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Probably, but it is not good to frighten people.




peter hurd

Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:41 PM



Wasnt that the Greenpeace action where they decided to install a free solar panel on his roof for him. Couldnt figure that one out. If it was them, Perhaps Craig could explain?


The Valley Vegan.......Jo Cwazy <heartwork wrote:


There was another thing that annoyed me about them too. About 8 or 10 of them went on the roof of John Prescott's house to protest about something political. While this may seem okay at first thought - John Prescott was not at home - just his wife. Now if I was at home and just one unknown man was climbing on my roof I would be frightened. It must have been terrifying for her. I think that this protest was ill-thought out, and not fair on Mrs Prescott.






Wednesday, June 08, 2005 11:53 PM



> Wasn't there also some problem with an oil rig, when they were campaigning for its disposal. I can't remember any details,

> except that the general concensus of opinion was that they were wrong.


That's the one - the oil rig was falling apart, and the oil company wanted to encase it in concrete and sink it to the bottom of the sea - Green Peace thought that was a bad idea, so tied themselves to it, fought it in courts, general protest - and eventually the oil company gave in and had it broken up, releasing a whole load of toxic material (including asbestos) into the air and sea, and I gather killing quite a lot of marine and bird life in the area. Which is exactly what I mean about not thinking about what they wanted to achieve - instead of having a positive protest, they just said that they didn't want something, gave no better alternative and ended up doing a lot of harm.



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  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone. I saw this message and just wanted to add my bit. Last Feb., I

too decided to check out PETA. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep well for a

week after what I saw. However, I decided to join them. I fully understand

how you felt when you looked at the pictures etc. But I have to tell you, it

has changed me for the better to become a PETA member and read about their

current investigations and ways that I can help. I added myself to their email

list. I made a rule for myself in order to stay involved with them. I'm like

you. I cannot watch any of the videos or look at the pictures. It makes me

want to go out and shoot the people that are responsible for the monstrous

cruelty they deliver. But, I can however, read their letters. The letters are

disheartening but I can stomach them as long as I don't watch any videos. I

have found ways to be of help. Every voice can help these animals and it's up

to all of us to be those voices. PETA commonly asks the recipients of their

mail to volunteer to send letters to certain reps they want to get a message to.

They often have the letter already written and you just have to add your name to

the list and click on the send button and it's as easy as that. Other times,

they will provide both mailing as well as email addresses and phone numbers for

the people and ask you to write a polite letter or call if you wish. I don't

always have time to do this but it really makes me feel like I'm helping at

least a little by trying. Who knows what the people do with these letters on

the other end? But wouldn't it be great if we could reach just one heart to help

make a difference? I have no idea how those under cover investigators do their

jobs without blowing their cover but I do know that without them, we might just

assume these terrible things are not happening, or maybe know they're happening

but it makes it easier to ignore it. I'm not passing judgement on anyone that

cannot stomach the work of PETA, just merely asking everyone to give them a

chance. There are so many ways to help. Thanks for taking the time to read



Carrie Kahl


Renee Carroll<renecarol25

< >

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:23 AM

Re: PETA !!! How can you do it?????



I completely agree. I don't understand how anyone

could take one of those undercover jobs like that.

There is no way that I could. My friend Mike just did

a post on his blog


about the

horrendous conditions of fur farming - and the evil

people who support it.



--- ~ Roberta Underhill ~

<rradunderhill<rradunderhill> wrote:


> I went to the PETA site today from a link on

> someones sig line. I thought, " Hey, I love animals

> I'll check it out " Boy was that a mistake. First let

> me tell you something about me, I'm an animal lover.

> Not just the run of the mill " Awww......Cute Puppy "

> animal lover, but a BIG TIME animal lover. Hate Fur

> coats, leather stuff, the horrendous conditions that

> animals are kept in until their horrible death just

> so the Meat industry can make the big bucks. I use

> all Natural cleaning products and make up and will

> not use anything that is animal tested. I REALLY

> REALLY LOVE Animals. I have more compassion for

> animals then I do people to be honest. And I'd

> rather spend time with an animal any day then most

> people I know. We live in the country on an acre and

> I have about 45 chickens, 2 turkey's and 2 Guineas

> that live outside. They are not in a cage and they

> roam our property freely. I spend time with them and

> just don't throw them food and water. They each have

> a name and I hold them and pet them all. Well, not

> the turkeys or the guineas because they run from me,

> LOL. We do not eat our chickens and I sell their

> eggs to an organic food co-op, which doesnt even

> cover the cost of their food. But I don't care about

> that.


> INSIDE we have a Bunny Rabbit, a Hamster, 2

> Goldfish, a parrot (small parrot a conure), 2 dogs

> (a Yorkie Pup and our 6 year old Yellow Lab) and 2

> cats ( a year old Tort. Shell and a long haired

> Orange Tabby that is 7 years old and is the Queen).

> I tried to put the Bunny outside because I thought

> she would like it better but it was way to hot for

> her outside here in Florida. My husband has told me

> if I bring home one more animal he will pack his

> bags.


> So, as I was saying, I went to the PETA website

> today. I would love to do anything I could to help

> any animal that needs it. But I just could not even

> get past the first page. I literally started to cry

> while reading an article on the cats & dogs in China

> that are used for their fur and how they are

> treated. The pictures broke my heart. I imagined

> that one of those dogs or cats was my dog or cat and

> I had to stop looking. I guess I'm just not strong

> enough for that kind of thing. My husband has always

> joked about bailing me out of jail one day for

> taking part in a PETA protest. It's a big joke but

> after seeing what I saw today I don't think I could

> ever be THAT involved in PETA. It's literally

> repulsive to me and I just cannot handle it. It's

> way to sad. I know that it's bad of me because it's

> sadder for the animals then I will ever feel just

> seeing pictures. But seriously, can enough ever be

> done that it will stop this kind of thing? I just

> can't stand the thought of being involved in

> something like PETA and never seeing any progress.

> Does PETA actually get anywhere? Do they make a

> difference? Arent these big companies to big to be

> effected by things like PETA? I wish that I could

> save every animal in the world. Bless their hearts.

> But it's almost way to much for me to bare. I dont

> want to turn the other cheek because it's not fair

> to the animals, but how do you help when you

> literally break down at the thought of what some of

> these poor animals go through? I'm ashamed to say it

> to be honest. I wish I was stronger so I could do

> something to help them but I just don't know what I

> could do. I'd seriously walk around everyday crying

> like a baby if I knew everything that was happening

> to these poor animals. Are others this way and you

> just get past it over time? I want to help but

> really dont see how I can when I cant even look at

> the pictures without wanting to throw up.


> Roberta Underhill




> www.shaklee.net/robertaunderhill<http://www.shaklee.net/robertaunderhill>


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]










Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005







For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org<http://www.vrg.org/> and for materials especially useful for

families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This<http://www.vrg.org/family.This> is

a discussion list and is not intended to provide personal medical advice.

Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health




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I get the email from Peta. And we are getting Grrrr!

now. I'm not currently donating to Peta on a regular

basis - but am donating to other causes like

sponsoring an animal from Farm Sanctuary. I just

wanted to point out I'm not Anti-Peta - I think its

great what they do. But I don't think I could go

undercover like that and videotape and stuff. Or work

in one of those industries - day after day. How do

you do that and 'blend' in? I couldn't. I know it

takes a special kind of person to - so that WE can

know what goes on.



--- Carrie Kahl <carriekahl wrote:


> Hi everyone. I saw this message and just wanted to

> add my bit. Last Feb., I too decided to check out

> PETA. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep well for a

> week after what I saw. However, I decided to join

> them. I fully understand how you felt when you

> looked at the pictures etc. But I have to tell you,

> it has changed me for the better to become a PETA

> member and read about their current investigations

> and ways that I can help. I added myself to their

> email list. I made a rule for myself in order to

> stay involved with them. I'm like you. I cannot

> watch any of the videos or look at the pictures. It

> makes me want to go out and shoot the people that

> are responsible for the monstrous cruelty they

> deliver. But, I can however, read their letters.

> The letters are disheartening but I can stomach them

> as long as I don't watch any videos. I have found

> ways to be of help. Every voice can help these

> animals and it's up to all of us to be those voices.

> PETA commonly asks the recipients of their mail to

> volunteer to send letters to certain reps they want

> to get a message to. They often have the letter

> already written and you just have to add your name

> to the list and click on the send button and it's as

> easy as that. Other times, they will provide both

> mailing as well as email addresses and phone numbers

> for the people and ask you to write a polite letter

> or call if you wish. I don't always have time to do

> this but it really makes me feel like I'm helping at

> least a little by trying. Who knows what the people

> do with these letters on the other end? But wouldn't

> it be great if we could reach just one heart to help

> make a difference? I have no idea how those under

> cover investigators do their jobs without blowing

> their cover but I do know that without them, we

> might just assume these terrible things are not

> happening, or maybe know they're happening but it

> makes it easier to ignore it. I'm not passing

> judgement on anyone that cannot stomach the work of

> PETA, just merely asking everyone to give them a

> chance. There are so many ways to help. Thanks for

> taking the time to read this.

> Sincerely,

> Carrie Kahl






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Very well said. I too have a huge amount of respect and admiration for PETA

and yet have distanced myself from it, mostly because I find the issues it

confronts so tenaciously just too wrenching. I joined PETA about ten years

ago and even attended one of its Animal Rights 101 seminars. I enjoyed

being with like-minded people and marveled at how smart and media-savvy the

organization is. I watched the videos, read the books, bought the products,

and even participated in some of the campaigns. I gave them a lot of money.

But I just can't face their message and the suffering of the animals. I am

so grateful for the work PETA does, and am amazed at their commitment. The

world needs PETA. I still consider them a great resource.


About the same time I found PETA I met some people from Best Friends Animal

Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. What a wonderful place. I was able to visit the

sanctuary and it was a life-changing experience. Best Friends' goals are

the same as PETA's, but they are quieter and less militant. They try to

concentrate on the good things that are happening in animal protection and

rights. If you would like to visit online, find them at




If you are looking for an amazing family vacation, spend some time at Best

Friends in beautiful Angel Canyon. You could not find a more inspiring

place to take your children.




" Carrie Kahl " <carriekahl


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:12 PM




> Hi everyone. I saw this message and just wanted to add my bit. Last

> Feb., I too decided to check out PETA. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep

> well for a week after what I saw. However, I decided to join them. I

> fully understand how you felt when you looked at the pictures etc. But I

> have to tell you, it has changed me for the better to become a PETA member

> and read about their current investigations and ways that I can help. I

> added myself to their email list. I made a rule for myself in order to

> stay involved with them. I'm like you. I cannot watch any of the videos

> or look at the pictures. It makes me want to go out and shoot the people

> that are responsible for the monstrous cruelty they deliver. But, I can

> however, read their letters. The letters are disheartening but I can

> stomach them as long as I don't watch any videos. I have found ways to be

> of help. Every voice can help these animals and it's up to all of us to

> be those voices. PETA commonly asks the recipients of their mail to

> volunteer to send letters to certain reps they want to get a message to.

> They often have the letter already written and you just have to add your

> name to the list and click on the send button and it's as easy as that.

> Other times, they will provide both mailing as well as email addresses and

> phone numbers for the people and ask you to write a polite letter or call

> if you wish. I don't always have time to do this but it really makes me

> feel like I'm helping at least a little by trying. Who knows what the

> people do with these letters on the other end? But wouldn't it be great if

> we could reach just one heart to help make a difference? I have no idea

> how those under cover investigators do their jobs without blowing their

> cover but I do know that without them, we might just assume these terrible

> things are not happening, or maybe know they're happening but it makes it

> easier to ignore it. I'm not passing judgement on anyone that cannot

> stomach the work of PETA, just merely asking everyone to give them a

> chance. There are so many ways to help. Thanks for taking the time to

> read this.

> Sincerely,

> Carrie Kahl

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In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.


Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.





" Maria Rasmussen " <Fab5


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA



> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

> representative of things to come.


> Maria



> --

> TheNutritionNut <thenutritionnut


> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)


>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

>>done, lively, fun and informative.

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Many people are desensitized to cruelty, sometimes it takes a shock like those

graphic billboards for people to stand up and listen. I suppose when PETA does

something like that it is not aimed at people who are already involved with

animal issues, but rather people who have not even paid attention or thought

about the treatment of animals and their proper care. I do not like seeing

things like that myself, but they do have a purpose. It took killing a mother

dear with a baby close to get my aunt to stop shooting deers. As sad as it is

often the message has to be strong, even traumatizing to get the job done.



Terry Somerson <terry wrote:In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula

Humane Society in San Mateo,

California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.


Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.





" Maria Rasmussen " <Fab5


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA



> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

> representative of things to come.


> Maria



> --

> TheNutritionNut <thenutritionnut


> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)


>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

>>done, lively, fun and informative.






For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health








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I've run into several veg*ns and AR activists online who refuse to support PETA

because they have sponsored ads and publicity campaigns that are blatantly

offensive to women. These are the 'methods' that I have a problem with, and

this is why I choose not to support their organization. This is just my feeling

on the subject. As always, everyone is free to make up their own mind.






" Terry Somerson " <terry


Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


>In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

>California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

>freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

>animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

>Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.


>Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.





> " Maria Rasmussen " <Fab5


>Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

>Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA



>> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

>> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

>> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

>> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

>> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

>> representative of things to come.


>> Maria



>> --

>> TheNutritionNut <thenutritionnut


>> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)


>>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

>>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

>>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

>>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

>>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

>>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

>>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

>>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

>>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

>>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

>>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

>>>done, lively, fun and informative.







>For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


>edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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They have also offended thousands of Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well -

including me!


Maria Rasmussen <Fab5 wrote:I've run into several veg*ns and AR

activists online who refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored ads and

publicity campaigns that are blatantly offensive to women. These are the

'methods' that I have a problem with, and this is why I choose not to support

their organization. This is just my feeling on the subject. As always, everyone

is free to make up their own mind.






" Terry Somerson "


Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


>In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

>California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

>freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

>animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

>Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.


>Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.





> " Maria Rasmussen "


>Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

>Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA



>> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

>> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

>> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

>> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

>> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

>> representative of things to come.


>> Maria



>> --

>> TheNutritionNut


>> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)


>>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

>>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

>>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

>>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

>>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

>>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

>>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

>>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

>>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

>>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

>>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

>>>done, lively, fun and informative.







>For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


>edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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Lauren Niedel <lniedel wrote:

They have also offended thousands of Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well -

including me!


Can I respectfully ask how they did that?







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I don't see a lot of their ads being in Canada. What have they done that is

offensive to women or Jewish people?


Jacqueline C.



> Lauren Niedel <lniedel

> 2005/10/31 Mon PM 08:27:57 EST


> Re: Re: PETA


> They have also offended thousands of Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well -

including me!


> Maria Rasmussen <Fab5 wrote:I've run into several veg*ns and AR

activists online who refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored ads and

publicity campaigns that are blatantly offensive to women. These are the

'methods' that I have a problem with, and this is why I choose not to support

their organization. This is just my feeling on the subject. As always, everyone

is free to make up their own mind.


> Maria



> --

> " Terry Somerson "


> Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


> >In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

> >California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

> >freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

> >animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

> >Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.

> >

> >Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.

> >

> >Terry

> >

> >-

> > " Maria Rasmussen "

> >To:

> >Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

> >Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA

> >

> >

> >> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

> >> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

> >> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

> >> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

> >> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

> >> representative of things to come.

> >>

> >> Maria

> >>

> >>

> >> --

> >> TheNutritionNut

> >>

> >> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)

> >>

> >>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

> >>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

> >>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

> >>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

> >>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

> >>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

> >>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

> >>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

> >>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

> >>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

> >>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

> >>>done, lively, fun and informative.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.

> >

> >edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health


> >

> >

> >

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How has PETA offended Jewish vegans? I am new to the whole thing and there are

no Jewish people where i am, so do not know a lot about the issues. Care to

share? ~Shell


Lauren Niedel <lniedel wrote:They have also offended thousands of

Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well - including me!


Maria Rasmussen <Fab5 wrote:I've run into several veg*ns and AR

activists online who refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored ads and

publicity campaigns that are blatantly offensive to women. These are the

'methods' that I have a problem with, and this is why I choose not to support

their organization. This is just my feeling on the subject. As always, everyone

is free to make up their own mind.






" Terry Somerson "


Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


>In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

>California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

>freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

>animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

>Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.


>Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.





> " Maria Rasmussen "


>Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

>Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA



>> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

>> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

>> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

>> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

>> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

>> representative of things to come.


>> Maria



>> --

>> TheNutritionNut


>> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)


>>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

>>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

>>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

>>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

>>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

>>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

>>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

>>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

>>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

>>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

>>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

>>>done, lively, fun and informative.







>For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


>edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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Peta did some ads comparing slaughterhouses to

concentration camps.


--- shelly phair <joychild72 wrote:


> How has PETA offended Jewish vegans? I am new to the

> whole thing and there are no Jewish people where i

> am, so do not know a lot about the issues. Care to

> share? ~Shell


> Lauren Niedel <lniedel wrote:They have

> also offended thousands of Jewish vegetarians/vegans

> as well - including me!


> Maria Rasmussen <Fab5 wrote:I've run

> into several veg*ns and AR activists online who

> refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored

> ads and publicity campaigns that are blatantly

> offensive to women. These are the 'methods' that I

> have a problem with, and this is why I choose not to

> support their organization. This is just my feeling

> on the subject. As always, everyone is free to make

> up their own mind.


> Maria



> ---------- Original Message

> -

> " Terry Somerson "


> Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


> >In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane

> Society in San Mateo,

> >California, installed billboards on 101 -- a

> heavily traveled local

> >freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the

> discarded bodies of euthanized

> >animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates

> in the San Francisco Bay

> >Area went up and the issue was in the news for

> months.

> >

> >Just a thought to throw out there in defense of

> PETA and its methods.

> >

> >Terry

> >

> >-

> > " Maria Rasmussen "

> >To:

> >Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

> >Re: Re: In responce to the

> comments about PETA

> >

> >

> >> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of

> people in the past with

> >> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I

> had made the decision to

> >> remain vegetarian, her first response was,

> " You're doing this for your

> >> health, right? You're not one of those PETA

> people, are you? " As far as

> >> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I

> hope the ad you saw is

> >> representative of things to come.

> >>

> >> Maria

> >>

> >>

> >> ---------- Original Message

> -

> >> TheNutritionNut

> >>

> >> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)

> >>

> >>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money

> because I don't like they way

> >>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last

> week I was actually taken by

> >>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by

> them that was in good taste.

> >>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back

> page. It's a full page,

> >>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a

> vegetarian. It was a very

> >>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make

> people want to learn more. It

> >>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go

> to learn more about

> >>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking

> recipes. I hope they do more

> >>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people

> to include more meatless

> >>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and

> offending them, which will

> >>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on

> their latest ad! It was well

> >>>done, lively, fun and informative.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >For more information about vegetarianism, please

> visit the VRG website at http://www.vrg.org and for

> materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list

> and is not intended to provide personal medical

> advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.

> >

> >edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained

> from a qualified health professional.

> >

> >

> >

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This has probably been answered fifty times by the time I wrote this, but

PETA offended many Jewish people by its comparison of animal factories with

the Holocaust. While I think it¹s insensitive to compare anything so

horrific as a particular example of genocide with anything else, I do

believe that what human beings do to animals is nothing short of systematic

brutality. I am Jewish. I understand that the comparison offends people, but

I think that¹s because we view animals as ³less than² people, if we regard

them at all. I¹m not saying that¹s the case with you, Lauren, I just think

that generally this is true. If we valued animal¹s lives as much as we do

human life, we¹d be ripping down slaughterhouses as I write this.


By the way, although the PETA Holocaust comparison did not offend me the way

that it did others, I have been deeply offended time and again by their

depiction and imaging of women in their campaigns. It feels weird as heck to

defend them...








> How has PETA offended Jewish vegans? I am new to the whole thing and there are

> no Jewish people where i am, so do not know a lot about the issues. Care to

> share? ~Shell


> Lauren Niedel <lniedel wrote:They have also offended thousands of

> Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well - including me!


> Maria Rasmussen <Fab5 wrote:I've run into several veg*ns and AR

> activists online who refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored ads

> and publicity campaigns that are blatantly offensive to women. These are the

> 'methods' that I have a problem with, and this is why I choose not to support

> their organization. This is just my feeling on the subject. As always,

> everyone is free to make up their own mind.


> Maria



> --

> " Terry Somerson "


> Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


>> >In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

>> >California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

>> >freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

>> >animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

>> >Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.

>> >

>> >Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.

>> >

>> >Terry

>> >

>> >-

>> > " Maria Rasmussen "

>> >To:

>> >Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

>> >Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA

>> >

>> >

>>> >> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

>>> >> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

>>> >> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

>>> >> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

>>> >> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

>>> >> representative of things to come.

>>> >>

>>> >> Maria

>>> >>

>>> >>

>>> >> --

>>> >> TheNutritionNut

>>> >>

>>> >> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)

>>> >>

>>>> >>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they

>>>> way

>>>> >>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken

>>>> by

>>>> >>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good

>>>> taste.

>>>> >>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

>>>> >>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

>>>> >>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more.

>>>> It

>>>> >>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

>>>> >>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do

>>>> more

>>>> >>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

>>>> >>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which

>>>> will

>>>> >>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was

>>>> well

>>>> >>>done, lively, fun and informative.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

>> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

>> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

>> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

>> qualified health professional.

>> >

>> >edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

>> professional.

>> >

>> >

>> >

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, shelly phair <joychild72> wrote:


> How has PETA offended Jewish vegans?


Many Jews (and non-Jews) were offended by PETA's recent campaign

" Holocaust on Your Plate, " in which the atrocities of factory farming

were juxtaposed with the atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust.


However, many Jews (including myself) were *not* offended by the

comparison, which has also been made by other Jews before (most

notably, the writer Isaac Bashevis Singer, who fled Germany during the

Third Reich and who was an ardent animal right supporter. It was a

line from one of Singer's books about how to animals, " all people are

Nazis " and how animals experience an " eternal Treblinka " that inspired

the title of Charles Patterson's powerful anti-factory-farming book,

Eternal Treblinka.)


Due to the outcry, PETA eventually pulled and apologized for the

Holocaust on Your Plate campaign. It has not yet done so with its

latest " comparative " exhibit (can't recall the name, sorry), which

prominently juxtaposes factory farming images with images of enslaved

Africans and African American lynching victims. Like the Holocaust

exhibit, this exhibit has been viewed as offensive by many people.


I personally do not think that suffering of Nazi victims or slavery

victims is in any way diminished by juxtaposing it to the suffering of

animals--but not everyone agrees. That is why analogies are a tricky

rhetorical device to use. An analogy may lead to an epiphany for one

person, and deeply offend another.


As for why feminists have issues with PETA: PETA agrressively

sexualizes women's bodies to push its message. A large number of their

ad campaigns feature women in various states of undress (as well as a

token naked man or two).


Bottom line for me is: Getting attention can be a positive thing--but

sometimes it is wise to ask at what cost. I do think there is room

(and a need) for a variety of approaches to getting the animal rights

message out there, but

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I know that everyone has already probably put their two cents in on

the subject, but I would also like to add my grain of salt. Although I

am very respectful of everyone's feelings and opinions, I must say

that I agree with Carrie in that animals are as important as people

and that sometimes it takes horrific campaigns to get the message

accross. The nice thing about PETA is that they provide a wide variety

of campaigns which range from mild, to sexy, to offensive in order to

be able to appeal to all sorts of different people.


Let's face it, children only eat meat because they do not make the

connection between the meat and the animal. But as adults we very well

know what is on our plates and we often go in denial. That is how some

of PETA's campaings have helped us to wake up, not just by telling us

but also by showing us what we try to stay blind to.


I am also Jewish, but I was not at all offended by the PETA campaign.

Although I believe that animals are not less valuable than people, I

view this campaign not just as a comparison of animals to people. The

message that came accross for me was that the we are all witnessing

massive unfairness and suffering and just like in WWII we stand around

and do nothing about it.


I am also in favor of PETA's campaign which feminists oppose. I think

that as vegan/vegetarians we are viewed as " tree huggers. " Many non-

vegan/vegetarian get turned off by our " earthyness " and perhaps would

never consider our lifestyles for this reason. I think that PETA's

sexy ads let the these individuals know that you can be sensitive and

humane and still be sexy.


I am thankful for PETA for their work and all the information they

make available and their continued undercover operations which bring

new information to light. I am sure that many of us have chosen this

lifestyle after watching or reading some their horrific material. And

if their message brings out some sort of emotion in you, whether it's

positive or negative, their campaign is effective. It's all about

bringing light on certain subjects which are important.


Best regards to you all!





, " Carrie Kahl " <carriekahl@m...>



> I would also have to disagree that people are more important than

animals. I have as much respect for animals as I do people...infact,

sometimes more. I do think that without these campaigns, people would

never stop and think about what those animals are going through. And

just because the majority of people, think that animals are a lesser

being, does not make it right to treat them inhumanely, and therefore

should definitely not be ignored. So why not have the horrific

campaigns? If they're not made to be hard to stomach, then they're not

getting the message across to people that what is happening is very

wrong? I'm not trying to offend anyone by writing this....I just

think, that without groups like PETA, many of us would go on being

ignorant. Again, I hope this is not ill received by anyone.

> Carrie

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They had a campaign last year - which thankfully they pulled quickly which

compared animal cruelty and chicken pens to the Holocaust.

Completely reprehensible!


Lauren N.


jacqcote wrote:

I don't see a lot of their ads being in Canada. What have they done that is

offensive to women or Jewish people?


Jacqueline C.



> Lauren Niedel

> 2005/10/31 Mon PM 08:27:57 EST


> Re: Re: PETA


> They have also offended thousands of Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well -

including me!


> Maria Rasmussen wrote:I've run into several veg*ns and AR activists online who

refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored ads and publicity campaigns

that are blatantly offensive to women. These are the 'methods' that I have a

problem with, and this is why I choose not to support their organization. This

is just my feeling on the subject. As always, everyone is free to make up their

own mind.


> Maria



> --

> " Terry Somerson "


> Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


> >In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

> >California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

> >freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

> >animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

> >Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.

> >

> >Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.

> >

> >Terry

> >

> >-

> > " Maria Rasmussen "

> >To:

> >Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

> >Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA

> >

> >

> >> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

> >> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

> >> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

> >> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

> >> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

> >> representative of things to come.

> >>

> >> Maria

> >>

> >>

> >> --

> >> TheNutritionNut

> >>

> >> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)

> >>

> >>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

> >>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

> >>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

> >>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

> >>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

> >>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

> >>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

> >>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

> >>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

> >>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

> >>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

> >>>done, lively, fun and informative.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.

> >

> >edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health


> >

> >

> >

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Before I ask my question, I want to make it very clear that I am in no way

judging they way that you think or what you believe. That being said, what is

it that you object to? Is it the horrific pics of the chickens and how they are

treated cause I can barely look at those myself? Or, is it that torturing

people is worde than torturing animals? Or, something wlde that you find so

awful? I also find it awful to look at pics of the chickens. I don't, however,

think that humans are " better " (for lack of a better word) than animals.

Torture of one is not worse than torture of the other. That is a

spiritual/religious belief of mine and I'm sure it is not shared by all. I am

just curious about your where your outrage comes from. Thanks, I really hope

that you don't take this the wrong way.



Lauren Niedel <lniedel wrote:

They had a campaign last year - which thankfully they pulled quickly which

compared animal cruelty and chicken pens to the Holocaust.

Completely reprehensible!


Lauren N.


jacqcote wrote:

I don't see a lot of their ads being in Canada. What have they done that is

offensive to women or Jewish people?


Jacqueline C.



> Lauren Niedel

> 2005/10/31 Mon PM 08:27:57 EST


> Re: Re: PETA


> They have also offended thousands of Jewish vegetarians/vegans as well -

including me!


> Maria Rasmussen wrote:I've run into several veg*ns and AR activists online who

refuse to support PETA because they have sponsored ads and publicity campaigns

that are blatantly offensive to women. These are the 'methods' that I have a

problem with, and this is why I choose not to support their organization. This

is just my feeling on the subject. As always, everyone is free to make up their

own mind.


> Maria



> --

> " Terry Somerson "


> Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:47:07 -0400


> >In the early 1990s, when the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo,

> >California, installed billboards on 101 -- a heavily traveled local

> >freeway -- that showed in graphic detail the discarded bodies of euthanized

> >animals piled in trash cans, the spay/neuter rates in the San Francisco Bay

> >Area went up and the issue was in the news for months.

> >

> >Just a thought to throw out there in defense of PETA and its methods.

> >

> >Terry

> >

> >-

> > " Maria Rasmussen "

> >To:

> >Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46 AM

> >Re: Re: In responce to the comments about PETA

> >

> >

> >> This is good news. PETA has offended a lot of people in the past with

> >> their ads. In fact, when my mom learned that I had made the decision to

> >> remain vegetarian, her first response was, " You're doing this for your

> >> health, right? You're not one of those PETA people, are you? " As far as

> >> she was concerned, they had a bad reputation. I hope the ad you saw is

> >> representative of things to come.

> >>

> >> Maria

> >>

> >>

> >> --

> >> TheNutritionNut

> >>

> >> Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)

> >>

> >>>A long time ago I stopped giving PETA money because I don't like they way

> >>>they offend peopld in their advertising. Last week I was actually taken by

> >>>surprise and delighted when I saw a new ad by them that was in good taste.

> >>>It was in the Houston Woman magazine, the back page. It's a full page,

> >>>full color ad about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. It was a very

> >>>lively and upbeat kind of ad that will make people want to learn more. It

> >>>gave the vegcooking.com address for people to go to learn more about

> >>>healthy vegetarian lifestyles and get cooking recipes. I hope they do more

> >>>ads like that, I think that will inspire people to include more meatless

> >>>meals (rather than putting them on defense and offending them, which will

> >>>not help matters.). So I say Bravo to PETA on their latest ad! It was well

> >>>done, lively, fun and informative.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.

> >

> >edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health


> >

> >

> >

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Do you sometimes walk into the kitchen and totally forget what you went in there

for in the 2 seconds it took?



shelly <joychild72 wrote:

hehehe, ain't that the truth Carol. I would lose my head if it was not attached

to me, haha. I sure am a proud mommy. thanks, shell





FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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All the time, haha. I am a little bit of a forgetful person. This has been a

problem for me most of my life. I am always thinking about " big things " so the

daily and practical often escape me. I always lose stuff and forget what i am

doing. I am sooo bad for that, haha. It is rather comical at times and so

completely human. ~Shell


carol sobczak <cpsobczak wrote:Do you sometimes walk into the kitchen

and totally forget what you went in there for in the 2 seconds it took?



shelly <joychild72 wrote:

hehehe, ain't that the truth Carol. I would lose my head if it was not attached

to me, haha. I sure am a proud mommy. thanks, shell





FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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What is your birthdate. I find certain astrological signs are like that. I am

like that, anidea person. I need a personal asst. and I am a Leo. You can keep

the year to yourself but I am interested in the date.


shelly <joychild72 wrote:All the time, haha. I am a little bit of a

forgetful person. This has been a problem for me most of my life. I am always

thinking about " big things " so the daily and practical often escape me. I always

lose stuff and forget what i am doing. I am sooo bad for that, haha. It is

rather comical at times and so completely human. ~Shell


carol sobczak <cpsobczak wrote:Do you sometimes walk into the kitchen

and totally forget what you went in there for in the 2 seconds it took?



shelly <joychild72 wrote:

hehehe, ain't that the truth Carol. I would lose my head if it was not attached

to me, haha. I sure am a proud mommy. thanks, shell





FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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My birthday is february 9th, you guessed it! I am an Aquarius, and a pretty true

blue one at that. It is earie how close the description of aquarian behaviour,

attitudes, aptitudes, etc match me. Do you find yours to be accurate? ~Shell


carol sobczak <cpsobczak wrote:What is your birthdate. I find

certain astrological signs are like that. I am like that, anidea person. I

need a personal asst. and I am a Leo. You can keep the year to yourself but I

am interested in the date.


shelly <joychild72 wrote:All the time, haha. I am a little bit of a

forgetful person. This has been a problem for me most of my life. I am always

thinking about " big things " so the daily and practical often escape me. I always

lose stuff and forget what i am doing. I am sooo bad for that, haha. It is

rather comical at times and so completely human. ~Shell


carol sobczak <cpsobczak wrote:Do you sometimes walk into the kitchen

and totally forget what you went in there for in the 2 seconds it took?



shelly <joychild72 wrote:

hehehe, ain't that the truth Carol. I would lose my head if it was not attached

to me, haha. I sure am a proud mommy. thanks, shell





FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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I am an aquarius too and it drives my husband nuts. I often do such

things as take the tab off the soy milk when opening a new box, set it

to the side planning on throwing it away and then two seconds later

completely forget about it. My husband finds it laying there on the




, shelly <joychild72> wrote:


> My birthday is february 9th, you guessed it! I am an Aquarius, and a

pretty true blue one at that. It is earie how close the description of

aquarian behaviour, attitudes, aptitudes, etc match me.

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Gee, I have ADD and do that sort of stuff all the time. Maybe I was just

meant to be Aquarius. Just kidding. :) I do forget about things in a

second though. It frustrates my husband too.


Jacqueline C.



" smartgirl27us " <thesmartfamily3


Friday, November 11, 2005 1:59 PM




> I am an aquarius too and it drives my husband nuts. I often do such

> things as take the tab off the soy milk when opening a new box, set it

> to the side planning on throwing it away and then two seconds later

> completely forget about it. My husband finds it laying there on the

> counter.



> , shelly <joychild72> wrote:

> >

> > My birthday is february 9th, you guessed it! I am an Aquarius, and a

> pretty true blue one at that. It is earie how close the description of

> aquarian behaviour, attitudes, aptitudes, etc match me.


For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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Hahahaha, holy Hannah! I have ADHD as well, primarily distractible/impulsive

type. I forget stuff all the time. I guess that makes me a bit hard to live

with, but it is also endearing :-) Gee

Jacqueline, we have a lot in common. I looked at your blog briefly and seen that

you have 3 kids, so do I, you have ADHD, so do I, you are vegan (I think) so am

I, we are both students and we are both Canadian. Hahaha, are you also 33

(1972)? ~Shelly

Jacq <jacqcote wrote:Gee, I have ADD and do that sort of stuff

all the time. Maybe I was just

meant to be Aquarius. Just kidding. :) I do forget about things in a

second though. It frustrates my husband too.


Jacqueline C.



" smartgirl27us " <thesmartfamily3


Friday, November 11, 2005 1:59 PM




> I am an aquarius too and it drives my husband nuts. I often do such

> things as take the tab off the soy milk when opening a new box, set it

> to the side planning on throwing it away and then two seconds later

> completely forget about it. My husband finds it laying there on the

> counter.



> , shelly <joychild72> wrote:

> >

> > My birthday is february 9th, you guessed it! I am an Aquarius, and a

> pretty true blue one at that. It is earie how close the description of

> aquarian behaviour, attitudes, aptitudes, etc match me.


For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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I'm actually 38 and I'm just back " on the wagon " as a vegetarian again (I

always was at home but sometimes was not when I went out). I like to be

honest so there it is.


Otherwise we do have a lot in common although I'm primarily

distracted/hyperactive type. :)




" shelly " <joychild72


Friday, November 11, 2005 4:50 PM

Re: Re: PETA



> Hahahaha, holy Hannah! I have ADHD as well, primarily

distractible/impulsive type. I forget stuff all the time. I guess that makes

me a bit hard to live with, but it is also endearing :-) Gee

> Jacqueline, we have a lot in common. I looked at your blog briefly and

seen that you have 3 kids, so do I, you have ADHD, so do I, you are vegan (I

think) so am I, we are both students and we are both Canadian. Hahaha, are

you also 33 (1972)? ~Shelly

> Jacq <jacqcote wrote:Gee, I have ADD and do that sort of

stuff all the time. Maybe I was just

> meant to be Aquarius. Just kidding. :) I do forget about things in a

> second though. It frustrates my husband too.


> Jacqueline C.


> -

> " smartgirl27us " <thesmartfamily3


> Friday, November 11, 2005 1:59 PM

> Re: PETA



> > I am an aquarius too and it drives my husband nuts. I often do such

> > things as take the tab off the soy milk when opening a new box, set it

> > to the side planning on throwing it away and then two seconds later

> > completely forget about it. My husband finds it laying there on the

> > counter.

> >

> >

> > , shelly <joychild72> wrote:

> > >

> > > My birthday is february 9th, you guessed it! I am an Aquarius, and a

> > pretty true blue one at that. It is earie how close the description of

> > aquarian behaviour, attitudes, aptitudes, etc match me.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website


> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.

> >

> > edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.

> >

> >

> >

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