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I am having some of the same issues, since I got backed into hosting

Thanksgiving too. Good luck with your recipes! It's good to write a long letter

sometimes, I find it helps me too. Maybe it's boring for some, but I think that

overall that's why we are here to support each other. Hopefully, we'll all be

truly thankful this year for the things we have...




Chessie <vegetariyum wrote:

Just a little rant, hope no one minds...I have family coming in for the

holiday and I had thought that the family meal was going to take place at

someone else's house but it will be at mine instead. That's okay, but I am

kicking myself for not anticipating this holiday better and testing vegan

recipes beforehand. I just know this meal is going to be full of egg and

dairy products, not to mention the turkey that they are bringing and I am

really having a hard time with it this year. In the past I have simply

ignored the meat products, but my new-found desire to become vegan changes

everything. Also, the fact that I have children who are old enough to

understand what's going on makes a difference.


My stepdad is a lost cause, but my mother and brother are at least very

aware omnis. They do eat meat, but have become educated about how it's

produced and use a lot of meat alternatives too. I wish I had anticipated

this and could prepare a vegan feast for them. I just have had so much

going on I didn't think about it. I am going to try a few things though. I

am going to make the tofu pudding chocolate pie with a cashew whipped

topping, and a vegan pumpkin pie if I can find an easy recipe.


I am still working on the vegetarian to vegan transition and it is going

fairly well...struggling with the creamer issue though and with cheese and

yogurt. Silk creamer is okay but still has that taste. I think the problem

is that what I am drinking is really half coffee half milk. Maybe the nut

milks will work better. Cheese - we use a lot of the veg slices and shreds,

but how do you replace feta or smoked cheddar? And yogurt...I just haven't

had a chance to try enough different kinds to find one that I like. But I

do want to recommend that mori-nu (?) tofu pudding mix - it is incredible!


One request...DH and DD #1 really love their milk and I don't think he will

ever be able to go without it. I really want to transition her to soy, but

in order to do so I will have to keep his secret from her. She always wants

" daddy's milk. " Any advice on that? She gets that we don't eat animals, and

I'm working on the " milk is for baby cows " idea. I guess I just need to

find an alternative that she likes better. She does love chocolate

silk...maybe the vanilla or very vanilla will work.


Sorry so long, thanks for listening!






For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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It's too bad you all have to go out for a

meat-friendly/vegan-unfriendly meal when your husband is the only one

who wants the meat. If he HAS to have it, could you just buy him a

meal's worth and he can have it along with your vegan feast at home?

Just a thought.

Don't the holidays just create all sorts of stressful situations?




On Thursday, November 17, 2005, at 06:43 PM,



> Message: 2

> Thu, 17 Nov 2005 13:45:38 -0800 (PST)

> carol sobczak <cpsobczak

> Re: Thanksgiving


> I totally understand. We are not going to either family so there are

> a couple of options. We can stay home and I can cook which would be

> fine except my husband wants turkey and I don't want to cook it. The

> kids and I would eat Tofurky or Unturkey. So, we will probably go out

> if we can find a place that has vegan food too. Last year, we went

> out only to find out the stuffing had sausage, there was butter on the

> veggies and masked potato. Thanksgiving dinner was plain pasta. This

> year I will plan better. It is so challenging having meat eaters at

> holiday celebration since there is usually traditional food (which is

> always meat for some reason).

> Carol

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My kids started on cow milk, too. They are not totally off of it

because Mommy still drinks it. But they like vanilla soymilk, and

mostly that is what they get now. At bed time, my 4 year old

says, " I want soymilk on the bottom, cow milk on top, and strawberry

syrup in the middle. " If I'm mixing it up, she gets 100% soymilk.

Both her and her big sister (age 7) like soy milk, with or without

the strawberry syrup.


I took advice from some of the folks in this group who suggested that

I start by mixing a little vanilla soymilk in with their cow milk,

and then gradually, over a period of weeks, increase the % of

soymilk. This gets them used to the change in taste. Once they

realized they liked the taste, there was no problem phasing out the

cow milk entirely ... at least when I'm the one doing the pouring.


- Alan



, " Chessie " <vegetariyum@c...> wrote:


> One request...DH and DD #1 really love their milk and I don't think

he will ever be able to go without it. I really want to transition

her to soy, but in order to do so I will have to keep his secret from

her. She always wants " daddy's milk. " Any advice on that? She gets

that we don't eat animals, and I'm working on the " milk is for baby

cows " idea. I guess I just need to find an alternative that she

likes better. She does love chocolate silk...maybe the vanilla or

very vanilla will work.


> Sorry so long, thanks for listening!


> Chessie


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We've always had a tradition of going out for Chinese food on Thanksgiving.

Since not everyone here is a vegetarian we usually go out to eat somewhere

that serves a turkey dinner and food that my daughter and I can eat on a

day before Thanksgiving. Maybe you can start a new tradition.





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Can I make a suggestion? Holidays in general are a rough time in the food

dept. People anticipate certain things being on the table based on years of

having them. Its a hard time to make drastic changes when extended family is

involved. Give yourself permission to do the best you can and don't beat

yourself up if things aren't as vegan as you'd hoped they'd be.


You've got a few days to find some foolproof recipes. How about everyone

posting their favorite Thanksgiving recipes to help Chessie (and the rest of us

who are always open to new ideas!)









FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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The vegetarian times does have some really great looking recipes, it almost

makes me wish I was making dinner here.

My family is in Florida and I'm in AZ, so it doesn't matter, but if I talked

my family into adopting a turkey they'd just have a roast anyways!



Carrie Kahl <carriekahl wrote:


I'm not sure if you've seen or have a copy of November's Vegetarian Times,

but the roasted vegetable cornucopias on the front cover look delicious and

impressive. I saw those and told myself that if I ever host Thanksgiving at my

house, I'm going to try and make those. The recipe is on the inside as well as

some other holiday sides. I think a lot of the recipes are veg. rather than

vegan but it's just an idea to throw out. I hope things go well for you and

your family and know that the rest of us are in your shoes. I sponsored a

turkey this Thanksgiving for the first time on that turkey adoption website that

was suggested a couple of weeks ago and I've been trying to spread that around

to my family that instead of sacrificing a poor turkey, that we can save one. I

think I will start doing that every year and hope that my family will " catch

on " . Doubtful but there's always hope. Good luck and have a happy holiday.




< >

Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:17 AM




Just a little rant, hope no one minds...I have family coming in for the

holiday and I had thought that the family meal was going to take place at

someone else's house but it will be at mine instead. That's okay, but I am

kicking myself for not anticipating this holiday better and testing vegan

recipes beforehand. I just know this meal is going to be full of egg and

dairy products, not to mention the turkey that they are bringing and I am

really having a hard time with it this year. In the past I have simply

ignored the meat products, but my new-found desire to become vegan changes

everything. Also, the fact that I have children who are old enough to

understand what's going on makes a difference.


My stepdad is a lost cause, but my mother and brother are at least very

aware omnis. They do eat meat, but have become educated about how it's

produced and use a lot of meat alternatives too. I wish I had anticipated

this and could prepare a vegan feast for them. I just have had so much

going on I didn't think about it. I am going to try a few things though. I

am going to make the tofu pudding chocolate pie with a cashew whipped

topping, and a vegan pumpkin pie if I can find an easy recipe.


I am still working on the vegetarian to vegan transition and it is going

fairly well...struggling with the creamer issue though and with cheese and

yogurt. Silk creamer is okay but still has that taste. I think the problem

is that what I am drinking is really half coffee half milk. Maybe the nut

milks will work better. Cheese - we use a lot of the veg slices and shreds,

but how do you replace feta or smoked cheddar? And yogurt...I just haven't

had a chance to try enough different kinds to find one that I like. But I

do want to recommend that mori-nu (?) tofu pudding mix - it is incredible!


One request...DH and DD #1 really love their milk and I don't think he will

ever be able to go without it. I really want to transition her to soy, but

in order to do so I will have to keep his secret from her. She always wants

" daddy's milk. " Any advice on that? She gets that we don't eat animals, and

I'm working on the " milk is for baby cows " idea. I guess I just need to

find an alternative that she likes better. She does love chocolate

silk...maybe the vanilla or very vanilla will work.


Sorry so long, thanks for listening!







For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org<http://www.vrg.org/> and for materials especially useful for

families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This<http://www.vrg.org/family.This> is

a discussion list and is not intended to provide personal medical advice.

Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health




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That is a very good idea. I am also going to call around to different places to

see if anyplace has stuff we can eat. I am not opposed to going out. I'd just

like to be able to eat the stuffing and veggies with a salad. I make that for a

meal at home anyway. It is doubtful though since I'm sure they use chicken

stock and butter.



austinvegan <austinvegan wrote:


It's too bad you all have to go out for a

meat-friendly/vegan-unfriendly meal when your husband is the only one

who wants the meat. If he HAS to have it, could you just buy him a

meal's worth and he can have it along with your vegan feast at home?

Just a thought.

Don't the holidays just create all sorts of stressful situations?




On Thursday, November 17, 2005, at 06:43 PM,



> Message: 2

> Thu, 17 Nov 2005 13:45:38 -0800 (PST)

> carol sobczak <cpsobczak

> Re: Thanksgiving


> I totally understand. We are not going to either family so there are

> a couple of options. We can stay home and I can cook which would be

> fine except my husband wants turkey and I don't want to cook it. The

> kids and I would eat Tofurky or Unturkey. So, we will probably go out

> if we can find a place that has vegan food too. Last year, we went

> out only to find out the stuffing had sausage, there was butter on the

> veggies and masked potato. Thanksgiving dinner was plain pasta. This

> year I will plan better. It is so challenging having meat eaters at

> holiday celebration since there is usually traditional food (which is

> always meat for some reason).

> Carol




For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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My brother is the only family we have in town, and his wife eats


We decided to make life easier for all of us: they are inviting

friends over, and so are we. Our friends are not vegan, but are open.

My ds is omni, but respectful of our choices. I planned a menu with my

friend the other day, and told her about Earth Balance instead of

butter (she brought over some recipes that were vegan except for

butter, and said she would be happy to substitute with a vegan one.)

She thinks her family might revolt without a turkey option, so SHE

offered to make a tofu-turkey...

Hope all works out for the best at your houses. Happy holidays.






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I have always managed to avoid having Thanksgiving or Christmas at my house

because I told them they are all welcome to celebrate at my house but I was not

serving dead animal on a plate. They have always decided to celebrate

elsewhere. ;) We tend to come late to the celebration and leave early. That

way we can skip dinner and I don't go nuts with the noise and confusion.


Jacqueline C.

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Great idea Katie! I've just posted some vegan holiday recipes at

www.vegfamily.com this month for Pecan Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin Pie. Also be

sure to check the Articles section of the November issue on the site for some

great Thanksgiving tips and my article on Cranberries, which includes several

easy recipes.




Katie Mangan

Friday, November 18, 2005 8:47 AM


Re: Thanksgiving


How about everyone posting their favorite Thanksgiving recipes to help Chessie

(and the rest of us who are always open to new ideas!)






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>>I sponsored a turkey this Thanksgiving for the first time on that turkey

adoption website that was suggested a couple of weeks ago and I've been

trying to spread that around to my family that instead of sacrificing a poor

turkey, that we can save one. I think I will start doing that every year

and hope that my family will " catch on " .



We just adopted a turkey for the first time too! My 4yo dd asks to look at

the website everyday and wants to know about each turkey, their names, etc.

I am also reading her the " T'was the night before Thanksgiving " which she is

very intrigued by and keeps talking about how turkeys are our friends and we

don't want to eat them.


We are going to my parents for Thanksgiving and they are totally fine with

the veg*n thing, but my brother will be bringing a turkey since he can't

possibly imagine the holiday without one {sigh}...



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Thanks for the tip! I don't have this year's, but I used to and

have a past Thanksgiving issue that I keep for some of its recipes. Good

for you, about adopting the turkey!! We have some wild turkeys living in

our area and I saw them for the first time a couple years ago. We were out

driving in the country and they were alongside the road. We stopped to

watch and listen and the whole flock (is that the right word?) crossed in

front of us. It was really amazing!








Behalf Of Carrie Kahl

Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:21 PM


Re: Thanksgiving



I'm not sure if you've seen or have a copy of November's Vegetarian

Times, but the roasted vegetable cornucopias on the front cover look

delicious and impressive. I saw those and told myself that if I ever host

Thanksgiving at my house, I'm going to try and make those. The recipe is on

the inside as well as some other holiday sides. I think a lot of the

recipes are veg. rather than vegan but it's just an idea to throw out. I

hope things go well for you and your family and know that the rest of us are

in your shoes. I sponsored a turkey this Thanksgiving for the first time on

that turkey adoption website that was suggested a couple of weeks ago and

I've been trying to spread that around to my family that instead of

sacrificing a poor turkey, that we can save one. I think I will start doing

that every year and hope that my family will " catch on " . Doubtful but

there's always hope. Good luck and have a happy holiday.




< >

Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:17 AM




Just a little rant, hope no one minds...I have family coming in for the

holiday and I had thought that the family meal was going to take place at

someone else's house but it will be at mine instead. That's okay, but I


kicking myself for not anticipating this holiday better and testing vegan

recipes beforehand. I just know this meal is going to be full of egg and

dairy products, not to mention the turkey that they are bringing and I am

really having a hard time with it this year. In the past I have simply

ignored the meat products, but my new-found desire to become vegan changes

everything. Also, the fact that I have children who are old enough to

understand what's going on makes a difference.


My stepdad is a lost cause, but my mother and brother are at least very

aware omnis. They do eat meat, but have become educated about how it's

produced and use a lot of meat alternatives too. I wish I had anticipated

this and could prepare a vegan feast for them. I just have had so much

going on I didn't think about it. I am going to try a few things though.


am going to make the tofu pudding chocolate pie with a cashew whipped

topping, and a vegan pumpkin pie if I can find an easy recipe.


I am still working on the vegetarian to vegan transition and it is going

fairly well...struggling with the creamer issue though and with cheese and

yogurt. Silk creamer is okay but still has that taste. I think the


is that what I am drinking is really half coffee half milk. Maybe the nut

milks will work better. Cheese - we use a lot of the veg slices and


but how do you replace feta or smoked cheddar? And yogurt...I just


had a chance to try enough different kinds to find one that I like. But I

do want to recommend that mori-nu (?) tofu pudding mix - it is incredible!



One request...DH and DD #1 really love their milk and I don't think he


ever be able to go without it. I really want to transition her to soy,


in order to do so I will have to keep his secret from her. She always


" daddy's milk. " Any advice on that? She gets that we don't eat animals,


I'm working on the " milk is for baby cows " idea. I guess I just need to

find an alternative that she likes better. She does love chocolate

silk...maybe the vanilla or very vanilla will work.


Sorry so long, thanks for listening!







For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org<http://www.vrg.org/> and for materials especially useful

for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This<http://www.vrg.org/family.This> is a

discussion list and is not intended to provide personal medical advice.

Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health




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Janeen, I did find some good recipes online. I am going to replace some of

our traditional dishes with vegan versions like broccoli cheese casserole)

and see how it goes!




Behalf Of janeen minguillo

Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:58 PM


Re: Thanksgiving


I am having some of the same issues, since I got backed into hosting

Thanksgiving too. Good luck with your recipes! It's good to write a long

letter sometimes, I find it helps me too. Maybe it's boring for some, but I

think that overall that's why we are here to support each other. Hopefully,

we'll all be truly thankful this year for the things we have...




Chessie <vegetariyum wrote:

Just a little rant, hope no one minds...I have family coming in for the

holiday and I had thought that the family meal was going to take place at

someone else's house but it will be at mine instead. That's okay, but I am

kicking myself for not anticipating this holiday better and testing vegan

recipes beforehand. I just know this meal is going to be full of egg and

dairy products, not to mention the turkey that they are bringing and I am

really having a hard time with it this year. In the past I have simply

ignored the meat products, but my new-found desire to become vegan changes

everything. Also, the fact that I have children who are old enough to

understand what's going on makes a difference.


My stepdad is a lost cause, but my mother and brother are at least very

aware omnis. They do eat meat, but have become educated about how it's

produced and use a lot of meat alternatives too. I wish I had anticipated

this and could prepare a vegan feast for them. I just have had so much

going on I didn't think about it. I am going to try a few things though. I

am going to make the tofu pudding chocolate pie with a cashew whipped

topping, and a vegan pumpkin pie if I can find an easy recipe.


I am still working on the vegetarian to vegan transition and it is going

fairly well...struggling with the creamer issue though and with cheese and

yogurt. Silk creamer is okay but still has that taste. I think the problem

is that what I am drinking is really half coffee half milk. Maybe the nut

milks will work better. Cheese - we use a lot of the veg slices and shreds,

but how do you replace feta or smoked cheddar? And yogurt...I just haven't

had a chance to try enough different kinds to find one that I like. But I

do want to recommend that mori-nu (?) tofu pudding mix - it is incredible!


One request...DH and DD #1 really love their milk and I don't think he will

ever be able to go without it. I really want to transition her to soy, but

in order to do so I will have to keep his secret from her. She always wants

" daddy's milk. " Any advice on that? She gets that we don't eat animals, and

I'm working on the " milk is for baby cows " idea. I guess I just need to

find an alternative that she likes better. She does love chocolate

silk...maybe the vanilla or very vanilla will work.


Sorry so long, thanks for listening!






For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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That is my plan. My husband is supportive of the change, it's just harder

for him. He has only been vegetarian for about 3.5 years, while I am almost

to my 10 year mark. He still wants to add meat alternatives to everything.


It's funny, because my oldest daughter recognizes the different cartons and

identifies them as mine or his. I think I will just buy a pitcher for " her "

milk and will start keeping his in the garage refrigerator.


Thanks for the advice!






Behalf Of Alan

Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:11 PM


Re: Thanksgiving




My kids started on cow milk, too. They are not totally off of it

because Mommy still drinks it. But they like vanilla soymilk, and

mostly that is what they get now. At bed time, my 4 year old

says, " I want soymilk on the bottom, cow milk on top, and strawberry

syrup in the middle. " If I'm mixing it up, she gets 100% soymilk.

Both her and her big sister (age 7) like soy milk, with or without

the strawberry syrup.


I took advice from some of the folks in this group who suggested that

I start by mixing a little vanilla soymilk in with their cow milk,

and then gradually, over a period of weeks, increase the % of

soymilk. This gets them used to the change in taste. Once they

realized they liked the taste, there was no problem phasing out the

cow milk entirely ... at least when I'm the one doing the pouring.


- Alan



, " Chessie " <vegetariyum@c...> wrote:


> One request...DH and DD #1 really love their milk and I don't think

he will ever be able to go without it. I really want to transition

her to soy, but in order to do so I will have to keep his secret from

her. She always wants " daddy's milk. " Any advice on that? She gets

that we don't eat animals, and I'm working on the " milk is for baby

cows " idea. I guess I just need to find an alternative that she

likes better. She does love chocolate silk...maybe the vanilla or

very vanilla will work.


> Sorry so long, thanks for listening!


> Chessie









For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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That used to be our tradition too, although it was tex-mex instead of

Chinese. Then, we started going away for Thanksgiving - all meeting at a

cabin in the mountains and spending a few days together. That was really a

lot of fun. Now, I have three small kids and four dogs and no boarding

service, so overnight trips are almost impossible. Plus, my mom and brother

live 5 hours away and my sister is at college, so it will be nice to have

them all come for a visit and have a traditional meal. Just a little







Behalf Of Patty Paolini

Friday, November 18, 2005 4:49 AM


Re: Thanksgiving


We've always had a tradition of going out for Chinese food on Thanksgiving.

Since not everyone here is a vegetarian we usually go out to eat somewhere

that serves a turkey dinner and food that my daughter and I can eat on a

day before Thanksgiving. Maybe you can start a new tradition.





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Thanks Katie! And I love your blog, BTW!!




Behalf Of Katie Mangan

Friday, November 18, 2005 6:46 AM


Re: Thanksgiving




Can I make a suggestion? Holidays in general are a rough time in the food

dept. People anticipate certain things being on the table based on years of

having them. Its a hard time to make drastic changes when extended family

is involved. Give yourself permission to do the best you can and don't

beat yourself up if things aren't as vegan as you'd hoped they'd be.


You've got a few days to find some foolproof recipes. How about everyone

posting their favorite Thanksgiving recipes to help Chessie (and the rest of

us who are always open to new ideas!)









FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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Cindy, I found some tofu-turkey recipes that sound great! I am going to try

some of them...don't want the main event to be a disaster. I hope to have

found one I like in time for Christmas.






Behalf Of c

Friday, November 18, 2005 7:57 AM


Re: Thanksgiving


My brother is the only family we have in town, and his wife eats


We decided to make life easier for all of us: they are inviting

friends over, and so are we. Our friends are not vegan, but are open.

My ds is omni, but respectful of our choices. I planned a menu with my

friend the other day, and told her about Earth Balance instead of

butter (she brought over some recipes that were vegan except for

butter, and said she would be happy to substitute with a vegan one.)

She thinks her family might revolt without a turkey option, so SHE

offered to make a tofu-turkey...

Hope all works out for the best at your houses. Happy holidays.






FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.





For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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Thanks Bonnie, I will check them out!




" Bonnie Barker " <bebarker96


Friday, November 18, 2005 10:53 AM

Re: Thanksgiving



> Great idea Katie! I've just posted some vegan holiday recipes at

www.vegfamily.com this month for Pecan Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin Pie. Also

be sure to check the Articles section of the November issue on the site for

some great Thanksgiving tips and my article on Cranberries, which includes

several easy recipes.

> Bonnie


> -

> Katie Mangan

> Friday, November 18, 2005 8:47 AM


> Re: Thanksgiving


> How about everyone posting their favorite Thanksgiving recipes to help

Chessie (and the rest of us who are always open to new ideas!)

> Katie

> http://frugalveggiemama.blogspot.com




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Did you look in the recipe files in the seasonal folder? There are some good

non-meatloaves. What aabout a nice thick soup> What are you looking for? Give

us a hint.

We love you too and happy you are with us, Donna


deniserounds <deniserounds wrote:

I like to call it harvest day! Does anybody have a recipes that

wouldn't scare my carnivorous family? I need a really tasty and

unique one, or I will be the only one eating it!


ThankS Love you all!








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  • 11 months later...

I am hosting a raw thanksgiving. The event will be at the raw girls house.

The time will be 5:00 with dinner at 6:00.

Please bring one raw thanksgiving type dish.

We will have a movie and or games at 8:00.

736 N 90th St.

Seattle, WA 98103

Questions or to RSVP

email: wholebodyharmony



Christian Blackburn <Christian_Blackburn wrote:

Hi Gang,


I was surprised to see a missing December Month Index error message on

the site last week. So I put up an adjunctive index for December.

Nora told me she thought there was something going on for

Thanksgiving. I don't have the time to call Eric and Orion right now,

but please get on there case about getting that event up. If

Thanksgiving is just a rumor, then please be proactive and offer to

host it.



Christian Blackburn

Some Crazy Guy From Sacramento








Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, it's just unfair to post an e-mail like that and not attach recipes...

Pumpkin custard pie? Spinach herb bread? Sweet potato crunch? Please




darranged wrote:


> Kadee mentioned her Thanksgiving meal plans... I've never had the

> opportunity to cook on Thanksgiving, but this year I was supposed to

> host my mom and my best friend. Now they both have other plans and my

> husband's parents are eating in the middle of the toddler's nap-time.


> So, I opted to make a feast for the three of us, and it's almost

> vegan! I made TWO no-dairy pumpkin custard pies today (with the

> two-and-a-half year old helping-- and eating the tofu/pumpkin feeling

> before it made it into the shell) and homemade half-white, half-wheat

> spinach herb bread (which I plan to make into stuffing tomorrow).


> I bought silk nog and chai. And the menu for tomorrow will be my

> mother-in-law's corn bake (veganized, a cross between corn pudding

> and corn bread) and sweet potato crunch. I was going to make my

> famous green beans ceasar but my daughter declared she didn't like it.


> As our " entree " I'm making mini broccoli pot pies. And I'll probably

> through some meat analog into them.


> AA






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Yum, I bet those pies are good! Pumpkin pie is my favorite. :)




darranged wrote: Kadee mentioned her

Thanksgiving meal plans... I've never had the

opportunity to cook on Thanksgiving, but this year I was supposed to

host my mom and my best friend. Now they both have other plans and my

husband's parents are eating in the middle of the toddler's nap-time.


So, I opted to make a feast for the three of us, and it's almost

vegan! I made TWO no-dairy pumpkin custard pies today (with the

two-and-a-half year old helping-- and eating the tofu/pumpkin feeling

before it made it into the shell) and homemade half-white, half-wheat

spinach herb bread (which I plan to make into stuffing tomorrow).


I bought silk nog and chai. And the menu for tomorrow will be my

mother-in-law's corn bake (veganized, a cross between corn pudding

and corn bread) and sweet potato crunch. I was going to make my

famous green beans ceasar but my daughter declared she didn't like it.


As our " entree " I'm making mini broccoli pot pies. And I'll probably

through some meat analog into them.








Kadee Sedtal


Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll

stay warm the rest of his life.








Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.



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Yeah, they are... My toddler licked the food processor bowl clean and

then cried when she ran out. " I need more pumpkin pie, " she cried and

I told her she needed to wait for the pies to bake.


>Yum, I bet those pies are good! Pumpkin pie is my favorite. :)




>darranged wrote: Kadee

>mentioned her Thanksgiving meal plans... I've never had the

> opportunity to cook on Thanksgiving, but this year I was supposed to

> host my mom and my best friend. Now they both have other plans and my

> husband's parents are eating in the middle of the toddler's nap-time.


> So, I opted to make a feast for the three of us, and it's almost

> vegan! I made TWO no-dairy pumpkin custard pies today (with the

> two-and-a-half year old helping-- and eating the tofu/pumpkin feeling

> before it made it into the shell) and homemade half-white, half-wheat

> spinach herb bread (which I plan to make into stuffing tomorrow).


> I bought silk nog and chai. And the menu for tomorrow will be my

> mother-in-law's corn bake (veganized, a cross between corn pudding

> and corn bread) and sweet potato crunch. I was going to make my

> famous green beans ceasar but my daughter declared she didn't like it.


> As our " entree " I'm making mini broccoli pot pies. And I'll probably

> through some meat analog into them.


> AA






>Kadee Sedtal


>Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire

>and he'll stay warm the rest of his life.








>Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.



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The pumpkin pie is from Vegetarian Times many, many years ago. Pour

the following into a crust of your choosing (I like ginger snaps

smashed into a cookie crust)


In the food processor, blend:

soft tofu (I use firm)

half a container better than cream cheese (can substitute with the real thing)

1 cup sugar (I use less)

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon cinnamon

and I believe it's a quarter teaspoon of each of the following (I

just toss in, I don't measure)


ground cloves

all spice


Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, then leave in hot oven for an hour

beforeopening door. Refrigerate at least four hours before serving.


The bread is a wheat recipe from my bread machine book that I threw

an herb packet into (pre-made that someone gave me for christmas) I

thought it would add pizzazz to my stuffing


The sweet potato crunch I've never made before, but it's buttery

sweet potatos with walnuts. That and the corn bake I'd have to go get

the recipes.


>Okay, it's just unfair to post an e-mail like that and not attach recipes...

>Pumpkin custard pie? Spinach herb bread? Sweet potato crunch? Please




>darranged wrote:


>> Kadee mentioned her Thanksgiving meal plans... I've never had the

>> opportunity to cook on Thanksgiving, but this year I was supposed to

>> host my mom and my best friend. Now they both have other plans and my

>> husband's parents are eating in the middle of the toddler's nap-time.


>> So, I opted to make a feast for the three of us, and it's almost

>> vegan! I made TWO no-dairy pumpkin custard pies today (with the

>> two-and-a-half year old helping-- and eating the tofu/pumpkin feeling

>> before it made it into the shell) and homemade half-white, half-wheat

>> spinach herb bread (which I plan to make into stuffing tomorrow).


>> I bought silk nog and chai. And the menu for tomorrow will be my

>> mother-in-law's corn bake (veganized, a cross between corn pudding

>> and corn bread) and sweet potato crunch. I was going to make my

>> famous green beans ceasar but my daughter declared she didn't like it.


>> As our " entree " I'm making mini broccoli pot pies. And I'll probably

>> through some meat analog into them.


>> AA






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