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cooking from scratch

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I will confess that Dr Dragon and I are cooking more and more from dried store

cupboard items like beans (except kidney beans - still buy those canned!) and

lentils - we hope to have a decent crop of tomatoes this year (seedlings

started) in which case we plan to try making our own bottled tomatoes and



The Dragon (aka High Priestess Enchanting Even weave)

Current stitching - RSPCA Perfect Pets, Map of Durham, Cat Ornaments, Green Man

http://tempewytch.blogspot.com/ - stitching/house

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--- On Fri, 20/2/09, drpatsant <drpatsant wrote:

drpatsant <drpatsant

Re: Ages & cooking from scratch


Friday, 20 February, 2009, 1:43 PM


Chili and spag bol - good for her (and for you for encouraging her)! Actually,

as people here are, I hope, finding out, cooking vegetarian and/or vegan

isn't all that tricky once you learn a few basics. It's easier than

cooking me*t imho, since you don't have to worry about tenderizing anything

or about under-cooking things except for beans :) And cooking 'from

scratch' (where did that expression come from, I wonder - I've never

known) of course allows for so much creativity - and a less worrisome grocery

bill - as well as a healthier diet.


Love, Pat



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Oh I love my beans that I cook at home - it has been years and years since I

ever bought a can of them! I cook red kidney beans excessively, I suspect, but

better safe than sorry to coin a phrase. As for the tomatoes, lucky you! We

can't grow them because we have an apartment, no balcony (for a tub garden) and

a cat and dog who would be in danger if I were to put them in the

unclose-off-able solarium. BUT late summer we can buy them in plentiful numbers

from the organic stalls at the twice-weekly outdoor market just down the street

and I say each year that I'm going to buy enough to make passata and also

pre-seasoned sauce for pasta, etc., and freeze it. Sadly, or happily as you

prefer, they get eaten up! This year, I promise myself!!!


Best, Pat






" The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. " (Oscar Wilde)







I will confess that Dr Dragon and I are cooking more and more from dried store

cupboard items like beans (except kidney beans - still buy those canned!) and

lentils - we hope to have a decent crop of tomatoes this year (seedlings

started) in which case we plan to try making our own bottled tomatoes and







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  • 10 months later...



I focus a lot on nutrition and wonder if the canned beans are as nutritious as

declared if they are throwing off cooking water.

The carrot hummus looks awesome but same thing, if you want to be conscious

about nutrition you've got to save the cook water and can water (and buy

garbanzos with no preservatives) and add to soup or something later or drink as



hugs and keep going







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>>>>The carrot hummus looks awesome but same thing, if you want to be

conscious about nutrition you've got to save the cook water and can water

(and buy garbanzos with no preservatives) and add to soup or something later

or drink as tea.


Another thought --- don't people make their own legumes and use them in

recipes like the carrot hummus rather than using canned beans? A recipe is

only a guide --- and it's cheaper, more nutritious, healthier, etc. to sub

homecooked legumes. But, don't throw out the recipe just because it calls

for a can of beans. It's so easy to sub out.


On the other hand --- there are always choices in life --- and sometimes,

using a can of beans to create a recipe is alot healthier than buying a

gluten-free mac and cheese frozen dinner and eating something as prepared as



~ LaDonna ~




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LaDonna: On the other hand --- there are always choices in life --- and


using a can of beans to create a recipe is alot healthier than buying a

gluten-free mac and cheese frozen dinner and eating something as prepared as



Amen to that, LaDonna. And how many of us know people who fall entirely off

the gluten-free wagon time and again because they feel stuck or overwhelmed

by having to manage it, without even adding in additional nutritional

considerations? I think it's important for all of us to encourage each

other and remember that we're all working really hard at this healthful

living thing. :) Food choices are, of course, very intimate to people's

lives and are based on the planner/cook's energy, time, funds, knowledge,

beliefs, background, etc. We won't all come to the same conclusions. We

can have much greater positive power in each other's lives by offering

support---which this group is often wonderful for---rather than judgment.






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Hi everyone,


I usually cook my own beans and freeze the leftovers in the cooking water,

but I never knew that the bean cooking water could be used as soup water.

I had heard that the water contains starches that cause gas.


Does anyone else have any thoughts or experience cooking with bean water?


Yours in success,




Ark Career Coaching

Using strengths to navigate your future - Education to Retirement





In a message dated 12/29/2009 1:45:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

rlee311 writes:







I focus a lot on nutrition and wonder if the canned beans are as

nutritious as declared if they are throwing off cooking water.

The carrot hummus looks awesome but same thing, if you want to be

conscious about nutrition you've got to save the cook water and can water (and


garbanzos with no preservatives) and add to soup or something later or

drink as tea.


hugs and keep going


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]









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I never use the water off of beans (canned or cooked myself) because the few

times I did I felt like a hurricane was ripping threw my intestines! I've

seen a lot of recipes calling for the bean water, but my system is way too

sensitive to deal with it! I know I'm not the only one! I really don't eat a

lot of beans and of what I do eat, I only eat a very limited few, and a

small quantity. I know that I am no way near the norm when it comes to food,

even among the special diet people! But is there anybody else here who have

issues/pain associated with consuming bean water?


Is there any edible gf vegan mac & cheese products? Are there any " safe "

overly processed foods?? Maybe I'm just in the wrong city or something but

every package I pick up seems to have a NO ingredient or at the very least a

questionable ingredient that I rarely can get a straight answer on, so I

just file it under NO! Lara bars are literally the closest thing to junk

food that I can find on a regular bases. Real junk food is the occasional

kosher for passover pepsi and ruffles natural potato chips with sea salt.

Other than that, I haven't seen or even heard of real, overly processed junk

food that is free of allergens!


As for falling off the wagon, I know people who won't even get on the wagon

to begin with! lol I can understand the temptation though. There are times

when I'm so tired and so hungry and there are no leftovers left and it would

be so wonderful to be able to order a pizza or something for dinner! But

every time the thought creeps up so does all the memories of pain and agony

that even if I ordered something, no matter how hungry and tired I was, I

could not physically even lift it up near my mouth! The migraines alone are

enough to stop me! I had minor issues with corn my whole life, but I ignored

them for the most part until instant migraines started! Now I realize a lot

of what I blamed on my pancreas was actually the corn, and you couldn't pay

me to go back! It always amazes me when people choose the pain and agony

over changing their diet! I for one do not like pain and am glad that most

of it is gone! I think my food taste a hell of a lot better than all that

crap too! ;)




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Jae wrote:


>>>But is there anybody else here who have issues/pain associated with

consuming bean water?


Oh yes! Even for the gluten-eating members in our family, I always cook

beans with 'fresh' water after soaking. Sometimes I even discard and add

fresh water twice in the process of cooking beans. Generally, though, I

wash the beans --- then place them in a kettle with fresh water. Then,

bring them to a boil and turn off heat. Allow to cool. Then drain water

and start all over with fresh --- and cook until done. The toxins that

cause gas are mostly removed with the first batch of water (the water after

boiling and soaking).


~ LaDonna ~


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I second much of what I have seen lately- my body has been much happier when I

put in clean and healthy food. I'm more sensitive than when I went off gluten

six months ago, and when I fell off the wagon a bit this month, was sick for two

days. I had chills and aches as if I were coming down with the flu, and I'm not

that intolerant!


As a single person, I don't always care to cook for one, or to do up stir-frys

and big batches of soup to use that week. When I get busy with projects, I

often don't have time to cook and my fridge becomes a storehouse for 'biology

projects.' Hence, canned beans and frozen veggies are part of my stock, and I

sometimes use canned sauces. There are some prepared foods, especially tomato

sauces, that are mostly safe: most of Health Valley soups are GF and vegan, and

Tasty Bites has small sizes of Indian entrees that work nicely over rice or

baked potatoes. ($3 @ World Market, among other places.)


While some may choose to cook entirely from scratch, I think a basic GF approach

with some prepared foods is realistic for some of us- the work is in reading all

those labels!


Be well and have a Happy New Year, wherever you are.



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I like all of them pretty much but the cashew cookie and apple pie ones are

my favorite. They are great to take along in the car for a quick snack! It's

funny because I first tried one when I first went gf and I really didn't

care for it, but now that I'm detoxed, omg! I can't get enough of real food!

It's incredible how addictive and flavorful real food is! :) I'm out of lara

bars right now too, and I soooo want one! :( I'm pretty much out of food so

I need to quite reading about it and looking at all the great recipes being

posted because I'm making myself hungry every 15 minutes! lol Two days till

payday! YAY!


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Karen Peeler <peelerk wrote:




> Jae, I understand what you mean about food. The pain is not worth it. What

> type of Lara bars do you like? Karen


> --- On Tue, 12/29/09, Jae Jones


> wrote:


> Jae Jones <recyclednew <recyclednew%40gmail.com>>

> Re: cooking from scratch

> To:


> Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 4:51 PM





> I never use the water off of beans (canned or cooked myself) because the

> few

> times I did I felt like a hurricane was ripping threw my intestines! I've

> seen a lot of recipes calling for the bean water, but my system is way too

> sensitive to deal with it! I know I'm not the only one! I really don't eat

> a

> lot of beans and of what I do eat, I only eat a very limited few, and a

> small quantity. I know that I am no way near the norm when it comes to

> food,

> even among the special diet people! But is there anybody else here who have

> issues/pain associated with consuming bean water?


> Is there any edible gf vegan mac & cheese products? Are there any " safe "

> overly processed foods?? Maybe I'm just in the wrong city or something but

> every package I pick up seems to have a NO ingredient or at the very least

> a

> questionable ingredient that I rarely can get a straight answer on, so I

> just file it under NO! Lara bars are literally the closest thing to junk

> food that I can find on a regular bases. Real junk food is the occasional

> kosher for passover pepsi and ruffles natural potato chips with sea salt.

> Other than that, I haven't seen or even heard of real, overly processed

> junk

> food that is free of allergens!


> As for falling off the wagon, I know people who won't even get on the wagon

> to begin with! lol I can understand the temptation though. There are times

> when I'm so tired and so hungry and there are no leftovers left and it

> would

> be so wonderful to be able to order a pizza or something for dinner! But

> every time the thought creeps up so does all the memories of pain and agony

> that even if I ordered something, no matter how hungry and tired I was, I

> could not physically even lift it up near my mouth! The migraines alone are

> enough to stop me! I had minor issues with corn my whole life, but I

> ignored

> them for the most part until instant migraines started! Now I realize a lot

> of what I blamed on my pancreas was actually the corn, and you couldn't pay

> me to go back! It always amazes me when people choose the pain and agony

> over changing their diet! I for one do not like pain and am glad that most

> of it is gone! I think my food taste a hell of a lot better than all that

> crap too! ;)



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Congratulations, I was doing fine for about 5 months and tham feel off the

wagon. I am now in pain etc. But as of today I did well. I have a hard time with

finding seasonings and receipes that work. Please give me some pointers. This is

day one and so far so good. Does anyone have any breakfast ideas. I can't eat

corn, soy, wheat, coconut,beans,potatoes etc. Thank you

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If you have a look in the files

( )

you'll find a folder containing all types of breakfast recipes that should give

you some ideas. Smoothies are good for a quick brekkie (there's tons of recipes

in the Drinks folder).


Here's another list I was given some time ago. There are some things on the list

you obviously can't eat.



- Fruit Salad

- Nut Butters on Toast (preferably mixed grain or wholemeal)

- Tofu Scramble with Mushrooms and Spinach

- Soy yoghurt topped with fruit and chopped nuts or seeds

- Muesli and soy or almond milk with added chopped nuts, banana slices or


- Porridge oats (or other GF grain) made with soy milk topped with

sultanas/raisins or your other fave dried fruits

- Fruit Smoothies

- Wholewheat Pancakes with grilled bananas and maple syrup (in our case we would

make a GF version)

- Grilled Tomatoes, mushrooms and zucchini on toast

- Fruit & Vegetable Fresh Juices

- Sliced Apples, Oranges, Bananas topped with Berries and Maple Syrup

- Baked Beans and grilled tomatoes on toast





, " Cinnamon " <tiajuana7777777



> Congratulations, I was doing fine for about 5 months and tham feel off the

wagon. I am now in pain etc. But as of today I did well. I have a hard time with

finding seasonings and receipes that work. Please give me some pointers. This is

day one and so far so good. Does anyone have any breakfast ideas. I can't eat

corn, soy, wheat, coconut,beans,potatoes etc. Thank you


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Not sure how many of you are like me, having autistic kiddos...but for us,

phytates and lectins are a big issue...so soaking water or can water is tossed

and bean water is often changed a couple times....altho we usually do soak til

sprouting so the cooking time is quicker... We even have to do this with the

garbanzo beans so that we can roast them to make flour...




, Rebecca Lee <rlee311 wrote:


> hi


> I focus a lot on nutrition and wonder if the canned beans are as nutritious as

declared if they are throwing off cooking water.

> The carrot hummus looks awesome but same thing, if you want to be conscious

about nutrition you've got to save the cook water and can water (and buy

garbanzos with no preservatives) and add to soup or something later or drink as



> hugs and keep going







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thanks Jae, I pick up a couple the next time I go to the health food store. I've

seen them on amazon but don't want to buy a big case until I try them.


--- On Tue, 12/29/09, Jae Jones <recyclednew wrote:



Jae Jones <recyclednew

Re: cooking from scratch


Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 8:32 PM







I like all of them pretty much but the cashew cookie and apple pie ones are

my favorite. They are great to take along in the car for a quick snack! It's

funny because I first tried one when I first went gf and I really didn't

care for it, but now that I'm detoxed, omg! I can't get enough of real food!

It's incredible how addictive and flavorful real food is! :) I'm out of lara

bars right now too, and I soooo want one! :( I'm pretty much out of food so

I need to quite reading about it and looking at all the great recipes being

posted because I'm making myself hungry every 15 minutes! lol Two days till

payday! YAY!


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Karen Peeler <peelerk > wrote:




> Jae, I understand what you mean about food. The pain is not worth it. What

> type of Lara bars do you like? Karen


> --- On Tue, 12/29/09, Jae Jones <recyclednew@ gmail.com<recyclednew%

40gmail.com> >

> wrote:


> Jae Jones <recyclednew@ gmail.com <recyclednew% 40gmail.com> >

> Re: [Vegan-and-Gluten- Free] cooking from scratch

> Vegan-and-Gluten- Free@ .com<Vegan-and-Gluten- Free%40grou


> Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 4:51 PM





> I never use the water off of beans (canned or cooked myself) because the

> few

> times I did I felt like a hurricane was ripping threw my intestines! I've

> seen a lot of recipes calling for the bean water, but my system is way too

> sensitive to deal with it! I know I'm not the only one! I really don't eat

> a

> lot of beans and of what I do eat, I only eat a very limited few, and a

> small quantity. I know that I am no way near the norm when it comes to

> food,

> even among the special diet people! But is there anybody else here who have

> issues/pain associated with consuming bean water?


> Is there any edible gf vegan mac & cheese products? Are there any " safe "

> overly processed foods?? Maybe I'm just in the wrong city or something but

> every package I pick up seems to have a NO ingredient or at the very least

> a

> questionable ingredient that I rarely can get a straight answer on, so I

> just file it under NO! Lara bars are literally the closest thing to junk

> food that I can find on a regular bases. Real junk food is the occasional

> kosher for passover pepsi and ruffles natural potato chips with sea salt.

> Other than that, I haven't seen or even heard of real, overly processed

> junk

> food that is free of allergens!


> As for falling off the wagon, I know people who won't even get on the wagon

> to begin with! lol I can understand the temptation though. There are times

> when I'm so tired and so hungry and there are no leftovers left and it

> would

> be so wonderful to be able to order a pizza or something for dinner! But

> every time the thought creeps up so does all the memories of pain and agony

> that even if I ordered something, no matter how hungry and tired I was, I

> could not physically even lift it up near my mouth! The migraines alone are

> enough to stop me! I had minor issues with corn my whole life, but I

> ignored

> them for the most part until instant migraines started! Now I realize a lot

> of what I blamed on my pancreas was actually the corn, and you couldn't pay

> me to go back! It always amazes me when people choose the pain and agony

> over changing their diet! I for one do not like pain and am glad that most

> of it is gone! I think my food taste a hell of a lot better than all that

> crap too! ;)



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I don't like them, think they are too sweet. the cashew cookie is only dates

and cashews, I sometimes just nibble on a few of each for a snack, that works

and is less expensive and organic.

But if you really like them, they are at BJ's by the case.


, Jae Jones <recyclednew wrote:


> I like all of them pretty much but the cashew cookie and apple pie ones are

> my favorite. They are great to take along in the car for a quick snack! It's

> funny because I first tried one when I first went gf and I really didn't

> care for it, but now that I'm detoxed, omg! I can't get enough of real food!

> It's incredible how addictive and flavorful real food is! :) I'm out of lara

> bars right now too, and I soooo want one! :( I'm pretty much out of food so

> I need to quite reading about it and looking at all the great recipes being

> posted because I'm making myself hungry every 15 minutes! lol Two days till

> payday! YAY!


> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Karen Peeler <peelerk wrote:


> >

> >

> > Jae, I understand what you mean about food. The pain is not worth it. What

> > type of Lara bars do you like? Karen

> >

> > --- On Tue, 12/29/09, Jae Jones <recyclednew<recyclednew%40gmail.com>>

> > wrote:

> >

> > Jae Jones <recyclednew <recyclednew%40gmail.com>>

> > Re: cooking from scratch

> > To:


> > Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 4:51 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I never use the water off of beans (canned or cooked myself) because the

> > few

> > times I did I felt like a hurricane was ripping threw my intestines! I've

> > seen a lot of recipes calling for the bean water, but my system is way too

> > sensitive to deal with it! I know I'm not the only one! I really don't eat

> > a

> > lot of beans and of what I do eat, I only eat a very limited few, and a

> > small quantity. I know that I am no way near the norm when it comes to

> > food,

> > even among the special diet people! But is there anybody else here who have

> > issues/pain associated with consuming bean water?

> >

> > Is there any edible gf vegan mac & cheese products? Are there any " safe "

> > overly processed foods?? Maybe I'm just in the wrong city or something but

> > every package I pick up seems to have a NO ingredient or at the very least

> > a

> > questionable ingredient that I rarely can get a straight answer on, so I

> > just file it under NO! Lara bars are literally the closest thing to junk

> > food that I can find on a regular bases. Real junk food is the occasional

> > kosher for passover pepsi and ruffles natural potato chips with sea salt.

> > Other than that, I haven't seen or even heard of real, overly processed

> > junk

> > food that is free of allergens!

> >

> > As for falling off the wagon, I know people who won't even get on the wagon

> > to begin with! lol I can understand the temptation though. There are times

> > when I'm so tired and so hungry and there are no leftovers left and it

> > would

> > be so wonderful to be able to order a pizza or something for dinner! But

> > every time the thought creeps up so does all the memories of pain and agony

> > that even if I ordered something, no matter how hungry and tired I was, I

> > could not physically even lift it up near my mouth! The migraines alone are

> > enough to stop me! I had minor issues with corn my whole life, but I

> > ignored

> > them for the most part until instant migraines started! Now I realize a lot

> > of what I blamed on my pancreas was actually the corn, and you couldn't pay

> > me to go back! It always amazes me when people choose the pain and agony

> > over changing their diet! I for one do not like pain and am glad that most

> > of it is gone! I think my food taste a hell of a lot better than all that

> > crap too! ;)

> >

> >

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I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take for

someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease ever go

away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?






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On Dec 30, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Tiajuana Ward wrote:


> I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take

for someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease ever go

away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?




If you have celiac disease you can never go back to eating gluten as the disease

is there for life. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.



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If you have celiac, it never goes away! The diet is for life! If you go back

to eating gluten at any time, you go back to health problems, and it is

often a lot worse after your body has had a chance to detox! If I

accidentally get gluten in my system, I'm sick for about a week! And we're

talking crumbs! Not even a bite of bread! To stay healthy you need to

religiously avoid gluten! Sorry for the bad news, but that is the deal!


On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Tiajuana Ward <tiajuana7777777wrote:




> I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take

> for someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease

> ever go away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?




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If you have Celiac Disease, it never goes away. You must maintain a completely

gluten-free lifestyle forever, because Celiac is an autoimmune disease without a



Try not to see gluten containing foods as normal and gluten-free foods as " not

normal " . It will really help you adapt better. :)




----- Receiving the following content -----

Tiajuana Ward


Time: 2009-12-30, 11:12:16

Re: cooking from scratch





>I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take for

someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease ever go

away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?






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Hello Tijuana


If one has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease it never goes away. This is a

lifelong auto-immune disorder in which gluten damages the intestines and the

body responds by attacking itself. You cannot go back to eating wheat



Not sure what you mean by " normal foods " . We've been gluten-free for 14

years now.




On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Tiajuana Ward





> I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take

> for someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease

> ever go away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?





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Not wanting to be argumentitive....but is this still an issue if

one is chelated and mineral and vit balances restored. I know that

that is changing a lot in my kids...so wondered.





, Brenda-Lee Olson

<shalomaleichemacademy wrote:


> Hello Tijuana


> If one has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease it never goes away. This is a

> lifelong auto-immune disorder in which gluten damages the intestines and the

> body responds by attacking itself. You cannot go back to eating wheat

> foods.


> Not sure what you mean by " normal foods " . We've been gluten-free for 14

> years now.


> BL


> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Tiajuana Ward

> <tiajuana7777777wrote:


> >

> >

> > I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take

> > for someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease

> > ever go away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?

> >




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Hi Ronni


If a person truly has Celiac Disease as opposed to leaky gut or other

auto-immune disorders, as far as I know the CD never goes away despite

chelation, etc. Basically the body has stopped production of the enzymes

necessary for proper handling of gluten which starts the process of

auto-immune response. I have not see anything to indication chelation makes

it otherwise for a person with Celiac Disease, although there is some hope

for people with leaky gut and other illnesses like Crohn's which is just CD

in a different part of the GI tract (which can be argued so not starting

anything here :-)).




On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 11:55 AM, ronnimike <HISSPECIALTOUCH wrote:




> Not wanting to be argumentitive....but is this still an issue if

> one is chelated and mineral and vit balances restored. I know that

> that is changing a lot in my kids...so wondered.





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Who knows that medical advances may be made in the future, but as things

stand now, those things will help to improve your health and heal the damage

that has been done by celiac disease, but if you then begin eating gluten

again, you will create more damage. Remember that just because it doesn't

give you a tummyache, that doesn't mean that celiac disease is not present.

It can cause many neurological, endocrine, auto-immune, blood, and other

problems. I can make you anemic and can give you cancer. It can cause

diabetes, thyroid, lupus, or other auto-immune diseases. You do not want to

gamble with you health by choosing a slice of wheat bread over a slice of gf

bread or bowl of rice.




On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 12:55 PM, ronnimike <HISSPECIALTOUCH wrote:




> Not wanting to be argumentitive....but is this still an issue if

> one is chelated and mineral and vit balances restored. I know that

> that is changing a lot in my kids...so wondered.


> thanks

> Ronni


> --- In


> Brenda-Lee Olson <shalomaleichemacademy wrote:

> >

> > Hello Tijuana

> >

> > If one has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease it never goes away. This is

> a

> > lifelong auto-immune disorder in which gluten damages the intestines and

> the

> > body responds by attacking itself. You cannot go back to eating wheat

> > foods.

> >

> > Not sure what you mean by " normal foods " . We've been gluten-free for 14

> > years now.

> >

> > BL

> >

> > On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Tiajuana Ward

> > <tiajuana7777777wrote:


> >

> > >

> > >

> > > I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it

> take

> > > for someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac

> disease

> > > ever go away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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That might work for gluten intolerance, but it will not affect Celiac Disease.




----- Receiving the following content -----



Time: 2009-12-31, 11:55:35

Re: cooking from scratch





>Not wanting to be argumentitive....but is this still an issue if

>one is chelated and mineral and vit balances restored. I know that

>that is changing a lot in my kids...so wondered.





> , Brenda-Lee Olson wrote:


>> Hello Tijuana


>> If one has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease it never goes away. This is a

>> lifelong auto-immune disorder in which gluten damages the intestines and the

>> body responds by attacking itself. You cannot go back to eating wheat

>> foods.


>> Not sure what you mean by " normal foods " . We've been gluten-free for 14

>> years now.


>> BL


>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Tiajuana Ward

>> wrote:


>> >

>> >

>> > I would like someone or many to answer this question. How long does it take

>> > for someone to go back to eating normal foods? Also, does celiac disease

>> > ever go away once a person commits and live by the gf diet?

>> >




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