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A computer that heals ?

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Hi everyone,


The strangest thing has happened, everytme I sit at my

computer now I start to feel an energy coming from it

which makes me feel calm and relaxed and the K energy

smooths out.


Earlier today after the relaxing time, which lasted a

couple of hours, I started to feel a healing energy

sent to my face -the K heat on the outside of my skin

- and then later away from the computer the full heat

of the K started on my face with all the usual

symptoms of K activity/healing/burning/shivering.


I've tried tuning into it to see if the energy is

coming from me, or chrism, or someone on the lists but

can't get any feedback - except it's in front of me

from the computer monitor.


I think it started about a week ago while I was

turning it off and I was annoyed that it's getting old

and I need a new one. As I thought these thoughts I

sent a request out to the Universe that I need a new

computer - more as a joke than a request :)


Later as I thought more about it..I decided if the

outer world is a reflection of the inner world then I

personally need a new operating system, the one I use

now is old - as is the operating system of my



I thought this perfetly decribes the K experience - a

new inner me of bliss, enlightenment, balance etc to

operate from :) :)


Then two days ago as I sat at the computer, the

monitor before me transfigured for a moment and

appeared as a nice new wide screen monitor where at

the moment I only have a small one.


I thought..yessss!! a new computer is manifesting for

me... :)


It may also partly to be when I added a PS to a post

the other day asking if anyone has figured out how to

stop the K affecting our computers, stereo's etc..


I've never heard of this happening before, has anyone

had a similar experience?


It's just strange because I can't tune into where it's

coming from...it has to be a person...it surely can't

be the computer. Maybe I'm doing it to myself,

'shaktipatted' my own computer?...weird!!


any thoughts?







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