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Welcome Amar, it is great to have you here. Please check out our recipe files!

What country are you from? I selfishly ask because I love trying recipes that

are other than American because I am bored with American foods. I am eager to

see what recipes you have.



Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:53 PM




Hello every body,

I am very happy to join the group as I am a Born vegetarian despite being a

sikh. I have joined this group only to promote vegetarianism and its effect on

our health as also to learn some thing new from the group.

With regards

Amar Deep Singh






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Hi Jenn,

I have a lovely wife who is a Vegan, although I am not. I often

times will try my hand at making completely vegan meals and do on many

occasions partake as well. Fortunately we also live in the vicinity of

a community that has several restaurants that have meals which could

be termed vegan. Thai restaurants are good about making great meals

with tofu as their main addition. Thai food has become very popular

out here in the Western states.

One meal that I like to make is spaghetti. I make it just like

most spaghettis are made, but instead of real ground meat I use a

substitute meat that is made by a company called " Yves " . The meat can

be had either regular or preflavored with Italian seasonings. You will

want to brown the meat in a large fry pan (I use one that is about 13

or 14 inches wide and about two deep), Don't overbrown. Chop up some

bell pepper, sliced mushrooms and add some red onion. Once it has all

been sauteed together add at least one can of Diced tomatos and one

can of tomato sauce or tomato paste and add water. I then use either a

package of spaghetti seasoning or season it myself using typical

italian seasonings. Voila. Spaghetti! If you make it before your

husband and kids see you cook it you might even be able to fool them

into thinking it's spaghetti with real meat. Good luck.





, " Jenn Parry "

<jpsunshinedaiseys5 wrote:


> Hi all, my name is Jenn. I have a wonderfull husband and five children.

> We are not a vegetarian family. My husband is very meat and potatoes

> and the kids do like meat. I am not a big meat eater and am looking to

> add recipes to our family that do not include meat so I can enjoy our

> meals too. I do sneak lots of tofu into our dinners and have a few

> things that I make that everyone likes.


> We are a big pasta family. One thing that we like is spaghetti. I make

> the sauce with zuchinni, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, peppers and

> drained firm tofu.


> I am happy to be able to check out all the recipes everyone has shared

> to add tasty food to our meals.


> Jenn


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  • 1 month later...

steam or roast! or chop !

" Controlling the minor details of your own life will have a ripple effect to

the far reaches of your universe. Big things fall into place if you take small

steps along the way. "



Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:18 PM





I am new to the group. My name is Monica. I joined the group to learn how to

prepare vegetarian meals.

I don't know how to cook veggies so I eat alot of carbs and junk food. My

weight has skyrocketed and I hope to change my eating life style. I am border

diabetic and I want to undue the damage I've done over the years.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, Kristin. You have your hands full

cooking for such a varied household! :) You

should indeed be expert on finding ways to please

everyone - including your youngest! - and could

probably offer some good tips from time to time.


It doesn't at all matter that you're not

vegetarian. There are quite a few people here who

are not - and quite a few who are actually vegan.

We have, as they say, quite a mixed clientele!

LOL (Just remember, however, that we don't

discuss the eating of animal flesh in any form,

including fish and fowl, nor dead-animal

byproducts, and that references to non-vegetarian

ingredients are to be changed/edited in recipes.)


We hope you like our group - it's a friendly one

with some people who have been with us for a long

time now. If you need any help, just ask.

Meanwhile, have a look at our Recipes in the

Files area of our Homepage - some great things

there which are wonderful for losing weight!


Best, Pat (Group Co-Owner with Cindi)



Dr Patricia M. Sant


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Spice:

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

'To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.'

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)





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Thank you for the warm welcome! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone





Patricia Sant <drpatsant wrote:

Welcome, Kristin. You have your hands full

cooking for such a varied household! :) You

should indeed be expert on finding ways to please

everyone - including your youngest! - and could

probably offer some good tips from time to time.


It doesn't at all matter that you're not

vegetarian. There are quite a few people here who

are not - and quite a few who are actually vegan.

We have, as they say, quite a mixed clientele!

LOL (Just remember, however, that we don't

discuss the eating of animal flesh in any form,

including fish and fowl, nor dead-animal

byproducts, and that references to non-vegetarian

ingredients are to be changed/edited in recipes.)


We hope you like our group - it's a friendly one

with some people who have been with us for a long

time now. If you need any help, just ask.

Meanwhile, have a look at our Recipes in the

Files area of our Homepage - some great things

there which are wonderful for losing weight!


Best, Pat (Group Co-Owner with Cindi)



Dr Patricia M. Sant


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Spice:

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

'To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.'

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)



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know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.











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  • 1 month later...

Hi, Marion!


Congratulations on the weight loss. You are doing an awesome job!


I know what you mean about convenient food. In fact, tonight I had a

" lazy dinner " and I'd like to tell you about it because I think it

might be even easier than making chicken (though the sodium can get

high if you aren't careful to shop for low-sodium tins of food.) I

made a " bean salad " that doesn't require any cooking and tastes great

at room temperature or chilled in the refrigerator so if it sounds

good to you, it would be a good summer dish to try.


(all cans mentioned are about 14-15 oz cans. I think that translates

to about 425 grams.)


1 can of beans (I used kidney beans tonight but it's very good with

black beans, too)

1 can of corn

1 can of pre-spiced, diced tomatoes (here in the States, it's sold as

" Mexican tomatoes. " I'm not sure if this sort of product exists in Oz

or not, but if not, try regular diced tomatoes and add your favorite


1 green pepper, chopped


Rinse and drain the beans and corn. Mix all the cans together (you can

drain the tomatoes or leave the juice in, as you prefer.) Add the

green pepper. Mix well.


That's it. It's filling, spicy, tasty, super quick to make and doesn't

require turning on the stove or oven. The whole bowl has about 780

calories, so it can be a meal for two at 390 calories each, especially

good with a little cornbread on the side.


Welcome to the group!



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Good morning, Marion, and welcome to the group!


Well congratulations on losing all that weight!

Good for you. It's not easy, is it, once the

weight goes on (so easily!), to get the wretched

pounds off again. Whatever you're doing seems to

work for you!


About the ch*cken, I know what you mean about the

convenience of it - I used to feel that way about

eggs and dairy - but it's more a convenience of

mind than it is a convenience in the kitchen, you

know. Once you find your east-to-prepare recipes

that are vegetarian (and I mean, easy for you

personally - some people find omelettes a

challenge, others not, for example) you won't

even think of the so-called 'convenience' of

ch*cken. And of course, it's better for you to

skip the animal protein altogether and take that

last step towards vegetarian health! Think of

tempeh and tofu and various lentil and bean

dishes - they take only minutes to heat up - and

some can be prepared to eat chilled or at room

temperature. What's easier than a good three-bean

salad, for example! ;)


Anyway, look through our Files (access from our

homepage) and see what you can find. And ask ask

ask if you need any more help - I'm sure members

here will be happy to help. We're a friendly lot

and we are all in or have been in the same boat -

trying to lose weight and keep healthy (at the

same time as making things better for the



Many diabetics manage their condition very well

indeed on a vegetarian diet - without medication

- so good luck with that.


41 C over there eh? Not good! Mind you, we're

hovering around zero, which is not toooooo bad

but feels cold to me after most of my adult life

in Sydney. (I'm in Canada now.) It's always

something, right? LOL


Take care and write in again soon! Lovely to hear

from yet another Aussie!


Best, Pat (Co-owner, with Cindi, of Vegetarian






Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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Hey, Sparrow, Great Minds Think Alike!


Great recipe too - thanks. I'll pop it in a



Love Pat

--- Sparrow R Jones <sparrowrose



> Hi, Marion!


> Congratulations on the weight loss. You are

> doing an awesome job!


> I know what you mean about convenient food. In

> fact, tonight I had a

> " lazy dinner " and I'd like to tell you about it

> because I think it

> might be even easier than making chicken

> (though the sodium can get

> high if you aren't careful to shop for

> low-sodium tins of food.) I

> made a " bean salad " that doesn't require any

> cooking and tastes great

> at room temperature or chilled in the

> refrigerator so if it sounds

> good to you, it would be a good summer dish to

> try.


> (all cans mentioned are about 14-15 oz cans. I

> think that translates

> to about 425 grams.)


> 1 can of beans (I used kidney beans tonight but

> it's very good with

> black beans, too)

> 1 can of corn

> 1 can of pre-spiced, diced tomatoes (here in

> the States, it's sold as

> " Mexican tomatoes. " I'm not sure if this sort

> of product exists in Oz

> or not, but if not, try regular diced tomatoes

> and add your favorite

> spices.)

> 1 green pepper, chopped


> Rinse and drain the beans and corn. Mix all the

> cans together (you can

> drain the tomatoes or leave the juice in, as

> you prefer.) Add the

> green pepper. Mix well.


> That's it. It's filling, spicy, tasty, super

> quick to make and doesn't

> require turning on the stove or oven. The whole

> bowl has about 780

> calories, so it can be a meal for two at 390

> calories each, especially

> good with a little cornbread on the side.


> Welcome to the group!


> Sparrow





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Hi Marion, I¹m an American living in NSW with my Aussie hubby ... Welcome to

the group.





On 17/1/08 4:42 PM, " Marions Mail " <tippy11 wrote:


> HI! I'm Marion and I live in a smallish country town in Western Australia.

> I'm 47 years old, happily single, on a disability pension and in the process

> of losing weight. I have lost 14 kilos (about 31 pounds) so far and have 9

> 5 kilos (21 pounds) to go to get to my goal weight. I started this as I am

> a diabetic and was told I would have to go onto insulin injections. I have

> now actually lowered the dose of the tablets I was on twice and the doctor

> is saying there is a chance I could be able to completely control the

> diabetes by diet and exercise only.


> I am semi vegetarian...at the moment the only thing stopping me going

> completely vegetarian is my love of grilled chicken breasts which I eat a

> lot of. I am hoping that I will learn some recipes...that are easy to make,

> that will replace them in my diet - I love the convenience of grilling

> chicken. In Winter, which it is NOT here, I eat a lot of home cooked soups

> and also do a lot of tvp dishes but in Summer I don't really want either of

> those very often. I love to cook with tvp as it's so low calorie...I was

> able to get 10 kilos of it really cheap a few months ago so will be eating

> it for a long time! It is very hot where I live - currently 41C (106F) as

> I type this so you can see why I don't want hot meals often.


> I look forward to getting to know you all. Marion from " down under "






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Welcome to our group, MVS!


Niced to hear from you - your weather is I think

a little warmer than mine right now (OK, I'm in

Canada, so most people's weather is a little



Nice too to find someone else who is vegetarian

because of the animals. And I do so agree with

you :)


About noni fruit - I didn't know about it (I

thought) but I had a look and I have seen it but,

I think, never eaten it. It has long had a

reputation, in many tropical countries, of being

able to cure many illnesses. As it happens,

however, I read that the American Food and Drug

Administration disagrees for the present :( (See

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noni) But you never

know, they might change their minds if some big

pharmaceutical company can vouch for it. Or do I

dream? LOL


Enjoy the group!


Best, Pat (Grown co-owner with Cindi)



Raw Vegan: http://www.care2.com/c2crAw_vEgAn

Vegetarian Spice:

BeanVegan Food Blog: http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada


" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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  • 3 months later...
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wavs and says hello from very smokey hot North Carolina..big fire here thats

making a mess....I am pretty new here, and its  wonderful group....look forwars

to your shares








Jenny Geib <starbright_1971


Saturday, June 14, 2008 7:00:41 PM




My name is Jennifer, 36 yrs old, mother of one son 17 almost 18.

I am not vegetarian but do enjoy vegetarian dishes and look forward to sharing

as well as receiving new idea's and possibly some old ones too

Your friend from central Indiana....Jennifer



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, Jenny Geib

<starbright_1971 wrote:


> My name is Jennifer, 36 yrs old, mother of one son 17 almost 18.

> I am not vegetarian but do enjoy vegetarian dishes and look forward

to sharing as well as receiving new idea's and possibly some old ones


> Your friend from central Indiana....Jennifer





Welcome! Where in Indiana? Any flooding in your area? I used to

live in Columbus and I know they were hit hard.


Deb in Idaho

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     I am not vegetarian, either; my DH and I just eat like vegetarians 90% of

the time or more.  You will find so many good recipes here and good ideas--and

such good advice and information from the members here! 


     The longer I read the messages, the better I like " eating vegetarian "

(which is the way I explain my food preferences to other people).  Even my DH,

brought up in a very picky-eating family, all of whom only " liked " about 8

foods, most of them over-cooked meats, potatoes and starchy mac-n-cheese,  ice

cream  and maybe 2 vegetables--NOW my DH " requests " ,  " Let's do it veggie today "

when I ask him, " Well, do you want me to make yo something with meat in it or

what? "  


       I guarantee you will love these recipes and it is surprising (for the

newbie to all this) that the food is VERY satisfying!  I  wish you good eating

and many

cooking adventures!



--Laura B., in Illinois


PS:  I grew up in central Indiana, too--where are you from?  Welcome, Hoosier!!





My name is Jennifer, 36 yrs old, mother of one son 17 almost 18.

I am not vegetarian but do enjoy vegetarian dishes and look forward to sharing

as well as receiving new idea's and possibly some old ones too

Your friend from central Indiana....Jennifer







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Greetings from Cincinnati!!











AM2Njg5NwRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMjEzNTQwNjYy> Introduction


Posted by: " Jenny Geib "


starbright_1971 <http://profiles./starbright_1971>



Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:37 pm (PDT)


My name is Jennifer, 36 yrs old, mother of one son 17 almost 18.

I am not vegetarian but do enjoy vegetarian dishes and look forward to

sharing as well as receiving new idea's and possibly some old ones too

Your friend from central Indiana....Jennifer







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 I've only been a vegetarian for a little over a month.  Since I cook a regular

meal for the 5 other people, I seldom want to cook for myself.  One of my

favorites that heats up well is fried rice.  It takes very little time to make a

big batch and you can make it as simple or as elaborate as you feel.  I usually

cook up some brown rice (boil in a bag is super easy if you are short on time). 

I finely chop carrots, onion and celery (many times I chop a bunch up for later

use and mix all 3 together in a Tupperware or baggy).  I saute in olive oil.  I

add an egg or two and scramble.   Then I just add the rice and soy sauce (tamari

or bragg's amino acids).  Sometimes I add mushrooms, a frozen bag of stir fry

veggies, broken up morningstar burgers, can beans, etc.  This is very satisfying

and adds plenty of protein, etc. 

On your question about the food processor.  I have one, but never use it, as it

is easier for me to chop by hand and mix things in my mixer.

Kelly, FL






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Kelly, Beatriz, and Group,


This is exactly what I'm looking for. Easy, nutritious, tasty recipes. I'm

already happy I joined this group.

You guys wouldn't believe what an absolute profound lack of imagination I have

in the preparation of food. It's quite pathetic. I think creativity in the

kitchen is like math...either you're good at it or you are not. After 7 months

of vegetarian eating I'm still struggling in how to arrange a meatless diet. I

looked up the term fried rice and it never occurred to me to cook rice in a pan

or wok. I've wondered for quite some time how Chinese restaurants got their

rice to taste so.....fried. Am going to try both recipes and thank you guys for

the recipes and thank you all for all future recipes in advance.






Kelly Best <bests4him


Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:10:38 AM

Re: Introduction





I've only been a vegetarian for a little over a month. Since I cook a regular

meal for the 5 other people, I seldom want to cook for myself. One of my

favorites that heats up well is fried rice. It takes very little time to make a

big batch and you can make it as simple or as elaborate as you feel. I usually

cook up some brown rice (boil in a bag is super easy if you are short on time).

I finely chop carrots, onion and celery (many times I chop a bunch up for later

use and mix all 3 together in a Tupperware or baggy). I saute in olive oil. I

add an egg or two and scramble. Then I just add the rice and soy sauce (tamari

or bragg's amino acids). Sometimes I add mushrooms, a frozen bag of stir fry

veggies, broken up morningstar burgers, can beans, etc. This is very satisfying

and adds plenty of protein, etc.

On your question about the food processor. I have one, but never use it, as it

is easier for me to chop by hand and mix things in my mixer.

Kelly, FL



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Hi Kimberly!

Welcome to the group! So glad to see you here, too! You will love this

group - I think they'll be very helpful with this issue . . . and a lot

of others!

Talk to you soon!





Behalf Of kimberlyire

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 4:10 PM




Hi everyone! Allow me to introduce myself: I'm a single mom to a 14

year old wonderful biological boy & 3 year old adopted little girl. We

are a vegetarian/vegan, extended nursing, co-sleeping, non-vaxing, cloth

diapering, happy little family. My son has recently started having

problems with his friends as well as other teens regarding

veganism/vegetarianism. He's become quite the " mall rat " & complains

that there are no " cool " veg options for him to eat there. (go figure,

LOL), so he's resorted to eating fish sandwhiches at

McDonalds....EEEEW!!! Short of having a salad (can't always be sure of

those either....), taking a sack lunch (yeah right), or eating pizza

every day, he's finding it very difficult to stay vegetarian as well as

" cool " . After some soul-searching, I've decided, among several other

things, to start a vegetarian/vegan teen :




> socal_vegetarian-vegan_teens/?yguid=22256\




> socal_vegetarian-vegan_teens/?yguid=22256\

\3828> > ) He can't be the ONLY teen struggling with this, & none of

his friends in our immediate vacinity are vegetarian, making it very

hard for him at times. He's a great kid, with strong values, but I do

remember how difficult it was to be a teen 30 years ago without adding

my dietary choices to the mix. I'm wanting to help make his teen years

as smooth as possible & keep him on the right track, so I was hoping if

any of you have or know teens in the same boat as mine, you could let

them know about the group & perhaps giving them the chance to bounce

concerns & ideas off each other, as well as letting them know they are

not alone in their decision....... Thanks to all, & I look forward to

learning much from everyone! Kimberly



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

My almost 17 year old granddaughter is vegetarian and she lives on potatoes,

preferably french fries, fruit and meat substitutes, too.  Her mother is not a

vegetarian and isn't much of a cook.  If it doesn't come out of a box or the

freezer it doesn't make it to their table.  Kim eats anyting on the table she

wants, but she doesn't want much of what her mother cooks, so she makes herself

something quick and easy out of the freezer.     She loves to come here because

I make good vegetarian food  with real fresh vegetables, but I worry so much

about her nutritian.  




--- On Sat, 8/2/08, gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily wrote:


gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily



Saturday, August 2, 2008, 7:51 AM







Hello, my name is Graham and I am a new member. I am a lover of all

types of food and while not a vegetarian I do enjoy a wide variety the

dishes. I became a member as my daughter (17 yo) told us a few months

ago that she is vegetarian. Unfortunately, while I live to eat she

eats to live....and not much at that. Most meals are veggie hamburgers

or veggie hot dogs or cheese pizza. I have tried some veggie style

stews but she does not like them. She is not a pasta eater eater.


So, here I am hoping to find some tried and true recipes that might

click with her.


I look forward to learning.






















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It is such a worry. Maybe we worry too much, I don't know.

My sister lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She wouldn't eat a

vegetable. Now she eats everything. I couldn't get much of anything into my

younger nephew, he would eat a few bites of his meals and he was done. Now this

guy all grown up and a total gourmet vegan cook, once he saw his cholesterol

level and the milk allergy hit him, he turned his eating habits inside out and I

just love that is has vegetarian cookbooks, uses our recipes and cooks. Now if

I can get him to post some of his recipes for us.


Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile



Katie <cozycate


Sat, 2 Aug 2008 10:30:58


Re: Introduction



My almost 17 year old granddaughter is vegetarian and she lives on potatoes,

preferably french fries, fruit and meat substitutes, too.  Her mother is not a

vegetarian and isn't much of a cook.  If it doesn't come out of a box or the

freezer it doesn't make it to their table.  Kim eats anyting on the table she

wants, but she doesn't want much of what her mother cooks, so she makes herself

something quick and easy out of the freezer.     She loves to come here because

I make good vegetarian food  with real fresh vegetables, but I worry so much

about her nutritian.  




--- On Sat, 8/2/08, gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily wrote:


gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily



Saturday, August 2, 2008, 7:51 AM







Hello, my name is Graham and I am a new member. I am a lover of all

types of food and while not a vegetarian I do enjoy a wide variety the

dishes. I became a member as my daughter (17 yo) told us a few months

ago that she is vegetarian. Unfortunately, while I live to eat she

eats to live....and not much at that. Most meals are veggie hamburgers

or veggie hot dogs or cheese pizza. I have tried some veggie style

stews but she does not like them. She is not a pasta eater eater.


So, here I am hoping to find some tried and true recipes that might

click with her.


I look forward to learning.






















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Kim is a beg eater of the old PBJ sandwhich, too.  I wish she would turn into a

vegetarian chef.  How long did it take for your nephew to start eating right. 



--- On Sat, 8/2/08, thelilacflower <thelilacflower wrote:


thelilacflower <thelilacflower

Re: Introduction

" Vegetarian Group "

Saturday, August 2, 2008, 9:49 AM







It is such a worry. Maybe we worry too much, I don't know.

My sister lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She wouldn't eat a

vegetable. Now she eats everything. I couldn't get much of anything into my

younger nephew, he would eat a few bites of his meals and he was done. Now this

guy all grown up and a total gourmet vegan cook, once he saw his cholesterol

level and the milk allergy hit him, he turned his eating habits inside out and I

just love that is has vegetarian cookbooks, uses our recipes and cooks. Now if I

can get him to post some of his recipes for us.


Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile



Katie <cozycate >


Sat, 2 Aug 2008 10:30:58


Re: [vegetarian_ group] Introduction



My almost 17 year old granddaughter is vegetarian and she lives on potatoes,

preferably french fries, fruit and meat substitutes, too.  Her mother is not a

vegetarian and isn't much of a cook.  If it doesn't come out of a box or the

freezer it doesn't make it to their table.  Kim eats anyting on the table she

wants, but she doesn't want much of what her mother cooks, so she makes herself

something quick and easy out of the freezer.     She loves to come here because

I make good vegetarian food  with real fresh vegetables, but I worry so much

about her nutritian.  




--- On Sat, 8/2/08, gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily@ gmail.com> wrote:


gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily@ gmail.com>

[vegetarian_ group] Introduction


Saturday, August 2, 2008, 7:51 AM







Hello, my name is Graham and I am a new member. I am a lover of all

types of food and while not a vegetarian I do enjoy a wide variety the

dishes. I became a member as my daughter (17 yo) told us a few months

ago that she is vegetarian. Unfortunately, while I live to eat she

eats to live....and not much at that. Most meals are veggie hamburgers

or veggie hot dogs or cheese pizza. I have tried some veggie style

stews but she does not like them. She is not a pasta eater eater.


So, here I am hoping to find some tried and true recipes that might

click with her.


I look forward to learning.






















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I went through the teen vegetarian stage in a non-vegetarian family

too, just a bit younger though.


If you look at amazon and search teen vegetarian cookbooks there are

some there that may be helpfull to her, and you also, if she will

read them. There is even one called, More than peanut butter and

jelly. I have not personally read any of these as of yet. My children

have not made the choice to be or not just yet.


It can be a tough time and total parental support is crucial.


It is great that you are supporting her. Congratulations.


Jenn P.


, " gjonesfamily "

<gjonesfamily wrote:


> Hello, my name is Graham and I am a new member. I am a lover of


> types of food and while not a vegetarian I do enjoy a wide variety


> dishes. I became a member as my daughter (17 yo) told us a few


> ago that she is vegetarian. Unfortunately, while I live to eat she

> eats to live....and not much at that. Most meals are veggie


> or veggie hot dogs or cheese pizza. I have tried some veggie style

> stews but she does not like them. She is not a pasta eater eater.


> So, here I am hoping to find some tried and true recipes that might

> click with her.


> I look forward to learning.


> Graham


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Guest guest

my sister and I tease each other about how difficult it was to

become veg when I never really liked vegetables ;) my response to her

is that cheese and dip make EVERYTHING taste better.

I started out my first week with spinach dip (2 frozen spinaches,

thawed and squeezed, 1 veggie soup mix, 1 container of sour cream) and

lots of broc and carrots. Veggie soups are still my favorite lunch,

and stir fry (or lettuce wraps w/ cucumber, carrots, sprouts and Thai

sauce) or some sort of pasta with a veggie (mac and cheese with

chopped spinach/our family favorite)



" life's a garden, dig it! "


Sent from my iPhone


On Aug 2, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Katie <cozycate wrote:


> Kim is a beg eater of the old PBJ sandwhich, too. I wish she would

> turn into a vegetarian chef. How long did it take for your nephew

> to start eating right.

> Katie


> --- On Sat, 8/2/08, thelilacflower

> <thelilacflower wrote:


> thelilacflower <thelilacflower

> Re: Introduction

> " Vegetarian Group "

> Saturday, August 2, 2008, 9:49 AM


> It is such a worry. Maybe we worry too much, I don't know.

> My sister lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She wouldn't

> eat a vegetable. Now she eats everything. I couldn't get much of

> anything into my younger nephew, he would eat a few bites of his

> meals and he was done. Now this guy all grown up and a total gourmet

> vegan cook, once he saw his cholesterol level and the milk allergy

> hit him, he turned his eating habits inside out and I just love that

> is has vegetarian cookbooks, uses our recipes and cooks. Now if I

> can get him to post some of his recipes for us.

> Donna

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile



> Katie <cozycate >


> Sat, 2 Aug 2008 10:30:58

> <>

> Re: [vegetarian_ group] Introduction


> My almost 17 year old granddaughter is vegetarian and she lives on

> potatoes, preferably french fries, fruit and meat substitutes, too.

> Her mother is not a vegetarian and isn't much of a cook. If it

> doesn't come out of a box or the freezer it doesn't make it to their

> table. Kim eats anyting on the table she wants, but she doesn't

> want much of what her mother cooks, so she makes herself something

> quick and easy out of the freezer. She loves to come here

> because I make good vegetarian food with real fresh vegetables, but

> I worry so much about her nutritian.

> Katie



> --- On Sat, 8/2/08, gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily@ gmail.com> wrote:


> gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily@ gmail.com>

> [vegetarian_ group] Introduction


> Saturday, August 2, 2008, 7:51 AM


> Hello, my name is Graham and I am a new member. I am a lover of all

> types of food and while not a vegetarian I do enjoy a wide variety the

> dishes. I became a member as my daughter (17 yo) told us a few months

> ago that she is vegetarian. Unfortunately, while I live to eat she

> eats to live....and not much at that. Most meals are veggie hamburgers

> or veggie hot dogs or cheese pizza. I have tried some veggie style

> stews but she does not like them. She is not a pasta eater eater.


> So, here I am hoping to find some tried and true recipes that might

> click with her.


> I look forward to learning.


> Graham



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Guest guest

my sister and I tease each other about how difficult it was to

become veg when I never really liked vegetables ;) my response to her

is that cheese and dip make EVERYTHING taste better.

I started out my first week with spinach dip (2 frozen spinaches,

thawed and squeezed, 1 veggie soup mix, 1 container of sour cream) and

lots of broc and carrots. Veggie soups are still my favorite lunch,

and stir fry (or lettuce wraps w/ cucumber, carrots, sprouts and Thai

sauce) or some sort of pasta with a veggie (mac and cheese with

chopped spinach/our family favorite)



" life's a garden, dig it! "


Sent from my iPhone


On Aug 2, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Katie <cozycate wrote:


> Kim is a beg eater of the old PBJ sandwhich, too. I wish she would

> turn into a vegetarian chef. How long did it take for your nephew

> to start eating right.

> Katie


> --- On Sat, 8/2/08, thelilacflower

> <thelilacflower wrote:


> thelilacflower <thelilacflower

> Re: Introduction

> " Vegetarian Group "

> Saturday, August 2, 2008, 9:49 AM


> It is such a worry. Maybe we worry too much, I don't know.

> My sister lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She wouldn't

> eat a vegetable. Now she eats everything. I couldn't get much of

> anything into my younger nephew, he would eat a few bites of his

> meals and he was done. Now this guy all grown up and a total gourmet

> vegan cook, once he saw his cholesterol level and the milk allergy

> hit him, he turned his eating habits inside out and I just love that

> is has vegetarian cookbooks, uses our recipes and cooks. Now if I

> can get him to post some of his recipes for us.

> Donna

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile



> Katie <cozycate >


> Sat, 2 Aug 2008 10:30:58

> <>

> Re: [vegetarian_ group] Introduction


> My almost 17 year old granddaughter is vegetarian and she lives on

> potatoes, preferably french fries, fruit and meat substitutes, too.

> Her mother is not a vegetarian and isn't much of a cook. If it

> doesn't come out of a box or the freezer it doesn't make it to their

> table. Kim eats anyting on the table she wants, but she doesn't

> want much of what her mother cooks, so she makes herself something

> quick and easy out of the freezer. She loves to come here

> because I make good vegetarian food with real fresh vegetables, but

> I worry so much about her nutritian.

> Katie



> --- On Sat, 8/2/08, gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily@ gmail.com> wrote:


> gjonesfamily <gjonesfamily@ gmail.com>

> [vegetarian_ group] Introduction


> Saturday, August 2, 2008, 7:51 AM


> Hello, my name is Graham and I am a new member. I am a lover of all

> types of food and while not a vegetarian I do enjoy a wide variety the

> dishes. I became a member as my daughter (17 yo) told us a few months

> ago that she is vegetarian. Unfortunately, while I live to eat she

> eats to live....and not much at that. Most meals are veggie hamburgers

> or veggie hot dogs or cheese pizza. I have tried some veggie style

> stews but she does not like them. She is not a pasta eater eater.


> So, here I am hoping to find some tried and true recipes that might

> click with her.


> I look forward to learning.


> Graham



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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome Candi! There are several of us from Oregon in this group.









Hello, My name is Candi and I am from Oregon. I am a beginner to Vegetarian

cooking. I am in transition. I have been experimenting with Vegetarian

recipes and d to Vegetarian Times magazine. I own two Vegan

cookbooks - How it All Vegan and The Garden of Vegan. Which I love alot of

the recipes in those cookbooks. I also have two other Vegetarian cookbooks

as well. I favor quick and simple recipes, and ideas of foods to pack in my

work lunches. I am transitioning mostly for health reasons. Thank you for

inviting me to join your group.


~ Candi






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