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Thanks for the intro! You may wish to try contacting the Vermont

Vegetarian Society (http://www.ivu.org/vvs). They may know of some

raw groups or individuals in your area.




Vermont Vegetarian Society

562 Pond Road * North Ferrisburg, Vermont 05473 * USA

Phone: 802/453-3945 * E-mail: vvs * Judy Miner, Coordinator



>Hello new group!


>I am Lexi Scott, concieved in Seattle, and lived there when I was

>very young. I now live very far away form my beloved emerald city in

>Vermont. I have been studying diet for four years and have gone

>slowly through many transitions from SAD to all raw.


>I am an artist, writer, singer, wife and mother. I am 27 and getting

>younger every day! I am working at a newspaper doing ads right now,

>and will be going back to school soon to finish my BA. It is my

>dream to somehow use my talents to promote the raw diet, and am

>waiting for inspiration.


>I d to this group to keep up with raw life in the state

>where my heart is. We had plans to move back there this summer, but

>fate has other ideas for us, so I'm rollin' with it. I also belong

>to the Bellingham raw group, which is the town I moved from. I've

>never met another raw foodist, I am very isolated and people think

>we're pretty different, but I'm just too excited about my improving

>health to care.


>Other interests we have are wild food, gardening, MUSIC,

>homeschooling, unschooling, Indigo Children, Free Schooling, and for

>the moment, ganga.


>So, I will most likely just lurk and read. I expect we'll all meet

>for reals someday. =.>


>Love Lexi Scott

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> >Hello new group!

> >

> >I am Lexi Scott, concieved in Seattle, and lived there when I was

> >very young.




>> We had plans to move back there this summer, but

> >fate has other ideas for us, so I'm rollin' with it.


hi lexi,

sorry to hear you won't be moving back here this summer. the

seattle raw group is lots of fun.


just keep rolling and you'll eventually wind up out here. ;))~

norm in bellingham


~~~ Can you picture yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience,

rather than a human being having a spiritual experience? ~~~

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Welcome to the board Lexi! Your name sounds familiar. Did you come out to the

Portland Raw Foods

Festival last year? Hey Norm, thanks for the info on the little Japanese guy on

Beacon with the

saw for coconuts (Shari forwarded to me). Couldn't get those suckers open

before, but now I can!

Jane Thompson


--- kelpguy <kelpguy wrote:


> > >Hello new group!

> > >

> > >I am Lexi Scott, concieved in Seattle, and lived there when I was

> > >very young.


> (snip)


> >> We had plans to move back there this summer, but

> > >fate has other ideas for us, so I'm rollin' with it.


> hi lexi,

> sorry to hear you won't be moving back here this summer. the

> seattle raw group is lots of fun.


> just keep rolling and you'll eventually wind up out here. ;))~

> norm in bellingham


> ~~~ Can you picture yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience,

> rather than a human being having a spiritual experience? ~~~







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thanks, Jeff, I'll look into that.

Love Lexi


----Original Message Follows---- Jeff Rogers

RawSeattle RawSeattle Re: [RawSeattle] introduction Sun, 27 May 2001 14:58:06 -0700


Thanks for the intro! You may wish to try contacting the Vermont Vegetarian Society (http://www.ivu.org/vvs). They may know of some raw groups or individuals in your area.


Vermont Vegetarian Society 562 Pond Road * North Ferrisburg, Vermont 05473 * USA Phone: 802/453-3945 * E-mail: vvs * Judy Miner, Coordinator


>Hello new group! > >I am Lexi Scott, concieved in Seattle, and lived there when I was >very young. I now live very far away form my beloved emerald city in >Vermont. I have been studying diet for four years and have gone >slowly through many transitions from SAD to all raw. > >I am an artist, writer, singer, wife and mother. I am 27 and getting >younger every day! I am working at a newspaper doing ads right now, >and will be going back to school soon to finish my BA. It is my >dream to somehow use my talents to promote the raw diet, and am >waiting for inspiration. > >I d to this group to keep up with raw life in the state >where my heart is. We had plans to move back there this summer, but >fate has other ideas for us, so I'm rollin' with it. I also belong >to the Bellingham raw group, which is the town I moved from. I've >never met another raw foodist, I am very isolated and people think >we're pretty different, but I'm just too excited about my improving >health to care. > >Other interests we have are wild food, gardening, MUSIC, >homeschooling, unschooling, Indigo Children, Free Schooling, and for >the moment, ganga. > >So, I will most likely just lurk and read. I expect we'll all meet >for reals someday. =.> > >Love Lexi Scott

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Dear Lexi,

I am just curious. You said you are an artist. Do you ever draw funny

cartoonish pictures? The e-mail you sent said it had a picture, but I could

not see it. Perhaps my particular set-up isn't right for that.



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  • 4 months later...

That's fantastic that you read all the posts from

this club. I haven't come close to doing that.

<br><br>Just a thought. You may feel healthy now, but try one

day to eat 100% raw food and then see how you feel.

<br><br>I have been eating a high percentage raw diet

(between 40% and 100% at different times) the past 5 years

or so. I immediately felt better doing that. At

times I was 100% but I wasn't able to stay that way.

Then recently I went at least 99% raw. <br><br>The

difference in my health was like night and day. I've found

that most people who go at least 50% raw will notice a

big difference. Not everyone though. But even if you

don't feel it, it only makes sense to not destroy the

nutrients you put in your body. <br><br>I read an article

about a woman who was similar to you. She felt

relatively healthy and so had no motivation to do the raw

diet. Her husband was doing it. Anyway she eventually

got cancer and cured it with a raw food diet healing

approach. Here is the link for that article

<a href=http://www.livingnutrition.com/articles/breastcancer.html


<br><br>I also have a list of 32 benefits at my

website of the raw food diet grouped by categories. I

have experienced at least 90% of those benefits. I

have never seen any single diet or self-improvement

technique that could so easily accomplish all of those

incredible benefits. Here is the link for that page

<a href=http://superbeing.com/awesometechnique.htm

target=new>http://superbeing.com/awesometechnique.htm</a><br><br>For lots of raw

food recipes you can go to this link

<a href=http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/

target=new>http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/</a><br><br>I hope you get to try

raw and see if it can do

anything to make your life better. After you give it a try

you'll have a better idea of the benefits derived from

eating this way. (Of course you may also experience a

detoxification and then think that something is going wrong. The

key is to learn what detoxification is and when

something is really wrong.)<br><br>I must also admit that

if I ate at these raw food restaurants all the time

my health would go down quite a bit. They usually

put too many combinations in their foods. I react to

some of those meals as if I had a cooked food meal. I

also don't like some of the ingredients they use. But

for occasional dining I don't mind it.<br><br>Good

Luck, Roger

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Hi Roger,<br><br>Yeah, but it's really hard to

know what to believe. I mean, the cure sounds worse

than the disease! Lots of people here attribute

various negative things that happen to them as " detox "

very casually without going into detail. How do I know

there's not something else going on? I'd go to

" authorities " but again, it's so easy to pose as

knowledgeable.<br><br>I agree with you about the cancer case, a lot of

people in this club seem to turn to raw when they're

diseased or older, and it seems to help some people. But

there are also many many well-documented cases of

cancer being sent into remission just by converting from

meat- to plant-based diet. No mention of raw vs.

cooked. I do think that preservatives and additives are

most likely toxic; my health and energy are at their

best when I do my own cooking with fresh vegetables

and ingredients instead of eating frozen or otherwise

processed food.<br><br>One symptom that people don't

mention specifically as part of " detox " or an aspect of

the raw diet--gas. Maybe because it's embarrassing?

Both raw meals that I've had this past week, I did

feel a burst of energy and clarity, but also some

nonpainful but very smelly gas. Of course, since I'm not

against additives, I can always use Beano. I just

wondered what others had experienced in this

area.<br><br>I have many questions that I've been saving till I

got to the end of the club, to make sure I wasn't

being redundant. I will post in a separate


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Again I suggest you try going raw yourself to

start answering your questions. I tried it many times

before I was able to go 100%. I kept on coming back to

it because I got good results every time. <br><br>I

suggest you read " Conscious Eating, " by Dr. Gabriel

Cousens. This book is loaded with scientific data. He has

been a raw foodist himself for about 20 years. I saw

him speak in New York and he seemed to be an

extremely honest and ethical person. <br><br>That book or

his other book " Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow

Diet, " goes into all the different ways that cooking

destroys a food. It not only destroys the enzymes

(Spiritual Part of the Food) but it also removes much of the

vitamin content, it also coagulates the proteins making

it very hard to extract the amino acids.<br><br>Our

bodies do not use protein, instead they use amino acids

which are the building blocks of protein. Fruits and

vegies have plenty of these amino acids. I believe you

get a higher percentage of useable protein on the raw

food diet than on SAD.<br><br>Dr. Cousens even talks

about the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields of raw foods

and how cooking destroys them. <br><br>If you want to

do raw you have to be willing to experiment and to

do lots of reading. I've been reading through many

of the posts in this club and so many people have so

much misinformation about eating raw. It really helps

when you are supported by someone who already is 100%

raw. <br><br>I faced so many obstacles but eventually

I found a way to go all the way with raw. It just

made sense to me that we should be eating this way. I

had problems with hypoglycemia. Now I eat tons of

fruit and have loads of energy. I found out that I

simply was not eating enough fruits on my previous

attempts at going raw. <br><br>As far as gas. Fruits are

internal cleansers, if you eat a lot of fruit it can give

you gas at first. Or if the foods were miscombined

you can also get gas. The gas goes away soon enough.

<br><br>It just takes some study, reading of books and

attending events with established raw foodists and then

eventually you'll figure out how to do a high percentage raw

diet.<br><br>As far as the cancer story. Did you read it? It

shows that how being healthy can really mean that you

are sick because you don't even have enough energy to

detoxify your body. Many times when we are sick it is

actually our bodies doing some house cleaning.<br><br>Raw

is the way to go.<br><br>Roger<br><br>PS I was

reading about Tom Billings site. He is one of the people

who failed at the raw food diet and now he is

condeming it. Most of his points are not valid to me as

someone who has struggled and finally gone 100% raw.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Christina,

Welcome. My main advice to you would be " Keep up the wonderful

work " ! Like most raw/living food folks your awareness is much higher

and sharper than those around you- and this can be VERY frustrating.

It sounds like you are dealing with it quite level-headedly. I do

not have children of my own, but I do have a nephew who is 3 years

old. It pains me greatly to see this truly beautiful child being fed

such outright poison- yet I am largely powerless to stop it. He is

always reaching for an apple or pear but is always told " no- eat your

meal (i.e. steak, grilled cheese etc etc) and maybe you have that

later " . I try my best to be a living example of healthiness, but

since I am the only one in my family that is even remotely vegegarian-

this is quite the challenge. Bravo to you for not filling those

prescriptions! The next step I would say is to drop the doc

altogether. This may sound scarey to you right now- but you do not,

nor have you EVER needed a doctor telling you about your own body.

Spend money on what you know is truly good for you, not on someone

who makes a living from you being sick. There are countless

(thankfully) books and websites with great info on being raw and

raising your children raw. Please check out Victoria Botenco's

book " Raw Family " and a book called " Raw Kids " for starters. Best to





rawfood , " christinacote27 <mykidzmom60@h...> "

<mykidzmom60@h...> wrote:

> I'm new to the group and just thought I'd introduce myself. My name

> is Christina and I'm a 27 y/o mother of two toddlers and a full


> student. Curently I am about 75%raw and working on 100%. I've been

> going back and forth between 100% raw and SAD vegan. I have found

> it difficult to stick to due to my living (live with parents who


> very poorly)and financial situation(husband was layed off and


> been able to find work in his field). I also find that when I eat

> raw I my kids eat poorly. They don't usually want to eat what I

> make. And then they eat what everyone else in the house eats. Which

> is usually fried and/or out of a box or take out. If anyone has any

> words or encouragement or has had much luck with feeding toddlers

> raw, I will be happy to give them a try.


> And any info out there on natural skin care? I have tried pureing

> yucca root and using pured papaya. But I am looking for something

> that I can use daily, but not have to prepare daily. I also have

> mild acne, that I didn't think was too noticable until my doctor

> asked me if I wanted a prescription for it today. (But then again

> she sent me home with 4 prescriptions for other stuff that I don't

> plan on filling. One is for high cholesterol, one if for my

> menstrual cycle, and two are for my asthma that I suposidly still

> have, although I haven't taken anything for it in over a year. SHe

> doesn't seem to believe that I don't have asthma anymore.)


> Thanks! :)

> Christina

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Thanks David, I guess sometimes I just need some reasurance... :) I've been

waiting to have a little extra $ to get those books. My library dosen't have

much of a selection of raw books. But I do spend a lot of time on web sites,

which I am so thankful for. 2 years ago I had no idea about a raw lifestyle.


Cheers! :)








> " nightowlboy <jaynextdoor " <jaynextdoor



>[Raw Food] Re: Introduction

>Fri, 03 Jan 2003 20:06:26 -0000


>Hi Christina,

>Welcome. My main advice to you would be " Keep up the wonderful

>work " ! Like most raw/living food folks your awareness is much higher

>and sharper than those around you- and this can be VERY frustrating.

>It sounds like you are dealing with it quite level-headedly. I do

>not have children of my own, but I do have a nephew who is 3 years

>old. It pains me greatly to see this truly beautiful child being fed

>such outright poison- yet I am largely powerless to stop it. He is

>always reaching for an apple or pear but is always told " no- eat your

>meal (i.e. steak, grilled cheese etc etc) and maybe you have that

>later " . I try my best to be a living example of healthiness, but

>since I am the only one in my family that is even remotely vegegarian-

>this is quite the challenge. Bravo to you for not filling those

>prescriptions! The next step I would say is to drop the doc

>altogether. This may sound scarey to you right now- but you do not,

>nor have you EVER needed a doctor telling you about your own body.

>Spend money on what you know is truly good for you, not on someone

>who makes a living from you being sick. There are countless

>(thankfully) books and websites with great info on being raw and

>raising your children raw. Please check out Victoria Botenco's

>book " Raw Family " and a book called " Raw Kids " for starters. Best to





>rawfood , " christinacote27 <mykidzmom60@h...> "

><mykidzmom60@h...> wrote:

> > I'm new to the group and just thought I'd introduce myself. My name

> > is Christina and I'm a 27 y/o mother of two toddlers and a full


> > student. Curently I am about 75%raw and working on 100%. I've been

> > going back and forth between 100% raw and SAD vegan. I have found

> > it difficult to stick to due to my living (live with parents who


> > very poorly)and financial situation(husband was layed off and


> > been able to find work in his field). I also find that when I eat

> > raw I my kids eat poorly. They don't usually want to eat what I

> > make. And then they eat what everyone else in the house eats. Which

> > is usually fried and/or out of a box or take out. If anyone has any

> > words or encouragement or has had much luck with feeding toddlers

> > raw, I will be happy to give them a try.

> >

> > And any info out there on natural skin care? I have tried pureing

> > yucca root and using pured papaya. But I am looking for something

> > that I can use daily, but not have to prepare daily. I also have

> > mild acne, that I didn't think was too noticable until my doctor

> > asked me if I wanted a prescription for it today. (But then again

> > she sent me home with 4 prescriptions for other stuff that I don't

> > plan on filling. One is for high cholesterol, one if for my

> > menstrual cycle, and two are for my asthma that I suposidly still

> > have, although I haven't taken anything for it in over a year. SHe

> > doesn't seem to believe that I don't have asthma anymore.)

> >

> > Thanks! :)

> > Christina






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Bobby


Welcome to the list.... :-)


> I am new to the list, and it says I have to introduce myself so they

> know I'm not some advertising bot or something.


Yeah - you'd be amazed at how many of those you get! You'd think

would do something about it - but I guess as long as it doesn't affect them,

they don't care :-(







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welcome bobby

oooo..another california person....

I would figure SLO would have a few veg places, being a college town and

all.....nice brew pub tho





" bobby mcelver <crypilot " <crypilot wrote:


>I am new to the list, and it says I have to introduce myself so they

>know I'm not some advertising bot or something. I live in San Luis

>Obispo, California. Not many good vegan restaurants, just a few Thai

>places, but I went on tour with my band for a few weeks and ate at

>awesome places all along the west coast. Anyone ever been to " Follow

>Your Heart " in Thousand Oaks??? my god it was amazing. And the

>Paradox in Portland. Pokez in San Diego was another awesome place.


>Can't wait to go again, for now its back to the kitchen.. :)





>To send an email to -



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Hi Bobby


Welcome to the list. I like trying out new restaurants too! What time of

music does your band play?






> I am new to the list, and it says I have to introduce myself so they

> know I'm not some advertising bot or something. I live in San Luis

> Obispo, California. Not many good vegan restaurants, just a few Thai

> places, but I went on tour with my band for a few weeks and ate at

> awesome places all along the west coast. Anyone ever been to " Follow

> Your Heart " in Thousand Oaks??? my god it was amazing. And the

> Paradox in Portland. Pokez in San Diego was another awesome place.


> Can't wait to go again, for now its back to the kitchen.. :)





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Welcome, new members Bobby and Ian. Tell us about your band, Bobby.


Sorry, Ian, I don't know where to get a wool-free dinner jacket. If you

were in the states, I'd suggest you call Pangea.





----Original Message Follows----

" bobby mcelver <crypilot " <crypilot




Thu, 23 Jan 2003 04:57:14 -0000


I am new to the list, and it says I have to introduce myself so they

know I'm not some advertising bot or something. I live in San Luis

Obispo, California. Not many good vegan restaurants, just a few Thai

places, but I went on tour with my band for a few weeks and ate at

awesome places all along the west coast. Anyone ever been to " Follow

Your Heart " in Thousand Oaks??? my god it was amazing. And the

Paradox in Portland. Pokez in San Diego was another awesome place.


Can't wait to go again, for now its back to the kitchen.. :)






" Where is the questioning where is the protest song?

Since when is skepticism un-American?

Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same

Those who disagree are afraid to show their face " --Sleater-Kinney



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Hi Bobby and WELCOME to the group!


nikki :)

Chicago, IL


Believing something is possible is to make it come true.

Friedrich Hebbel



, " bobby mcelver <crypilot> "

<crypilot> wrote:

> I am new to the list, and it says I have to introduce myself so


> know I'm not some advertising bot or something. I live in San Luis

> Obispo, California. Not many good vegan restaurants, just a few


> places, but I went on tour with my band for a few weeks and ate at

> awesome places all along the west coast. Anyone ever been

to " Follow

> Your Heart " in Thousand Oaks??? my god it was amazing. And the

> Paradox in Portland. Pokez in San Diego was another awesome place.


> Can't wait to go again, for now its back to the kitchen.. :)


> Bobby

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, " Danielle Kichler "

<veggietart@h...> wrote:

> Welcome, new members Bobby and Ian. Tell us about your band, Bobby.



My band is called treluna. We are a keyboard/piano based indie(?)

quartet. Guy/girl vocals, accordion, intricate bass melodies, drums.

We are kinda similar to Pinback or the Black Heart Procession, maybe.

We have songs at www.treluna.com if anyone is interested. We are

going to post our vegan restaurant stops from our last tour soon. :)



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

hi iris. i know how hard it is with pressure from meat eating hubby...........i am only cooking vegan at the mo..............he is not altogether happy but healtier.........brought son up veggie.............good luck....catherine xxx



> >

> introduction >Wed, 19 Mar 2003 08:34:40 +1100 > >Hi everyone, > >I have just joined this list and would like to introduce myself, I'm a >26 year old mother of two beautiful babies and have been a vegetarian >since the age of 8. I was a vegan for a couple of years, then went >back to eating dairy and eggs and occasionally free range chicken whilst >I was pregnant due to alot of pressure from family and doctors, I know I >should have stayed strong but when your partner is a full-on meat eater >it's hard. Now I'm back to being a vegan and I won't loose my path >again. > >I really want to bring my girls up to be vegans and I think my partner >my come around but we'll just have to see what happens with that. > >Look forward to chatting >Iris Send music and picture to your friends with MSN Messenger. Download it FREE here.

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Welcome, Iris.



----Original Message Follows----

" Iris " <iris2003




Wed, 19 Mar 2003 08:34:40 +1100


Hi everyone,


I have just joined this list and would like to introduce myself, I'm a

26 year old mother of two beautiful babies and have been a vegetarian

since the age of 8. I was a vegan for a couple of years, then went

back to eating dairy and eggs and occasionally free range chicken whilst

I was pregnant due to alot of pressure from family and doctors, I know I

should have stayed strong but when your partner is a full-on meat eater

it's hard. Now I'm back to being a vegan and I won't loose my path



I really want to bring my girls up to be vegans and I think my partner

my come around but we'll just have to see what happens with that.


Look forward to chatting




" Where is the questioning where is the protest song?

Since when is skepticism un-American?

Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same

Those who disagree are afraid to show their face " --Sleater-Kinney



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Hi Iris and WELCOME!


Congrats on becoming Vegan again!


Let me know if you have any tips or tricks on getting the girls to go

Vegan. My 4 year old son believes any veggie is poison and corn and

potatoes cannot possibly be veggies!


nikki :)

The language of truth is unadorned and always simple.

Marcellinus Ammianus



, " Iris " <iris2003@o...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I have just joined this list and would like to introduce myself,

I'm a

> 26 year old mother of two beautiful babies and have been a


> since the age of 8. I was a vegan for a couple of years, then went

> back to eating dairy and eggs and occasionally free range chicken


> I was pregnant due to alot of pressure from family and doctors, I

know I

> should have stayed strong but when your partner is a full-on meat


> it's hard. Now I'm back to being a vegan and I won't loose my path

> again.


> I really want to bring my girls up to be vegans and I think my


> my come around but we'll just have to see what happens with that.


> Look forward to chatting

> Iris

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oakland SF bayarea, Peoples Republic of California....


In a message dated 3/19/03 2:31:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, iris2003 writes:



Hi Fraggle,

I'm from Melbourne, Australia. How about you? :o)


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Thanks for the welcome Nikki :)


As for tricks to getting kids to eat veggies, Maddie is still breast feeding as she is only 3 months old, my eldest is 15 months and since she started eating she has always been a big fan of fruit, she would have that for every meal if possible. Veggies is a different story though...Unless it is red/orange, tomatoes, capsicum,pumpkin or carrots she wont eat them. so I just grate everything and make patties for her. You can hide anything in a pattie.


good luck




nikki_mackovitch [nikkimack] Wednesday, 19 March 2003 10:28 PM Subject: Re: introductionHi Iris and WELCOME!Congrats on becoming Vegan again!Let me know if you have any tips or tricks on getting the girls to go Vegan. My 4 year old son believes any veggie is poison and corn and potatoes cannot possibly be veggies!nikki :)The language of truth is unadorned and always simple.Marcellinus Ammianus , "Iris" <iris2003@o...> wrote:> Hi everyone,> > I have just joined this list and would like to introduce myself, I'm a> 26 year old mother of two beautiful babies and have been a vegetarian> since the age of 8. I was a vegan for a couple of years, then went> back to eating dairy and eggs and occasionally free range chicken whilst> I was pregnant due to alot of pressure from family and doctors, I know I> should have stayed strong but when your partner is a full-on meat eater> it's hard. Now I'm back to being a vegan and I won't loose my path> again.> > I really want to bring my girls up to be vegans and I think my partner> my come around but we'll just have to see what happens with that.> > Look forward to chatting> IrisTo send an email to -

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Guest guest

Hi Fraggle,


I'm from Melbourne, Australia. How about you? :o)





EBbrewpunx [EBbrewpunx] Thursday, 20 March 2003 3:33 AM Subject: Re: introductionwelcome and salutations iriswhere do you hail from?fraggle To send an email to -

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Thx Iris!


Patties are a great idea! So far I have been blending into spaghetti

sauce. Also he eats sweet potatoe pie, so I throw carrots in there as



nikki :)


, " Iris " <iris2003@o...> wrote:

> Thanks for the welcome Nikki :)


> As for tricks to getting kids to eat veggies, Maddie is still breast

> feeding as she is only 3 months old, my eldest is 15 months and


> she started eating she has always been a big fan of fruit, she would

> have that for every meal if possible. Veggies is a different story

> though...Unless it is red/orange, tomatoes, capsicum,pumpkin or


> she wont eat them. so I just grate everything and make patties for


> You can hide anything in a pattie.


> good luck

> Iris


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