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Janet -

Thanks - and I'm happy to clarify more what I meant. I can see how I

was saying 2 things, kinda. LOL! My overall feeling is that everyone

should watch it, because it's the truth - not because it's pretty

(obviously). I have one or two friends who are already full vegan

(which is different than being raw vegan; vegans extend animal-

friendly ways to their entire lifestyle, not just eating a vegan diet.

I'm not sure which you are, but I thought I'd clarify that just in

general for anyone reading). Those two friends are horribly sensitive,

and just could never sit through it. Because they are already full

vegan and have watched similar stuff, obviously it is not necessary

HOWEVER I did encourage them to go to www.isawearthlings.com to read

the transcripts/narrative. Why? Because it's great commentary AND

honestly, we talk to people every day and obviously, we think of the

animals and how to best represent them (since they cannot talk). It is

important to learn all we can and be aware of as many practices and

statistics and approaches as possible, and Earthlings draws some great

conclusions (likewise, the movie Eating is phenomenal for this, too).

That is why.


If people are super-sensitive but still aren't compelled to stop

eating/wearing animals, I do feel they should watch it anyways,



BUT, I will say this: reading graphic descriptions is just as bad at

times. I learned this when I was reading a book on lynching awhile

back - what REALLY happened. The pictures were awful, the descriptions

were WORSE (although a video would be just as bad as the description,

totally). Perhaps equally horrifying to Earthlings is a the

book " Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Tale of Greed & Neglect In The U.S.

Slaughter Industry " by Gail Eisnitz. Very powerful, too, since it's

not an animal rights book - it's gleaned from interviews with

slaughterhouse employees. Very gripping.


Anyways, even already-vegans should stay updated for educational

purposes. But obviously, you can do that without watching. Still, the

fish footage in Earthlings is great, and the information was new to

me. Things like that are important to stay up on.


Does that make more sense?


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> You'd definitely think this was the case, but I was shocked the

> other night watching the game show Power Of 10 with Drew Carey

> when they revealed the results of a poll showing something like

> 75% of Americans said they would still eat meat even if they had

> to do the killing themselves!



I honestly don't believe that at all, in all reality. It doesn't

coincide with any other results for similar polls I have heard of, or

even conversations with meat eaters. Were they drunken responses? I

think that was 75% of Drew Carey's cardiologists that they were

referring to, actually. Because the more they can get him to eat, the

more business they get. LOL Anyways, Drew Carey is totally a

conservative republican - the Fox News variety. I wouldn't trust any

statistic on his show. Erica

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Oh, OK, I do know about those things! Just making sure there wasn't

something I wasn't aware of! Thanks, Erica



On Sep 25, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Erica wrote:


> rawfood , Kristi <pixiechik wrote:


>> Can you tell me about the entertainment choices?


> By entertainment choices, I mean zoos, circuses (that involve

> animals), and aquariums, and stuff like that. On rare occassions,

> the " swimming with the dolphins " or " pony ride " options at resorts

> or theme parks. Roadside safaris where you can pet a baby tiger,

> etc. All of those are totally exploitative and unfair and unjust to

> the animals, who live a life of slavery.


> Clothing: obviously fur is violent and unnecessarily cruel, but so

> are leather and WOOL. I know what you are thinking - how is wool so

> bad? If you don't know, check www.youtube.com for mulesling, among

> other dirty tricks of the wool industry.


> As far as products, obviously vivisection is a horrid process that

> is wholly unnecessary to scientific progress, etc. Not buying

> products that were used in animal experiments, whether prescription

> or cosmetic, is really important. And easy to do when you are a

> naturalist or raw foodist. :-)


> I have a lot of good videos in the resources section of my website -

> www.schoolofrawk.com - that are under various headings and give good

> overviews of a lot of these topics.


> -Erica






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Erica wrote:

> Of course they do. The U.S. has many humane slaughter laws, too. The

> question is, are they in practice? I would seriously question where

> wool comes from, and look into the practices. It is impossible to

> clothe entire countries in 'humane' wool, which is why the wool

> industry as well as every other animal industry, pretty much, has

> gotten to the level of abuse it is in: mass production.




you know what this means then? a non-animal source for

material cloth. One that is kind to the earth. One that is

harmonious with its environment. One that is one of the

fastest growing and has the strongest life force. One that

provides fibre that is strong and very long lasting. And one

that provides seeds that are a very rich source of fats and

minerals. Did you guess yet? Hemp, the one with the bad press.



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> you know what this means then? a non-animal source for

> material cloth. One that is kind to the earth. One that is

> harmonious with its environment. One that is one of the

> fastest growing and has the strongest life force. One that

> provides fibre that is strong and very long lasting. And one

> that provides seeds that are a very rich source of fats and

> minerals. Did you guess yet? Hemp, the one with the bad press.



Yup. And that is WHY hemp is not popular, too. You are 100% right! :-)

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> You'd definitely think this was the case, but I was shocked the

> other night watching the game show Power Of 10 with Drew Carey

> when they revealed the results of a poll showing something like

> 75% of Americans said they would still eat meat even if they had

> to do the killing themselves!



Also, I would never believe this to be true for the simple fact that

when cows DO escape slaughter, usually in NYC slaughterhouses

(small, neighborhood <read: sick!>, they are often seen running

through the streets, running for their lives, through traffic, etc.


TONS of people ALWAYS call in, and these animals are generally

allowed refuge at nearby sanctuaries thanks to caller interest. What

do the callers always say upon seeing firsthand a terrified animal

running away from slaughter?


" I am a meat-eater, but.. I just think THIS cow should be allowed to

live " , etc. Along those lines. This is documented time and time

again. When faced with the heat, Americans cannot bear what goes on

in the kitchen and prefer not to think of it. If most truly didn't

care, they wouldn't lose it during Earthlings and other similar

mediat. They also wouldn't " refuse " to watch it, and give the

reasoning that it would ruin their dinner, etc. ;-)



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>you know what this means then? a non-animal source for

material cloth. One that is kind to the earth. One that is

harmonious with its environment. One that is one of the

fastest growing and has the strongest life force. One that

provides fibre that is strong and very long lasting. And one

that provides seeds that are a very rich source of fats and

minerals. Did you guess yet? Hemp, the one with the bad press.


Yes, we use a lot of hemp too - makes for lovely, soft, tshirts, shirts,

pants, sheets, nappies, etc. Bamboo is another favourite - even faster

growing, uses less water, and if harvested correctly, never has to be

replanted, it regenerates itself. And it feels like silk, even when machine

washed :o)


The issue at hand with these fibres, however, is making sure their human

producers are treated correctly, so here I'm looking for manufacturers who

follow fairtrade guidelines. Does this fall under the same heading of not

trusting what they tell me, so I can only use hemp or bamboo if I grow it




- one day I will have my own organic farm, but until then...

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Now THAT is an oxymoron - " humane slaughter laws "


Anyway, this discussion is making me think I need to dump my entire

wardrobe for one reason or another. Now, I can be really natural. :)


Janet ;-)


rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:



> > A quick websearch tells me that Australia now has legislation in

> place with

> > regard to the treatment of animals for export, and the practice of

> mulesing,

> > among other things.


> Of course they do. The U.S. has many humane slaughter laws, too. The

> question is, are they in practice? I would seriously question where

> wool comes from, and look into the practices. It is impossible to

> clothe entire countries in 'humane' wool, which is why the wool

> industry as well as every other animal industry, pretty much, has

> gotten to the level of abuse it is in: mass production. Wool may feel

> good, but I would urge anyone to consider if that is the message we

> wish to present to the world, that exploitation is okay as long as we

> are warm. I'm not saying this to start any debates or criticize

> anyone, I'm just saying this " at large " . Because if we wear one piece

> of animal clothing that we " know " was humanely done (an exception to

> the rule), we put the message out there that it is okay, period, when

> they just see the wool, not it's origin, on our backs. Please note

> that by no means is Australia to be trusted to be providing " ethical "

> wool this late in the game. Just because someone filmed them and they

> looked bad and initiated a policy... well, the U.S. does that, and we

> all know how awful our industries are. It's a matter of enforcing

> them, which is a whole other issue.


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> Now THAT is an oxymoron - " humane slaughter laws "


> Anyway, this discussion is making me think I need to dump my entire

> wardrobe for one reason or another. Now, I can be really natural. :)


> Janet ;-)


Well, you definitely view your fabrics in different lights, that's for

sure. However, even PETA - whom I do not like - indicates that it is

impractical to just dump your leather couches and your coats and

shoes, etc. Not many can afford to do that. It's a matter of, when

they wear out, making more humane choices the next time. You can stop

buying clothes and other items that cause suffering and at the same

time not strap yourself financially by doing anything too radical,

like throwing out your shit.

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rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:



> >

> > You'd definitely think this was the case, but I was shocked the

> > other night watching the game show Power Of 10 with Drew Carey

> > when they revealed the results of a poll showing something like

> > 75% of Americans said they would still eat meat even if they had

> > to do the killing themselves!

> >


> I honestly don't believe that at all, in all reality. It doesn't

> coincide with any other results for similar polls I have heard of,


> even conversations with meat eaters. Were they drunken responses? I

> think that was 75% of Drew Carey's cardiologists that they were

> referring to, actually. Because the more they can get him to eat,


> more business they get. LOL Anyways, Drew Carey is totally a

> conservative republican - the Fox News variety. I wouldn't trust


> statistic on his show. Erica


He's just playing the role of a game show host here, it's not a

talk show or anything. The polls are random samplings done thru

a third-party. <shrug> Never would have guessed he's Repub

given how he's responded to some of the intentionally shocking

polls and his attempts at guessing along with the contestants.

Seems to me I've heard him voice support for gay marriage, drug

legalization, etc.. If that's not how he really feels, he *is*

a damn good actor! :)






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rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:



> > You'd definitely think this was the case, but I was shocked the

> > other night watching the game show Power Of 10 with Drew Carey

> > when they revealed the results of a poll showing something like

> > 75% of Americans said they would still eat meat even if they had

> > to do the killing themselves!

> >


> Also, I would never believe this to be true for the simple fact


> when cows DO escape slaughter, usually in NYC slaughterhouses

> (small, neighborhood <read: sick!>, they are often seen running

> through the streets, running for their lives, through traffic, etc.


> TONS of people ALWAYS call in, and these animals are generally

> allowed refuge at nearby sanctuaries thanks to caller interest.


> do the callers always say upon seeing firsthand a terrified animal

> running away from slaughter?


> " I am a meat-eater, but.. I just think THIS cow should be allowed


> live " , etc. Along those lines. This is documented time and time

> again. When faced with the heat, Americans cannot bear what goes on

> in the kitchen and prefer not to think of it. If most truly didn't

> care, they wouldn't lose it during Earthlings and other similar

> mediat. They also wouldn't " refuse " to watch it, and give the

> reasoning that it would ruin their dinner, etc. ;-)


You'd think, right? But, I was surprised yet again, when on

the " reality " show Kid Nation, the children were faced with

the choice of killing some chickens for meat or continuing to

only use them for their eggs. After initially, coming in at

maybe 60-40 or 70-30 *FOR* doing so, even the nay's eventually

succumbed, and almost all of the kids watched the chopping.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing!






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> You'd think, right? But, I was surprised yet again, when on

> the " reality " show Kid Nation, the children were faced with

> the choice of killing some chickens for meat or continuing to

> only use them for their eggs. After initially, coming in at

> maybe 60-40 or 70-30 *FOR* doing so, even the nay's eventually

> succumbed, and almost all of the kids watched the chopping.

> I couldn't believe what I was seeing!



Interesting. All I can say is that kids are malleable. 100 years ago

kids thought watching a (innocent) black man be dismembered and

burned alive was entertainment, or a festival of sorts. A happy,

positive thing. So, I wasn't there; I can't say much. I was a kid and

when I was young I was shy and didn't want to speak up or go against

the grain (thank God I made a turnaround - LOL). But I have watched

The Witness, Peaceable Kingdom, and Meet Your Meat with countless

kids. My friend is a school-teacher and presented it to her whole 6th

grade class (they had permission slips; it was Peaceable Kingdom).

99% of the wide range of kids I know who have seen any of these are

vegetarian by the end of the film, always. Kids " get " it. But it also

depends on what light it is presented to them in. The show you

watched doesn't sound very animal-sensitive (to say the least). From

experience I will always believe that kids, animal lovers that they

are, find animal abuse wrong. They know the difference. And I'm glad

for that. Erica

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  • 1 year later...

His name is Shaun Monson.


You can message Shaun very conveniently via Facebook -



.........or via the website contact page -



Joaquin Phoenix comment about Earthlings -¡§Of all the films I have

ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most. For

every one person who sees Earthlings, they will tell three¡¨.



aapn , " raja chatterjee " <rajachatterjee1



> Dear Friends,


> I w'd most grateful if any one can send me the e-mail ID of Mr.

Paul Monson,

> the famous film maker of '*Earthlings*'.


> Regards


> Raja Chatterjee


> Secretary THE JUNGLEES 094334-20602


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  • 10 months later...

I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I have it and

I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard to watch?

I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which was over

five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad thing is that

it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and already knew that

wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that that sort of torture

is happening every second of everyday.

So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for me since

they gave me hope.

Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


(I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I think that

it is a very important film and could be very effective in creating more

vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)



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I¹m at that exact point, Jill -- ³ I just don't need to see more of it...² I

haven¹t seen it, but I¹ve already gotten the message and am doing what I can

and sharing with others too. I see no reason to torture my heart further. As

for the hope part, I see it all around in little ways and those add up.


Tracy in MN



On 11/3/09 1:53 PM, " Jillene Wenzel " <jillben2008 wrote:


> I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I have it

> and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard to

> watch?

> I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which was over

> five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad thing is that

> it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and already knew

> that wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that that sort of

> torture is happening every second of everyday.

> So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for me

> since they gave me hope.

> Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


> (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I think that

> it is a very important film and could be very effective in creating more

> vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)






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I was only able to watch the first 15 minues of Earthlings and then I was

crying so much I had to turn it off. I would love to be able to watch the

whole thing as I know the images are important viewing to keep me vegan and

keep me fighting for animal rights, but I just don't know that I'm strong

enough for that. If you go to google tv you can see clips of Earthlings to

determine if you can sit through it.


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Jillene Wenzel <jillben2008wrote:




> I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I have it

> and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard to

> watch?

> I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which was

> over five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad thing is

> that it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and already

> knew that wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that that sort

> of torture is happening every second of everyday.

> So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for me

> since they gave me hope.

> Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


> (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I think

> that it is a very important film and could be very effective in creating

> more vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)


> Jill












Eat food, not food products.




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Hi Vibeke,

You know, I don't think it's necessary for you to watch things that

upset you just to retain your convictions and actions. I believe that

you will remain a vegan and work for animal rights because of even one

thing you've seen or heard, and that you don't have to continue to

expose yourself to these things if you don't want to. Memory is a fine

enough springboard, I'd think. :-) I've been a vegetarian for over 21

years based on one brochure (static pictures, not even video - and not

even that horrible or shocking), and have not felt the need to watch or

see more torture or upsetting images to retain my beliefs. (Sure, I've

seen images, but haven't set out to see them.) That said, if people

want to watch things that upset them, they are more than welcome to . I

just don't want to . and sounds like you don't want to. Just wanted to

let you know that I don't feel it's all that important to upset yourself

more. :-) You're already committed enough in my book if you would put

yourself through that just to retain your commitment! :-)

Have a great day!





Behalf Of Vibeke Vale

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 12:38 PM


Re: earthlings



I was only able to watch the first 15 minues of Earthlings and then I


crying so much I had to turn it off. I would love to be able to watch


whole thing as I know the images are important viewing to keep me vegan


keep me fighting for animal rights, but I just don't know that I'm


enough for that. If you go to google tv you can see clips of Earthlings


determine if you can sit through it.


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Jillene Wenzel <jillben2008@

<jillben2008%40> >wrote:




> I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I

have it

> and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard


> watch?

> I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which


> over five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad

thing is

> that it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and


> knew that wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that

that sort

> of torture is happening every second of everyday.

> So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for


> since they gave me hope.

> Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


> (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I


> that it is a very important film and could be very effective in


> more vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)


> Jill










Eat food, not food products.



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I saw this movie a couple of months ago...I watched the whole thing mostly

because I decided that was what I was going to do. And honestly it did depress

me, I didn't really realize that until a few days later. Like someone else here

mentioned, if you've seen images or clips of this nature before you probably

don't need to be reminded.

I watched the movie so I could send the link to some meat eating friends (some

who replied, I'll watch it later, yeah right) and talk about it. Earthlings

compare how we treat animals to racism which is interesting, and I also learned

how dogs are keept to produce puppies, something I had not thought of before

watching the movie.



, Jillene Wenzel <jillben2008 wrote:


> I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I have it

and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard to watch?

> I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which was over

five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad thing is that

it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and already knew that

wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that that sort of torture

is happening every second of everyday.

> So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for me

since they gave me hope.

> Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


> (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I think that

it is a very important film and could be very effective in creating more

vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)


> Jill


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-Hi Jill,


For myself I felt it was necessary to attempt to watch due to the fact I

mentioned the movie to many meat eaters & really needed to know what

exactly I was recommending. Alas, I couldn't even make it through 1

minute with the sound, and about 10 minutes with the sound OFF!!!! It

was far too intense and had my stomach turning and me sobbing in no

time. However, the information is good and the transcript is available

online for those of us who don't need to see or hear these images/sounds

in order to get a point across, but still want the info. I feel the

point of the movie is to show those who otherwise can't believe these

things go on the truth, not necessarily to reinforce what we as

compassionate eaters already understand. Just an option.....good luck

with whatever you decide you can handle. Namaste.





, Jillene Wenzel <jillben2008



> I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I

have it and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really

hard to watch?

> I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which

was over five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad

thing is that it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan

and already knew that wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just

knowing that that sort of torture is happening every second of everyday.

> So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for

me since they gave me hope.

> Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


> (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I

think that it is a very important film and could be very effective in

creating more vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)


> Jill







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Transcript of Earthlings.


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Jillene Wenzel <jillben2008wrote:




> I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I have it

> and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard to

> watch?

> I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which was

> over five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad thing is

> that it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and already

> knew that wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that that sort

> of torture is happening every second of everyday.

> So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for me

> since they gave me hope.

> Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?


> (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I think

> that it is a very important film and could be very effective in creating

> more vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)


> Jill












Eat food, not food products.




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Thank you for posting this. I started to read it and didn't get too far (22 mins

or so) before I had to stop so I wasn't crying at work. I don't think I would

have gotten this far in the film. Even just imagining the images is painful. :(

I can see how this would leave someone depressed. I have to say I really did

like the intro (at least in text form). It very accurately and succinctly

explained the concepts.





, Vibeke Vale <vibekevale wrote:


> http://dotsub.com/view/45ef7b01-c85e-46b3-ab57-63ce873d62ff/viewTranscript/eng


> Transcript of Earthlings.


> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Jillene Wenzel <jillben2008wrote:


> >

> >

> > I had put Earthlings on my Netflix lineup quite a while ago. Now I have it

> > and I'm not sure I can watch it. Have you seen it? Is it really hard to

> > watch?

> > I think the hardest thing I've ever watched was Meet Your Meat, which was

> > over five years ago. The images are still so strong for me. The sad thing is

> > that it left me feeling hopeless. I mean, I was already vegan and already

> > knew that wouldn't change. I still feel hopeless just knowing that that sort

> > of torture is happening every second of everyday.

> > So, shows like Peaceable Kingdom and The Witness, were much better for me

> > since they gave me hope.

> > Is this show going to depress the heck out of me?

> >

> > (I am not actually trying to say anything against Meet Your Meat. I think

> > that it is a very important film and could be very effective in creating

> > more vegetarians. I just don't need to see more of it...)

> >

> > Jill

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Regards,


> Vibeke


> Eat food, not food products.




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