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Hi Darlene, Welcome to the group, it is a busy list but lots of fun.




> Hi everyone I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Darlene and I

> am a new vegetarian. This looks like a very active group. I hope to get

> some great recipes for my family, and make some new friends.







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  • 1 month later...
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Hi, Alicia! I have one year plus a little more " under my belt " at

100% raw. I thought winter would be hard, too, but I made it! It

wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I live in a little more

temperate climate than you do (Tennessee) but it still gets cold

here! I make it a point to eat everything either at room temperature

or I'll set it on/in the dehydrator for awhile to warm it up. That

gives me a good use for it since it sits idle most of the time. I

don't like to chill my insides, anyway. I made " chili " a lot last

winter. One way to make it is to use tomatoes, cayenne, and lime

juice and blend everything together just long enough to mix it but

keep it " chunky " . Now that I'm getting away from any kind of spices,

I'm going to miss that for awhile. :) I'm still transitioning!





rawfood , " Alicia Richards " <Alicia716



> Hello, everyone! I posted a message to this group a couple days

ago in response to Courtney, but I don't believe I've introduced

myself yet.


> My name is Alicia, I'm 25 years old, and from Iowa. I've been

interested in a totally raw diet for about one year now, and have

done extensive research on it. However, thus far I have been unable

to transition over to being totally raw. I've attempted it, but

haven't been able to withstand my cravings for cooked food. Winter

is especially hard, when hot foods taste so good.


> Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and to learning

more about how to go and stay raw. Talk soon!


> Alicia


> MSN Messenger and Email:

> Alicia716


> AIM: bubbles98a



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Hi, everyone! Tommie, thanks for your response, and your welcome. I appreciate



I have a question. Are any of you guys from around the Midwest area of the

country, like Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, etc? If so, could you contact

me? I find that one of my problems is not knowing any raw foodists around my

area. Sitting typing to all of you on the computer is all well and good, but

it'd be nice to email with someone a little geographically closer to me.


I'm also wondering if some of you could share your personal stories about

transitioning over to a raw vegan diet. Where did you hear about it? Who

helped you transition? What made you do it, and what were your transition

experiences? Sorry for all the questions, but I am curious.


Thanks in advance for any responses!




MSN Messenger and Email:



AIM: bubbles98a



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I'm in TN. Sorry! I won't go into my story here since it's all on my

blog. You can access it at the link below if you are interested. Go

back to the beginning for the " beginning " .





rawfood , " Alicia Richards " <Alicia716



> Hi, everyone! Tommie, thanks for your response, and your welcome.

I appreciate it!


> I have a question. Are any of you guys from around the Midwest

area of the country, like Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, etc?

If so, could you contact me? I find that one of my problems is not

knowing any raw foodists around my area. Sitting typing to all of

you on the computer is all well and good, but it'd be nice to email

with someone a little geographically closer to me.


> I'm also wondering if some of you could share your personal stories

about transitioning over to a raw vegan diet. Where did you hear

about it? Who helped you transition? What made you do it, and what

were your transition experiences? Sorry for all the questions, but I

am curious.


> Thanks in advance for any responses!


> Alicia

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I do live in the Midwest, more specifically NE Iowa.


I have the same problem, and that is not knowing any other raw foodists in my

area. I have found a small cluster of other raw foodists in Iowa, but they are

over three hours away from me. They do get together monthly for pot lucks and

keep me posted by email.


Personal story about transitioning? I am still transitioning but I can share

where I am so far. I started my raw journey in mid February. So far I have lost

20 lbs and I have 25 more to reach my target weight. I am the only raw foodist

in my house, I still cook for my husband and son who still eat meat, and cooked

foods. About a year before, I started reading articles about people who had

gone raw and the more articles I saw and read about their much improved health.

It makes sense to me, and I thought what do I have to loose other than my excess

weight and misery? So, here I am. I have to be completely honest, my primary

interest is NOT weight loss but total health. Oct - Feb I was on antibiotics 4

times and was just miserable during the cold / flu season. I haven't been sick

since, and I don't miss it at all.


I started this with saying I am still in transition. I haven't reached 100%

yet, although it gets easier every day. I was eating SAD before, so my 90% raw

vegan diet is a huge improvement.

Who has helped me transition? The people on this list. I have learned so much

from them Tommie, Judy & Margaret are very helpful. (thats not saying that the

others aren't, everyone here is wonderful.) Some one on this list suggested that

we read John Robbins books (Diet for a New America). I did and it was life

changing. I found John's books at my public library.

Some one on this list also suggested looking at www.thegardendiet.com. That

website is awesome and I keep going back to it for motivation. I love reading

two blogs, Tommie's is www.rawburchard.blogspot.com and Judy's is



Well, I hope that answers a few of your questions.


Leah M.







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  • 1 month later...

Welcome, Patty.

I am new to the group also. I have not given up turkey or fish.....yet.

But, I am working on it.

Some great recipes in the files. And posted here, also.

Sue from the mountains of Georgia





08/12/06 11:26:27




Hello everyone,

I just joined this group to get advice, suggestions, tips, etc on

being vegetarian. I decided to become a vegetarian after reading a

book explaining about the chemicals that are put into the meat I eat.

I have been taking baby steps towards this transition and so far it

seems to be going well, but there are still a few more steps to take.

I still need to quit eating chicken and eggs.

My name is Patty, I am 42 and I live in Illinois outside of St.


I have been going through the past messages for information, but any

suggestions are welcome.









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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello and welcome to the group. I haven't been a member here that long but long

enough that this group helped change my life. They are a great place for support

and ideas to keep you going. I didn't have much support from family when I first

started my life change however at family gatherings and such I started to bring

some veg dishes and the family started asking for the recipes and now they know

the food still tastes good and sometimes they like it better then the old meat

stand by. Besides its just so much healthier to eat this way. I hope that once

your family sees the change in you physically and mentally they will step up and

be there for you. God Bless!


Christene Eggie <kaijax wrote: Hello,

I'm new here. I am a new vegetarian. I am here to learn more and wouldn't mind

some support as my family does not support my lifestyle change! It was a

personal decision and I am trying to lose 35 lbs. while creating a lifestyle

that I will continue even after I meet my goal.

Looking forward to talking with you all!




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Nice to meet you RUBY! Welcome!



--- vijaya sinha <sinha_v wrote:


> I am Ruby,Indian, 43yrs. We are 4 in house,all

> veggitarians,I and my mother does the cooking.




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welcome to the group Lea,

I had to laugh at your wording of the mean ager I can so well remember my

daughter going through that stage. Hang tough they do grow out of it and you do

get your sweet child back one day trust me.

Congrats on your weight loss that is awsome!



Flutterbydreams wrote:

Hi to all,

My Name is Lea. I currently live in the East Bay Area (a Suburb of SF). I will

be moving to the North Bay in about a month. Tired of the bigger cities, thought

I'd go back to a small town. My children and I all are all very excited.


I am greatly enjoying my very last year of my 30's....I wish next year was a

leap year.


I am a single mom of 3 wonderful children, the oldest a girl, a mean-ager...

ooops, I mean a teenager. The other 2 are boys , still in elementary school.


My reason for seeking this group out is very simple. My oldest son does not like

the texture of meat, and I want to intoduce more food options to my children. I

am currently half way through a 50 pound weight loss goal. Quite frankly, I am

tired of the regular " diet " standbys, and need new motivation.


My goal is not to become a strict vegetarian, but to teach myself and my

children other healthy options.


Thanks for reading about me..... and Have a great day!!!




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  • 3 weeks later...

My daughter just started kindergarten as well and so I am right on

that same wavelength right now. A couple things that we have done

are to buy an insolated lunch box and some of those little cut apart

cooler mini freezer packs so we could cut them to the size we wanted

so now cold lunches are an option and we bought a small wide mouth

thermos so I can send her with soup some days or heat up left over

beans and rice or stir fry, etc for other hot meal options and it

keeps warm in the thermos. I also make sure to give her some kind

of fruit each day (apple, grapes, banana, mandarin oranges, etc),

sometimes raw veggies like baby carrots or brocolli, if your son

likes dips you can get really little tupperware that doesnt take up

much room. You can alternate between sandwiches on bread, pita

pockets, bagels, or crackers. We do veggie slice sandwiches a lot.

I also make my own trail mix to send with some or all of the

following cheerios, chexs, raisons, pretzel sticks, cheesitz, m & ms,

peanuts, dried cranberries, etc. Yogurt, pudding or cookies for

desert some days. string cheese. cold pasta salad. cold quinoa

salad. And I send a silk soymilk every day (chocolate or very



, amy heesacker <athensmommy



> Hello,

> I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

> vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

> for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

> son started school and has to bring his lunch every

> day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

> for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

> nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

> eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

> butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

> diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

> picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear

> them!

> Thanks so much!

> ~Amy







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Hi Amy,


We have had the same struggle with our daughter (now 11). I will suggest that

you try to limit the overly processed food; they tend to be hight in sodium and

" bad " carbs.


My daughter's lunches have become quite varied. Most classrooms in her school

have a microwave, so this makes it a bit easier. She will bring " make your own "

lunches, such as nachos (chips, refried beans and shredded cheese) and pizza (a

quartered slice of bread, sauce, shredded cheese and shredded veggies). Lots of

wraps (with whole wheat tortillas): hoummous, lettuce and other veggies, cheese

and faux baloney, beans/rice/cheese/salsa, leftover stirfry, leftover curry,

etc. I have a couple of small, covered pyrex dishes and a send a square of wax

paper to put on top. Today she took potato soup, annies cheddar bunnies and a

mix of dried fruits, nuts and chocolate chips. Sometimes lunch is a piece of

string cheese, crackers, veggies and hommous.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!









For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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i also have a 5 year old son which i send lunches

daily. i buy some whole wheat wraps and put some brown

jasmine rice, (whole foods) thinly sliced veggies and

whatever sauce he likes at the time. right now it is

peanut sauce. i wrap it up and cut diagonally into

bite size pieces.

i also send lots of raw veggies you can use ranch if

he eats dairy. he loves these with some salt.

a staple for us is peanut butter sandwiches. i let him

come to whole foods with me and help make the peanut

butter and he loves it.

i realized that the presentation of the food makes

him eat it more. i get cookie cutters for the

sandwiches, i cut the oranges and apples the opposite

way you usually would for fruit rings. (the apples

appear to have stars in them.) also fun containers


there is a magazine called family fun, i think it is

also on-line. they have a lot of fun kid recipes, i

use it for ideas and change it to make it animal free.

good luck.


--- amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


> Hello,

> I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who

> are

> vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

> for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since

> my

> son started school and has to bring his lunch every

> day I'm really struggling to come up with new

> options

> for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

> nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he

> won't

> eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

> butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

> diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a

> bit

> picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear

> them!

> Thanks so much!

> ~Amy




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I would love for everyone to just pour in ideas of what they feed their infants

and toddlers in general. It will help everyone so there are many variations and

possible have a balanced mean as far as possible.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!














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Something I always enjoyed taking for lunch was a small container of raspberries

with a tiny bit of sugar on them. That was my favorite. Something that helped me

when I was in school was I got to pick what I wanted in my lunch. Within reason,

of course. :)


Kadee Sedtal


amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!









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I should introduce myself also. I am a first time mom to a 14mo old and joined

this forum mainly b/c I'm looking for veggie ideas for my daughter. I am slowly

trying to get my dh and I off meat but have really tried to keep my dd on a

veggie diet. She's still breastfeeding too. I am slowly learning about

healthy alternatives for her, and she goes to a veggie home daycare. So I'm

interested in hearing what everyone has to say with this thread and looking

forward to learning more.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!













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When my daughter was ready for finger food, the doctor said to give her

cheerios. I had never eaten them, and thought the ingredients sounded dreadful.

I gave her puffed brown rice instead, and later added puffed corn and puffed



When my toddler went through her picky stage, the doctor suggested getting

frozen peas and blueberries. She would play with them (frozen) and eventually

eat some. At eleven, she still has a bowl of frozen blues most mornings for

breakfast and often takes frozen corn in her lunch; she is no longer a pea fan,

but will eat broccoli in an form.




lakshmi rao <laks_class12 wrote:

I would love for everyone to just pour in ideas of what they feed their

infants and toddlers in general. It will help everyone so there are many

variations and possible have a balanced mean as far as possible.




amy heesacker wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!














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Hello, and welcome. :) That's great that you're teaching your little one good

eating habits early! I can't tell you how upset I get when I see little children

at restaurants gobbling french fries and hamburgers! My kids have always been

vegetarian, and since I am too (and meat isn't allowed in the house for any

reason) they don't have any choice but to eat healthy... most of the time,

anyway. :) Try apples with some peanut butter, actually I use sunflower seed

butter, but either way they love it. And pretty much any vegetable dipped in

something will go with them. Even if they're not in the mood for vegetables, I

give them some refried beans or salad dressing and they'll eat it, if only so

they can feel all grown up dipping it.


Kadee Sedtal


MARY-ELIZA FLANNAGAN <mflannagan0705 wrote:

I should introduce myself also. I am a first time mom to a 14mo old and joined

this forum mainly b/c I'm looking for veggie ideas for my daughter. I am slowly

trying to get my dh and I off meat but have really tried to keep my dd on a

veggie diet. She's still breastfeeding too. I am slowly learning about

healthy alternatives for her, and she goes to a veggie home daycare. So I'm

interested in hearing what everyone has to say with this thread and looking

forward to learning more.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!




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I am really surprised how many people have said they feed their kids Peanut

Butter, or send it to school with them. Here most schools are completely nut

free, and I have been told by my ped not to introduce PB until atleast age

three! Just wondering where everyone is, that PB is allowed at school.




Kadee M <abbey_road3012 wrote:

Hello, and welcome. :) That's great that you're teaching your little

one good eating habits early! I can't tell you how upset I get when I see little

children at restaurants gobbling french fries and hamburgers! My kids have

always been vegetarian, and since I am too (and meat isn't allowed in the house

for any reason) they don't have any choice but to eat healthy... most of the

time, anyway. :) Try apples with some peanut butter, actually I use sunflower

seed butter, but either way they love it. And pretty much any vegetable dipped

in something will go with them. Even if they're not in the mood for vegetables,

I give them some refried beans or salad dressing and they'll eat it, if only so

they can feel all grown up dipping it.


Kadee Sedtal


MARY-ELIZA FLANNAGAN <mflannagan0705 wrote: I should introduce

myself also. I am a first time mom to a 14mo old and joined this forum mainly

b/c I'm looking for veggie ideas for my daughter. I am slowly trying to get my

dh and I off meat but have really tried to keep my dd on a veggie diet. She's

still breastfeeding too. I am slowly learning about healthy alternatives for

her, and she goes to a veggie home daycare. So I'm interested in hearing what

everyone has to say with this thread and looking forward to learning more.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!









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And if no one has mentioned it, there are great ideas at http://




On Oct 7, 2006, at 6:42 AM, wrote:


> 2a. introduction

> Posted by: " amy heesacker " athensmommy athensmommy

> Fri Oct 6, 2006 11:35 am (PDT)


> Hello,

> I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

> vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

> for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

> son started school and has to bring his lunch every

> day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

> for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

> nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

> eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

> butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

> diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

> picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear

> them!

> Thanks so much!

> ~Amy





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my husband teaches at a waldorf school and the rule there is no peanuts IF

someone has an allergy, but right now nobody does. we didn't think we would

introduce peanuts until our son started school, but we were having a hard

time getting enough fat into him when i was in early pregnancy and didn't

want to eat myself (he wouldn't eat unless i was). organic almond butter is

about $19 a pound here and we couldn't afford that, so we very tentatively

introduced peanut butter around a year. up until then we'd had no problems

with foods whatsoever so we weren't TOO worried, but i still stood there

with the phone on 911 ready to hit the " talk " button when we gave it to him

the first time. he never had a single problem and we were relieved to be

able to give him such an excellent fat/protein source. he started putting

weight on again in no time and we've never had problems since (and we're all

eating normally now. :)




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My husband and I have no nut allergies in our families, so really our kids are

low-risk for an allergy like that. We waited till they were a year to introduce

it, and when we did we only gave a tiny bit and watched for a reaction. There

was none, and they really like it. Not a problem. For children who are allergic

or have food allergies in their families I'm sure it's a good idea to wait till

later to try it, but for the rest there's really no point in avoiding a food

they're almost definitely not allergic to. If schools start banning allergens

even for kids who aren't allergic, my kids won't be able to take soy products or

anything containing wheat in their lunches! Lunchtime supervision would prevent

food-swapping, not banning certain foods. My kids aren't allergic to meat, but

I'd get just as furious if they ate that as someone else would if their child

ate something they were allergic to. I'm not going to ask the school to ban

meat, but if lunchtime isn't closely

supervised there will be problems.


Kadee Sedtal


MARY-ELIZA FLANNAGAN <mflannagan0705 wrote:

I am really surprised how many people have said they feed their kids Peanut

Butter, or send it to school with them. Here most schools are completely nut

free, and I have been told by my ped not to introduce PB until atleast age

three! Just wondering where everyone is, that PB is allowed at school.




Kadee M <abbey_road3012 wrote:

Hello, and welcome. :) That's great that you're teaching your little

one good eating habits early! I can't tell you how upset I get when I see little

children at restaurants gobbling french fries and hamburgers! My kids have

always been vegetarian, and since I am too (and meat isn't allowed in the house

for any reason) they don't have any choice but to eat healthy... most of the

time, anyway. :) Try apples with some peanut butter, actually I use sunflower

seed butter, but either way they love it. And pretty much any vegetable dipped

in something will go with them. Even if they're not in the mood for vegetables,

I give them some refried beans or salad dressing and they'll eat it, if only so

they can feel all grown up dipping it.


Kadee Sedtal


MARY-ELIZA FLANNAGAN <mflannagan0705 wrote: I should introduce

myself also. I am a first time mom to a 14mo old and joined this forum mainly

b/c I'm looking for veggie ideas for my daughter. I am slowly trying to get my

dh and I off meat but have really tried to keep my dd on a veggie diet. She's

still breastfeeding too. I am slowly learning about healthy alternatives for

her, and she goes to a veggie home daycare. So I'm interested in hearing what

everyone has to say with this thread and looking forward to learning more.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!




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Our district is latex free, but not peanut free. This is surprising, since

we have a child in my children's elementary school who is supposedly do

allergic to peanuts, the smell will send her into anaphylactic shock. We're

in NJ. I didn't introduce peanut butter until DD was 4 and DS was 3.

They're 20 months apart, so I knew that anything she got to eat, he'd get

somehow. We're an allergic family (I'm allergic to milk, eggs, wool, most

furred animals and feathers), so I was very cautious. Oddly enough, the

children's worst allergies are to furred animals and dust (DS) and apples

and most other tree fruits (DD). The oddball allergy in our family is raw

potatoes for DH.





Saturday, October 07, 2006 1:45 AM

Re: introduction



I am really surprised how many people have said they feed their kids

Peanut Butter, or send it to school with them. Here most schools are

completely nut free, and I have been told by my ped not to introduce PB

until atleast age three! Just wondering where everyone is, that PB is

allowed at school.




Kadee M <abbey_road3012 wrote:

Hello, and welcome. :) That's great that you're teaching your little one

good eating habits early! I can't tell you how upset I get when I see little

children at restaurants gobbling french fries and hamburgers! My kids have

always been vegetarian, and since I am too (and meat isn't allowed in the

house for any reason) they don't have any choice but to eat healthy... most

of the time, anyway. :) Try apples with some peanut butter, actually I use

sunflower seed butter, but either way they love it. And pretty much any

vegetable dipped in something will go with them. Even if they're not in the

mood for vegetables, I give them some refried beans or salad dressing and

they'll eat it, if only so they can feel all grown up dipping it.


Kadee Sedtal


MARY-ELIZA FLANNAGAN <mflannagan0705 wrote: I should introduce

myself also. I am a first time mom to a 14mo old and joined this forum

mainly b/c I'm looking for veggie ideas for my daughter. I am slowly trying

to get my dh and I off meat but have really tried to keep my dd on a veggie

diet. She's still breastfeeding too. I am slowly learning about healthy

alternatives for her, and she goes to a veggie home daycare. So I'm

interested in hearing what everyone has to say with this thread and looking

forward to learning more.




amy heesacker <athensmommy wrote:


I'm the mother of a 5 year old and 2 year old who are

vegetarian since birth (and I've been veggie myself

for the past 12 years or so). It seems like since my

son started school and has to bring his lunch every

day I'm really struggling to come up with new options

for him. At home he eats a lot of veggie chicken

nuggets, veggie corn dogs and macaroni :) but he won't

eat them cold, so I've been sending lots of peanut

butter, yogurt, and cheese sticks. But I'd like to

diversify with things he'll actually try. He's a bit

picky, but if anyone has some ideas I'd love to hear


Thanks so much!




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I think I burned my son out on too much peanut butter in his pre school and

kindergarten lunches, and now he refuses to eat peanut butter! One of you

mentioned sunflower seed butter, he loves sunflower seeds and I think especially

if he saw it made (like they do with peanut butter in Chamberlains natural food

store here), he may try that. Can you please tell me where you buy sunflower

seed butter?



Danielle in Florida



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i know there are a few school districts here in utah that have banned

peanuts, because for someone with a peanut allergy it's as simple as just

touching something that has peanut residue on it that can set off a

reaction, which can lead to death. but it's the same thing for someone with

celiacs (although not deadly), in that they only have to come in contact

with the crumbs of someone's bread or something, and i've never heard of a

school banning gluten products. hm.




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I got mine at Trader Joe's. Whole Foods has it too, I think. It's really good,

my daughter and I like it even better than peanut butter. Next we're going to

try almond butter.


Kadee Sedtal


Danielle <daniellej wrote: I think

I burned my son out on too much peanut butter in his pre school and kindergarten

lunches, and now he refuses to eat peanut butter! One of you mentioned

sunflower seed butter, he loves sunflower seeds and I think especially if he saw

it made (like they do with peanut butter in Chamberlains natural food store

here), he may try that. Can you please tell me where you buy sunflower seed




Danielle in Florida


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