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welcome Beth! if you look in our archives, you will see many

crockpot recipes listed, and you can search for what you want as



hope you enjoy the list!







, Beth Garver <bethg@a...> wrote:


> Hi,

> I'm Beth and I am looking for some good vegan crockpot recipes.


> for having this list.


> Beth Garver

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  • 3 months later...
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Hey, I am new to the list too. I'm 17, and became vegan almost 5 months ago.



Feel free to ask any questions Kristina, I have done quite a lot of research

in the past 5 months, and have had some interesting experiences with other


How has it been for you so far? Switching over I mean. Did you go straight

from eating meat to being vegan? I know a lot of people go to vegetarian first

then slowly become vegan. I went pretty much straight from meat to vegan. What

was the main reason you decided to switch?


For me it was learning about all the chemicals and hormones, etc that are put

into the animals. Thats what got me into researching anyway. (I used to be

completely anti vegetarian.. :/ what a fool i was) Then I learned about the

treatment of the animals, and the effects on the environment, etc etc.

I first became vegetarian, then researched more and decided to go vegan the

next day.


I have a question for the whole list..

How busy is this list? What kind of stuff usually goes on here? just curious





Hello, I'm new here. I just recently became vegan, so I'm still kind

of switching over. My name is Kristina and I'm 16 years old. I just

wanted to introduce myself and such.







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no.. what was that anyway? lol I mean, why do you ask? Or was it just a random

thing for the whole group?




Have you seen this??




Sa wa dee krub, God bless- " Doc "


Wow!! Think about this Quote:

" No Divine Purpose Creates a Life Full of Distracting Entertainments. "



woof! woof! I'm @dog.com

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Margeret wrote:


> I have a question for the whole list..

> How busy is this list? What kind of stuff usually goes on here? just



Heya - the list is sort of a news and discussion list, as far as i can tell.



Nice to have you on board, and you too Kristina!


Feel free to ask questions to the list, several of my favorite people are

here. =)


- Dave

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  • 10 months later...
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I could not quite understand your e-mail but if you are still eating meat and

have kidney cancer you are putting a lot of stress on you kidneys. Animal

protien is not a clean burning fuel that leaves a nitrogen waste in the blood

that is filtered by the kidneys which is very hard on the kidneys .





Dave <teamcourage wrote:

I am new here I only beliv ein apartel vegi diet. becuse there are

need thing in meat. I curnely have kidney cancer and iga neropthy

neitehr caused by meat.





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Seems to me you would do better to go to a forum where you believe in

its concept.


Here meat is not on the menu.


The irony is that with your problem, you need this forum.


Good luck and thanks for the posting on the tragic story.





Dave [teamcourage]

06 July 2003 05:40


[Raw Food] new




I am new here I only beliv ein apartel vegi diet. becuse there are

need thing in meat. I curnely have kidney cancer and iga neropthy

neitehr caused by meat.






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Dave, your number one priority is cleaning up the body. Don't worry about

meat in the future, giving it up, or what you believe about it. Your first

order of business is getting your body free of the junk it's been



The raw food diet/lifestyle is primarily a cleansing one, at least that's my

opinion. That will get your body back in balance with the ability to heal



If you do the raw food diet, you'll notice good effects almost right away.


So, don't worry about giving up meat forever, cooked food forever, just

concentrate on cleansing. A bowl of fruits and nuts and seeds in the

morning; a huge salad for lunch; and a mix of either of those things for

dinner - should put you on the right path. Don't forget juicing and

sprouting! As far as juicing goes, we've found a good mix is carrot and

romaine lettuce and celery. It is CRITICAL that you dilute the juice. It's

usually too concentrated for the stomach. So, a half glass of juice and a

half glass of water should be fine. After a month, we dropped the celery.

We also do wheatgrass juice, but lots of folks have a problem growing it.

If you can grow wheatgrass, it's an excellent " medicine " .


Best of luck.


Think " cleansing " !



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hey I belive int he concpets of a vegi life but I know and have talked

to my doc. some meat is needed to live healthy you look at actress that

are not coverd in mackup and youc an see who is a strick vegetraion and

who isnt becuse they don't look healthy I agree alot fo meat is not

good but you need it once a week or so to be helathy.


Peter Gardiner wrote:


> Dave


> Seems to me you would do better to go to a forum where you believe in

> its concept.


> Here meat is not on the menu.


> The irony is that with your problem, you need this forum.


> Good luck and thanks for the posting on the tragic story.


> Peter



> Dave [teamcourage]

> 06 July 2003 05:40

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] new




> I am new here I only beliv ein apartel vegi diet. becuse there are

> need thing in meat. I curnely have kidney cancer and iga neropthy

> neitehr caused by meat.






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rawfood , Dave <teamcourage@b...> wrote:

> also not one of my probs are caused by meat. course evry one that

is a

> pure vegi thinks tey know


I'm going to second Peter's thoughts and suggest that you find a

group that will support you in a healing process that is more in line

with what you're after. This group is about raw food, and likely

what you'll encounter here is people telling you how bad meat is for

you. I would suggest reading Arnold Ehret's " Mucusless Diet Healing

System " if you want to know more about how people on this list look

at disease and healing (you should be able to find it on any raw food

site). And please keep in mind that medical doctors get less than a

week of nutritional training in medical school, so they may not be

the best people to listen to on the subject.


I'm hoping you find something that works for you, and if you decide

to give raw food a try, there are plenty of people here to guide you.


Wishing you health,


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Dave, I'd like to just make an observation.


If " traditional " nutrition and " traditional " medicine got you where you are,

why are you holding on to it with such loyalty?


My husband, an academically trained nutritionist, held on to tradition with

determination until I went vegan. He gradually followed - obviously, since

I was doing the cooking. Then I went raw/live. And again he followed.


He has wholeheartedly and without regret embraced a meat-free life, eats

only organically grown, and has experienced wonderful results.


Let go of the " knowledge " that got you where you are.



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Hi Dave,


Maybe you should read the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman with an

open mind. Come back to the board after you read that book. You'll see

in every case that meat is detrimental to your overall health. This is

supported by over 3,500 studies. The more you know about nutrition the

more you'll realize that eating meat leads to ill health for humans.




also not one of my probs are caused by meat. course evry one that is a

pure vegi thinks tey know nutartion









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Roger, you said: " To say that would mean you would only do the raw diet as

a cleanse

and not as a long-term diet. "



When I wrote that I was trying to get the point across that one doesn't have

to think so far ahead. When we worry about giving up everything, we tend

not to start things. So, my thinking is/was that one should just worry

about the initial problem - cleansing.


I didn't mean that this diet/lifestyle should be considered temporary.



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So do all doctors who recommend eating meat! The best food to build

up your cancer is protein. There is no more concentrated source protein


than meat. That may be why most doctors do not even pretend to have a

cure for cancer.


This of course is a generalization.





Dave [teamcourage]

06 July 2003 18:35


Re: [Raw Food] new




also not one of my probs are caused by meat. course evry one that is a

pure vegi thinks tey know nutartion





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If I had kidney disease, I start by a good water fast to clean out all

the contamination

that landed me in that situation in the first place. Also I would stay

away from alcohol



I am not saying a fast is a cure all. I am saying it is a good starting

point. That said

I think it is a good idea to read about fasting before starting one.

Just put water fasting

into a search engine and many texts will appear.


In speaking to dozens of medical practitioners, I have never met one who

had anything other than

scepticism about fasting. They worry about missing some nutrient... ...

they do not realise that

with digestion closed down, the body can focus on putting other things



You can beat your disease - so do not just lie down and take the






P.S. If you can ask your medical advisor to identify the essential

components in meat

that make a contribution to being healthy, there are lots of people here

who will tell you

where better sources of the same nutrients can be found.

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Is this proper food combining?


Rose and Fred Lieberman <pyrite wrote:

A bowl of fruits and nuts and seeds in the morning; a huge salad for lunch; and

a mix of either of those things for dinner - should put you on the right path.

Don't forget juicing and sprouting! As far as juicing goes, we've found a good

mix is carrot and

romaine lettuce and celery. It is CRITICAL that you dilute the juice. It's

usually too concentrated for the stomach. So, a half glass of juice and a

half glass of water should be fine. After a month, we dropped the celery.

We also do wheatgrass juice, but lots of folks have a problem growing it.

If you can grow wheatgrass, it's an excellent " medicine " .


Best of luck.


Think " cleansing " !








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a fast is the worst thing in the world for kidney problims it will cause

mroe harmt ehn good. we are all ready low on most nutrentes and were all

reayd limited on how much water we can drink. so that is evry bad

advice. to a person with kidney probs.

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Roger, you said: " To say that would mean you would only do the raw diet


a cleanse

and not as a long-term diet. "



When I wrote that I was trying to get the point across that one doesn't


to think so far ahead. When we worry about giving up everything, we


not to start things. So, my thinking is/was that one should just worry

about the initial problem - cleansing.


I didn't mean that this diet/lifestyle should be considered temporary.

[RH] Hi Rose,


Understood. Just making sure that others understand as well. Keep up the

great work.














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> Please elaborate on what is proper food combining. I know there are


> schools of thought on this - macrobiotic, whole protein, etc.


Food combining is to keep the foods requiring different digestive juices


Don't mix carbs with proteins and don't mix carbs with fats.

Sweet Fat is the biggest enemy of all.

More refined combining separates fruits from vegetables and sweet fruits

from other fruits, and melons separate from everything else..


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Tim asked: " Is this proper food combining? "


Tim, I have no idea. But intuition and muscle testing tell me the

combination works. I've noticed that when something is right with what

we're eating, I'll know it pretty quickly. Usually, the smell will make me

sick or it just won't go down.


Please elaborate on what is proper food combining. I know there are various

schools of thought on this - macrobiotic, whole protein, etc.





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  • 1 month later...

If you want to lose weight, read these 4 pages completely before you drink

any more juice:






" jorjeni " <jorjeni

<rawfood >

Sunday, August 31, 2003 8:26 AM

[Raw Food] New



> Let's try this again


> My name is Jennifer I am about 90%-100% RAW. I have been for about 4

> weeks. Before that I was doing Fit for Life for about 2 months. I am

> not having any cravings really I mostly have my fruit juice in the

> morning. Salsa for lunch. a large salad for dinner and veggie juice

> for my after dinner snack.


> I hope my first post doesn't show up after I post this one :) if it

> does sorry for the double post.


> I do need to lose about 55lbs. I have lost 6 so far. I plan to either

> this week or in 2 weeks do The detox diet Elson M. Haas(Master

> cleanse or lemond aid diet as it is also known)

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome to the list - jump in.




A cozy place to shop!!!www.ninascountrybasket.com Business booster 101 with other WAHMs who like to have fun. Be a WAHM-shopper and lift your business to the topper. Monthly sales are guaranteed, just click here to get up to speed. Please use Marni as your sponsorhttp://finance.wahmshoppers/To send an email to -

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Welcome to the group.

The Valley Vegan........Ninasus2 wrote:


Well, Hello all! I'm new to the group as well as relatively new to being a vegan.


I never really enjoyed meat and decided one day that as I am the cook in the house there was nothing to stop me from eating the way I want to. I am the only one in the family that has changed diets. My husband is supportive but won't change. My in laws all think I'm nuts and make it a point to harass me as often as they can. My kids will try almost anything but still like their meat.


I live in the Tampa Bay Area of FL. I have 3 kids, a wonderful husband and a small zoo (dog, 3 cats, bird, turtle, 55 gal. fresh water tank).


I really hope to learn a lot from the veterans in the group and hopefully be able to share too.


A cozy place to shop!!!www.ninascountrybasket.com Business booster 101 with other WAHMs who like to have fun. Be a WAHM-shopper and lift your business to the topper. Monthly sales are guaranteed, just click here to get up to speed. Please use Marni as your sponsorhttp://finance.wahmshoppers/To send an email to - Peter H


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Heather,


I think the blood type stuff is all rubbish. Incidentally I'm also O and Rh

-; practically nothing in there at all :-)


I had similar problems, but then also found there were times on a

meat-eating diet when I was low on energy. People unintentially make us

paranoid, as if having high energy levels all the time is what actually

happens in life - like being happy all the time or anything else. When I eat

meat, I used to think " Huh, I'm tired " , but when I was vegan I'd worried " is

it my diet? " , when most of the time it wasn't. One thing I do now that I

didn't do then is to take B12 supplements regularly. I wanted it all 100%

natural then, despite recognising we live in an environment that isn't

natural at all. I'm not convinced now that the sources many of us then

thought were reliable (i.e. miso, tempeh, seaweed, spirulina etc.) are

actually B12 sources at all. In fact it looks as if they may actually

interfere with our uptake. Eating dirty greens might work, of course, but

I'm not used to the grit :-) whereas the supplements work fine.









Behalf Of blujett8

08 September 2005 13:23




hi all


i'm new to the group and thought I'd say hello. I was vegan a few years ago

, then tried macrobiotics for a while. Both times I had trouble with my

energy levels after about six months. I was told by a number of people that

it's because i'm blood type O. What are your thoughts on this? Is this

really a valid thing? Are there any folks out there who have successfully

gone vegan for a number of years who are type O ?

Right now I'm eating a lot of vegan foods, but also free range eggs twice a

week and occasionally tuna as well...I would love to go vegan all the way!

thanks for your help or any advice you may have heather

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Hi Heather and WELCOME to the group!


All I can say on blood types is that when I first researched into

becoming a Vegan I read " Eat Right For Your Type " . It stated that for

my blood type I needed to consume alot of meat.


3 years of Veganism later I am healthier than I have ever been, no

longer have a calcium or iron deficiency and have more energy.


I think it is more a matter of balancing the right foods and making

sure that you are getting the nutrients/vitamins that you need more

than anything.


Hope this helps!


Nikki :)


, " blujett8 " <blujett8> wrote:

> hi all


> i'm new to the group and thought I'd say hello. I was vegan a few

> years ago , then tried macrobiotics for a while. Both times I had

> trouble with my energy levels after about six months. I was told by a

> number of people that it's because i'm blood type O. What are your

> thoughts on this? Is this really a valid thing? Are there any folks

> out there who have successfully gone vegan for a number of years who

> are type O ?

> Right now I'm eating a lot of vegan foods, but also free range eggs

> twice a week and occasionally tuna as well...I would love to go vegan

> all the way!

> thanks for your help or any advice you may have

> heather

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