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Welcome to new member, Andrew ;=)

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Here's Andrew come to join us ;=) Say Hi!! Nice to

have you here, Andrew - look around on the webpage and

join in the chatter!

Best, gf

--- Andrew Werling <awerling wrote:

> Hello everyone, and thank you for the invite. I

> normally just write a

> quick intro, but hey, questionnaires can be fun

> too....


> > What is your name or what may we call you?


> Andrew or Andrew. Either one is fine.


> > How long have you been a vegetarian, or how long

> have you been

> > interested in vegetarian cookery?


> Tried and " failed " at age 15. Tried again and

> succeeded at age 17.

> I'm 34 now. I have had ups and downs with this, but

> I've learned to

> use imagery to keep me on track.


> > What country are you in now?


> U.S.


> > What city or town?


> Colorado


> > What age are you (just roughly, very roughly!)?


> Roughly 34 years, 1 month, 25 days, 1 hour, and 19

> minutes....


> > Why did you join this group (apart from receiving

> an invitation! *lol*)?


> I'm a vegetarian (eventual? vegan) who has too many

> " bachelor meals "

> and Taco Bell runs. Would like to start cooking

> healthier, more

> presentable meals!


> > What kinds of foods interest you most?


> The simpler the better, though I'm open-minded. I

> love all kinds of

> food, with a major weakness for the spicy.

> Asian/Indian definitely

> appeals, but I grew up in New Mexico, so that style

> is an addiction as

> well.


> > Is there anything you'd like to tell the group?


> I don't have a lot of recipes myself, as I'm not in

> the habit of

> cooking much. However, I did mention bachelor

> meals, and so I will

> share those on occasion. A bachelor meal is easy,

> inexpensive, and by

> many accounts " strange at first glance. " Or maybe

> you'll laugh at me!

> :-D


> Andrew

> Nice to meet you all!







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Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


'My hair is gray, but not with years, / Nor grew it white / in a single night.'

(George Gordon Lord Byron)






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Guest guest

Andrew, don't worry about anyone laughing at you! Welcome! Beth in NYC


GreenFury <greenfury2004 wrote:Here's Andrew come to join us ;=) Say

Hi!! Nice to

have you here, Andrew - look around on the webpage and

join in the chatter!

Best, gf

--- Andrew Werling <awerling wrote:

> Hello everyone, and thank you for the invite. I

> normally just write a

> quick intro, but hey, questionnaires can be fun

> too....


> > What is your name or what may we call you?


> Andrew or Andrew. Either one is fine.


> > How long have you been a vegetarian, or how long

> have you been

> > interested in vegetarian cookery?


> Tried and " failed " at age 15. Tried again and

> succeeded at age 17.

> I'm 34 now. I have had ups and downs with this, but

> I've learned to

> use imagery to keep me on track.


> > What country are you in now?


> U.S.


> > What city or town?


> Colorado


> > What age are you (just roughly, very roughly!)?


> Roughly 34 years, 1 month, 25 days, 1 hour, and 19

> minutes....


> > Why did you join this group (apart from receiving

> an invitation! *lol*)?


> I'm a vegetarian (eventual? vegan) who has too many

> " bachelor meals "

> and Taco Bell runs. Would like to start cooking

> healthier, more

> presentable meals!


> > What kinds of foods interest you most?


> The simpler the better, though I'm open-minded. I

> love all kinds of

> food, with a major weakness for the spicy.

> Asian/Indian definitely

> appeals, but I grew up in New Mexico, so that style

> is an addiction as

> well.


> > Is there anything you'd like to tell the group?


> I don't have a lot of recipes myself, as I'm not in

> the habit of

> cooking much. However, I did mention bachelor

> meals, and so I will

> share those on occasion. A bachelor meal is easy,

> inexpensive, and by

> many accounts " strange at first glance. " Or maybe

> you'll laugh at me!

> :-D


> Andrew

> Nice to meet you all!







Groups: /



Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


'My hair is gray, but not with years, / Nor grew it white / in a single night.'

(George Gordon Lord Byron)






New and Improved Mail - Send 10MB messages!




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