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Jill and Suzie, religion

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Thanks for those posts guys. I'll have to look into this a bit more and try and incorporate it inot how I practice along zen lines.

I came across Chaos Magick not too long ago and was pretty interested in that. But I just end up thinking what right do I hav to affect the universe in some way? Maybe thats based on a lack of understanding though.

But I can definitely appreciate remembering the ancestors.

As I've gotten away from Northern Ireland and my Protestant family its allowed me to investigate Celtic history and folklore etc. I really love that.



Heartwork [Heartwork]06 November 2003 19:41 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

I do a few spells in the traditional sense - but you have to be very careful and very thoughtful about what you do - the main rule being 'harm none' which encompasses everything. In our local group we do healing rituals. On the more New Age front, I do a lot of lightwork as well, hoping to give healing to the planet, different places, and individual people or situations.





Lee Delaney

Thursday, November 06, 2003 4:02 PM

RE: Jill and Suzie, religion


Hey Jo,

that makes a lot fo sense. Do you do any spell casting if you don't mind me asking?


Heartwork [Heartwork]06 November 2003 15:08 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hi Lee


I must admit that ritual was the part of Paganism that I last enjoyed. When I first went to a ritual I thought 'this is going to be so silly' and did not feel relaxed about it at all. It took me about three rituals to realise that actually it was fun and a good way to connect with other people and nature. Anyway - ritual does not have to be part of Paganism at all - it is all down to personal preference.





Lee Delaney

Thursday, November 06, 2003 1:01 PM

RE: Jill and Suzie, religion


Thanks for that Jo.

I think I'm uncomfortable with the ritualistic aspects of paganism to be honest. In fact thats true of all religions. I think thats why I'm drawn to Zen more than anything else right now. But then again I do repeatedly isolate myself in certain situations and maybe following a spiritual path that is very individualistic is a further repetition of that tendency.

You've given me food for thought anyway




Heartwork [Heartwork]06 November 2003 12:28 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hi Lee


As a Pagan I celebrate the Sabbats - eight a year. Usually we join others for a large ritual run by Druids - but there are others. We celebrate as a family much as a Christian family would celebrate, say Easter. If you do not know of local groups you can celebrate your Paganism as a solitary in your own way, whether it is through ritual or celebratory cakes etc. I personally have a small table (altar) in my sitting room and a large yew root with a smiling face carved into it in the hall, and I decorate these according to the season.


I am also partly New Age and interested also in Oriental spirituality and Buddhism, so I do tend to incorporate these ideas into my own personal spirituality.


If you are interested in getting more involved in Paganism, or meeting others to find out if it is right for you, you can go to the Pagan Federation site for a list of local moots (pub meetings - Pagans like to celebrate!) or local groups. These lists can also be found in the magazine Pagan Dawn.


If you want to know anything specific please ask - either Catherine, Nikki, Peter or I would most likely be able to help.





Lee Delaney

Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:01 PM

RE: Jill and Suzie, religion


Jo and Nikki, can I just ask, as pagans, how you go about practicing?

Paganism is something I've been interested in, but what I've found I just haven't been entirely comfortable with. These days I'm very close to committing myself to a Zen Buddhist path.



Heartwork [Heartwork]05 November 2003 23:47 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion



I'm Pagan with a fair dose of New Age. My beliefs have mostly been the same before I knew I had any 'religion' at all - so I would normally call them ethics I suppose.






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Lee Delaney

Thursday, November 06, 2003 3:58 PM

RE: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hello Lee

Although I spent a few years as a child going to Catholic churches with my strict grandmother in southern Ireland.. kneeling in front of a statue of Mary at home in the morning and night saying prays etc.. it neither felt good or bad to me then. Now I see it had very little to do with Christianity.


I am not familiar with too many Gospels outside the Bible, but am interested in any gospel not gossip from anyone.


I think it would be hard for anyone who to search out the good quailties in life and ignore the influence of Jesus.


I believe the basis of all religions is to be near or feel near to the source of our existence... I believe that source has and had good intentions, in whatever way in came to exist.


The search goes on!





I also like the idea that Jesus was the first major revolutionary.

My ideas on spirituality are based along the lines of all religions stemming from the same idea, no one is true or false, they are just subjective expressions of a bigger idea.



simon [simonpjones]06 November 2003 15:34 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hi Lee I'm sure your idea or experience of Christianity has not be good...I have found after years of searching different religions.. that the message of Jesus Christ ( as the last great teacher ( so far anyway) has been something special to me ( as it incorporates Love, forgiveness,etc..... I'm not aware of any religions teaching this qualites before him. And as ( as far as I understand... his quotes respected the ancient prophets before him.

I've found the SDA to be the only main Christian group to encourage Vegetarian/Veganism.


The other main thing..is the idea that love comes from outside this world by something that created it.

If I'm brainwashed I'm happily so!


Take care.



Lee Delaney

Thursday, November 06, 2003 1:01 PM

RE: Jill and Suzie, religion


Thanks for that Jo.

I think I'm uncomfortable with the ritualistic aspects of paganism to be honest. In fact thats true of all religions. I think thats why I'm drawn to Zen more than anything else right now. But then again I do repeatedly isolate myself in certain situations and maybe following a spiritual path that is very individualistic is a further repetition of that tendency.

You've given me food for thought anyway




Heartwork [Heartwork]06 November 2003 12:28 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hi Lee


As a Pagan I celebrate the Sabbats - eight a year. Usually we join others for a large ritual run by Druids - but there are others. We celebrate as a family much as a Christian family would celebrate, say Easter. If you do not know of local groups you can celebrate your Paganism as a solitary in your own way, whether it is through ritual or celebratory cakes etc. I personally have a small table (altar) in my sitting room and a large yew root with a smiling face carved into it in the hall, and I decorate these according to the season.


I am also partly New Age and interested also in Oriental spirituality and Buddhism, so I do tend to incorporate these ideas into my own personal spirituality.


If you are interested in getting more involved in Paganism, or meeting others to find out if it is right for you, you can go to the Pagan Federation site for a list of local moots (pub meetings - Pagans like to celebrate!) or local groups. These lists can also be found in the magazine Pagan Dawn.


If you want to know anything specific please ask - either Catherine, Nikki, Peter or I would most likely be able to help.





Lee Delaney

Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:01 PM

RE: Jill and Suzie, religion


Jo and Nikki, can I just ask, as pagans, how you go about practicing?

Paganism is something I've been interested in, but what I've found I just haven't been entirely comfortable with. These days I'm very close to committing myself to a Zen Buddhist path.



Heartwork [Heartwork]05 November 2003 23:47 Subject: Re: Jill and Suzie, religion



I'm Pagan with a fair dose of New Age. My beliefs have mostly been the same before I knew I had any 'religion' at all - so I would normally call them ethics I suppose.






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In a message dated 11/7/03 4:40:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, simonpjones writes:


I think it would be hard for anyone who to search out the good quailties in life and ignore the influence of Jesus.





not gonna start a religious discussion here...

so, umm..

who wants some pumpkin bread??!!!!!

baked a lot last nite..and pumpkin curry, and pumpkin soup and....

*holds tummy and groans*

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Hi Lee


> I came across Chaos Magick not too long ago and was pretty interested in that. But I just end up thinking what right do I hav to

> affect the universe in some way?


Well... everything you do affects the universe in some way, since you're a part of it. Magick is just a different method of affecting the universe (and, admittedly, quite a bit more powerful, so needs to be thought about a bit more carefully).





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hi jo,

i celebrated the pagan new year last week by remembering my grandmother, who had passed away on the 29/10 a few years before.............

i dont belong to a group............how did you fnd one in london?



> >

>Re: Jill and Suzie, religion >Thu, 6 Nov 2003 19:44:45 -0000 > >Hi Lee > >I really enjoy honouring the seasons, but I have found that it does make the years go a lot quicker than beforehand. When celebrating the seasons we honour the natural process and the inner process i.e. Samhain (Halloween) is the Pagan new year, when on a psychological level we contemplate what has happened over the last year to see how we have grown, and then decide how we want to grow in the following year. It is also a time of connecting with (remembering) your dead relatives/ancestors. My brother died two years ago at the age of 56, and it was very helpful to me to be able to acknowledge his life in our group Samhain ritual that year. > >Jo > - > Lee Delaney > > Thursday, November 06, 2003 4:36 PM > RE: Jill and Suzie, religion > > > I've never heard of the Reclaiming tradition Peter, can you tell me more about it please? > I like the idea of following the seasons and living more in harmony with nature ratherh than with alarm clocks and capitlaist ideals. > > Peter [metalscarab] > 06 November 2003 15:50 > > Re: Jill and Suzie, religion > > > Hi Lee > > > Jo and Nikki, can I just ask, as pagans, how you go about practicing? > > Just poking my nose in, but I'm also Pagan, so wanted to add my twopennorth from my own point of view... > > At a basic level, I simply observe the changing seasons, and celebrate the solstices, equinoxes, cross-quarter festivals and esbats. I try to live in harmony with nature (as far as is possible in modern Western society). > > I don't follow any set path (such as Wicca or Druidry), but I'm fairly close to the Reclaiming tradition. > > BB > Peter > > > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). > Version: 6.0.530 / Virus Database: 325 - Release 22/10/03 > > > To send an email to - > >

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We're not actually in London - south of it though. I looked in the Pagan Dawn for pub moots, and then phoned someone who ran one. He said to come along to a moot and we met everyone - then joined in some of their open rituals, and eventually some of us made a slightly more private group for ritual. Unfortunatley the private group ceased about six months ago due to a trouble maker in our midst! That is why we join in with the Druid rituals down near the south coast now.





Catherine Harris

Friday, November 07, 2003 4:53 PM

Re: Jill and Suzie, religion




hi jo,

i celebrated the pagan new year last week by remembering my grandmother, who had passed away on the 29/10 a few years before.............

i dont belong to a group............how did you fnd one in london?



> >

>Re: Jill and Suzie, religion >Thu, 6 Nov 2003 19:44:45 -0000 > >Hi Lee > >I really enjoy honouring the seasons, but I have found that it does make the years go a lot quicker than beforehand. When celebrating the seasons we honour the natural process and the inner process i.e. Samhain (Halloween) is the Pagan new year, when on a psychological level we contemplate what has happened over the last year to see how we have grown, and then decide how we want to grow in the following year. It is also a time of connecting with (remembering) your dead relatives/ancestors. My brother died two years ago at the age of 56, and it was very helpful to me to be able to acknowledge his life in our group Samhain ritual that year. > >Jo > - > Lee Delaney > > Thursday, November 06, 2003 4:36 PM > RE: Jill and Suzie, religion > > > I've never heard of the Reclaiming tradition Peter, can you tell me more about it please? > I like the idea of following the seasons and living more in harmony with nature ratherh than with alarm clocks and capitlaist ideals. > > Peter [metalscarab] > 06 November 2003 15:50 > > Re: Jill and Suzie, religion > > > Hi Lee > > > Jo and Nikki, can I just ask, as pagans, how you go about practicing? > > Just poking my nose in, but I'm also Pagan, so wanted to add my twopennorth from my own point of view... > > At a basic level, I simply observe the changing seasons, and celebrate the solstices, equinoxes, cross-quarter festivals and esbats. I try to live in harmony with nature (as far as is possible in modern Western society). > > I don't follow any set path (such as Wicca or Druidry), but I'm fairly close to the Reclaiming tradition. > > BB > Peter > > > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). > Version: 6.0.530 / Virus Database: 325 - Release 22/10/03 > > > To send an email to - > >

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I'll have a little please Fraggle - not too much though as I'm feeling quite unwell at present - with a bad cold/flu.






Friday, November 07, 2003 5:27 PM

Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

In a message dated 11/7/03 4:40:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, simonpjones writes:

I think it would be hard for anyone who to search out the good quailties in life and ignore the influence of Jesus.ummmm....yeahwell..not gonna start a religious discussion here...so, umm..who wants some pumpkin bread??!!!!!baked a lot last nite..and pumpkin curry, and pumpkin soup and....*holds tummy and groans*

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Hi Lee,


Due to my learning now about Wiccan and still in the beginning stages

of Paganism, my knowledge is nowhere near as vast as probably Jo's or



I began studying Paganism both online and through books. I have no

other friends er family that are Pagan, but a few that practice

spiritually much along the Pagan lines.


Myself, I celebrate the " holidays " /sabbaths, but mostly solo. I try

to involve my son mostly and offer so to DH (not very acceptive, but

quite tolerant fer lack of a better word). I practice some rituals

and traditions and have set up a small alter for these and my



I also pratice some Wicca, but not in the traditional Wiccan ways.

The Wiccan belief I follow (Correlian) is very Pagan based and this

is primarily why I have choosen to learn more about it. There is also

a " church " here in Chicago not too far from me that celebrates

closely the way I do and I hvae learnt alot through corresponding

with them. Now I just need to visit. :)


I try to evolve my practices into what feels most comfprtable for me.

By celebrating the earth and all of her gifts and allowing other

peaceful religions and theiur practices to influence me as well.


That's why I claim myself " The Lost Group " . Until I found Paganism, I

did not know what I was searching for. Now I have found it, but there

is still so much out there and so much to learn everyday both new and

old, I can never claim myself complete. Which is ok. Because I am

happy at this place I am now and happy to continually find something

new to learn.


Not sure if this has helped you at all, but if there is something

specific you wish to know or some sites to start your learning out, I

would be happy to try and answer.


nikki :)




, " Lee Delaney " <lee.delaney@k...>


> Jo and Nikki, can I just ask, as pagans, how you go about


> Paganism is something I've been interested in, but what I've found

I just

> haven't been entirely comfortable with. These days I'm very close to

> committing myself to a Zen Buddhist path.

> Lee

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Hi Simon,


Nah, not brainwashed, you have too clear ideas to be so.



Personally I believe whatever it is in yer life that makes you truly

happy and feel good about yerself, as long as yer hurting no one

(including yerself), can never be a bad thing.


Which incidentally is the Wiccan crede " Do what you will, but harm

none " .


I felt safe and happy as a born-again when I was so. But I learned to

realize that it was not " God " him self that made me so, it was the

group I was with and the thought that there could be this perfect

being out there that loved me so much and wanted nothing but goodness

fer me.


It was later on I learned/believed differently.


I do have a question though for you. You say that " I've found the SDA

to be the only main Christian group to encourage

Vegetarian/Veganism. " . How is this so? This is one thing i've never

understood. Does it not say in Genesis that you should not eat the

animals? And The Garden of Eden is laden with fruit to eat. How can

Christians not follow this belief. I would think it be natural to be

a vegan?


I am not asking this for controversy. I am asking to gets views from

other Vegans who pratice Christian/Catholic ways.




nikki :)





, " simon " <simonpjones@o...> wrote:

> Hi Lee I'm sure your idea or experience of Christianity has not be

good...I have found after years of searching different religions..

that the message of Jesus Christ ( as the last great teacher ( so far

anyway) has been something special to me ( as it incorporates Love,

forgiveness,etc..... I'm not aware of any religions teaching this

qualites before him. And as ( as far as I understand... his quotes

respected the ancient prophets before him.

> I've found the SDA to be the only main Christian group to encourage



> The other main thing..is the idea that love comes from outside this

world by something that created it.

> If I'm brainwashed I'm happily so!


> Take care.


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Hi Peter


Well as long as ya don't put me on the spot!



Basically saying, I think there is much more out there that any of us

can learn/discover in a lifetime. For so long I searched for

something that was right, falling into many " traps " along the way.

And that is a very broad statement, varying from religion, to friends

to views on anything. I think we all have our journeys in life and I

have come to the belief that they never end. As secure and happy as

you may be with a religion or belief, there is always something more

out there. Which is a very good thing.


So even though I proclaim myself Pagan with a view of Wiccan, I do

not feel truly found, I feel I am still searching. Not for a new

belief in any way, just to keep searching to better myself and those

around me. My world as I know it. I want to constantly learn.


So I call myself " The Lost Group " for lack of better explanations in



I shall always be lost, even though I am now found.


Doesn't make much sense on " paper " , in words, but I feel it.


Nikki :)



, " Peter " <metalscarab@o...> wrote:

> Hi Nikki


> > Founder and sole member of " The Lost Group " .


> Sounds interesting... please elaborate :-)


> BB

> Peter



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Hi Peter/Lee



> I agree with you there. Modern society is way too obsessed with

time IMHO.




I agree too. Unfortunately I must be obsessed in two areas of life.

Work and child. After that, I could care less. I try to advocate my

time to those I love and care for, but it tis the day that sets my

time usually.


That is until I have a work appointment or my son wants to play.

Especially the latter. The dishes can always be done, my son may not

want to always spend time.


That is not to say I let the home go to pot, simply I try to put his

needs before the little things everytime.


nikki :)

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Oh ME!!!

ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!!!!!




Pumpkin Bread!







, EBbrewpunx@c... wrote:

> In a message dated 11/7/03 4:40:07 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> simonpjones@o... writes:

> >

> > I think it would be hard for anyone who to search out the good

quailties in

> > life and ignore the influence of Jesus.

> >

> ummmm....

> yeah

> well..

> not gonna start a religious discussion here...

> so, umm..

> who wants some pumpkin bread??!!!!!

> baked a lot last nite..and pumpkin curry, and pumpkin soup and....

> *holds tummy and groans*

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Hi Jo


I do hope you feel better soon!


*hands Jo a cup of green tea and some echinacea*


nikki :)


, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@o...> wrote:

> I'll have a little please Fraggle - not too much though as I'm

feeling quite unwell at present - with a bad cold/flu.


> Jo

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aah! thanks Nikki. Feeling quite a bit better today - just absolutely no energy yet.






Monday, November 10, 2003 1:03 PM

Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hi JoI do hope you feel better soon!*hands Jo a cup of green tea and some echinacea*nikki :) , "Heartwork" <Heartwork@o...> wrote:> I'll have a little please Fraggle - not too much though as I'm feeling quite unwell at present - with a bad cold/flu.> > Jo

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Hi Nikki


> Well as long as ya don't put me on the spot!

Well, I have a spot with me, so all I've got to do is sneak it behind you, and get you to take a step backwards....


> Basically saying, I think there is much more out there that any of us > can learn/discover in a lifetime.


Aha - an agnostic Correlian Wiccan :-) (Agnostic in the original sense of the word, not the modern!)


> I shall always be lost, even though I am now found.> Doesn't make much sense on "paper", in words, but I feel it.

I know what you mean. Don't know whether I agree with you, because I think everything is possible... even fully understanding everything... but it's not something that I ever expect to do myself, and I doubt many people ever will :-)





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Hi Nikki


> I agree too. Unfortunately I must be obsessed in two areas of life. > Work and child. After that, I could care less. I try to advocate my > time to those I love and care for, but it tis the day that sets my > time usually.> That is until I have a work appointment or my son wants to play. > Especially the latter. The dishes can always be done, my son may not > want to always spend time.> That is not to say I let the home go to pot, simply I try to put his > needs before the little things everytime.

And a very good way to be IMHO. I came to a bit of a realisation about time after spending a whole week without having to worry about it... I don't think I looked at a clock or watch for the entire week, and at the end I didn't have a clue what day of the week it was... but the point is that it really didn't matter what day of the week it was! It was quite hard getting back to watching the time again after that!





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Hi Nikki


Thanks for your comment.I do try to have an open mind to any Religious

teachings that might be true..as it mostly seems to boil down to belief


But more importantly it has to be the actions of the believer that is the

test. My view is..if people or animals or anything within reason is harmed

within the religion, then the teacher or the teachings have to be wrong.





" nikki_mackovitch " <nikkimack


Monday, November 10, 2003 12:01 PM

Re: Jill and Suzie, religion



> Hi Simon,


> Nah, not brainwashed, you have too clear ideas to be so.

> :)


> Personally I believe whatever it is in yer life that makes you truly

> happy and feel good about yerself, as long as yer hurting no one

> (including yerself), can never be a bad thing.>>



> I felt safe and happy as a born-again when I was so. But I learned to

> realize that it was not " God " him self that made me so, it was the

> group I was with and the thought that there could be this perfect

> being out there that loved me so much and wanted nothing but goodness

> fer me.>>


<<I don't believe we/humans invented what is good..rather that there is an

unending amount of it to be found which has been created by what we call

Good/God...Love being the greatest Good.>>------


> It was later on I learned/believed differently.>>


Can I ask if you feel as much love now as you did in the Wiccan crede? just




> I do have a question though for you. You say that " I've found the SDA

> to be the only main Christian group to encourage

> Vegetarian/Veganism. " . How is this so? This is one thing i've never

> understood. Does it not say in Genesis that you should not eat the

> animals? And The Garden of Eden is laden with fruit to eat. How can

> Christians not follow this belief. I would think it be natural to be

> a vegan?>>


As I said the SDA in my experience believe in the Genesis Creation and

encourage the Vegan diet...

Other Christians I have met seem not able to understand what is even

written regarding the fruit bearing seeds etc.

incidently...it does say animals should eat the green plants and

" everything that has the breathe of life in it..that shall be theirs for

food " .

That plainly states animals shouldn't be using animals as food either. >---


> I am not asking this for controversy. I am asking to gets views from

> other Vegans who pratice Christian/Catholic ways.>


I agree Christians do need to be made aware of what .The Sixth Day

Creation in Genesis actually says.

Other wise that make themselves look foolish>>---









> , " simon " <simonpjones@o...> wrote:

> > Hi Lee I'm sure your idea or experience of Christianity has not be

> good...I have found after years of searching different religions..

> that the message of Jesus Christ ( as the last great teacher ( so far

> anyway) has been something special to me ( as it incorporates Love,

> forgiveness,etc..... I'm not aware of any religions teaching this

> qualites before him. And as ( as far as I understand... his quotes

> respected the ancient prophets before him.

> > I've found the SDA to be the only main Christian group to encourage

> Vegetarian/Veganism.

> >

> > The other main thing..is the idea that love comes from outside this

> world by something that created it.

> > If I'm brainwashed I'm happily so!

> >

> > Take care.

> >





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Hi Jo


Glad to hear it! :)


*hands Jo green algae capsules fer more energy*





, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@o...> wrote:

> aah! thanks Nikki. Feeling quite a bit better today - just

absolutely no energy yet.


> Jo

> -

> nikki_mackovitch


> Monday, November 10, 2003 1:03 PM

> Re: Jill and Suzie, religion



> Hi Jo


> I do hope you feel better soon!


> *hands Jo a cup of green tea and some echinacea*


> nikki :)


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Hi Peter


> Well, I have a spot with me, so all I've got to do is sneak it

>behind you, and get you to take a step backwards....


Ya see, and I thought I was the only one who carried spare spots with




> I know what you mean. Don't know whether I agree with you, because

>I think everything is possible... even fully understanding

>everything... but it's not something that I ever expect to do

>myself, and I doubt many people ever will :-)



I agree, but I hope I never get to that point. Weird as it sounds, I

like the fact that there will always be more information out there

and more to learn.


Worst part is, my retention of many things gets smaller and smaller

lately. I think I am trying to cram too much in at once and focus on

too many things. Hopefully once work slows to a steady pace, i'll be

able to focus more on the things I want to learn and pace myself a

bit better.







, " Peter " <metalscarab@o...> wrote:

> Hi Nikki


> > Well as long as ya don't put me on the spot!


> Well, I have a spot with me, so all I've got to do is sneak it

behind you, and get you to take a step backwards....


> > Basically saying, I think there is much more out there that any

of us

> > can learn/discover in a lifetime.


> Aha - an agnostic Correlian Wiccan :-) (Agnostic in the original

sense of the word, not the modern!)


> > I shall always be lost, even though I am now found.

> > Doesn't make much sense on " paper " , in words, but I feel it.


> I know what you mean. Don't know whether I agree with you, because

I think everything is possible... even fully understanding

everything... but it's not something that I ever expect to do myself,

and I doubt many people ever will :-)


> BB

> Peter



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Hi Peter



> And a very good way to be IMHO.





>I came to a bit of a realisation about time after spending a whole

>week without having to worry about it... I don't think I looked at a

>clock or watch for the entire week, and at the end I didn't have a

>clue what day of the week it was... but the point is that it really

>didn't matter what day of the week it was! It was quite hard getting

>back to watching the time again after that!





I wish I could do that!


My problem is, I always have to be doing something. Always. My mind

cannot sit still for very long, unless I meditate. And that alone

took me a long time to learn to shut myself down.


Even watching a great movie, I have to focus on at least one other

task er else I get stir crazy.


Cross stitch is usually my fall back in these situations because it

does not require too much thought to follow a pattern. It keeps my

mind busy and I do not have to do it continually.


It's weird, but if I do not have a half-plan or something to keep

going, I lose it.


There are the rare occasions I can let go, but that is usually only

when I am outside. Whether a walk in the woods or a drive in a car, I

can release best with nature.


nikki :)

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Hi Simon



> Can I ask if you feel as much love now as you did in the Wiccan

crede? just

> curious.>>---



Although I do learn and somewhat practice Wicca, I am not ready yet

to call myself completely Wiccan. I have chosen Correlian Wicca

because of it's closeness to Paganism. I call myself Pagan, but

follow some Wiccan beliefs. I am studying to become first degree

Correlian Wiccan, but do not yet know enough to be fully Wiccan.


But do I feel loved, oh yes. From my friends, my family, to Mother

Earth and those I learn/celebrate with. Tis a wonderful feeling. For

now I feel more aware than I ever have. And more connected to

everything in this world and beyond.


nikki :)

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Hi Nikki


> Ya see, and I thought I was the only one who carried spare spots with > them

Oh goodness, no. I always have a few spare spots... don't know what I'd do without them.


> I agree, but I hope I never get to that point. Weird as it sounds, I > like the fact that there will always be more information out there > and more to learn.

I s'pose so. And there is a theory that as soon as someone works out everything about the universe, it will disappear and be replaced by something even more complex.... there's another theory which says that this has already happened... (plagiarised from HHGTTG!)





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Hi Jo


It could definately help! They will also boost your immune system and

have some great vitamins and minerals, good for the brain too.


I usually do not take many vitamins/supplements. I stick to green

algae, amazon tea and amino acids on a somewhat daily basis and have

found I no longer have a calcium deficiency and am no longer anemic.

I also feel better and have more energy.


When I am sick, I boost up on green tea and echinacea, sometimes

golden seal if my throat is sore and so far have been able to beat

colds before they get very far.


I do more natural/herbal healing than store bought/doctor prescribed.

I hate meds. Even aspirin.


nikki :)


, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@o...> wrote:

> Thanks Nikki - is that what I need now???


> Jo

> Hi Jo


> Glad to hear it! :)


> *hands Jo green algae capsules fer more energy*




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Thanks Nikki - I'll have to give it a try. I don't go to the doctor either, and tend to just use teas and supplements. I didn't suffer anymore with this flu than my boss did, and she's only 28 - so maybe I'm not too bad considering.






Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:42 PM

Re: Jill and Suzie, religion

Hi JoIt could definately help! They will also boost your immune system and have some great vitamins and minerals, good for the brain too.I usually do not take many vitamins/supplements. I stick to green algae, amazon tea and amino acids on a somewhat daily basis and have found I no longer have a calcium deficiency and am no longer anemic. I also feel better and have more energy.When I am sick, I boost up on green tea and echinacea, sometimes golden seal if my throat is sore and so far have been able to beat colds before they get very far.I do more natural/herbal healing than store bought/doctor prescribed. I hate meds. Even aspirin.nikki :) , "Heartwork" <Heartwork@o...> wrote:> Thanks Nikki - is that what I need now???> > Jo> Hi Jo> > Glad to hear it! :)> > *hands Jo green algae capsules fer more energy*> > >10/11/03

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