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Thank you!!


Thank you!!


Thank you!!


I was hoping for a vegan baked pumpkin pie recipe:)


Debra Lee Thompson


Analyst - Mortgage I


First Horizon Home Loans Corporation


debrathompson <debrathompson




Ross Cannon [ross.cann]

Monday, November 22, 2004 12:04 PM


rollingthunderChicago; vegetarian





Recipes For A Vegan Thanksgiving - Desserts




Pumpkin Tofu Pies-2



1 29oz canned pumpkin

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 tsp salt

2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1 16oz silken tofu (firm)

2 unbaked 9 inch pie shells



Mix together the pumpkin, salt, sugar, and pie spice.


Blend or food process the tofu until smooth. Stir into the


mixture, and pour into the pie shells.


Bake in preheated oven at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Turn down


temperature to 375 and continue to bake for 45 minutes or until


toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.


My family trick-or-treaters gobbled up 2 pies in nothing flat,


they are not vegetarian.


I am going to try this without the egg replacer. I think it will

still work. I'll post a comment as to what I find out.


Makes: 2 pies


- - - - - - - - - - -


Applesauce Spice Cake



1/2 cup molasses

1 cup applesauce

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. cloves

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 3/4 cup flour (I use whole wheat pastry flour)

2 tsp. ginger (optional)



Combine the molasses and applesauce in a large bowl. Combine

remaining ingredients and stir into the liquid. (If the batter


very dry, add a little more applesauce or a little water.) Bake

in a

nonstick or pan-sprayed 8*8-inch baking pan, in a 350 degree


for 30-45 minutes or until it tests done.


The optional ginger makes an acceptable gingerbread. I have also


success leaving out the ginger and adding 3 or 4 tablespoons of


(I guess you could use carob) to make a tasty but not very sweet


rich chocolate cake. If you use cocoa you might need to add


sweetening, but that depends on your taste.


- - - - - - - - - - -


Delicious Cherry Pie



1 quart stemmed & pitted cherries

1 1/5 cup raw sugar

1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour

1/8 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon squeezed lemon juice

1/4 - teaspoon almond extract

sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon, or ginger (optional)

2 Tablespoons non-hydrogenated, trans fat free, vegan buttery


(I use Earth Balance)


Bottom pie crust:

1 1/5 cup flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup buttery spread

1/4 cup water

1 tablespoon sugar (optional)


Optional top crumble pie crust:

1/4 cup melted buttery spread

1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1/3 cup flour



Preheat the oven to 425. For the bottom pie crust, I usually

just mix

the flour, salt, and softened buttery spread right in the pie


Add sugar if you like your crust a little sweeter - kind of like


'Christmas' cookie. Mix well - until crumbly. Add the water in


amounts - about 1 tablespoon each time. Mix well with a fork.


could roll out the dough between two sheets on waxed paper;

however I

just flatten it right into the pie pan with a spoon and my clean

fingers. Chill while mixing the filling. If you want to pre-bake


crust for any reason, bake at 375 for about 10 minutes or until



For the filling, mix the (hopefully) fresh and pitted cherries

in a

large bowl with the sugar to sweeten. Then add the flour and

salt and

toss lightly. Add the lemon juice and almond extract as well as

whatever other spices you decide to throw in. Spoon into the pie



As far as a top piecrust, you can either double the recipe for


bottom crust and split into two parts (in which case you will

have to

roll out half for the top crust most likely), use the following

recipe for a crumble crust which I find to be easier, or leave



For the optional crumble pie crust, mix the melted buttery


into the premixed flour and brown sugar. Mix until well coated


wet-ish looking. Sprinkle this on top of the cherries; cover


and do not mix.


Place into the oven for 35 to 45 minutes. Until the bottom


looks golden and the pie is a little bubbly. If you have the

time, it

is slightly better to add the crumble crust about 15 to 20


into the baking or it could get a little too hard - though I

have not

had any notable problems with this.


Let cool and enjoy :)


Serves: 6-8

Preparation time: 20min to 1 hr.



0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0Less Bush More Trees0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0

I have found nothing better for good health than silence; study

is not the most important thing but meditation practice;

and whoever talks too much, mostly spoils the moment.

~ RossCannon ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~>




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Thanks for the recipes. I was going to print out the historical item,

but as much as I'm all for telling history's dark side, the 200

poisoned Indians at Plymouth claim sounded suspicious, so I did a

little quick checking and was unable to corroborate it. (BTW, if

anyone finds the term " Indian " un-PC, it's the term used by natives

themselves in all three states I've known them plus this article, so

let's please not get bogged down in that.) One Wampanoag history site

says nothing of it, it just says 90 Indians attended, brought food,

and were premature in their celebrations

( http://www.tolatsga.org/wampa.html ).


I think the author could be transposing or confusing other accounts; a

quick glance turned up a similar poisoning intended 450 miles south in

Virginia, but I suspect he may instead be adapting or confusing off

the number of European colonists who died prior to the help from the

natives. Unfortunately Net and e-mail stuff is not always reliable.


The article may be even mostly true, though most of the massive

disease deaths were in fact accidental rather than intentional (Andrew

Jackson excepted), I don't have time to research it much further, so

as they teach you in history class, question everything including the

questioning itself. But an important reminder all the same.



, Ross Cannon

<ross.cann@j...> wrote:

> The Dark Historical Roots Of Our 'Thanksgiving'

> Lest We Forget... by Tristan Ahtone


> The arrival of Europeans on the east cost of North America occurred

> not in 1620, but well before. French and Dutch fishermen and settlers

> had been in the area as early as 1614, and had been responsible for

> kidnapping Indians, selling them into slavery, and maliciously

> infecting them with smallpox.


> In 1620, the pilgrims arrived on the east coast and within two days

> they had received assistance from the local Wampanoag Indian tribe:

> The pilgrims stole their stored crops, dug up graves for dishes and

> pots, and took many native people as prisoners and forced them to

> teach crop planting and survival techniques to the colonists in their

> new environment.


> Luckily, for the colonists, an ex-slave named Squanto had recently

> escaped slavery in England, spoke English fluently and was able to

> instruct the pilgrims in crop planting, fishing, and hunting. Squanto

> not only escaped from slavery, he was also one of the only survivors

> of his tribe, the rest had been wiped out from the European smallpox

> plagues years before.

> When it came to helping the rag-tag team of colonists, Squanto, not

> only was able to put aside his personal differences with the people

> who had enslaved him and killed off his entire tribe, but also helped

> make the colonists self-sufficient, and aided in brokering a treaty

> with the Wampanoag tribe.

> In 1621 Massasoit, the chief of the Wampanoags, signed a " treaty of

> friendship " giving the English permission to occupy 12,000 acres of

> land.


> In 1621 the myth of thanksgiving was born. The colonists invited

> Massasoit, chief of the Wampanoags, to their first feast as a follow

> up to their recent land deal. Massasoit in turn invited 90 of his

> men, much to the chagrin of the colonists. Two years later the

> English invited a number of tribes to a feast " symbolizing eternal

> friendship. " The English offered food and drink, and two hundred

> Indians dropped dead from unknown poison.


> The first day of thanksgiving took place in 1637 amidst the war

> against the Pequots. 700 men, women, and children of the Pequot tribe

> were gathered for their annual green corn dance on what is now

> Groton, Connecticut. Dutch and English mercenaries surrounded the

> camp and proceeded to shoot, stab, butcher and burn alive all 700

> people. The next day the Massachusetts Bay Colony held a feast in

> celebration and the governor declared " a day of thanksgiving. " In the

> ensuing madness of the Indian extermination, natives were scalped,

> burned, mutilated and sold into slavery, and a feast was held in

> celebration every time a successful massacre took place. The killing

> frenzy got so bad that even the Churches of Manhattan announced a day

> of " thanksgiving " to celebrate victory over the " heathen savages, "

> and many celebrated by kicking the severed heads of Pequot people

> through the streets like soccer balls.


> The proclamation of 1676 announced the first national day of

> thanksgiving with the onset of the Wampanoag war, the very people who

> helped the original colonists survive on their arrival. Massasoit,

> the chief invited to eat with the puritans in 1621, died in 1661. His

> son Metacomet, later to be known by the English as King Phillip,

> originally honored the treaties made by his father with the

> colonists, but after years of further encroachment and destruction of

> the land, slave trade, and slaughter,

> Metacomet changed his mind. In 1675 " King Phillip " called upon all

> natives to unite to defend their homelands from the English. For the

> next year the bloody conflict went on non-stop, until Metacomet was

> captured, murdered, quartered, his hands were cut off and sent to

> Boston, his head was impaled on a pike in the town square of Plymouth

> for the next 25 years, and his nine-year-old son was shipped to the

> Caribbean to be a slave for the rest of his life.


> On June 20, 1676 Edward Rawson was unanimously voted by the

> governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, to proclaim June

> 29th as the first day of thanksgiving. The proclamation reads in

> part: " The Holy God having by a long and Continual Series of his

> Afflictive dispensations in and by the present War with the Heathen

> Natives of this land, written and brought to pass bitter things

> against his own Covenant people in this wilderness, yet so that we

> evidently discern that in the midst of his judgments he hath

> remembered mercyÖ The council has thought meet to appoint and set

> apart the 29th day of this instant June, as a day of solemn

> Thanksgiving and praise to God for such his Goodness and FavorÖ "


> It was not until 1863 that Abe Lincoln, needing a wave of patriotism

> to hold the country together, that Thanksgiving was nationally and

> officially declared and set forth to this day. At the time, two days

> were announced as days to give thanks, the first was a celebration of

> the victory at Gettysburg on August 6th, and the second one became

> the Thursday in November that we know now.


> The most interesting part of thanksgiving is the propaganda that has

> been put out surrounding it. During the 19th century thanksgiving

> traditions consisted of turkey and family reunions. Whenever popular

> art contained both pilgrims and Indians, the scene was usually

> characterized by violent confrontations between the two groups, not a

> multi-cultural/multi-racial dinner. In 1914 artist Jennie Brownscombe

> created the vision of thanksgiving that we see today: community,

> religion, racial harmony and tolerance, after her notorious painting

> reached wide circulation in Life magazine.


> Adamant protests to the celebration of thanksgiving have taken place

> over the years. As early as 1863 Pequot Indian Minister William Apess

> urged " every man of color " to mourn the day of the landing, and bury

> Plymouth Rock in protest. In 1970 Apess got his way. 1970 was the

> " 350th " anniversary of thanksgiving, and became the first proclaimed

> national day of mourning for American Indians.


> State officials of Massachusetts asked Frank B. James, President of

> the federated Eastern Indian League, to speak at the thanksgiving

> celebration. The speech he submitted read: " Today is a time of

> celebrating for youÖ but it is not a time of celebrating for me. It

> is with heavy heart that I look back upon what happened to my peopleÖ

> The pilgrims had hardly explored the shores of Cape CodÖ before they

> had robbed the graves of my ancestors, and stolen their corn, wheat,

> and beansÖ Massasoit, the great leader of the Wampanoag, knew these

> facts; yet he and his people welcomed and befriended the settlersÖ,

> little knowing thatÖ before 50 years were to pass, the WampanoagsÖ

> and other Indians living near the settlers would be killed by their

> guns or dead from diseases that we caught from themÖ Although our way

> of life is almost gone and our language is almost extinct, we the

> Wampanoags still walk the lands of Massachusetts. What has happened

> cannot be changed, but today we work toward a better America, a more

> Indian America where people and nature once again are important. "

> James was subsequently barred from speaking.


> As a result, hundreds of people from around the country came to

> support him by gathering around the statue of Massasoit that had been

> erected in town. The protesters buried Plymouth Rock twice that day.

> For the next 24 years, American Indians staged protest every

> thanksgiving, in 1996 the United American Indians of New England put

> a stop to the annual pilgrim parade and forced the marchers to turn

> around and head back toward the seaside (symbolism?). In 1997 the

> peaceful protestors were assaulted by members of the Plymouth police,

> the county sheriffs department, and state troopers on horseback in

> full riot gear. Men, women, children, and elders were beaten, pepper

> sprayed and gassed. Twenty-Five people were arrested; blacks, whites,

> latinos, Indians, and even a 67-year-old Penobscot elder were taken

> to jail. Videotape was later produced to confirm the assault and

> ensuing police brutality. Plymouth is known as " Americas Hometown. "


> Finally in 1999 plaques were approved and dedicated to commemorate

> " genocide " and other crimes against indigenous peoples of the

> Americas. The plaque at Coles Hill, where the statue of Massasoit is

> reads: " Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the pilgrims

> and other European settlersÖ To them, thanksgiving day is a reminder

> of the genocide of millions of their people, the theft of their

> lands, and the relentless assault on their culture. " The second

> plaque in the towns post office square honors " King Phillip " ,

> Massasoits son.


> 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0Less Bush More Trees0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0

> I have found nothing better for good health than silence; study

> is not the most important thing but meditation practice;

> and whoever talks too much, mostly spoils the moment.

> ~ RossCannon ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

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  • 10 months later...

the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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Thanksgiving decorations include the cornacopia with harvested goodies in it (decorative, nor real), leaves, fall colored flowers, etc. We use fall colored place settings for our table and decorative place settings. We also use candles throughout the house in similar fallish colors/scents. Hope these ideas help.


Blessings Always,



jo <jo.heartwork wrote:


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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I like using candles, particularly in autumn and winter. I've just ordered some from a website called Something For The Wickend. They have a small selection of vegetarian candles - so I thought I would give them a try - a little healthier than the paraffiny ones.






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:17 PM

Re: Thanksgiving




Thanksgiving decorations include the cornacopia with harvested goodies in it (decorative, nor real), leaves, fall colored flowers, etc. We use fall colored place settings for our table and decorative place settings. We also use candles throughout the house in similar fallish colors/scents. Hope these ideas help.


Blessings Always,



jo <jo.heartwork wrote:


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo



Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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Yes, and little goats and lambs and whole piglets and a whole slew of "young" things.


Certain ethnic groups are big on the spring equals easter equals killing a young animal and eating it.






Monday, October 10, 2005 2:36 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

To send an email to -



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or x-mas elf-kabobs served with fava beans and a nice chianti...


isn't there some strange white house tradition at thanksgiving where the president spares two turkeys from a farm? i vaguely remember seeing something on tv from last year with george w and turkeys with some ridiculous names.... or maybe wishful thinking

fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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When I was young it used to be spring chicken and lambs for easter.




Fraggle wrote : but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had

roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter?

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its been a tradition since harry truman(i've heard it goes back to lincoln, but truman is the one actually started it as a yearly tradition)..

every year the president *pardons* one or two birds

who then go to a petting zoo in virginia

unfortunately, they often don't live very long there, a few years at most..as they are bred to put on weight, and can't survive very long because of various obesity ailments ank_art Oct 10, 2005 8:12 PM Re: Thanksgiving

or x-mas elf-kabobs served with fava beans and a nice chianti...


isn't there some strange white house tradition at thanksgiving where the president spares two turkeys from a farm? i vaguely remember seeing something on tv from last year with george w and turkeys with some ridiculous names.... or maybe wishful thinking

fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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Hi Jo,


Pilgrims, turkeys and cornacopias (spelling?)


Oh and bales of hay and corn stalks



Nikki :)



, " jo " <jo.heartwork@g...> wrote:


> I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan

festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with



> Jo


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Arent cornucopias exticnt?


The Valley Vegan............DragonSpiritHealer <dragonspirithealer wrote:




Thanksgiving decorations include the cornacopia with harvested goodies in it (decorative, nor real), leaves, fall colored flowers, etc. We use fall colored place settings for our table and decorative place settings. We also use candles throughout the house in similar fallish colors/scents. Hope these ideas help.


Blessings Always,



jo <jo.heartwork wrote:


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo



Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. Peter H


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Nah, it would be a roast Jesus.

How many can I upset with that one?


My grandmother used to tell me how when she was young and they were poor, that she used to skin rabbits that my grandfather shot for food. Apparently, you have to be quite strong and pull it off in one go!


Upset any more yet?

Gimme a second I`ll think of some more.......


The Valley Vegan..................fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

To send an email to -



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Hi Nikki


It sounds like fun :-)





" earthstrm " <nikkimack


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:48 PM

Re: Thanksgiving



> Hi Jo,


> Pilgrims, turkeys and cornacopias (spelling?)


> Oh and bales of hay and corn stalks


> BB

> Nikki :)

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come on, this is the US over here

ever dec 25th we celebrate the birth of santa by giving out gifts to others who just return em the next week peter hurd Oct 11, 2005 4:41 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Nah, it would be a roast Jesus.

How many can I upset with that one?


My grandmother used to tell me how when she was young and they were poor, that she used to skin rabbits that my grandfather shot for food. Apparently, you have to be quite strong and pull it off in one go!


Upset any more yet?

Gimme a second I`ll think of some more.......


The Valley Vegan..................fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

To send an email to -



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jo wrote:


> I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan

> festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with

> Thanksgiving???



Harvesty things. We do pumpkins and persimmons and " Indian corn " and

gourds and fall leaves.



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Just like puppies in the UK?


The Valley Vegan...............fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


come on, this is the US over here

ever dec 25th we celebrate the birth of santa by giving out gifts to others who just return em the next week peter hurd Oct 11, 2005 4:41 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Nah, it would be a roast Jesus.

How many can I upset with that one?


My grandmother used to tell me how when she was young and they were poor, that she used to skin rabbits that my grandfather shot for food. Apparently, you have to be quite strong and pull it off in one go!


Upset any more yet?

Gimme a second I`ll think of some more.......


The Valley Vegan..................fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


but since that seems to be ok...i wonder if we had roast santa fer x-mas it would be acceptable as well?


i wonder if anyone serves lil bunnies fer easter? jo Oct 10, 2005 2:30 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Yes - that's sick alright






Monday, October 10, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


comic turkey characters are everywhere...

kinda sick when ya sit back and think about it...

yaya, look at the happy tom turkey character...see how cute! boi i can't wait to eat his cousin! jo Oct 10, 2005 1:56 PM Re: Thanksgiving

Oh yes - the cornucopia would be expected. Are turkeys a decoration?






Monday, October 10, 2005 9:39 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


the US thanxgiving?

fall colors



those are the general *hallmark* generic things you see everywhere

maybe a cornucopia jo Oct 10, 2005 1:02 PM Thanksgiving


I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with Thanksgiving???Jo

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Hi Serene


That sounds nice.




" serene " <serene


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:21 PM

Re: Thanksgiving



> jo wrote:


> > I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan

> > festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with

> > Thanksgiving???



> Harvesty things. We do pumpkins and persimmons and " Indian corn " and

> gourds and fall leaves.


> serene




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One is alive and well on my diningroom table. Is it an endangered species and should I be giving it special treatment?





peter hurd

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:18 PM

Re: Thanksgiving


Arent cornucopias exticnt?


The Valley Vegan............

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Hi jo,


I haven't liked thanksgiving in a while,

for one thing, my family, as the years go by,

the less time I want to spend with them.

because I see them as soo different from me.

my cousins, if I had to pick them as friends,

I probably wouldn't.


with the exception of my mom, they are just too mainstream.


reason number two.

there is just too much death, I can't raally recall the number

but something like 600 million or so turkeys die on that day.

That is just sadness, I go into mourning and have nothing to celebrate.



I for being thankful?

I am thankful every day in my private spiritual way and feel truly

picked/blessed/chosen/lucky/fortunate/grateful to have such a

priviledged life.


I am trying to gather up enough money to go to new york (in liue of

birthday) to go for thanksgiving. to visit my mom.

But ***MOSTLY** to go to Prada boutique. its on 57 street

and 5th avenue (i think).

there will be a protest in front of the store. (non-violent)

I will probably be handing out leaftlets to the public,

that doesn't know that they kill baby seals to make thier



I would love to meet up with anyone who is interested in going.




> , " jo " <jo.heartwork@g...> wrote:

> >

> > I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan

> festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with

> Thanksgiving???

> >

> > Jo

> >


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hi fraggle-

thanks for the info!


i checked whitehouse.gov for last year's stomach-turning presidential pardon speech... the turkeys' names were biscuits and gravy... how degrading

they also say that the average turkey life-span is only 18-24 months -- i'm surprised.. thought it would be longer

fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


its been a tradition since harry truman(i've heard it goes back to lincoln, but truman is the one actually started it as a yearly tradition)..

every year the president *pardons* one or two birds

who then go to a petting zoo in virginia

unfortunately, they often don't live very long there, a few years at most..as they are bred to put on weight, and can't survive very long because of various obesity ailments

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I hope you make it to NY and the protest goes well.




, " Anouk Sickler " <zurumato@e...>



> Hi jo,


> I haven't liked thanksgiving in a while,

> for one thing, my family, as the years go by,

> the less time I want to spend with them.

> because I see them as soo different from me.

> my cousins, if I had to pick them as friends,

> I probably wouldn't.


> with the exception of my mom, they are just too mainstream.


> reason number two.

> there is just too much death, I can't raally recall the number

> but something like 600 million or so turkeys die on that day.

> That is just sadness, I go into mourning and have nothing to




> I for being thankful?

> I am thankful every day in my private spiritual way and feel truly

> picked/blessed/chosen/lucky/fortunate/grateful to have such a

> priviledged life.


> I am trying to gather up enough money to go to new york (in liue of

> birthday) to go for thanksgiving. to visit my mom.

> But ***MOSTLY** to go to Prada boutique. its on 57 street

> and 5th avenue (i think).

> there will be a protest in front of the store. (non-violent)

> I will probably be handing out leaftlets to the public,

> that doesn't know that they kill baby seals to make thier

> purses.


> I would love to meet up with anyone who is interested in going.



> >

> > , " jo " <jo.heartwork@g...> wrote:

> > >

> > > I like decorating indoors for the different seasons, and Pagan

> > festivals. Are there any particular decorations connected with

> > Thanksgiving???

> > >

> > > Jo

> > >

> >


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