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What's for lunch?

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Lunch today was a sandwich on " Arnold's Health Nut Bread " - hummus,

avocado, roasted red pepper and crunchy sprouts. I also had a

cucumber, tomato and onion salad. And for dessert a white peach and a



As an aside, the strawberry plants that I planted and have been

watering actually had ripe beries that the birds didn't get so I had

some of those this morning!



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I had some frozen veggies with veg-chicken for a quick stir-fry.

Cauliflower and strawberries & grapes for snacks.


And I have a little bit of butterscotch pudding (no more than 1/2 c, made

with skim milk) for later on this p.m.




On 5/30/07, Graham <graham wrote:


> Lunch today was a sandwich on " Arnold's Health Nut Bread " - hummus,

> avocado, roasted red pepper and crunchy sprouts. I also had a

> cucumber, tomato and onion salad. And for dessert a white peach and a

> nectarine.


> As an aside, the strawberry plants that I planted and have been

> watering actually had ripe beries that the birds didn't get so I had

> some of those this morning!


> Yummy!







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Sounds like a yummy sandwich! I make my main meal of the

day at lunchtime, so I had a 'paella' with all good things in

it, some kale steamed with chilies and ginger, and a leafless

salad ;) No dessert, but there was apple and some craisins

in the salad. For my evening meal (lunch-sized) I had lentil

and sweet potato soup and homemade wholewheat bread.


Dunno what's for tomorrow!


Love, Pat



Dr Patricia Sant

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I'm only into this about 3 weeks and had my 1st taste of restaurant

choices because I just stayed 2 days at a wonderful resort while my DH

attended meetings. I was shocked to find how limiting the menus are

when you are only looking @ just me*t free. Poolside meal vendors had

nothing on the menu as is that would work. Not even a house salad

(like that would hold me anyway with all the swimming I had done and

was staying by the pool another 4 hours). No sandwich sounded

satisfiing w/o their protien source....


I did find an exquisite meal one night of butternut squash and ricotto

cheese ravioli with a gargonzola sauce. Amazingly delish! I realize

this would not be suitable for all of you. Rainforest Cafe last night

with their natural burger which was very good too.


What are some of your tips for eating out to ask if they can modify a

dish? I certainly am not used to having nothing on a menu I can eat

LOL! And I don't want to ruin the occasions for my family either.



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  • 10 months later...
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I shall enjoy a BIG salad with everything on it, grated zucchini, beets, topped

with walnuts, hemp nut seeds and sunflower seeds. Some leftover spaghetti too.

Iced tea, my friend gave me some green tea with a hint of banana flavor.







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I brought my lunch to work with me, a sandwich on pita bread with veg

lunchmeat a slice of cheese and an orange and chips.




, Saul G <saulgoldberg55



> I found a crockpot chili recipe in the recipe files. I got up at 2am

to start it in the crockpot for lunch today. It's almost time to eat

it now and I can hardly wait. Sorry I've been such a lurker in the



> Saul

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I just had a leftover gardenburger from our Sunday BBQ. Not as

exciting as everyone elses.


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:- Terri

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´







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some ULTRA gingery chickpea stuff (forget the name) over jasmine rice. mmmmmm.


Saul G <saulgoldberg55 wrote: I found a crockpot chili

recipe in the recipe files. I got up at 2am to start it in the crockpot for

lunch today. It's almost time to eat it now and I can hardly wait. Sorry I've

been such a lurker in the past.





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We had homemade vegetarian spaghetti(browned some Vegetarian burger to go in

spaghetti sauce) and a nice tossed salad.



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Monday and Tuesday I had Yves veggie ham

sandwich with cheddar cheese, vegannaise and

Jack Daniel's brand mustard: also lettuce and

tomato slices. With the sandwich I had a scoop of

macaroni salad that was leftover from this weekend's

family BBQ. I had a few potato chips, too. Mmmm


Today I am taking some leftover garlic roasted green

beans and some leftover four cheese pasta.


I lurk a lot too Saul. Busy, busy, busy... but I love the

veg groups I host and am a member of. I get a lot of

inspiration and support from reading the digests. :)

:::coffeemug salute:::


~ PT ~


To struggle when hope is banished!

To live when life's salt is gone!

To dwell in a dream that's vanished--

To endure, and go calmly on!

~ Ben Jonson


, Saul G <saulgoldberg55 wrote:

> I found a crockpot chili recipe in the recipe files. I got up at 2am to start

it in the

crockpot for lunch today. It's almost time to eat it now and I can hardly wait.

Sorry I've

been such a lurker in the past.

> Saul

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Lunch I don't plan for like dinner (ie it has to be easy and is usually

thrown together by stuff I have in the house). Lately I've been making

little pizzas with tortillas. Either layering a jarred Alfredo sauce,

garlic powder, mushrooms, spinach and Mozzarella cheese or picante

sauce, Beans (usually black), jalapeno, and cheddar cheese. Bake at

350 til cheese is melted and edges just get crisp. These are easy and




> I found a crockpot chili recipe in the recipe files. I got up at 2am

to start it in the crockpot for lunch today. It's almost time to eat

it now and I can hardly wait. Sorry I've been such a lurker in the



> Saul




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  • 2 weeks later...
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We're having left overs.

Spicy Black Bean and Corn Soup

Cool Veggie Pizza

Homemade Reg. vegetarian Pizza


I'm just setting it out and let everyone get what they want.




Friday, May 16, 2008 11:13 AM

What's for lunch?





I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I am



Creamy Orzo w/greens and corn

Eggplant Steaks w/garlic

Sugar Snap Peas










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Having this...it's deeeelish!


Spaghetti With Roasted Eggplant and Cherry Tomatoes

var g_rid='245178'; var g_review_default= " Discuss the taste, how difficult

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//var d=new Date(pdata.review.time*1000); } Ingredients

Tomato Sauce


1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil-->-->

1 onion-->, chopped

6 garlic clove-->-->, minced

2 (28 ounce) cans whole canned tomatoes-->-->, drained

1/4-1/2 fresh basil leaf-->, torn

1 teaspoon sugar-->--> (optional)

salt & freshly ground black pepper-->salt & freshly ground black pepper-->

2 small eggplant-->-->, stemmed but not peeled

2-3 garlic clove-->-->, chopped

salt & freshly ground black pepper-->salt & freshly ground black pepper-->

extra-virgin olive oil-->-->

1 lb dried spaghetti-->--> (or angel hair pasta-I like to use whole wheat)

2 cups cherry tomato-->-->, stemmed

1/2 cup freshly grated pecorino cheese-->pecorino cheese-->, plus extra for

serving (or use Parmesan)

fresh basil leaf-->-->, torn

1 pinch red pepper flakes-->--> (or to taste)


Mindy-n-Shawn <hunnybunns4233 wrote:



I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I am



Creamy Orzo w/greens and corn

Eggplant Steaks w/garlic

Sugar Snap Peas










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I had leftovers-

spaghetti with tomatoes and arugala. A GREAT recipe someone posted last week.


Orzo sounds good, though.



Mindy-n-Shawn <hunnybunns4233 wrote:



I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I am



Creamy Orzo w/greens and corn

Eggplant Steaks w/garlic

Sugar Snap Peas
















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I have curry with tofu and spinach. I combined two recipes from here.





On 5/16/08, Cassie Dixon <roxy87cabriolet wrote:


> I had leftovers-

> spaghetti with tomatoes and arugala. A GREAT recipe someone posted last

> week. :)

> Orzo sounds good, though.

> Cassie


> Mindy-n-Shawn <hunnybunns4233 <hunnybunns4233%40>>

> wrote: Hello,


> I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I am

> having:


> Creamy Orzo w/greens and corn

> Eggplant Steaks w/garlic

> Sugar Snap Peas


> Hugs,

> Mindy







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Lentil soup with Kale sprinkled with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and parmesan!

I thought is was delicious, but the kids, well, just sat and looked at it.

Better luck next time, I suppose. Maybe they will like the spinach pie dinner.

They will certainly be hungry by then!!!


:) Christine



: hunnybunns4233: Fri, 16

May 2008 16:13:56 +0000 What's for lunch?





Hello,I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I

amhaving:Creamy Orzo w/greens and cornEggplant Steaks w/garlicSugar Snap









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Why it looks like there are some delicious lunches in here today. I'm

having one also.

I made the Counterfeit Tuna sandwich from the files. It's one of my

favorites to take along to work.



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I'd like some of that lentil soup. Today I slapped together a bean

and rice burrito with some romaine leaves chopped up and some

dressing dressing added.




, Mike and Christine

Christiansen <thechristiansens wrote:


> Lentil soup with Kale sprinkled with balsamic vinegar, olive oil,

and parmesan! I thought is was delicious, but the kids, well, just

sat and looked at it. Better luck next time, I suppose. Maybe they

will like the spinach pie dinner. They will certainly be hungry by



> :) Christine



> : hunnybunns4233: Fri, 16 May 2008

16:13:56 +0000 What's for lunch?





> Hello,I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating

today. I amhaving:Creamy Orzo w/greens and cornEggplant Steaks

w/garlicSugar Snap PeasHugs,Mindy


> Give to a good cause with every e-mail. Join the i'm Initiative

from Microsoft.

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Leftovers from last night's dinner. Yummy spicy red enchiladas and

salad from the garden, lots of different lettuces and beet greens

mixed and some thinly sliced carrots.



, " Mindy-n-Shawn "

<hunnybunns4233 wrote:


> Hello,


> I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I am

> having:


> Creamy Orzo w/greens and corn

> Eggplant Steaks w/garlic

> Sugar Snap Peas


> Hugs,

> Mindy


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I will be having some kind of Veggie sandwich. They are throwing a belated

babyshower for me at work today so who knows what I will find there.


Sarah B.


Mindy-n-Shawn <hunnybunns4233 wrote:



I was just wondering what great food everyone is eating today. I am



Creamy Orzo w/greens and corn

Eggplant Steaks w/garlic

Sugar Snap Peas















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I had leftovers made into something new.

Pita pizza with homemade ginger hummus, carrots, jalapeños, spaghetti

sauce, garlic and did veer off the vegan path and added a little

sprinkle of cheddar on top.Forgot the green beans.

For snack I tried some brown rice crisps. Very good.

And for sweetness since I am out of fruit I has some Kosher grape juice

no sugar added.

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I had leftovers from P F Chang's - Coconut Curry Vegetables, YUM!


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:- Terri

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´







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