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Though I can't speak personally, I can speak for my husband. He had

migraines for years. He went to a chiropractor for back aches, and his

migraines are

just about gone! Good Luck, Tracy




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Feverfew works well to stave off migraines and to reduce the severity when

you do get them.


God's Peace,





" Heather " <bellsofireland78


Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:39 PM




> I have been a frequent migraine sufferer since I was young. I have tried

many different things over the years, and I have not found a winner yet.

People have been posting how well caffeine works. I try not too ingest a

lot of caffeine. I am quite sensitive to caffeine, and coffee makes me feel

awful. Does anyone have any suggestions that aren't focused on caffeine. I

would prefer something that I could do at the onset of a migraine, but if it

is something that I have to do everyday, relief will make it worth it. I

have several triggers. The main trigger is hormones. The others are easier

to control, such as stress, lack of sleep, and too long between meals. My

mother as well as other women in my family suffered from them also; so in my

case it seems to be inherited. If anyone can help, it would be greatly






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I have suffered from chronic headaches for years. Every once in a while I have

a headache that I would characterize as a migraine -- usually wakes me up in the

early hours, does not respond to Advil, is accompanied by nausea and sensitivity

to light, sound, and odors. My doctor prescribed a drug a few years ago that I

never ended up taking because I don't like to take medicine if I can avoid it.

What I do when I've got this horrible headache is take Excedrin Migraine and

brew a pot of strong coffee. The coffee is hard to drink because I am usually

so queasy I can barely get near it, but it has always calmed the pain down to a

manageable level. I've tried natural and homeopathic remedies for headaches and

none has worked like an immediate and strong cup of coffee, together with the

Excedrin, which has some caffeine in it as well. Normally I don't consume much

caffeine, so I figure it's worth it to use it to get rid of the migraines and

it's preferable to strong prescription drugs. I've also found that sitting

outside in my yard and breathing in cold, clean air makes me feel a little



If anyone has found a natural method of relieving headache pain I'd love to hear

about it.





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I once suffered from migraines. I found that eliminating coffee, eggs ,

chocolate , and sugar worked very well for me. I would try to eat as much live


as possiable.

Blessings of

Vibrant Health,







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What works well for me, are those U shaped sand and herbal things you put around

your neck. (I can't remember the name of them) But I have to be careful not to

get a real strong smelling one because that makes it worse. I have some

slippers like them too, but you can put them in the microwave and heat them

up(both the slippers and the neck wrap). They are a little heavy, which I think

helps a lot, the pressure on my shoulders, and the slippers feel good on my

feet, which helps to relax me. They are a little on the expensive side, ranging

from $35 on up, but I have had mine forever, and they really do help me. Along

with some very subtle herbal tea, some health food stores even have teas, that

have little to no caffine in the, designed for head aches.






Heather <bellsofireland78 wrote: I have been a frequent migraine

sufferer since I was young. I have tried many different things over the years,

and I have not found a winner yet. People have been posting how well caffeine

works. I try not too ingest a lot of caffeine. I am quite sensitive to

caffeine, and coffee makes me feel awful. Does anyone have any suggestions that

aren't focused on caffeine. I would prefer something that I could do at the

onset of a migraine, but if it is something that I have to do everyday, relief

will make it worth it. I have several triggers. The main trigger is hormones.

The others are easier to control, such as stress, lack of sleep, and too long

between meals. My mother as well as other women in my family suffered from them

also; so in my case it seems to be inherited. If anyone can help, it would be

greatly appreciated.





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Megan wrote:


<< Put Vicks Vapor Rub all over your forehead and around your temples,

kinda massage it into your forehead... >>


This is what I do for sinus headaches (rub on all the sinus spots, not

just the ones over your eyebrows), except I've used other brands of

menthol-based salves rather than Vicks.


Be sure to keep the stuff away from your eye sockets!



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I've suffered debilitating migraines for years too. Caffeine helps sometimes,

but the most helpful thing has been a product called Migraine Ice made by

Mentholatum http://www.mentholatum.com.au/migraineice.php

It's a fabric " patch " that has a cooling gel on one side that will gently stick

to your head (or temple, neck,). It's similar to the Vicks Vaporub but has a

milder aroma, stays cool longer, and does not make my sensitive skin break out

the way Vaporub can.






Tuesday, March 02, 2004 9:40 AM




Thank you to everyone that has given suggestions. I lived with migraines for

years before I sought any type of relief. Becoming a mother demanded treatment.

My migraines debilitate me. I cannot stand light, noise, smells, and I get

nauseated (often accompanied by vomiting). Migraines make me delirious and my

head throbs in any position except lying down.

I prefer to stay away from modern drugs, but migraines have made me desperate.

I have tried the Excedrin Migraine, and it does nothing for me, except make me

feel sick from the caffeine. I have tried a list of prescriptions prescribed by

an osteopath; they do nothing. She urged me to get a CAT-Scan which came out

fine, thankfully. I have experimented with various natural remedies (herbs,

essential oils).

I have Feverfew. Can anyone give me specifics on it. Should it be taken alone

or in a blend? Must I take it everyday, only at the onset, or both? About the

neck pillow, I have not tried that, but I certainly will. I have tried

frozen/chilled face packs. They only help temporarily. As soon as the numbness

from the cold wears off the pain resurfaces.

Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again.





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Similar things are now available in drugstores, though I don't know what

they're called.


My college roommate found yoga *very* helpful for preventing migraines, I

also have heard great things about Migra-stick, it probably is similar to

Vicks Vapo-rub but is all natural (found at health food stores).


Gaia Herbs has a blend that's great for migraines. I'm sure it has feverfew

among the herbs in the blend, but feverfew can also be taken by itself. It

can be taken preventatively, or at the onset in a higher dose. the Gaia

blend is available as veggie softgels or as tinctures. Both would be



Rainbow Light (supplement company) is all plant-based, they have a blend

called Pain-Eeze (sp?) that is very effective, too.



" If you're going through Hell, keep going. " ~Winston Churchill.



> " Bonnie Barker " <bebarker96

> Re: migraines


> I've suffered debilitating migraines for years too. Caffeine helps sometimes,

> but the most helpful thing has been a product called Migraine Ice made by

> Mentholatum http://www.mentholatum.com.au/migraineice.php

> It's a fabric " patch " that has a cooling gel on one side that will gently

> stick to your head (or temple, neck,). It's similar to the Vicks Vaporub but

> has a milder aroma, stays cool longer, and does not make my sensitive skin

> break out the way Vaporub can.


> Bonnie

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> Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank

you again.


You may try looking around for a doctor that specializes in

biofeedback (not that hard now). My father and grandfather both

got debilitating migraines; my father became a doctor

specializing in those types of illnesses, and worked with

biofeedback back in the 70's when no one knew what it was. If

you find a really good doctor, he may help you with determining

what your triggers are. My grandfather's trigger was corn, if he

ate anything containing corn (corn syrup, corn meal, corn oil, etc

etc) he would get a migraine. Some people have really obvious

triggers like that (many are dietary) and others have a hard time

finding them. Sometimes there are even visual triggers; there

was a weatherman when I was a kid that wore patterned ties that

resembled the aura my dad saw when he started getting a

migraine, and those ties would trigger migraines in him.


I am very lucky that I only get them once in a blue moon, so I

haven't done much with exploring alternative medicines. My dad

has suggested taking ibuprofen or antihistimine medication

when one comes on and I found taking that has helped keep it

from becoming full-blown. I don't like to take too many

medicines either, but I will take ibuprofen now and then.



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  • 7 months later...

I'm a 4th generation migrainer sufferer. I have to end up using Imitrex to get

rid of a serious one. I try everything first. Ice bag to the front and back of

the head, if you place your feet in ice water that even helps some for some

reason. The cold travels upwards. I know they are better now that I avoid,

peanuts, chocolate, wine and all cheeses. I sure wish you well. Have to

rubbed any peppermint oil on your temples at the first sign of one?


sunita2311 <sunita2311 wrote:

Calcium is absorbed best when taken with a meal and also when taken

with vitamin D. That's why most supplements have vit. D included.

Also for your migraines; if you get the calcium imbalance fixed, that

might help. A lot of people notice that when they get a migraine if

they take a calcium chew/supplement the migraine goes away or lessens

in severity. Otherwise for migraines you could ask the doctor about

the drug Topomax. A lot of people have been having tremendous

success with it.


Best Wishes.


, AmberWolf

<iw_amberwolf> wrote:

> The easiest thing is to drink orange juice or incorporate citrus

fruits in your meals when you're eating for iron intake.


> Debra


> Melissa Hill <assilembob> wrote:

> I am pretty sure that difficulty with absorbtion is

> the problem, does anyone know what I can do about

> that. I can't get into the doctor until Nov. 30.

> Thank you all so much. This is why I always ask things

> like this on groups first, so I can get info before

> going to the doctor so I know exactly what to ask.

> HMO's are difficult. Especially in a Military town.

> ~Mel


> --- " Elgie, Sarah CAR "

> <thelittleprincess79@s...> wrote:


> > Hi Melissa... I just thought I would jump in here...

> > I don't have an iron

> > deficiency... but I do have a B12 deficiency.... now

> > you said you take an

> > iron pill every day and its not working? I was doing

> > the same thing with

> > B12... I was taking a pill for it everyday and no

> > change in my heath, it

> > turns out my body has a hard time absorbing it....

> > you may want to speak

> > with your doctor, your body may have a hard time

> > absorbing iron. Just a

> > thought, hope you feel better soon!

> >

> > Sara

> >

> >

> >

> > First off let me just say i am so sorry you aren't

> > feeling well, Melissa. That must be aweful. i have

> > already read thru some of the responses from

> > others here, so i know you are getting some useful

> > ideas. But one ther food item that we have added

> > to our diets for extra iron is molasses; you can add

> >

> > this to fruit shakes or to your cream of wheat

> > cereal

> > and it is delicious.

> >

> > i hope you can get your health issues resolved soon.

> > It is no fun feeling so terrible and i empathize

> > with

> > you right now.

> >

> > ~ pt ~

> >

> > Until we have learned to stand Grand Canyon deep

> > in the earth, we shouldn't even think of setting

> > foot

> > on the moon or Mars.

> > ~ John Moriarty, 'Turtle Was Gone a Long Time'

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >





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As a 3rd gen migraine sufferer myself, I have some experience as well.

Here in Canada, pretty much all medications are covered if you have

insurance with a job, so the possibilities are more varied. If you

can get Maxalt, it has done wonderful things to get rid of my

migranes. I used to use Imitrex, but it stopped working for me.

Maxalt works within 15 min or so, for me. The key to getting rid of a

migrane with these meds though, is to take them at the first sign.

(I'm sometimes guilty of the wait and see method also) If taken in

later stages, the pain receptors are already triggered, and it takes

longer to go away, and also I've found the side effects are much

worse, if I wait.


To bring this back to foods, there are many triggers for migranes from

foods, including a huge culprit, MSG. It is in so many foods, even

unlabeled. I have a list which gives ingredients which may hide MSG,

on the ingredients list of food. If anyone would like it. Some of

the big culprits are: anything hydrolyzed, yeast extract, textured

protien... THese ALWAYS contain MSG. There are ingredients which

sometimes contain MSG, which include things as inocuous as: Flavoring,

natural flavoring, seasoning, and spices.


If the owners allow, I'd be happy to put it in the files.


This information came from a friend who is an herbalist, and

nutritionist. She got it from a website called: www.holisticmed.com


I know that Bocca Burgers, and Morning Star Farms brand burgers both

have MSG. I was very dissapointed about this, because my body detects

it if I even eat 1 potato chip with MSG in it... Amy's products,

including their burgers haven't got MSG though, and I highly reccomend



I hope this helps people, and that this info has prevented at least

one migrane!


hugs to all



ps. to all who wished us Cannuks a happy thanksgiving, thank you. My

partner and I had a movie night for Thanksgiving, and made a Tofu

Turkey. It was very tasty. The rest of the dinner included sweet

potatos, mashed potatoes with pesto, a vegan creme Brule which our

friend brought, a chocolate tofu pie, cranberry sauce, and stuffing.

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I forgot about the msg. Yes please send the list. You can use my email address

if you like.


I can't take Maxalt is doesn't work well on me. So far so good with Zomig or

Imitrex. I agree if you can prevent the headache that's the best way.

Thanking you in advance for the list..........Donna


Blue elf <joyceka wrote:


As a 3rd gen migraine sufferer myself, I have some experience as well.

Here in Canada, pretty much all medications are covered if you have

insurance with a job, so the possibilities are more varied. If you

can get Maxalt, it has done wonderful things to get rid of my

migranes. I used to use Imitrex, but it stopped working for me.

Maxalt works within 15 min or so, for me. The key to getting rid of a

migrane with these meds though, is to take them at the first sign.

(I'm sometimes guilty of the wait and see method also) If taken in

later stages, the pain receptors are already triggered, and it takes

longer to go away, and also I've found the side effects are much

worse, if I wait.


To bring this back to foods, there are many triggers for migranes from

foods, including a huge culprit, MSG. It is in so many foods, even

unlabeled. I have a list which gives ingredients which may hide MSG,

on the ingredients list of food. If anyone would like it. Some of

the big culprits are: anything hydrolyzed, yeast extract, textured

protien... THese ALWAYS contain MSG. There are ingredients which

sometimes contain MSG, which include things as inocuous as: Flavoring,

natural flavoring, seasoning, and spices.


If the owners allow, I'd be happy to put it in the files.


This information came from a friend who is an herbalist, and

nutritionist. She got it from a website called: www.holisticmed.com


I know that Bocca Burgers, and Morning Star Farms brand burgers both

have MSG. I was very dissapointed about this, because my body detects

it if I even eat 1 potato chip with MSG in it... Amy's products,

including their burgers haven't got MSG though, and I highly reccomend



I hope this helps people, and that this info has prevented at least

one migrane!


hugs to all



ps. to all who wished us Cannuks a happy thanksgiving, thank you. My

partner and I had a movie night for Thanksgiving, and made a Tofu

Turkey. It was very tasty. The rest of the dinner included sweet

potatos, mashed potatoes with pesto, a vegan creme Brule which our

friend brought, a chocolate tofu pie, cranberry sauce, and stuffing.






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  • 7 months later...
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Hi Lynne!


I'd offer the following:


diet looks like it's in the right ballpark..

yes, try skipping the Indian, and see what happens..


if it starts on Tuesday, is there anything " non-dietary " that happens

regulary Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday that you find

unusually " stressful? " I have experience where I've seen (used to be

a massage therapist) a lot of " muscular involvement " on the side of

the head, temporalis, or at the back of the head where lots of

muscles attach to the bottom ridge (forget the technical term) ---

if you're finding " tender/sore " muscles in this area, I'd suspect

stress as being a major contributor, and maybe not so much diet.


are you getting enough rest/sleep? (for example, do you set an alarm

to wake up, or do you wake up when rested?)


Over on RawSchool, Nora just had a nice explanation today about the

body becoming more active, as we become healthier - meaning it now

has more energy to deal with other things. I'd suggest reading it..

(it's post 1031, small snippet here:

" ..This response is normal and natural, and usually becomes more

pronounced as a person gets healthier, because the body will have

more vitality with which to signal and rectify a person's

mistakes..... "


and yes, I used to be a *HUGE* fan of spicy foods myself...yes, very

noticeable difference for me -- can't tolerate it...body reacts

almost immediately saying : " no... I don't like/want/need that,

thank you! " The actual signals for me are sweaty brow, burning

lips, tongue, mouth...burning esophagus...I'd occasionally have a

small bit of salsa - reaction is the same every time...soooooo...I've

dropped it waaaayy off...hardly touch it anymore...message was clear

to me: body didn't want it!


headaches, runs, and bruises - sounds like some possible " retracing " -

some cleansing.


and, maybe a short fast, after no Indian food, and see if that




all the best,








rawfood , " Lynne " <niklyn@n...> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I am after some advice or guidance please.

> I am extremely headachy (migraine more that ordinary) - when I

first went

> raw I had no headaches and then suddenly they are back with a

vengeance and

> it nasty. I am 100% raw every day except for one meal which usually

falls on

> a Friday or Saturday night - usually an Indian meal!

> My daily eating would be;


> 1/4 water melon

> bananas (7)

> grapes large bunch (maybe 2)

> 1 whole lettuce

> tomatoes

> dates

> sun dried tomatoes (few)

> pepper(red - small piece)

> cucumber

> celery 1 rib

> fig 2

> pineapple (1cup)

> lemon (some days)

> oranges (some days)



> As you can see there is lot's of variety in my choice of foods

which I enjoy

> - I have the runs a bit these days as well but other than the

headaches I

> feel well - people are saying how well I look and that I glow but I


> feel top form.


> I have a bruise on my leg on the front of my shin about 1 1/2 " big

too and I

> cant remember bumping it to make a bruise.


> I start of with water melon and later have a smoothie with banana


> lettuce. Then grapes for lunch and then later a large mixed salad -

I am

> trying to give as good a picture as I can to see if anyone can

suggest the

> cause of the migraines which are off-putting.


> Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions if possible, maybe

not being

> 100% raw is the problem - I don't know - I am planning not to eat

an Indian

> meal this weekend to see if there is a connection - the headaches


> start on Tuesday's.


> Maybe we get more sensitive as we eat more raw - is this possible?

I used to

> eat spicy foods all the time with very little reaction.

> Love Lynne



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  • 1 year later...
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I understand how you feel I suffer with them terrible! I have had them for

years, having to write down everything that you eat everyday. Then what might

have brothered you then doesn't now! I went to a Neurologist at the University

of Michigan 6 months ago and she put me on " Pamelor 100mg " every night and I

have to tell you I do not have them as much any more. I have went to having them

everyday to 2 or 3 a month! I go and see her every 3 months to make sure that

all is well. I am in the same boat with what you can and can not eat, it sucks!

If you ever need to vent I am hear! Hope that things get better for you.




jackiekelley2003 <jackiekelley2003 wrote:

my computer froze when I was trying to post a message so I will try it

again. I can't have smoke meats, pepsi-cola, coca-cola, mountain dew,

coffee, chocolate, tomatoe sauce unless it's from scratch, chili, meat

is starting to bother me a lot now, so it's a hit and miss thing. I

keep a journal every day so I will know what caused the migraines

sometimes i can have a good week and I will have a headache just out of

the blue, sometimes it can be stress, sunlight,pollen or perfumes and










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I've been getting migraines since I was twelve. Keeping a journal is extremely



Other common triggers are MSG, nuts, cheese, vinegars, nitrates/nitrites

(these are what will get you in smoked meats). Nuts are the worst for me, along

with most chemical preservatives (let's face it, these aren't good for anyone).

I don't buy anything with an ingredient that I can't pronounce, no high fructose

corn syrup, and as much organic as we can afford.


jackiekelley2003 <jackiekelley2003 wrote:

my computer froze when I was trying to post a message so I will try it

again. I can't have smoke meats, pepsi-cola, coca-cola, mountain dew,

coffee, chocolate, tomatoe sauce unless it's from scratch, chili, meat

is starting to bother me a lot now, so it's a hit and miss thing. I

keep a journal every day so I will know what caused the migraines

sometimes i can have a good week and I will have a headache just out of

the blue, sometimes it can be stress, sunlight,pollen or perfumes and












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Greetings to everyone from the Philippines!


I have an electrostatic machine that really works on


I had migraine before and other friends have tried

this as very effective. Not only it could work on

migraines but other viral diseases as well. You can

try visist my website: www. pyroenergen.com


Marlene Medina

Green Life Ventures, Inc.




--- robin koloms <rkoloms wrote:


> I've been getting migraines since I was twelve.

> Keeping a journal is extremely useful.


> Other common triggers are MSG, nuts, cheese,

> vinegars, nitrates/nitrites (these are what will get

> you in smoked meats). Nuts are the worst for me,

> along with most chemical preservatives (let's face

> it, these aren't good for anyone). I don't buy

> anything with an ingredient that I can't pronounce,

> no high fructose corn syrup, and as much organic as

> we can afford.


> jackiekelley2003 <jackiekelley2003 wrote:

> my computer froze when I was trying to post a

> message so I will try it

> again. I can't have smoke meats, pepsi-cola,

> coca-cola, mountain dew,

> coffee, chocolate, tomatoe sauce unless it's from

> scratch, chili, meat

> is starting to bother me a lot now, so it's a hit

> and miss thing. I

> keep a journal every day so I will know what caused

> the migraines

> sometimes i can have a good week and I will have a

> headache just out of

> the blue, sometimes it can be stress,

> sunlight,pollen or perfumes and

> colognes.





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Also keep an eye out for environmental toxins as well as foods...the only " food "

(and i hesitate to call it that) that triggers migraines in me is aspartame

(nutra sweet) and sometimes apple berry juice for some reason. But I am

guarenteed one if someone sprays pesticides in their yard around the

neighborhood, or if I am exposed to numerous kinds of fumes; paint, perfume,

strong cleaners, turpentine, varnish etc. I've had to eliminate all harsh

chemical cleaners from my home (good idea anyway since I have birds and other

pets) and most scented cosmetics, even shampoo.






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You are so right about that, I can tell if someone is smoking in a car behind or

in frount of me for a few car lenks. You know what is funny, my middle name is

Rachel but was to be spelled Rachael for after my aunt and great grandmother and

my last name(madin) is Whitney! Cool!




Rachael Whitney <rw1647 wrote:

Also keep an eye out for environmental toxins as well as foods...the

only " food " (and i hesitate to call it that) that triggers migraines in me is

aspartame (nutra sweet) and sometimes apple berry juice for some reason. But I

am guarenteed one if someone sprays pesticides in their yard around the

neighborhood, or if I am exposed to numerous kinds of fumes; paint, perfume,

strong cleaners, turpentine, varnish etc. I've had to eliminate all harsh

chemical cleaners from my home (good idea anyway since I have birds and other

pets) and most scented cosmetics, even shampoo.






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White sugar is also one of the worst headache causes. Use honey,

organic sugar or another whole food substitute. Eat watermelon in

the hot weather. Just make it a meal. Eat melons alone or leave

them alone.




, Rachael Whitney

<rw1647 wrote:


> Also keep an eye out for environmental toxins as well as

foods...the only " food " (and i hesitate to call it that) that

triggers migraines in me is aspartame (nutra sweet) and sometimes

apple berry juice for some reason. But I am guarenteed one if

someone sprays pesticides in their yard around the neighborhood, or

if I am exposed to numerous kinds of fumes; paint, perfume, strong

cleaners, turpentine, varnish etc. I've had to eliminate all harsh

chemical cleaners from my home (good idea anyway since I have birds

and other pets) and most scented cosmetics, even shampoo.


> ~Rachael




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I have started eliminating a lot of the cleaners that I use to clean the house

with, I am finding alternatives at Abundance coop market that I go to just down

the street from where I live. If you are in Rochester, NY for a visit the store

is located at 62 Marshall st, the web site is www.abundance.coop


greatyoga <greatyoga wrote: White sugar is also one of the

worst headache causes. Use honey,

organic sugar or another whole food substitute. Eat watermelon in

the hot weather. Just make it a meal. Eat melons alone or leave

them alone.




, Rachael Whitney

<rw1647 wrote:


> Also keep an eye out for environmental toxins as well as

foods...the only " food " (and i hesitate to call it that) that

triggers migraines in me is aspartame (nutra sweet) and sometimes

apple berry juice for some reason. But I am guarenteed one if

someone sprays pesticides in their yard around the neighborhood, or

if I am exposed to numerous kinds of fumes; paint, perfume, strong

cleaners, turpentine, varnish etc. I've had to eliminate all harsh

chemical cleaners from my home (good idea anyway since I have birds

and other pets) and most scented cosmetics, even shampoo.


> ~Rachael




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I will mention it to my doctor thanks.--- In

, Valerie Cropsey <fantsybeads



> I understand how you feel I suffer with them terrible! I have had

them for years, having to write down everything that you eat

everyday. Then what might have brothered you then doesn't now! I went

to a Neurologist at the University of Michigan 6 months ago and she

put me on " Pamelor 100mg " every night and I have to tell you I do not

have them as much any more. I have went to having them everyday to 2

or 3 a month! I go and see her every 3 months to make sure that all

is well. I am in the same boat with what you can and can not eat, it

sucks! If you ever need to vent I am hear! Hope that things get

better for you.


> Val


> jackiekelley2003 <jackiekelley2003 wrote:

> my computer froze when I was trying to post a message so

I will try it

> again. I can't have smoke meats, pepsi-cola, coca-cola, mountain


> coffee, chocolate, tomatoe sauce unless it's from scratch, chili,


> is starting to bother me a lot now, so it's a hit and miss thing. I

> keep a journal every day so I will know what caused the migraines

> sometimes i can have a good week and I will have a headache just

out of

> the blue, sometimes it can be stress, sunlight,pollen or perfumes


> colognes.



> Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Mail Beta.



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One should not get headaches if the blood is slightly alkaline. The

recommended amount is 7.0- 7.8. 7.4 is considered ideal. Most

fruits and vegetables leave an alkaline residue in the body. You

can check your urine and saliva with ph strips to get a good idea.

People with cancer have low ph so that can give one an indication.

Lemon juice is one of the best alkalinizers. If you mix it with

water, it is best to drink it with straw so it will not eat the

tooth enamel




In , " jackiekelley2003 "

<jackiekelley2003 wrote:




> I will mention it to my doctor thanks.--- In

> , Valerie Cropsey <fantsybeads@>

> wrote:

> >

> > I understand how you feel I suffer with them terrible! I have


> them for years, having to write down everything that you eat

> everyday. Then what might have brothered you then doesn't now! I


> to a Neurologist at the University of Michigan 6 months ago and


> put me on " Pamelor 100mg " every night and I have to tell you I do


> have them as much any more. I have went to having them everyday to


> or 3 a month! I go and see her every 3 months to make sure that


> is well. I am in the same boat with what you can and can not eat,


> sucks! If you ever need to vent I am hear! Hope that things get

> better for you.

> >

> > Val

> >

> > jackiekelley2003 <jackiekelley2003@> wrote:

> > my computer froze when I was trying to post a message


> I will try it

> > again. I can't have smoke meats, pepsi-cola, coca-cola, mountain

> dew,

> > coffee, chocolate, tomatoe sauce unless it's from scratch,


> meat

> > is starting to bother me a lot now, so it's a hit and miss

thing. I

> > keep a journal every day so I will know what caused the


> > sometimes i can have a good week and I will have a headache just

> out of

> > the blue, sometimes it can be stress, sunlight,pollen or


> and

> > colognes.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Mail Beta.

> >

> >

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I did not mean to sound negative about migranes but just to present

different alternatives. Feverfew is an herb to help prevent

migranes but nnot necessarily useful after one gets a headache.




In , jackie kelley

<jackiekelley2003 wrote:


> I have started eliminating a lot of the cleaners that I use to

clean the house with, I am finding alternatives at Abundance coop

market that I go to just down the street from where I live. If you

are in Rochester, NY for a visit the store is located at 62 Marshall

st, the web site is www.abundance.coop


> greatyoga <greatyoga wrote: White sugar is also one

of the worst headache causes. Use honey,

> organic sugar or another whole food substitute. Eat watermelon in

> the hot weather. Just make it a meal. Eat melons alone or leave

> them alone.


> GB


> , Rachael Whitney

> <rw1647@> wrote:

> >

> > Also keep an eye out for environmental toxins as well as

> foods...the only " food " (and i hesitate to call it that) that

> triggers migraines in me is aspartame (nutra sweet) and sometimes

> apple berry juice for some reason. But I am guarenteed one if

> someone sprays pesticides in their yard around the neighborhood,


> if I am exposed to numerous kinds of fumes; paint, perfume, strong

> cleaners, turpentine, varnish etc. I've had to eliminate all harsh

> chemical cleaners from my home (good idea anyway since I have


> and other pets) and most scented cosmetics, even shampoo.

> >

> > ~Rachael

> >

> >

> >

> > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US


> 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

> >

> >

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In a message dated 7/19/2006 5:30:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

greatyoga writes:


If you mix it with

water, it is best to drink it with straw so it will not eat the

tooth enamel




Lemon juice will eat through tooth enamel?!?!?!


Neurotically Yours,





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, " greatyoga " <greatyoga



>I am always open for suggestions, it's hard for me especially if I

am work and and a migraine starts, I do a lot of private duty nursing

instead of working in the nursing homes, and it is easier to work

around my migraines, one of the schedulers at the job she also has

migraines so she pretty much knows when to call me.






> I did not mean to sound negative about migranes but just to present

> different alternatives. Feverfew is an herb to help prevent

> migranes but nnot necessarily useful after one gets a headache.


> GB


> In , jackie kelley

> <jackiekelley2003@> wrote:

> >

> > I have started eliminating a lot of the cleaners that I use to

> clean the house with, I am finding alternatives at Abundance coop

> market that I go to just down the street from where I live. If you

> are in Rochester, NY for a visit the store is located at 62


> st, the web site is www.abundance.coop

> >

> > greatyoga <greatyoga@> wrote: White sugar is also one

> of the worst headache causes. Use honey,

> > organic sugar or another whole food substitute. Eat watermelon in

> > the hot weather. Just make it a meal. Eat melons alone or leave

> > them alone.

> >

> > GB

> >

> > , Rachael Whitney

> > <rw1647@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Also keep an eye out for environmental toxins as well as

> > foods...the only " food " (and i hesitate to call it that) that

> > triggers migraines in me is aspartame (nutra sweet) and sometimes

> > apple berry juice for some reason. But I am guarenteed one if

> > someone sprays pesticides in their yard around the neighborhood,

> or

> > if I am exposed to numerous kinds of fumes; paint, perfume,


> > cleaners, turpentine, varnish etc. I've had to eliminate all


> > chemical cleaners from my home (good idea anyway since I have

> birds

> > and other pets) and most scented cosmetics, even shampoo.

> > >

> > > ~Rachael

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US

> (and

> > 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

> > >

> > >

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