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Obama-Agenda * American Gestapo

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Flyby News Notes - 11 November


Editor - Jonathan Mark -




Obama-Agenda * American Gestapo

" I never would have agreed to the formulation

of the

Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven,

if I had known it would become the American Gestapo. "

-- Harry S. Truman

33rd US President


1) The Obama Agenda – Con or Constitutional Law – You Decide

- - Why Karl Rove Pulled the Plug; Finally, An Elected President

- - How Will He Lead? NOW interviews Charles Ogletree

- - YES WE DID - By Marianne Williamson

- - Conned Again - By Paul Craig Roberts

- - The Obama Agenda – By Paul Krugman

- - Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions

- - Letter from Leonard Peltier, November 5, 2008

- - Barack Obama: Stand for Change in Elko

- - Can Obama's Win Lead to Meaningful Health Care Reform?

- - Lobby for a Department of Peace for the Obama Administration

2) William Rodriguez - Able Danger + Mossad – Truth & Law

- - 9/11 Hero Speaks to tens of thousands

- - Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'

- - Lawyers for 9/11 Truth

3) FED robbery - SHELL & Iraq’s oil – Guantanamo – RAND 4 War

- - Fed refuses to identify recipients of $2 trillion in U.S.

taxpayer loans

- - Shell secures 25-year access to Iraq's oil, gas

- - Judge asks media whether to release Guantanamo Bay 'torture'


- - RAND Lobbies Pentagon: Start War To Save U.S. Economy

Editor’s Notes:

Congressman Rahm Emanuel, who supported authorizing GW Bush into the Iraq

war and occupation, has a strong reputation as a hard-headed hawk.

Obama’s choosing him as a chief of staff sends mixed messages. Yet all is

not black and white where politics are in play. The public is mostly in

the dark about what is really going on. However, the oversimplification

in claiming that Obama is groomed for the New World Order is in the other

extreme. I have heard Barack Obama called a Manchurian Candidate. FN

endorsed and supported Obama as President as a critical step for


reclaiming a lost USA democracy. Having a majority-elected US

President in this Millennium is nothing to snuff at. Also, Obama is a

person of substance and family, and a citizen, though some would argue.

But the bottom line is that the people in the US responded with a mandate

for change after 8-years of destructive GWB policies.

In item one, make sure you read the Mark Crispin article, which shows all

the work was worthwhile to stop another stolen election. But also, too,

Obama compromised a lot to get elected. So, this issue provides multiple

points of view, from Paul Craig Roberts, ”Conned Again” to a PBS TV

interview with Charles Ogletree, a Harvard professor and adviser to the

university's Black Law Students Association when Barack Obama was a

member. At the University of Chicago from 1992 until his election to the

U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor and lecturer in

the Law School. His main interest is in Constitutional Law, and he was a

community organizer. I believe in what Marianne Williamson wrote, we just

experienced a nonviolent revolution, a spiraling of a political movement

for the reclamation of evolving principles in the US Constitution. To

keep this going (even with the Emanuel appointment), we must engage Obama

for such options as a Department of Peace, Instant Run-off Voting, a new

9/11 investigation, free Leonard Peltier. In Iowa when Obama was either

going to make or break it, Dennis Kucinich directed support to Obama

during the Caucuses, when he could not win in a district. At the end of

the first item take time to write to Obama and support these critical

directions. And read how hope has touched Leonard Peltier. His case

represents 33 years of injustice, and a continued oppression against the

original people of this land we call home.

Also, good news.. Jehan Abdur_Raheem has been released from the BOX where

he was placed in isolation since December 2005 for being labeled as an

'influential Muslim.' He was moved to a minimum security prison and will

come up for parole this December. I have written extensively with Jehan,

who is committed to nonviolence and spiritual values. To learn more, see

FN's page on


A Nation Behind Bars: the buried talents of a population.

You can be sure that FN will not depend on Obama for bringing out 9/11

truth. Item two has articles on this issue. William Rodriguez, the hero

of 9/11, continues to inspire thousands, and represents what truth and

justice is about. In item three there’s a typical-crazy story of alleged

members of an Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker', plus a new

place to recruit and join with Lawyers for

9/11 Truth. Meanwhile, don’t forget the key for truth is in a

concentration of awareness breaking free in New York City, the

NYC 9/11 ballot initiative

2009-referendum vote is critical for a new investigation. Without truth

and justice – we live in a nuclear power crazy mad world with a possible

terrible ending for all of us.

Have you read World Reports? I

am looking forward to this analysis regarding the upcoming world

financial summit next weekend. There is so much more going on that the

mainstream media is hiding from, like many people, unwilling to see how

corrupt our government has become. The top Truman quote is a revelation,

but too late to stop a shadow government creating a Constitution and

global crises. If you need more information, see FN's homepage or

following link for the Bill Moyers’ 1987 PBS program:


GOVERNMENT: The Constitution In Crisis

On Saturday, Nov. 22, there will be an

END THE FED protest in 39 American

cities. This day is also the 45th anniversary of the JFK assassination.

On June 4, 1963, Executive Order 11110, was signed into law by President

John F. Kennedy with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve

Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government

at interest. “With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that

the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.”

President Kennedy fought

against the

Federal Reserve by issuing precious metals backed United States

Notes. JFK also was planning for a second term as President to continue

fighting against nuclear weapon proliferation. There were others in the

Government who wanted to illegally give nuclear weapon technology to

Israel. Instead, the JFK assassination in 1963 led to the proliferation

of nuclear weapons, an escalation of the Vietnam War, and enabled the

assassinations and cover-up of RFK and MLK in 1968. All this with Bush

Sr. in the CIA wielding power for him and family to take over the highest

office in the US, and which led to the wishes of " The New American

Century " and the horrible events of September 11, 2001, leading to

preemptive endless war for terror and oil. Obama has quite a job in front

of him and what we do from here can make all the difference. So far we

have done little, besides voting to elect a minority-race representative

as US President. After eight years of GW Bush, we do have something to

celebrate and much to accomplish.

In late breaking news on 10 November, item 3 opens with an article about



“Fed refusing to identify recipients of $2 trillion in U.S. taxpayer

loans.”. Now is the time to expose truth more than ever. Once we get

to January 20th inauguration, another chapter could open. Let’s hope it

happens, and strive for change.


Financial Crisis solution policy

- Open letter to Obama -

from Jonathan Mark

For Independent Investigations


9/11 Ballot



9/11 Truth

will be presenting



A film by Jason



Media Education Foundation, Northampton, MA


November 11, 2008; 7:00 PM

Flyby News





The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve

A timely film by Daniel





Fields Market, Greenfield, Massachusetts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008; 5:30 PM



For full issue with articles and links, see: FlybyNews.com

November 10, 2008 -


Obama-Agenda * American Gestapo




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