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Be easy on me

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I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I feel crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I really want to keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep messing up.

This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the time has definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation H due to a very "painful" problem. I went to buy it and it was more expensive than I thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened the tube and got some out, THEN thought "Oh, maybe I should look at the ingredient list. It never dawned on me before, even though I check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it had every animal product I could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark liver oil, gross! But I had paid for it and opened it and really needed it so I decided not to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan.

I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it was or wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather tennis shoes as I don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore out and I bought vegan friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I had before I was vegan.

Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?

I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should be thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I tell people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my family says "I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do".

Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping for a little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall. It is a hard adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I just don't like feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan when I am not. No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. -Turkish proverbFact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually. Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.



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Hi Surya


> Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?


No!! It's very easy to forget to check ingredients. I was still making ocassional errors about a year after I went Vegan - just forgetting to check ingredients. It's very easy to do, but the important thing is to try! Don't give up just because you make a couple of mistakes... when you make a mistake just think of it as a learning experience, and remind yourself that even though you've made a mistake you're still doing way less harm than most other people!





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Don't be so hard on yourself. No one's perfect. We all get lax at reading labels from time to time. You want an even more horrible example....here's one I & my husband did about a month after going Vegan...


We were at a health big health food store near us that sells Vegan/Vegetarian & animal products. The store has products from a company that makes frozen meat substitutes there, the company's called Health Is Wealth. We had previously checked the labels on two different chicken nugget substitutes and one breaded chicken patty substitute, all were vegan. Then, one day, we were at that store and saw what we thought was yet another version of chicken free nuggets, by the same company. We got them, ate them on 2 separate occasions, thought they were pretty good. Now understand, one of their meat substitute chicken nuggets, called Buffalo Wings, has a very similar taste & texture to chicken, stringy and all, but was too spicy for us. Anyway, I made some for my Mom and she said it tasted oniony, I read the label and was shocked to find it was CHICKEN. I have since learned that the company has both chicken free and chicken products. I was so disgusted. That is the only time we've eaten meat in the last 9 months. Of course, we immediately got rid of them (gave them to my Mom).


Again, no one's perfect, we just have to do our best. Imagine all the stuff you haven't had in the last 3+ months that you would have had you not made the effort. Don't let a slip encourage you to give up. Instead, let it be a wake-up call for you to be more careful in the future.


As for the weight issue. Just tell your family that it's a sign that you're eating well (maybe not as healthy as possible, but well). That, no matter if a person eats meat or not, they're going to gain or loose weight depending on why they eat (emotional), how much they eat, how they eat (high fat/low fat, etc.) and whether or not they exercise. It can be easier to lose weight being Vegan, but certainly is not guaranteed, still takes work.




Take care,





Surya Burdick

Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:26 AM

Be easy on me


I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I feel crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I really want to keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep messing up.

This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the time has definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation H due to a very "painful" problem. I went to buy it and it was more expensive than I thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened the tube and got some out, THEN thought "Oh, maybe I should look at the ingredient list. It never dawned on me before, even though I check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it had every animal product I could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark liver oil, gross! But I had paid for it and opened it and really needed it so I decided not to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan.

I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it was or wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather tennis shoes as I don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore out and I bought vegan friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I had before I was vegan.

Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?

I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should be thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I tell people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my family says "I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do".

Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping for a little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall. It is a hard adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I just don't like feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan when I am not. No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. -Turkish proverbFact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually. Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.



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Hi, you really shouldnt feel bad, when i turned vegan i didnt cut everything out straight away i carried on using bad cosmetics and medicines which i shouldnt have but its a learning curb. do things in your own time and yeah mistakes happen doesnt make you a bad person.


do things your own way and you will find the lifestyle that suits you.


as for other people thinking you should be thinner well everbody is different - i mean some people have mentioned losing weight when they turned vegan but i never did - iv remained the same weight for the five/six years iv been vegan, so everybodies different and as long as you are happy, dont worry what others say.


dont feel bad. we have all bin there,


i always have people ask me if i feel sick if iv eaten something with milk in by mistake, but i dont , i stop eating it and make a note not to eat it again. they seem to think i have to freak out over it like its the end of the world - but it really isnt.


so be happy, because you are already doing a lot more than most people just trying to be vegan, whether you decide to stay vegan or not.


take care


Lv SaraSurya Burdick <californiagnomes wrote:


I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I feel crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I really want to keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep messing up.

This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the time has definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation H due to a very "painful" problem. I went to buy it and it was more expensive than I thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened the tube and got some out, THEN thought "Oh, maybe I should look at the ingredient list. It never dawned on me before, even though I check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it had every animal product I could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark liver oil, gross! But I had paid for it and opened it and really needed it so I decided not to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan.

I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it was or wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather tennis shoes as I don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore out and I bought vegan friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I had before I was vegan.

Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?

I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should be thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I tell people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my family says "I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do".

Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping for a little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall. It is a hard adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I just don't like feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan when I am not. No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. -Turkish proverbFact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually. Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.



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Look, we all make mistakes. You had a medical issue; you sought relief.

BTW, I don't think paraffin is animal-based. I was really dumb--I didn't

read a label carefully enough on a bottle of shampoo. Imagine my shock when

I looked at it again at home--after I'd used it for a while and fallen in

love with it--to see KERATIN. Oops! I'll just have to find another vegan

shampoo I like.


Everything I've read indicates that Guiness uses isinglass to fine the

beer--ewww. Glad I never got a taste for the stuff.


When your leather tennis shoes and alpaca scarf wear out, find a fabulously

gorgeous vegan replacement.


And I'm a chubby vegan too. If anyone hassled me about my weight, I'd tell

them there were so many fabulous vegan foods, that I wasn't making a

sacrifice at all.






" This is your American dream

Everything is simple in the white and the black

You will never need to see the grey anymore

You will never have to be afraid. " --Everclear






----Original Message Follows----

Surya Burdick <californiagnomes



Be easy on me

Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:26:59 -0700 (PDT)


I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I feel

crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I really want to

keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep messing up.

This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the time has

definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation H due to a very

" painful " problem. I went to buy it and it was more expensive than I

thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened the tube and got some

out, THEN thought " Oh, maybe I should look at the ingredient list. It never

dawned on me before, even though I check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it

had every animal product I could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark

liver oil, gross! But I had paid for it and opened it and really needed it

so I decided not to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan.

I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it was or

wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather tennis shoes as I

don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore out and I bought vegan

friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I had before I was vegan.

Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?

I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should be

thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I tell

people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my family says

" I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do " .

Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping for a

little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall. It is a hard

adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I just don't like

feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan when I am not.



No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back.


-Turkish proverb



Fact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of

carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month

adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually.


Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of

pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.







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I am new. Is there a website out there that will tell me what

ingredients are animal derived and which aren't. Some ingredients

have really long names and I don't have a clue what they are. How

would I know if my shampoo was vegan or not?

Also how do I know whether my shoes are made of leather or not? It

doesn't say what they are made out of like my clothes do.

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Hello. Here's a link to PETAs list of non-vegan ingredients. Unfortunately, many items may be either animal, vegetable or synthetic form. The only way to know for sure with them, unless labels specifically state where from, is to call the company that makes the product it's in.




Take care,







Wednesday, July 30, 2003 1:05 AM

Re: Be easy on me

I am new. Is there a website out there that will tell me what ingredients are animal derived and which aren't. Some ingredients have really long names and I don't have a clue what they are. How would I know if my shampoo was vegan or not?Also how do I know whether my shoes are made of leather or not? It doesn't say what they are made out of like my clothes do. To send an email to -

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hi all,

i have been vegan since january and feel healthier, but havent lost a pound, in spite of getting rid of the large ammount of dairy/milk/cheese etc i was eating......i dont eat a lot of meat substitutes or put a lot of oil in my food i live mostly on pulses fresh organic veg salad pasta pesto sauce soya milk in tea a nut cutlet or nuts now and again no sugary stuff at all apart from fruit and a can of vegan lager 3 times a week........any ideas ????




> >

>Re: Be easy on me >Tue, 29 Jul 2003 13:16:11 -0500 > >Don't be so hard on yourself. No one's perfect. We all get lax at reading labels from time to time. You want an even more horrible example....here's one I & my husband did about a month after going Vegan... > >We were at a health big health food store near us that sells Vegan/Vegetarian & animal products. The store has products from a company that makes frozen meat substitutes there, the company's called Health Is Wealth. We had previously checked the labels on two different chicken nugget substitutes and one breaded chicken patty substitute, all were vegan. Then, one day, we were at that store and saw what we thought was yet another version of chicken free nuggets, by the same company. We got them, ate them on 2 separate occasions, thought they were pretty good. Now understand, one of their meat substitute chicken nuggets, called Buffalo Wings, has a very similar taste & texture to chicken, stringy and all, but was too spicy for us. Anyway, I made some for my Mom and she said it tasted oniony, I read the label and was shocked to find it was CHICKEN. I have since learned that the company has both chicken free and chicken products. I was so disgusted. That is the only time we've eaten meat in the last 9 months. Of course, we immediately got rid of them (gave them to my Mom). > >Again, no one's perfect, we just have to do our best. Imagine all the stuff you haven't had in the last 3+ months that you would have had you not made the effort. Don't let a slip encourage you to give up. Instead, let it be a wake-up call for you to be more careful in the future. > >As for the weight issue. Just tell your family that it's a sign that you're eating well (maybe not as healthy as possible, but well). That, no matter if a person eats meat or not, they're going to gain or loose weight depending on why they eat (emotional), how much they eat, how they eat (high fat/low fat, etc.) and whether or not they exercise. It can be easier to lose weight being Vegan, but certainly is not guaranteed, still takes work. > > > >Take care, >Tammy > > - > Surya Burdick > > Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:26 AM > Be easy on me > > > I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I feel crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I really want to keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep messing up. > This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the time has definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation H due to a very "painful" problem. I went to buy it and it was more expensive than I thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened the tube and got some out, THEN thought "Oh, maybe I should look at the ingredient list. It never dawned on me before, even though I check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it had every animal product I could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark liver oil, gross! But I had paid for it and opened it and really needed it so I decided not to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan. > I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it was or wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather tennis shoes as I don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore out and I bought vegan friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I had before I was vegan. > Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian? > I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should be thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I tell people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my family says "I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do". > Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping for a little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall. It is a hard adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I just don't like feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan when I am not. > > > No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. > > -Turkish proverb > > > Fact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually. > > Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees. > > > > > >

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Just smile, because you're human.


We all make mistakes, we all have bad judgements and we all get

careless. In your case, you just didn't know. So don't worry. And do

not let anyone get mighty or holier-than-thou with you. We're all

learning in life. Whether veganism or simply existing, we will all

make a mistake.


You need to do what is best for you. But please don't let a small

mistake discourage you.


Everything works out in the end.


((hugz)) of support,


nikki :)


, Surya Burdick

<californiagnomes> wrote:

> I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I

feel crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I

really want to keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep

messing up.

> This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the

time has definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation

H due to a very " painful " problem. I went to buy it and it was more

expensive than I thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened

the tube and got some out, THEN thought " Oh, maybe I should look at

the ingredient list. It never dawned on me before, even though I

check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it had every animal product I

could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark liver oil, gross! But I

had paid for it and opened it and really needed it so I decided not

to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan.

> I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it

was or wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather

tennis shoes as I don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore

out and I bought vegan friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I

had before I was vegan.

> Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?

> I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should

be thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I

tell people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my

family says " I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do " .

> Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping

for a little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall.

It is a hard adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I

just don't like feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan

when I am not.



> No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back.


> -Turkish proverb



> Fact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds

of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles

a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually.


> Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same

amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.





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A lot of other people have already replied, but just to add my voice...


I don't think anyone can be a 'perfect' vegan. What is important in my

opinion is trying not to use animal products, but also being understanding

on yourself if you make a mistake. I think I read somewhere that if you cut

out meat, eggs and milk from your diet, you're 90% of the way there. Which

is a whole lot better than being none of the way there. So I'll try not to

use animal products, but if I eat the odd bit of whey by accident, for

example, I'm not going to chastise myself too severely.


Personally, part of why I am a vegan is simply because I can be, and still

maintain a quality of life I'm happy with. If I had to eat meat to survive,

I would, but as I don't have to, and can ease animal suffering by not using

animal products, I don't. So if I found I needed medicine with an animal

product in it, and had no real alternative, I'd use it without (much)



So basically, as others have said, I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. Better

to be 90% vegan than 10% vegan. There is, of course, a lot of debate as to

whether someone should call themselves a vegan if they wear animal products,

or a vegetarian if they eat fish, or whatever. But that is largely

semantics. And whilst I wouldn't consider myself a vegan if, say, I drank

milk, I'd still consider it better than drinking milk and eating meat.




" Surya Burdick " <californiagnomes


Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5:26 PM

Be easy on me



> I am newly vegan, about three + months, and I really screwed up. I feel

crappy and am even questioning being a vegan in general. I really want to

keep this up, but sometimes I just feel like I keep messing up.

> This is a bit of an embarrasing story but here goes. I decided the time

has definetely come that I needed to go out and buy Preperation H due to a

very " painful " problem. I went to buy it and it was more expensive than I

thought, but figured I would buy it anyway. I opened the tube and got some

out, THEN thought " Oh, maybe I should look at the ingredient list. It never

dawned on me before, even though I check vitamins, shampoo, ect. Well, it

had every animal product I could think of, beeswax, parrafin, and shark

liver oil, gross! But I had paid for it and opened it and really needed it

so I decided not to waste it. But I ended up feeling like a crappy vegan.

> I also drank Guinness after not being able to figure out whther it was or

wasn't, I got differing stories. I still wear my leather tennis shoes as I

don;t want to throw them out, but my sandals wore out and I bought vegan

friendly ones. I still wear an Alpaca scarf I had before I was vegan.

> Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?

> I also get frustrated because people always seem to think I should be

thinner as a vegan, I am about twenty pounds overweight and when I tell

people I am vegan they seem to think I should be thinner, or my family says

" I don't know how you keep weight on eating what you do " .

> Sigh, I know it all sounds liek a cop out, I think I am just hoping for a

little encouragement to keep me on track as I have hit a wall. It is a hard

adjustment but I really do like it for the most part, I just don't like

feeling guilty and like I am calling myself vegan when I am not.



> No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back.


> -Turkish proverb



> Fact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of

carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month

adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually.


> Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount

of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.





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Hi Danielle


> --I didn't read a label carefully enough on a bottle of shampoo.


You've reminded me of another one that I made... I used to use "Mint Source" shampoo, which was OK for vegans - then they started adding something (can't remember what it was now, but I think some milk derivative). I have no idea how long I was using it, because I don't usually check ingredients each time I buy the same product! Ironically, I hear they've gone back to being vegan but it annoyed me so much that I haven't gone back to using it since.





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> I am new. Is there a website out there that will tell me what > ingredients are animal derived and which aren't.


I don't know of a website which contains a complete list, but the Vegan Society has lists of quite a few ingredients that aren't obvious.


> Some ingredients > have really long names and I don't have a clue what they are.


As a rough guide, ingredients with very long names are usually vegan - they're usually some sort of chemical composition (although that's not 100%!!!)


> Also how do I know whether my shoes are made of leather or not? It > doesn't say what they are made out of like my clothes do.

Generally clothes will say if they're made from leather because (amazingly) it's a selling poiint! The thing with shoes is that they are often glued together using non-animal friendly glues. The only guaranteed way I've found of getting animal free shoes is to go to specialist places like Vegetarian Shoes, Ehical Wares, Green Shoes, etc.





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hi peter,

are any of those shoe companies you mentioned on line?



> >

>Re: Re: Be easy on me >Wed, 30 Jul 2003 15:59:04 +0100 > >Hi > > > I am new. Is there a website out there that will tell me what > > ingredients are animal derived and which aren't. > >I don't know of a website which contains a complete list, but the Vegan Society has lists of quite a few ingredients that aren't obvious. > > > Some ingredients > > have really long names and I don't have a clue what they are. > >As a rough guide, ingredients with very long names are usually vegan - they're usually some sort of chemical composition (although that's not 100%!!!) > > > Also how do I know whether my shoes are made of leather or not? It > > doesn't say what they are made out of like my clothes do. > >Generally clothes will say if they're made from leather because (amazingly) it's a selling poiint! The thing with shoes is that they are often glued together using non-animal friendly glues. The only guaranteed way I've found of getting animal free shoes is to go to specialist places like Vegetarian Shoes, Ehical Wares, Green Shoes, etc. > >BB >Peter > > >--- >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). >Version: 6.0.501 / Virus Database: 299 - Release 14/07/03 Be creative - with MSN 8 you can use graphics and photos in your emails

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Hi Catherine,

It sounds like you have an intention to loose weight. Being vegan or

vegetarian does not mean thin by any means. Eliminate cooked grains and

I am quite sure you will lose. Go raw 80-100% and you will lose weight

and find the place you feel best. Have you looked at eating for your

blood type? This is fascinating and VERY helpful in learning what works

best for your body. Do a google search or go to the library for lists on

what your bloodtype should eat lots of and what should be moderate or

avoided. I find that unnecessary if you are raw- but if you are vegan-

very important.


You may also want to consider doing a cleanse/fast. I love the Master

Cleanse- great for health and wellbeing and you can lose a lot of weight

it fast. Then gradually add back foods that are right for you. You can

get more information on the curezone website or seaching for the master



Also, I have a free monthly newsletter that's associated with my

aromatherapy business. Go to http://www.WholeLifeEssentials.bizJune's

issue was on fasting and cleansing and has tons of recipes and ideas. If

you (or anyone here) would like to get the newsletter and want that

issue in particular- just on my website and write " send June

newsletter " July's is on non toxic solutions (all homemade) for cleaning

everything in the home. You can still get that one too!


Take care!


Whole Life Essentials Aromatherapy- Pure, Organic Essential Oils

Whole Life Coach- Certified Life Coach- Helping Moms to Find Their



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Doulas, Midwives and gentle birth moms



On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 04:58 AM, Catherine Harris wrote:


> hi all,


> i have been vegan since january and feel healthier, but havent lost a

> pound, in spite of getting rid of the large ammount of

> dairy/milk/cheese etc i was eating......i dont eat a lot of meat

> substitutes or put a lot of oil in my food  i live mostly on pulses

> fresh organic veg salad pasta pesto sauce soya milk in tea a nut cutlet

> or nuts now and again no sugary stuff at all apart from fruit and a can

> of vegan lager 3 times a week........any ideas ????

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Hi Catherine


> are any of those shoe companies you mentioned on line?


I know that Vegetarian Shoes are, and I think Ethical Wares are (just do a search on Google, and you'll find them easy enough) - not sure about Green Shoes. I can't remember where you come from, but if you're anywhere near Brighton, Vegetarian Shoes have a shop there.





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If you go to www.veganvillage.co.uk you'll find loads of lovely links. It's one of my fave web sites.


Viv, Ellie & Cody

"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji"


Catherine Harris [cait2]Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:16 PM Subject: Re: Re: Be easy on me



hi peter,

are any of those shoe companies you mentioned on line?



> >

>Re: Re: Be easy on me >Wed, 30 Jul 2003 15:59:04 +0100 > >Hi > > > I am new. Is there a website out there that will tell me what > > ingredients are animal derived and which aren't. > >I don't know of a website which contains a complete list, but the Vegan Society has lists of quite a few ingredients that aren't obvious. > > > Some ingredients > > have really long names and I don't have a clue what they are. > >As a rough guide, ingredients with very long names are usually vegan - they're usually some sort of chemical composition (although that's not 100%!!!) > > > Also how do I know whether my shoes are made of leather or not? It > > doesn't say what they are made out of like my clothes do. > >Generally clothes will say if they're made from leather because (amazingly) it's a selling poiint! The thing with shoes is that they are often glued together using non-animal friendly glues. The only guaranteed way I've found of getting animal free shoes is to go to specialist places like Vegetarian Shoes, Ehical Wares, Green Shoes, etc. > >BB >Peter > >

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Sounds like you're eating a very healthy diet, can't think why you haven't lost weight. Tho I spent about 3 -4 months on mainly fruit & veg and didn't lose an ounce either. That's not why I was eating that way, just fancied it. Tho looking at what you eat, would think soya milk's as calorific as cows, nuts are very high in fat so could be taking the calorific place of cheese. Do you need to lose weight? Apparently, if you eat all raw you'll lose loads...

Viv, Ellie & Cody

"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji"


Catherine Harris [cait2]Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:59 AM Subject: Re: Be easy on me



hi all,

i have been vegan since january and feel healthier, but havent lost a pound, in spite of getting rid of the large ammount of dairy/milk/cheese etc i was eating......i dont eat a lot of meat substitutes or put a lot of oil in my food i live mostly on pulses fresh organic veg salad pasta pesto sauce soya milk in tea a nut cutlet or nuts now and again no sugary stuff at all apart from fruit and a can of vegan lager 3 times a week........any ideas ????



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Hi Surya. I deffiently agree with Peter. I'm a fairly new Vegan as well and I've made plenty of mistakes by eatting or drinking something that I shouldn't have simply because I forgot to read or just didn't see it, But when you find out about it, Just don't use it again, ya know? I think you should stick with being Vegan! Good luck! Ly,

Sam.Peter <metalscarab wrote:



Hi Surya


> Am I just a crappy vegan? Should I go back to being vegetarian?


No!! It's very easy to forget to check ingredients. I was still making ocassional errors about a year after I went Vegan - just forgetting to check ingredients. It's very easy to do, but the important thing is to try! Don't give up just because you make a couple of mistakes... when you make a mistake just think of it as a learning experience, and remind yourself that even though you've made a mistake you're still doing way less harm than most other people!





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You're making this issue too variable. Do you need to

lose weight? Maybe you have some body image problems.

Also, diet alone isnt' enough. If you want to be in

shape and live a healthy lifestyle you have to

incorporate excercise into your life. If you aren't

active your metabolism shows. Point blank.

--- Viv <vc27 wrote:

> Sounds like you're eating a very healthy diet, can't

> think why you haven't

> lost weight. Tho I spent about 3 -4 months on mainly

> fruit & veg and didn't

> lose an ounce either. That's not why I was eating

> that way, just fancied it.

> Tho looking at what you eat, would think soya milk's

> as calorific as cows,

> nuts are very high in fat so could be taking the

> calorific place of cheese.

> Do you need to lose weight? Apparently, if you eat

> all raw you'll lose

> loads...

> Viv, Ellie & Cody


> " You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "



> Catherine Harris [cait2]

> Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:59 AM


> Re: Be easy on me



> hi all,


> i have been vegan since january and feel

> healthier, but havent lost a

> pound, in spite of getting rid of the large ammount

> of dairy/milk/cheese etc

> i was eating......i dont eat a lot of meat

> substitutes or put a lot of oil

> in my food i live mostly on pulses fresh organic

> veg salad pasta pesto

> sauce soya milk in tea a nut cutlet or nuts now and

> again no sugary stuff at

> all apart from fruit and a can of vegan lager 3

> times a week........any

> ideas ????


> catherine


> xx




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> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system

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> Version: 6.0.504 / Virus Database: 302 - Release

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What do you suggest of you have the blood-type that this gentleman says should eat meat???Jo


Have you looked at eating for your blood type? This is fascinating and VERY helpful in learning what works best for your body. Do a google search or go to the library for lists on what your bloodtype should eat lots of and what should be moderate or avoided. I find that unnecessary if you are raw- but if you are vegan- very important.


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It's not that simplistic actually. I suggested that you look at the

blood types because tou will get a ton of information about an enormous

variety of foods. Check it out and let me know what you discover.


Whole Life Essentials Aromatherapy- Pure, Organic Essential Oils

Whole Life Coach- Certified Life Coach- Helping Moms to Find Their



P.S. Ask about my Aromatherapy Birth Kits for Natural Births Created for

Doulas, Midwives and gentle birth moms


On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 11:33 AM, Heartwork wrote:


> What do you suggest of you have the blood-type that this gentleman says

> should eat meat???


> Jo


> Have you looked at eating for your blood type? This is fascinating and

> VERY helpful in learning what works best for your body. Do a google

> search or go to the library for lists on what your bloodtype should eat

> lots of and what should be moderate or avoided. I find that unnecessary

> if you are raw- but if you are vegan- very important.

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In a message dated 7/31/03 3:48:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Elizabeth writes:


It's not that simplistic actually. I suggested that you look at the

blood types because



never been a big believer in the "blood type" diet er the like

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yeah, i totally agree with nikki there. i don't know why, but some

people were given the impression that veganism is some elitist group

and that the only way to be one of us is to learn to levitate above

ground so that you never step on any bugs.. i guess the militant

vegans stereotype. but everyone makes mistakes / no one is perfect.

i think the least harm principle applies here. just do what you can

do and what feels right.

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Good points.

I'm in my 50's, and for as long as I can remember, our culture has set us up to perceive that if there isn't some mystique, it's not worthy of our attention. We do it with everything, from actors to athletes. This is just a carry over.

Also, we're descendants of the Puritans; it's not o.k. to scratch our @sses, we have to rip 'em to pieces....


> i don't know why, but some people were given the impression that veganism is some elitist >group and that the only way to be one of us is to learn to levitate above >ground so that you never step on any bugs.. i guess the militant >vegans stereotype. but everyone makes mistakes / no one is perfect. >i think the least harm principle applies here. just do what you can >do and what feels right.

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