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I agree, it should be offered as an option. Lets ask a leading Scientition............... The Valley Vegan.............Peter <metalscarab wrote: Hi Peter > Whilst it might have been a hoot to you, to a devout believer of any faith, it could be seen as insulting. > I`m not saying that we should take the mickey out of religion, just give people the room to practise wha they want, and not > have it imposed on other people. I think that is exactly the point that was being made.... religion *shouldn't* be taught as though it is

fact! BB Peter Peter H


Play Santa's Celebrity Xmas Party, an exclusive game from

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Maybe they were built there intentionally pagan/early christian links? The Valley Vegan..................jo <jo.heartwork wrote: I don't mind bells - quite enjoy them sometimes. I may be a little extreme, but I think it is terrible that houses and a church were built inside a circle. For me it would be better if the houses were bought up and removed from the circle - same for the church. It won't happen though. For people who sense energies, there is a really weird one near the church at Avebury. Jo - peter hurd Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:21 AM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas I think both situations would be nice - the bells and the Solstace celebrations. But then I havent got to live with them. The Valley

Vegan.............Peter <metalscarab wrote: > I think Arthur Pendragon would floor you for saying that nobody bats an eyelid at the Druids at Stonehenge. He fought for about > 20 years for Druids to be allowed back in Stonehenge, once they fenced it off. As fara s I am aware there are no Pagan or Druid> rituals in school, so I'm not that worried about whether Christian ones are allowed. Personally, I don't mind who celebrates their > own faith, but equality would be nice. The

latest is that the villagers of Avebury are complaining about people making a noise during the summer solstice.... I mean, what did they expect when they moved into a village with the 2nd most famous stone circle in the world? It seems a bit like setting up home in St Paul's Cathedral and then complaining when they hold Midnight Mass! BB Peter Peter H Play Santa's Celebrity Xmas Party, an exclusive game from To send an email to - Peter H


Play Santa's Celebrity Xmas Party, an exclusive game from

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Hi Peter


> Maybe they were built there intentionally pagan/early christian links?


Nope - the whole village, including the church is only a couple of hundred years old. I don't know exactly when it was built, but it wasn't there in the 1720s when Stukeley wrote about Avebury.




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I stand corrected ( bloody tight trousers!) I know some Christian buildings were built on such sights. The Valle Vegan............... P.S. Wheres Frag?Peter <metalscarab wrote: Hi Peter > Maybe they were built there intentionally pagan/early christian links? Nope - the whole village, including the church is only a couple of hundred years old. I don't know exactly when it was built, but it wasn't there in the 1720s when Stukeley wrote about Avebury. BB Peter Peter H


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oh..he's about


sorry...not around all weekend, so, no time to get online

wheee..670 e-mails in my inbox



fraggle peter hurd Dec 12, 2005 2:52 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas

I stand corrected ( bloody tight trousers!)

I know some Christian buildings were built on such sights.


The Valle Vegan...............

P.S. Wheres Frag?Peter <metalscarab wrote:


Hi Peter


> Maybe they were built there intentionally pagan/early christian links?


Nope - the whole village, including the church is only a couple of hundred years old. I don't know exactly when it was built, but it wasn't there in the 1720s when Stukeley wrote about Avebury.






Peter H






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can't speak for wot happens over in walesville

but..here...x-mas has always been shoved down our throats....

there are still holiday plays in all the skools, as far as i know...and yup, prolly a teacher er principle prolly gets his/her panties in abunch and goes overboard trying to please everyone and no one.....


this isn't a theocracy..not yet anyways.....

if its majority rule, then i guess i'd better get back to eating dead flesh, and voting republican, and bashing anyone who isn't rich, caucasian, christian(of the right stripe as well...) and doesn't know there place...

ho ho ho!!

:) peter hurd Dec 10, 2005 4:19 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas

Boy you write some long replies! my main bugbear is this PC society, no-one bats an eye lid when Diwali, Hannukah, or even Druid ceremonies around stonehenge come about, but try and have Christmas in our schools and they are not allowed. Instead of the traditional nativity play ( which used to be very cute with the infants school kids ) they have to try and avoid any religious imagery even in areas like mine where there are few, if no Jews/Muslims/etc, and quite frankly not that many Christians ( although still the major faith by a mile), we still have to avoid upseting minorities , even if there are none in the schools! ( in my area less than 5% of all schools are of non white origin).

Now dont think that I am being racist ( unless you are English! - just a joke for Peter), but this PC society seems to put the minorities rights before the majority ( without even asking them!) and doesnt seem to try to find some middle ground.

I believe it was a famous Leutenant who once said " The needs of the many, outway the needs of the few"

The URL is :



Live Long And Prosper

The Valley Vegan...............

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

-Sinclair Lewis

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now now now linda...just cuz yer suppose to be barefoot, preggars and in the kitchen, no reason to bad mouth the AFA....they are just lookin out fer the weaker sex...

now..where is my potpie??


ugh..i have a headache just sayin all that....anyone have some nettles..i feel the need to purge.... linda Dec 10, 2005 5:22 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Thanks for sending the link. The American Family Association: The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional family values. http://www.afa.net/# It says that it promotes traditional family values...nothing wrong with that per se except that they determine what is traditional and then according to their interpretation of the Christian Bible. Hmmm, kind of reminds me of what we are complaining about other countries are doing...we were complaining about that with Afghanistan. Fox news is so incredibly bias it isn't worth one's time to watch it as they definitely slant things the way they want it. I could give you examples, but that would be too lengthy. It is obvious that the book Gibson wrote was bias to begin with. Fox news is very much like Limbaugh IMHO. And you can darn well count on the fact that those 1,500 lawyers are coming from the Christian right. I have heard of that group already, just can't call up where it came from. As the article says the Supreme Court already ruled on the fact if Christian symbols are going to be used it has to be balanced so it doesn't appear to be state sponsored. Keep noting that the objection is only about putting Christian symbols up on governmental property and that includes town squares.



"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47



peter hurd

Saturday, December 10, 2005 1:19 PM

Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Boy you write some long replies! my main bugbear is this PC society, no-one bats an eye lid when Diwali, Hannukah, or even Druid ceremonies around stonehenge come about, but try and have Christmas in our schools and they are not allowed. Instead of the traditional nativity play ( which used to be very cute with the infants school kids ) they have to try and avoid any religious imagery even in areas like mine where there are few, if no Jews/Muslims/etc, and quite frankly not that many Christians ( although still the major faith by a mile), we still have to avoid upseting minorities , even if there are none in the schools! ( in my area less than 5% of all schools are of non white origin).

Now dont think that I am being racist ( unless you are English! - just a joke for Peter), but this PC society seems to put the minorities rights before the majority ( without even asking them!) and doesnt seem to try to find some middle ground.

I believe it was a famous Leutenant who once said " The needs of the many, outway the needs of the few"

The URL is :



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and to think, they never teach the glories of the holy order of hops in skool

why..civilization wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the grand saint barley... linda Dec 10, 2005 8:11 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Here (US) the Christian right is insisting on Intelligent Design being taught along side of Darwin in Science classes. They have made some head way with certain school districts, Kansas is an example. In SCIENCE classes. They don't like Darwinian theory being taught. I really do believe that these people don't know what the term "theory" means. I became involved in the protesting of this inclusion in a science class of Intelligent Design by becoming a part of the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster." http://www.venganza.org/ It really was a hoot. Spoofing. I wrote letters to school board members. One board member wrote back saying it wasn't nice to make fun of god. She missed the point obviously. Many school board members wrote back saying how embarrassed they were by the school board members who were supporting this Intelligent Design. But then Kansas is a sneaker. <snip> Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

If you go to the site and scroll down to the bottom you will see a drawing of this great and wonderful god whose design of this world should be taught in schools too if the picture I put in doesn't come through.




"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


I do have issues with Christianity being so central to school life. It is still the case that every state school in the UK *has* to have a Christian prayer in assembly - it is up to parents to opt their children out. I think it is terribly wrong to treat one religion as though it is *true*, and others as "alternative options". I think that a nativity play is fine, but it should be treated as a "this is a nice story", not as a "this is the absolute truth". Christianity *is* still overwhelmingly taught as truth in the basic running of schools in the UK, and it shouldn't be - there should be more balance of *all* religions. Why do they never do a play of the Oak king and Holly king? It's far more entertaining and has a greater authenticity in English culture.

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John Barleycorn.






Monday, December 12, 2005 10:26 PM

Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


and to think, they never teach the glories of the holy order of hops in skool

why..civilization wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the grand saint barley... linda Dec 10, 2005 8:11 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Here (US) the Christian right is insisting on Intelligent Design being taught along side of Darwin in Science classes. They have made some head way with certain school districts, Kansas is an example. In SCIENCE classes. They don't like Darwinian theory being taught. I really do believe that these people don't know what the term "theory" means. I became involved in the protesting of this inclusion in a science class of Intelligent Design by becoming a part of the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster." http://www.venganza.org/ It really was a hoot. Spoofing. I wrote letters to school board members. One board member wrote back saying it wasn't nice to make fun of god. She missed the point obviously. Many school board members wrote back saying how embarrassed they were by the school board members who were supporting this Intelligent Design. But then Kansas is a sneaker. <snip> Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

If you go to the site and scroll down to the bottom you will see a drawing of this great and wonderful god whose design of this world should be taught in schools too if the picture I put in doesn't come through.




"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


I do have issues with Christianity being so central to school life. It is still the case that every state school in the UK *has* to have a Christian prayer in assembly - it is up to parents to opt their children out. I think it is terribly wrong to treat one religion as though it is *true*, and others as "alternative options". I think that a nativity play is fine, but it should be treated as a "this is a nice story", not as a "this is the absolute truth". Christianity *is* still overwhelmingly taught as truth in the basic running of schools in the UK, and it shouldn't be - there should be more balance of *all* religions. Why do they never do a play of the Oak king and Holly king? It's far more entertaining and has a greater authenticity in English culture.

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that was one of the names for my brewpub...

alas jo Dec 12, 2005 5:58 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas

John Barleycorn.






Monday, December 12, 2005 10:26 PM

Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


and to think, they never teach the glories of the holy order of hops in skool

why..civilization wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the grand saint barley... linda Dec 10, 2005 8:11 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Here (US) the Christian right is insisting on Intelligent Design being taught along side of Darwin in Science classes. They have made some head way with certain school districts, Kansas is an example. In SCIENCE classes. They don't like Darwinian theory being taught. I really do believe that these people don't know what the term "theory" means. I became involved in the protesting of this inclusion in a science class of Intelligent Design by becoming a part of the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster." http://www.venganza.org/ It really was a hoot. Spoofing. I wrote letters to school board members. One board member wrote back saying it wasn't nice to make fun of god. She missed the point obviously. Many school board members wrote back saying how embarrassed they were by the school board members who were supporting this Intelligent Design. But then Kansas is a sneaker. <snip> Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

If you go to the site and scroll down to the bottom you will see a drawing of this great and wonderful god whose design of this world should be taught in schools too if the picture I put in doesn't come through.




"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


I do have issues with Christianity being so central to school life. It is still the case that every state school in the UK *has* to have a Christian prayer in assembly - it is up to parents to opt their children out. I think it is terribly wrong to treat one religion as though it is *true*, and others as "alternative options". I think that a nativity play is fine, but it should be treated as a "this is a nice story", not as a "this is the absolute truth". Christianity *is* still overwhelmingly taught as truth in the basic running of schools in the UK, and it shouldn't be - there should be more balance of *all* religions. Why do they never do a play of the Oak king and Holly king? It's far more entertaining and has a greater authenticity in English culture.

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Hi Peter


> I stand corrected ( bloody tight trousers!)


Well, please, take a seat... :-)


> I know some Christian buildings were built on such sights.


Loads were - but mostly a lot older than the buildings at Avebury - more when they were desperately trying to convert the pagan folk to the ways of Christianity...




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Hi Linda


> The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to

> reflect Biblical truth


Absolutely right too... there's just too many people get away with wearing garments made from mixed fabrics without getting stoned for it... and as for all those horrible people who shave and have their hear cut... it's just terrible....





PS just in case there's any doubt, the above is written with a huge helping of sarcasm...


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i'll get right with that...after marrying my brother's widow Peter Dec 12, 2005 7:03 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


Hi Linda


> The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to

> reflect Biblical truth


Absolutely right too... there's just too many people get away with wearing garments made from mixed fabrics without getting stoned for it... and as for all those horrible people who shave and have their hear cut... it's just terrible....





PS just in case there's any doubt, the above is written with a huge helping of sarcasm...

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once again, they are trumpeting a non-issue into some sort of moral crusade

you can walk into any department store and see 9 billion x-mas decorations and sales and crap

and, wot exactly is wrong with saying happy holidays?

gee,,i would think its inclusive..you know, since there is a trillion holidays this time of year

but..no..can't have that...only can be x-tian..nuthin else..everything else is secondary


sorry..its another made up thing to rile the troops, and deflect attention from anything serious..like the bush admin falling apart, er the war in iraq, er global warmin, er the holes in my socks...


i think those on the religious right need t olearn a little history...like the fact that x-mas use to be illegal...from their own lil pulpits


this is just warmed over rhetoric from the 1950's...back then they blamed it on godless communism and the jews...

now its those evil secular humanists and the ACLU....


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You are on a roll...LOL...had your wheaties this morning? Another Bravo!


"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47




Monday, December 12, 2005 2:05 PM

Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas


can't speak for wot happens over in walesville

but..here...x-mas has always been shoved down our throats....

there are still holiday plays in all the skools, as far as i know...and yup, prolly a teacher er principle prolly gets his/her panties in abunch and goes overboard trying to please everyone and no one.....


this isn't a theocracy..not yet anyways.....

if its majority rule, then i guess i'd better get back to eating dead flesh, and voting republican, and bashing anyone who isn't rich, caucasian, christian(of the right stripe as well...) and doesn't know there place...

ho ho ho!!

:) peter hurd Dec 10, 2005 4:19 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas

Boy you write some long replies! my main bugbear is this PC society, no-one bats an eye lid when Diwali, Hannukah, or even Druid ceremonies around stonehenge come about, but try and have Christmas in our schools and they are not allowed. Instead of the traditional nativity play ( which used to be very cute with the infants school kids ) they have to try and avoid any religious imagery even in areas like mine where there are few, if no Jews/Muslims/etc, and quite frankly not that many Christians ( although still the major faith by a mile), we still have to avoid upseting minorities , even if there are none in the schools! ( in my area less than 5% of all schools are of non white origin).

Now dont think that I am being racist ( unless you are English! - just a joke for Peter), but this PC society seems to put the minorities rights before the majority ( without even asking them!) and doesnt seem to try to find some middle ground.

I believe it was a famous Leutenant who once said " The needs of the many, outway the needs of the few"

The URL is :



Live Long And Prosper

The Valley Vegan...............

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

-Sinclair Lewis

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The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will grant you special permission to come as you are and join us in glorious and loud yipees and all that stuff...Fraggle is invited and I's guessing your Mum might fit in too.



P.S. I get the humor! LOL

"Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it."Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47





Hi Linda


> The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to

> reflect Biblical truth


Absolutely right too... there's just too many people get away with wearing garments made from mixed fabrics without getting stoned for it... and as for all those horrible people who shave and have their hear cut... it's just terrible....





PS just in case there's any doubt, the above is written with a huge helping of sarcasm...

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I don't mind people celebrating Christmas but it would be nice if the

average person realised that people celebrate other things.

Midwinter/Solstice has been celebrated throughout history, way before

Christianity - the birth of the Sun/son.


My favourite greeting is Seasons Greetings - but all people ever wish

me is Happy Christmas, even the people at work who know I am Pagan.




Fraggle wrote:bullpucky

once again, they are trumpeting a non-issue into some sort of moral


you can walk into any department store and see 9 billion x-mas

decorations and sales and crap

and, wot exactly is wrong with saying happy holidays?

gee,,i would think its inclusive..you know, since there is a trillion

holidays this time of year

but..no..can't have that...only can be x-tian..nuthin

else..everything else is secondary


sorry..its another made up thing to rile the troops, and deflect

attention from anything serious..like the bush admin falling apart,

er the war in iraq, er global warmin, er the holes in my socks...


i think those on the religious right need t olearn a little

history...like the fact that x-mas use to be illegal...from their own

lil pulpits


this is just warmed over rhetoric from the 1950's...back then they

blamed it on godless communism and the jews...

now its those evil secular humanists and the ACLU....

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Hi Jo


I couldn't agree more. I usually respond with eithe Season's Greetings

or Happy Holidays.


For work, my largest customers get gifts from me as a Thank You or

their business. I always make sure I give non-denom cards and gifts.

Even the popcorn tins have winter designs as opposed to Santa.


I wish more were open minded.





, " heartwerk " <jo.heartwork@g...>



> I don't mind people celebrating Christmas but it would be nice if


> average person realised that people celebrate other things.

> Midwinter/Solstice has been celebrated throughout history, way


> Christianity - the birth of the Sun/son.


> My favourite greeting is Seasons Greetings - but all people ever


> me is Happy Christmas, even the people at work who know I am Pagan.


> Jo

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Yep I agree, I tend to wish people whatever they wish me, Happy Diwali, Happy Solstice, Bugger Off, whatever. I just consider it good manners to respond in kind. But then I am a silly sod........... The Valley Vegan..............heartwerk <jo.heartwork wrote: I don't mind people celebrating Christmas but it would be nice if the average person realised that people celebrate other things. Midwinter/Solstice has been celebrated throughout history, way before Christianity - the birth of the Sun/son. My favourite greeting is Seasons Greetings - but all people ever wish me is Happy Christmas, even the people at work who know I am Pagan. JoFraggle wrote:bullpuckyonce again, they are trumpeting a non-issue into some sort of moral crusadeyou can walk

into any department store and see 9 billion x-mas decorations and sales and crapand, wot exactly is wrong with saying happy holidays?gee,,i would think its inclusive..you know, since there is a trillion holidays this time of yearbut..no..can't have that...only can be x-tian..nuthin else..everything else is secondaryTHERE IS NO WAR ON X-MASsorry..its another made up thing to rile the troops, and deflect attention from anything serious..like the bush admin falling apart, er the war in iraq, er global warmin, er the holes in my socks...i think those on the religious right need t olearn a little history...like the fact that x-mas use to be illegal...from their own lil pulpitsthis is just warmed over rhetoric from the 1950's...back then they blamed it on godless communism and the jews...now its those evil secular humanists and the ACLU....

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I thought you married cousins whether or not they were already married over there, less teeth the better? Put that banjo down Jethro! The Valley Vegan.............fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote: i'll get right with that...after marrying my brother's widow Peter Dec 12, 2005 7:03 PM Re: Lines drawn in battle over Christmas Hi Linda > The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to > reflect Biblical truth Absolutely right too... there's just too many people get away with wearing garments made from mixed fabrics without getting stoned for it... and as for all those horrible people who shave and have their hear cut... it's just terrible.... BB Peter PS just in case there's any doubt, the above is written with a huge helping of sarcasm... To send an email to -

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