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Weight Loss

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Along with an exercise program I lost 30 lbs when I gave up meat.




At 12:03 AM 10/4/2004, you wrote:



>. I decided to give up meat

> > last December 29th, after reading a lot about Mad Cow disease and

> > cruilty to factory farm animals. I was so so moved by what I


> > that I immediately gave up all meat, eggs, and dairy as well as

> > giving away all my leather products. I still eat wild seafood

> > though. This change has not been difficult except when traveling.



>do most people find they lose weight with this way of life. >?


> >*****************************










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At 04:03 AM 10/4/04 -0000, janice wrote:


>do most people find they lose weight with this way of life. >?


It depends on what you choose to eat. When my diet is heavy in beans and

whole grains, I put on lots of weight. When my diet is heavy in fresh, raw

fruits and vegetables, I drop lots of weight. It's not the vegetarianism,

per se, that takes the weight off, it's the food choices.


If you want to lose weight, read some of the websites that have information

about the raw vegan diet. Many of these sites have tips and recipes. You

don't have to go all-raw to lose weight, but the more foods you eat from

the raw foods lifestyle, the more you will lose weight because it's all

about nourishing your body with nutrient-dense, calorie-light foods.


I've found that the best way for me to lose weight is to have fruit for

breakfast and morning snacks and then at lunch and afterwards switch to raw

vegetables and small amounts of whole grains and legumes. I always eat

whenever I'm hungry because otherwise your body goes into starvation mode

and starts to shut down your metabolism to save energy (which saves weight

on you!) But instead of snacking on grains or legumes, I eat salads with no

dressing or a herb vinegar dressing and lots of fresh, raw veggies. I can

munch on veggies all day long and feel great and drop weight.


Try carrying a ziploc of raw cabbage around with you to snack on or a

baggie of sprouts or a bag of pre-mixed salad greens. Try eating squash raw

(I love raw carnival squash! It's so nutty!) as a snack. Make carrot sticks

or shred carrots int he food processor and mix with a little herb vinegar

for a simple salad. For me, vegetarian dieting means constantly stuffing my



Hope this helps!



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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

hee, hee...


Well, my dh has put on a few pounds...he was a veggie when I met him

in college living on boxed mac & cheese & occassional dinners out at

our soon to be favorite chinese place...he has been very supportive as

I experimented with new recipes and tried all sorts of stuff & he ate

it however it turned out, still does & you can tell now, he eats

everything and if he likes it eats lots of it!!


Now my mother...when I lived across country and she would come to stay

for a week or so, would always go home a few pounds lighter from our "

tofu & rabbit food " as she calls it...her doctor was happy, but she

was always relieved to get a plate full of flesh on her arrival home.





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<raises hand>

I lost a few. I was only a few pounds over anyway, but the important thing is

that I didn't have to " diet " and it is staying off.




Wednesday, June 15, 2005 12:29 AM

weight loss



I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of dropping a few

unwanted pounds since switching from meat to vegetarian eating? I

realize that many of you have probably been vegetarians for many years,

but how does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?







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> I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of dropping a few

> unwanted pounds since switching from meat to vegetarian eating? I

> realize that many of you have probably been vegetarians for many

> years, but how does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?


I don't know about weight, but my husband's blood pressure dropped to

normal instead of high normal (and he has high blood pressure in his

family, so we worry).

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I have been vegetarian since 1969; fat as long as I

can remember... Being overweight has always been my

reality. The most I've lost in one diet was 120lbs.

My doctor uses the term: obese. If I have to be

labled for my size, I want to be " roly-poly! " :^)


I remember once, in the 80s, my supervisor (at a

previous job) turned to me, out of the blue, and

demanded to know, " How can you be a vegetarian? You

are fat! "


I also have high bp. Doctors have told me they're

surprised I'm not dead. Apparently, Beside Manner -

102 is no longer required in med. school! :^(


I've never looked at my vegetarianism as a weight loss

program. It is a lifestyle reflection of my sense of






I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of

dropping a few unwanted pounds since switching from

meat to vegetarian eating? I realize that many of you

have probably been vegetarians for many years, but how

does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?


I don't know about weight, but my husband's blood

pressure dropped to normal instead of high normal (and

he has high blood pressure in his family, so we







" The cat did not respond. She did not believe in paraphrasing anybody. If

people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a lot fewer

misunderstandings. "

From Kinky Friedman's

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch






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I found out about 2 years ago that I have PCOS

(polycystic ovarian syndrome). One of the " symptoms "

is a roundness in the middle area. I am on the Pill to

help make my cycle regular and control some skin

problems...they say that for weight loss the best

thing to do is a low carb diet. I was on some PCOS

diet lists for awhile and those people get SOOOOO

obsessed with low-carbing.

I think the vegetarian thing is making me feel better,

even if I am not losing weight (If I do lose at all)

rapidly like the hard core low carb people are.

For me the only inconvenience of the PCOS is the

weight stuff....PCOS also is a big cause of

infertility. I do not want to have children so for me

this isn't a big blow.




.... We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.

- William Shakespeare, The Tempest






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I too am much bigger than people think i should be.

When I say something everyone says " How can you be so

fat? You don't eat anything good! " I almost slapped

some people. My co-teacher is very unhealthy and she

always makes snide comments about her weight and how i

have lost weight (only cause I couldn't eat solid food

for two months!) and she doesn't understand why!

Uhm...she eats McDeath constantly, lots of chocolate

and such...


anyhoo - I totally understand that most people think

veg people can't be big but some of us are just built

that way! My uncle Danny is serverely obese...almost

400 lbs. and he's been vegetarian for almost 10 years!

I have lost a bit of weight since I became a

vegetarian and a few more after becoming vegan but

that's just due to the cutback in the pounds of smoked

cheddar and colby jack I used to eat :D




--- Jiraph Wirpel <wirpel wrote:



> I have been vegetarian since 1969; fat as long as I

> can remember... Being overweight has always been my

> reality. The most I've lost in one diet was 120lbs.


> My doctor uses the term: obese. If I have to be

> labled for my size, I want to be " roly-poly! " :^)


> I remember once, in the 80s, my supervisor (at a

> previous job) turned to me, out of the blue, and

> demanded to know, " How can you be a vegetarian? You

> are fat! "


> I also have high bp. Doctors have told me they're

> surprised I'm not dead. Apparently, Beside Manner -

> 102 is no longer required in med. school! :^(


> I've never looked at my vegetarianism as a weight

> loss

> program. It is a lifestyle reflection of my sense

> of

> morality!

> =====




> I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit

> of

> dropping a few unwanted pounds since switching from

> meat to vegetarian eating? I realize that many of

> you

> have probably been vegetarians for many years, but

> how

> does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?


> I don't know about weight, but my husband's blood

> pressure dropped to normal instead of high normal

> (and

> he has high blood pressure in his family, so we

> worry).






> " The cat did not respond. She did not believe in

> paraphrasing anybody. If

> people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a

> lot fewer misunderstandings. "

> From Kinky Friedman's

> Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch




> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around









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Guest guest

Hey me too! PCOS and Endometriosis here. Big cause for

weight gain. The PCOS and endo also contribute to my

hypothyroidism and digestive problems. Life can be so

fun at times but I just sit back and sip my herbal

teas with catnip and other herbs I can't spell off the

top of my head and make my boyfriend wait hand and

foot on me (well I try to do that but it usually

doesn't work)




--- Jen Lott <celestial726 wrote:


> I found out about 2 years ago that I have PCOS

> (polycystic ovarian syndrome). One of the " symptoms "

> is a roundness in the middle area. I am on the Pill

> to

> help make my cycle regular and control some skin

> problems...they say that for weight loss the best

> thing to do is a low carb diet. I was on some PCOS

> diet lists for awhile and those people get SOOOOO

> obsessed with low-carbing.

> I think the vegetarian thing is making me feel

> better,

> even if I am not losing weight (If I do lose at all)

> rapidly like the hard core low carb people are.

> For me the only inconvenience of the PCOS is the

> weight stuff....PCOS also is a big cause of

> infertility. I do not want to have children so for

> me

> this isn't a big blow.


> Jen


> ... We are such stuff

> As dreams are made on, and our little life

> Is rounded with a sleep.

> - William Shakespeare, The Tempest





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I have a bubble butt and it was the same size 25 yrs ago when I ate meat.

Here's the good news though. My blood pressure is 110/70 and my cholesterol is

159 so I cram that thang in my 501 Levi jeans and enjoy life and my pots, pans

and delicious meals.......................(:- O Donna


Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:I too am much bigger than people think

i should be.

When I say something everyone says " How can you be so

fat? You don't eat anything good! " I almost slapped

some people. My co-teacher is very unhealthy and she

always makes snide comments about her weight and how i

have lost weight (only cause I couldn't eat solid food

for two months!) and she doesn't understand why!

Uhm...she eats McDeath constantly, lots of chocolate

and such...


anyhoo - I totally understand that most people think

veg people can't be big but some of us are just built

that way! My uncle Danny is serverely obese...almost

400 lbs. and he's been vegetarian for almost 10 years!

I have lost a bit of weight since I became a

vegetarian and a few more after becoming vegan but

that's just due to the cutback in the pounds of smoked

cheddar and colby jack I used to eat :D




--- Jiraph Wirpel <wirpel wrote:



> I have been vegetarian since 1969; fat as long as I

> can remember... Being overweight has always been my

> reality. The most I've lost in one diet was 120lbs.


> My doctor uses the term: obese. If I have to be

> labled for my size, I want to be " roly-poly! " :^)


> I remember once, in the 80s, my supervisor (at a

> previous job) turned to me, out of the blue, and

> demanded to know, " How can you be a vegetarian? You

> are fat! "


> I also have high bp. Doctors have told me they're

> surprised I'm not dead. Apparently, Beside Manner -

> 102 is no longer required in med. school! :^(


> I've never looked at my vegetarianism as a weight

> loss

> program. It is a lifestyle reflection of my sense

> of

> morality!

> =====




> I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit

> of

> dropping a few unwanted pounds since switching from

> meat to vegetarian eating? I realize that many of

> you

> have probably been vegetarians for many years, but

> how

> does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?


> I don't know about weight, but my husband's blood

> pressure dropped to normal instead of high normal

> (and

> he has high blood pressure in his family, so we

> worry).






> " The cat did not respond. She did not believe in

> paraphrasing anybody. If

> people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a

> lot fewer misunderstandings. "

> From Kinky Friedman's

> Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch




> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around













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Guest guest

You're teddy bear huggie, not fat and yes Jiraph I agree, it's a lifestyle not

a diet.

I have an anorexic, diabetic, vegan girlfriend.....now there's a medical mess

right there in a nutshell, but she brags that her weight is 90 lbs at 5'6 "


Jiraph Wirpel <wirpel wrote:


I have been vegetarian since 1969; fat as long as I

can remember... Being overweight has always been my

reality. The most I've lost in one diet was 120lbs.

My doctor uses the term: obese. If I have to be

labled for my size, I want to be " roly-poly! " :^)


I remember once, in the 80s, my supervisor (at a

previous job) turned to me, out of the blue, and

demanded to know, " How can you be a vegetarian? You

are fat! "


I also have high bp. Doctors have told me they're

surprised I'm not dead. Apparently, Beside Manner -

102 is no longer required in med. school! :^(


I've never looked at my vegetarianism as a weight loss

program. It is a lifestyle reflection of my sense of






I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of

dropping a few unwanted pounds since switching from

meat to vegetarian eating? I realize that many of you

have probably been vegetarians for many years, but how

does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?


I don't know about weight, but my husband's blood

pressure dropped to normal instead of high normal (and

he has high blood pressure in his family, so we







" The cat did not respond. She did not believe in paraphrasing anybody. If

people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a lot fewer

misunderstandings. "

From Kinky Friedman's

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch










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Guest guest

My old roommate, Julie, from my senior year in college

is completely different from me in every way you can

imagine (which probably explains why we aren't really

friends much anymore). She is a really tiny person and

is the type that just says what's in her mind without

thinking or caring about other people's feelings.


I called Julie yesterday to wish her a happy birthday

and was reminded why I talk to her only about once or

twice a year now. She said how she spontaneously

decided to fly to Florida to see her ex for the

weekend and on the way back she was able to get a seat

in first class. She said about one of the people

riding with her, " Oh, this one really large woman,

kind of like you, must have sat in first class because

she couldn't fit in the regular seats. "


Such a sweetheart.




.... We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.

- William Shakespeare, The Tempest






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you go girl you go girl cram that thang, you go girl!

sing with me y'all, you go girl, cram that that hot thang!



Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:26 AM

Re: Re: weight loss



I have a bubble butt and it was the same size 25 yrs ago when I ate meat.

Here's the good news though. My blood pressure is 110/70 and my cholesterol is

159 so I cram that thang in my 501 Levi jeans and enjoy life and my pots, pans

and delicious meals.......................(:- O Donna


Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:I too am much bigger than people

think i should be.

When I say something everyone says " How can you be so

fat? You don't eat anything good! " I almost slapped

some people. My co-teacher is very unhealthy and she

always makes snide comments about her weight and how i

have lost weight (only cause I couldn't eat solid food

for two months!) and she doesn't understand why!

Uhm...she eats McDeath constantly, lots of chocolate

and such...


anyhoo - I totally understand that most people think

veg people can't be big but some of us are just built

that way! My uncle Danny is serverely obese...almost

400 lbs. and he's been vegetarian for almost 10 years!

I have lost a bit of weight since I became a

vegetarian and a few more after becoming vegan but

that's just due to the cutback in the pounds of smoked

cheddar and colby jack I used to eat :D




--- Jiraph Wirpel <wirpel wrote:



> I have been vegetarian since 1969; fat as long as I

> can remember... Being overweight has always been my

> reality. The most I've lost in one diet was 120lbs.


> My doctor uses the term: obese. If I have to be

> labled for my size, I want to be " roly-poly! " :^)


> I remember once, in the 80s, my supervisor (at a

> previous job) turned to me, out of the blue, and

> demanded to know, " How can you be a vegetarian? You

> are fat! "


> I also have high bp. Doctors have told me they're

> surprised I'm not dead. Apparently, Beside Manner -

> 102 is no longer required in med. school! :^(


> I've never looked at my vegetarianism as a weight

> loss

> program. It is a lifestyle reflection of my sense

> of

> morality!

> =====




> I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit

> of

> dropping a few unwanted pounds since switching from

> meat to vegetarian eating? I realize that many of

> you

> have probably been vegetarians for many years, but

> how

> does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?


> I don't know about weight, but my husband's blood

> pressure dropped to normal instead of high normal

> (and

> he has high blood pressure in his family, so we

> worry).






> " The cat did not respond. She did not believe in

> paraphrasing anybody. If

> people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a

> lot fewer misunderstandings. "

> From Kinky Friedman's

> Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch




> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around







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I do take the pill. I hate it and I know I am going to

end up with breast cancer like my aunt deeanne did. We

are very much alike.

I do a lot of herbal things as well. I have heard

really awful things about yasmin...some of the people

in my endo group took it for a while and it messed

with thier symptoms. On the flip side I also heard

decent things about it from people without endo.








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We'll see. My primary doctor was the original one who

diagnosed me, but several eyars ago my GYN prescribed

the pill. I haven't seen my GYN in about a little over

a year (she's a REALLY cool hippie woman, actually a

nurse practitioner, whose office is way across the

city). So when the Primary dr diagnosed me she called

my new prescription in. Now she told me that she wants

me to have my GYN call to refill my prescription,

which is fine but still. She's been a bit of a pain

about other things too.




.... We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.

- William Shakespeare, The Tempest






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People just don't think... so their comments can hurt!


I can walk, but slowly, and its painful. I have

Osteoarthritis. I use a doctor ordered wheelchair.


Yesterday, I was walking. Carefully. With my cane.

I'd decided it would probably hurt less to walk on one

floor to the elevator, than to take stairs to where my

chair is plugged in charging. People who only see me

in passing commented that I was without my truck, and

that I must be feeling better.




I think next time, instead of blushing because I feel

ashamed at the difference they've so freely pointed

out, I will trow up my arms and rejoyce, " Its a

miracle! "


People don't think!








> My old roommate, Julie, from my senior year in

> college

> is completely different from me in every way you can

> imagine (which probably explains why we aren't

> really

> friends much anymore). She is a really tiny person

> and

> is the type that just says what's in her mind

> without

> thinking or caring about other people's feelings.


> I called Julie yesterday to wish her a happy

> birthday

> and was reminded why I talk to her only about once

> or

> twice a year now. She said how she spontaneously

> decided to fly to Florida to see her ex for the

> weekend and on the way back she was able to get a

> seat

> in first class. She said about one of the people

> riding with her, " Oh, this one really large woman,

> kind of like you, must have sat in first class

> because

> she couldn't fit in the regular seats. "


> Such a sweetheart.


> Jen




" The cat did not respond. She did not believe in paraphrasing anybody. If

people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a lot fewer

misunderstandings. "

From Kinky Friedman's

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch






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Guest guest

I think it would really depend on what your overall sugar and fat

intake is. If you rely heavily on cheese and eggs and eat a high

starch (white foods) diet, than you may not lose any weight. However,

if you keep dairy to a minimum and eat whole grains and you're

exercising on a regular basis, than you have a good chance of losing a

few pounds.


How did you eat before? Did you diet already include lots of veggies?

Do you consider you ate relatively healthy before hand? I think it

really depends on the person, you might find other things decrease

first such as your cholesteral or blood pressure.


Of course since you're stuck eating out right now, you probably don't

stand a chance to lose weight. Most restaurants' food is very caloric!


Give yourself some time and see what happens.




, " labsnyorkies "

<dwintercove> wrote:

> I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of dropping a few

> unwanted pounds since switching from meat to vegetarian eating? I

> realize that many of you have probably been vegetarians for many years,

> but how does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?

> dw

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My main reason for eating vegetarian is not weight loss, but health.

But a few pounds off would be great! If I concentrate more on what

used to be side dishes to a main meat entree, I can't help but get

more vitamins, minerals and such. It is so easy to accompany

beef/chicken etc. with a salad and veges, but if you have to make it

your main dish, you will definitely get more creative! My husband

is going to benefit also, even if he still eats the meat. He does

also love his vegetables, so that helps.

BTW, my daughter is having success with yasmin. I wish it had

been around for me 10 years ago when I had to go on the pill for

endo also.




, Jen Lott

<celestial726> wrote:

> --- Melissa Hill <assilembob> wrote:

> > Hey me too! PCOS and Endometriosis here. Big cause

> > for weight gain.


> Do you take hte Pill for your symptoms? For a long

> while I was trying to do the progesterone cream and

> trying to treat my cycle the " natural " way, but it

> just wasn't working. Alesse is working better for me

> than the Ortho was. Ortho just made me crazy and

> depressed. I have thought of trying Yasmin to see what

> happens with that since that is a really low dose

> pill.


> Jen


> ... We are such stuff

> As dreams are made on, and our little life

> Is rounded with a sleep.

> - William Shakespeare, The Tempest





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Being a mother in the 70s, my kids would tell you that we 'never'

had sugar in the house!! Boo hoo. Yes I have always been aware of

trying to eat whole foods and didn't raise my kids on junk. I

figure now that they are adults, it's up to them, but they had a

good foundation from which to build. Plus I had great support from

my best friend. We were real Adelle Davis freaks.

I want to get back to being aware of eating better, and that means

lots of whole good foods.

I'm home now, and have the pot of brown rice going. Tofu is ready

for something, just don't know what yet! Need to get to the store.




, " organic_homestead "

<organic_homestead> wrote:

> I think it would really depend on what your overall sugar and fat

> intake is. If you rely heavily on cheese and eggs and eat a high

> starch (white foods) diet, than you may not lose any weight.


> if you keep dairy to a minimum and eat whole grains and you're

> exercising on a regular basis, than you have a good chance of

losing a

> few pounds.


> How did you eat before? Did you diet already include lots of


> Do you consider you ate relatively healthy before hand? I think it

> really depends on the person, you might find other things decrease

> first such as your cholesteral or blood pressure.


> Of course since you're stuck eating out right now, you probably


> stand a chance to lose weight. Most restaurants' food is very



> Give yourself some time and see what happens.


> Denise


> , " labsnyorkies "

> <dwintercove> wrote:

> > I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of dropping a


> > unwanted pounds since switching from meat to vegetarian eating?


> > realize that many of you have probably been vegetarians for many


> > but how does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?

> > dw

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, " labsnyorkies "

<dwintercove> wrote:

> Being a mother in the 70s, my kids would tell you that we 'never'

> had sugar in the house!! Boo hoo.


I was a kid in the 70's and sadly we had mostly junk in the

house...my mom loved all the quick fix meals (tv dinners - back when

they were in the foil and there were only three different kinds),

she didn't care to mother, cook or any of that...she like processed

things & sweets & dairy & meats. She didn't prepare " square meals " ,

in fact we rarely had family meals and she was fine if we snacked

lots...breakfast was always boxed cereal, the kind kids ask for, I

remember lucky charms & crunch captain.


Ack! She was so bewildered at my vegetarian lifestyle originally &

I don't allow my kids much in the way of sweets (processed...fruit

is fine & we make our own sweet breads), which initially was so

confusing to her...she accused me of depriving them. She was

actually angry at my boys first birthdays when I made cake that the

only sweetner was applesauce and raisins.


Luckily my kids have a much wider view of foods and the world than I

did & already they eat far healthier than I do!!! They look forward

to peach season and have never tasted funny colored cereal...



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But look at you now! Good for you :)

I have a photo taken after the kids were trick-or-treating on

Halloween. There is my daughter with an apple in one hand and her

candy next to her. Can you believe she had to eat the apple first! At

least take a couple of bites! oh boy. She's a great cook now and

feeds her friends home-cooked meals.



, " melissa_hopp "

<hoppmel@c...> wrote:

> , " labsnyorkies "

> <dwintercove> wrote:

> > Being a mother in the 70s, my kids would tell you that we 'never'

> > had sugar in the house!! Boo hoo.


> I was a kid in the 70's and sadly we had mostly junk in the

> house...my mom loved all the quick fix meals (tv dinners - back when

> they were in the foil and there were only three different kinds),

> she didn't care to mother, cook or any of that...she like processed

> things & sweets & dairy & meats. She didn't prepare " square meals " ,

> in fact we rarely had family meals and she was fine if we snacked

> lots...breakfast was always boxed cereal, the kind kids ask for, I

> remember lucky charms & crunch captain.


> Ack! She was so bewildered at my vegetarian lifestyle originally &

> I don't allow my kids much in the way of sweets (processed...fruit

> is fine & we make our own sweet breads), which initially was so

> confusing to her...she accused me of depriving them. She was

> actually angry at my boys first birthdays when I made cake that the

> only sweetner was applesauce and raisins.


> Luckily my kids have a much wider view of foods and the world than I

> did & already they eat far healthier than I do!!! They look forward

> to peach season and have never tasted funny colored cereal...


> m

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Well I turned vegetarian this spring, though before that I was eating

about 95% veggie anyways. I don't know if my answer will help your

question directly...I'm not the type that needs to lose weight, more to

gain weight (super speedy metabolism plus athlete) but some things I

noticed when I turned veggie is that it was a lot easier to control my

portions...I'm the type that hates the measure anything out and I hate

counting anything be it carbs calories or whatnot (though here in

Germany where most things arent labeled at all it makes it easier) and

so it was a lot easier to put food on a plate (or bowl, etc) and eat a

proper sized meal. Unlike eating meats when I remember some things

filled me up more than others and many things left me absolutely

bloated or stuffed and my stomach felt heavy-after I eat a veggie meal

I feel satisfied taste wise and hunger wise and instead of wanting to

lay down on the couch for 'digestion time' I'm ready to go back to

whatever I was doing-errands, studies, a walk.


Another thing that I noticed when I turned total veggie is that I

stopped craving sweets! I used to have a constant candy stash around

and would eat something chocolate or sweet at least once a day or have

a Lift (apfelschorle-carbonated apple soda in Germany) to fill my

cravings. And if it was sitting out rather than in a cabinet, forget

it, it was gone quickly. But after becoming total veggie my sweet

cravings went away...I could have a candy bar sitting out beside me and

after a meal when I might eat a sweet dessert, I would totally ignore

it. And at the store I could walk straight through the candy aisle

without a thought. So I was saving calories and money and lowering my

unnatural sugars and replacing them most likely with natural ones in

fruits and such. And no more soda too! I'm in the process of cutting

gelatin out though it's harder to tell with the many different

ingredient names it can be, but that's cut my Haribo addiction down (I

live in the city where it was invented and so it's everywhere and

everyone eats it!).


So those two things I can imagine would help a person lose weight...but

for me personally it just allowed me to eat healthier and eat more

foods that would allow me to be able to put on more muscle for gaining



Hope this helps somewhat?


, " labsnyorkies "

<dwintercove> wrote:

> I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of dropping a few

> unwanted pounds since switching from meat to vegetarian eating? I

> realize that many of you have probably been vegetarians for many


> but how does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?

> dw

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I did. Dropped more when I went vegan than when I went veg though. Dairy is

some hefty stuff.




At 04:29 AM 6/15/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>I was wondering... Has anyone here had the benefit of dropping a few

>unwanted pounds since switching from meat to vegetarian eating? I

>realize that many of you have probably been vegetarians for many years,

>but how does the weight issue factor in? Any thoughts?




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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi All,


Dusty was wondering about being older and weight gain issues.




I have to say, at 52, it’s a constant battle. I have to walk an hour, or do

½ hour of sweating on the exercise bicycle every day just to stay the same

weight. I have done the Leslie Sansone tapes, but lately I prefer to put a

good “chick flick” on the VCR and do my own version of the LS moves while

enjoying a movie :-)


I do think that muscle burns fat, so I am recommitting to finding the time

to do some weight training. Squats help build the biggest muscles of the



I have come down from a high of 200 lbs. to a current 160. It took 2 years

of daily effort. (Of course, I had some back-sliding along the way.) At

5’9”, I feel I have 20 lbs still to go.


I get inspiration from various websites like Weight Watchers, Body For Life,

and Bodychangers that show pictures and testimonials of other women who have

had success.


Some of the older women I have heard about had to find time to walk 2 hours

a day before the weight continued down.


Dr. John McDougall and Dr. Dean Ornish work with a lot of heavy folks and

have good success by turning them toward NO added oils and a vegan diet

based on whole grains and vegetables. Lots of leafy greens. I think they

say 2 fruit servings per day.




My kids are now 13 and 5. Both C-section.


It was a rough 5 years of back issues and sleep deprivation, but I seem to

be at a good place now :-)




Thanks for sharing the journey, ladies.




Teresa M.


" We are meant to midwife dreams for one another. We cannot labor in place

of one another, but we can support the labor that each must undertake to

birth his or her art and foster it to maturity. " - Julia Cameron -





On Behalf Of dusty06282000

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:36 AM


weight loss






I have noticed that now that I am getting older (49) I have a problem

with weight. My sister had the same problem. She likes to tell me

that it is just getting older. I hate it. I am woundering if other

women have had the same problem and if they can give some ideals of

what worked for them. I have started working out again and it feels

good but have not seen any difference yet. I drink alot of water.

Has anyone tried any diets that really seem to work? Or what about

any herbal pills. I need to lose about 30lbs., and I am getting

really depressed about the whole thing, it seems like the weight just

keeps coming.


I looking forward to any help. Thanks everyone.









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I am in my late 30s, but I definitely have more trouble now than I did

when I was younger, losing weight. Some things to think about... If

you are weight lifting, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat

so don't watch your weight, watch your size. Watch your calories. You

could be working really hard, but still eating too many calories.

This is a really tough one for me. I have to work hard to keep my

calories down. I eat for many reasons and hunger is only a minor one.

Another possibility is thyroid problems or other hormone imbalances.

It is worth getting those checked. Many doctors don't do the complete

tests for this. It is good to get a good Naturopath.


I did the Body for Life program a couple of years ago (adapted for my

vegetarian diet) and in three months of working out hard 5-6 days a

week and eating (what felt like) less, I only lost a few pounds and

half a size. I got very discouraged. I am trying again, this time I

am not able to join a gym so I ride an exercise bike 20-40 minutes a

day, 5-7 days a week, and do some extra exercises, mostly ab work. I

am watching my calories and portions very closely, eating 1200-1600 a

day average. I have lost about 8 pounds. It all seems to have come

off the top. I am hoping to see it come off the bottom soon.






PS> Hi Teresa (t-jay)!


, " dusty06282000 "

<dusty06282000> wrote:

> Hi


> I have noticed that now that I am getting older (49) I have a problem

> with weight. My sister had the same problem. She likes to tell me

> that it is just getting older. I hate it. I am woundering if other

> women have had the same problem and if they can give some ideals of

> what worked for them. I have started working out again and it feels

> good but have not seen any difference yet. I drink alot of water.

> Has anyone tried any diets that really seem to work? Or what about

> any herbal pills. I need to lose about 30lbs., and I am getting

> really depressed about the whole thing, it seems like the weight


> keeps coming.


> I looking forward to any help. Thanks everyone.


> Dusty

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